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Asphodelos: The Second Circle

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See also: Pandæmonium: Asphodelos and Asphodelos: The Second Circle (Savage)


Asphodelos: The Second Circle

Asphodelos The Second Circle.png
90 (Sync: 90)
Item Level
Party size
Full Party
8 man 2 Tank role.png 2 Healer role.png 4 DPS role.png
Time limit
90 minutes
Duty Finder
Normal Raids (Endwalker)
Normal Raids
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 10 
Req. quest
Feature quest Under the Surface
The Gates of Pandaemonium (X:21.4, Y:18.0)
The Stagnant Limbo
The World Unsundered
Stone, Sky, Sea

The warder Erichthonios has brought with him the chilling news that all creations within Asphodelos, the highest level of Pandæmonium, now run free of their fetters. In order to prevent total chaos from bursting forth unto the world above, Themis and Erichthonios plan to utilize interment magicks to safely capture any errant creatures─if their theory translates well into practice, that is. With only one way to find out, you head for the waterways to confront a monster of legend, the water-wielding hippokampos.

— In-game description

Asphodelos: The Second Circle is a level 90 raid introduced in patch 6.01 with Endwalker. The raid is also known as P2N.

Phases & Abilities

Video guide by Mrhappy1227
Raid Guide by MTQcapture

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Mythic Creation: The Hippokampos

The Hippokampos does powerful AoE attacks that layer with each other aggressively, forcing the raid to dodge on tiny platforms. Note that the edge of the arena will kill any player that touches it.

  • Murky Depths - Unavoidable raidwide damage after a moderate cast.
  • Doubled Impact - Tank Stack. Both tanks (and no one else) should stack for this attack.
  • Spoken Cataract - This attack hits two separate overlapping areas.
    • The head will strike everything from the center of its hitbox forward, indicated by a floating red ring around the boss with an arrow pointing in the direction of the attack.
    • The body will strike a wide line front to back, with a width from roughly the inner edges of the grates running between the platforms, indicated by a flowing yellow ring around the boss with an arrow indicating one of the directions of the column attack. Note that the yellow ring also strikes to the arena edge in the direction opposite the arrow on that ring, with the safe area being to either side of the yellow ring. Regardless of the orientation of the attack, two of the four platforms will be safe, excepting a portion on the "inner" sides of those platforms relative to the yellow indicator ring, while the other two platforms will be unsafe (note that the grate between the two safe platforms may or may not be safe). Players should stand to the side of the yellow ring and behind the red ring. The telegraph for the attack area is very short, so players must pre-position to avoid the attack by identifying the safe zones from the ring positions.

  • Sewage Deluge - Phase transition. Raid-wide damage, and floods the entire arena with water. The only safe place to stand are the four raised platforms, and the grates between them. The rest of the arena inflicts moderate water elemental damage over time to anyone who steps in it.

  • Predatory Sight - Places red triangles over all players' heads. These deal unavoidable damage, plus deal additional damage and inflict vulnerability to anyone who isn't touching another player when it goes off. Ensure you are stacked with at least one other player when this expires.
  • Disassociation - Hippokampus detaches their head before growing a new one. The head flies to the edge of the arena, where it floats for a while before doing an attack that hits the entire half of the arena it is facing. This attack goes off during the Hippokampus's next attack. On normal mode, the head always flies to the north edge of the arena, and will always target either the east or west half of the arena.
  • Coherance - Hippokampus targets one tank with a flare marker (three white arrows), and a random non-tank with a stack line marker. Everyone without the flare marker should stack, while the marked tank should run away from the raid to reduce damage, while using a mitigation cooldown to reduce the damage from the flare on themselves.
  • Sewage Eruption - Puts targeted AoEs under most of the raid repeatedly. This attack is not dangerous when the arena is free from obstructions, but if Sewage Deluge has flooded most of the arena and Disassociation is about to hit half of the playfield, it is very easy to run out of places to go. The raid should stack up during the Sewage Eruption cast and escape from the AoEs together, so the AoEs stack up and don't fill the platforms completely.
  • Shockwave - Hippokampus will leap to one of the four corner platforms and push the entire raid away from the impact point. Often this attack occurs during Sewage Deluge and/or Disassociation, so players must avoid being knocked back into the Hippokampus's head divebomb, the sewage, and the deadly edge of the arena.
  • Tainted Flood - Red AoE telegraphs will appear on most players, moving with them. Players should spread out to minimize damage. Most dangerous during Sewage Deluge due to the more limited movement area. Players can spread with one player on a corner platform and another on a grate between them, or on opposing corners of a platform.


Treasure Coffer 1

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Unsung helm of asphodelos icon1.png  Unsung Helm of Asphodelos Other N/A ABasic 1
Unsung armor of asphodelos icon1.png  Unsung Armor of Asphodelos Other N/A ABasic 1
Unsung greaves of asphodelos icon1.png  Unsung Greaves of Asphodelos Other N/A ABasic 1
Unsung Ring of Asphodelos icon1.png  Unsung Ring of Asphodelos Other N/A ABasic 1

Treasure Coffer 2

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Unsung gauntlets of asphodelos icon1.png  Unsung Gauntlets of Asphodelos Other N/A ABasic 1
Unsung chausses of asphodelos icon1.png  Unsung Chausses of Asphodelos Other N/A ABasic 1
Unsung greaves of asphodelos icon1.png  Unsung Greaves of Asphodelos Other N/A ABasic 1
Unsung Ring of Asphodelos icon1.png  Unsung Ring of Asphodelos Other N/A ABasic 1


Erichthonios: Its head and body are at odds... Yet I doubt it signifies anything good.
The sluices are beginning to overflow...
Erichthonios: We'd do well to flee to higher ground, lest the creature drown us in its rage.
The water has receded.
Erichthonios: Its head comes off!? Have care!
The hippokampos's severed head appears!
The sluices are beginning to overflow...
The hippokampos's severed head appears!
The water has receded.
The hippokampos's severed head appears!
The sluices are beginning to overflow...
The hippokampos's severed head appears!
The water has receded.
The hippokampos's severed head appears!
