Shadowbringers content

Eden's Verse: Fulmination

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See also: Eden's Verse and Eden's Verse: Fulmination (Savage)


Eden's Verse: Fulmination

Eden's Verse Fulmination.png
80 (Sync: 80)
Item Level
Party size
Full Party
8 man 2 Tank role.png 2 Healer role.png 4 DPS role.png
Time limit
90 minutes
Duty Finder
Normal Raids (Shadowbringers)
Normal Raids
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 10 
Req. quest
Feature quest Blood and Thunder
The Core (X:23.4, Y:23.2)
The Gandof Thunder Plains
Stone, Sky, Sea

Although Gaia, the girl who had previously launched an attack on Eden, has finally awoken, her amnesia prevents you from learning much of her origins. For the time being, the best course of action appears to be continuing with efforts to restore balance to the ambient aether of the Empty. The next element is lightning, which once ravaged the Gandof Thunder Plains in the time before the Flood of Light. Your memories of Ramuh give corporeal form to the crackling aetherial energies drawn forth.

— In-game description

Eden's Verse: Fulmination is a level 80 raid introduced in patch 5.2 with Shadowbringers. The raid is also known as E5N.

Phases & Abilities

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Heritor of Levin: Ramuh

Eden's Verse E5N Guide

NOTE: It is possible to fall off the edge of the arena and plummet to an early doom during the entire encounter. However, should any participant fall, they can be raised after a moderate delay.

In addition, you will notice lane-like patterns on the arena-floor which will help with various mechanics, specifically Tribunal Summons.

  • Crippling Blow - a vicious tank-buster against the primary target that should be mitigated whenever possible.
  • Stratospear Summons (1) - calls down two AoE circles at the eastern and western sides of the arena that should be avoided. After a brief delay, lightning rods (stratospears) will fall at the location of the AoE circles, one larger than the other. All participants should move to the side with the shortest lightning rod, as the largest will attract lightning and unleash a massive AoE (Judgement Jolt) from its location after a delay, zapping anyone nearby for massive damage.
  • The resulting AoE will also form small orbs of lightning around the point of impact that will provide Surge Protection (lightning resistance) to anyone who collects them, which will be required for future mechanics. Players can stack the buff up to three times. However, anyone exceeding three orbs will instead receive a healing received debuff. As a rule of thumb, it is best to collect one, possibly two, but leave them for whenever necessary, as every member of the raid will need at least one orb for themselves during upcoming mechanics.
  • Stormcloud Summons - Ramuh marks two random players with a purple overhead marker. After a moderate delay, each player with the marker will drop a large storm cloud at their location that will bombard the designated area with periodic blasts of lightning AoE unto anyone standing underneath it. Additionally, the clouds will merge into a gigantic storm cloud if they are placed too close together - inflicting unavoidable raid-wide damage and Damage Down icon1.png Damage Down instead. As a result, it is wise to drop these storm clouds at the outer edges of the arena away from the rest of the group (and each other).
  • Judgement Volts - blasts the arena with unavoidable raid-wide damage.
  • Fury's Bolt - provides Ramuh with a buff, indicated by three orbs of purple lightning that circle him. Whenever Ramuh has this buff, the next mechanic will become much more potent, such as:
  • (Divine) Judgement Volts - blasts the arena with unavoidable (fatal) raid-wide damage. To avoid, players must collect (or have already collected) at least one Surge Protection orb to reduce the damage. Bear in mind that having multiple orbs will not increase the damage absorption. If you haven't already, grab a lightning orb as soon as possible. Considering that this threat will happen at various times throughout the encounter, always ensure that you have at least one stack of Surge Protection whenever you see Ramuh have the three circling orbs (Fury's Bolt buff).
  • Tribunal Summons (1) - creates the Will of Ramuh outside of the southern edge of the arena center. After a brief delay, the Will of Ramuh will dash in a straight line through the arena, indicated by an obvious telegraph (as well as the 'lane' pattern on the arena floor). After dashing, all players will suffer damage and knockback regardless of their position. To handle this, all players must ensure they are not directly in the path of the Will of Ramuh. Instead, everyone should stand directly beside the 'charge line'. By doing so, everyone will take minor damage and avoid being knocked off the platform, whereas anyone standing too far away from the central line risks being knocked off the platform entirely. Bear in mind that Knockback Immunity can prevent the knockback effect.
  • Tribunal Summons (2) - summons three Will of Ixion's at the eastern or western edge of the arena which, like the previous mechanic, will prepare to dash across the arena in a straight line. When in doubt, you will notice them standing next to line-like patterns on the arena floor (lanes), showing the direction (and width) of upcoming dashes. All players must ensure they are not caught in the path by moving to a safe 'lane'.
  • Stratospear Summons (2) - calls down four AoE circles at the eastern and western sides of the arena that should be avoided. After a brief delay, lightning rods (stratospears) will once again fall at the location of the AoE circles, one smaller than the rest. Similar to earlier, all participants should move to the corner with the shortest lightning rod. The remaining three (large) lightning rods will eventually unleash a massive AoE from their locations that covers the majority of the arena and zaps anyone caught in the blast(s) for massive damage. Just like before, all Stratospear Summons will eventually lead to the spawning of Surge Protection orbs. Feel free to pick one up right away, or be ready to grab one soon after.
  • (Divine) Judgement Volts - blasts the arena once more with unavoidable raid-wide damage, with each player requiring at least one Surge Protection (orb) to avoid being fatally wounded.
  • Thunderstorm - bombards the arena with a constant barrage of small AoE circles at random locations and large AoE circles underneath various players, forcing a lot of movement to avoid taking damage.

From this point onward, Ramuh will begin to combo mechanics.

  • Tribunal Summons (1) + Stormcloud Summons - creates the Will of Ramuh outside of the southern edge of the arena center whilst simultaneously marking 2-3 players with purple markers (storm clouds). Marked players will have time to drop their storm clouds away from each other, preferably at the outer corners of the arena, while everyone (marked players included) must then move next to the Will of Ramuh charge-line to avoid being knocked off the platform (or under storm clouds).
  • Tribunal Summons (2) + Thunderstorm - summons three Will of Ixion's at the eastern or western edge of the arena which will prepare to dash across the arena in a straight line. Simultaneously, all players will have to contend with a barrage of small AoE's at random locations as well as large AoE's underneath various players - all whilst trying to remain within a 'safe lane' to avoid the Will of Ixion's.
  • Stratospear Summons (1) + Stormcloud Summons - calls down two AoE circles at the eastern and western sides of the arena that should be avoided. Like before, lightning rods will be dropped at these locations (one smaller than the other), indicating which side of the arena will be safe. Simultaneously, various players will be marked with storm cloud markers. As a result, marked players must ensure that they drop their storm clouds away from each other (preferably in each corner of the safe-side of the arena), whilst everyone else stacks in the middle of the safe-side to avoid the upcoming AoE blast from the large lightning rod.
  • Tribunal Summons (1) + (2) - summons the Will of Ramuh at the southern center of the arena, as well as three Will of Ixion's at the eastern or western edge of the arena, all of which will prepare to charge down their lanes simultaneously. To avoid, the raid must ensure they are standing within a 'safe lane' to avoid being crushed by a Will of Ixion, whilst also being close to the 'charge-line' in the center to avoid being knocked off the platform by the Will of Ramuh.

If you have reached this point, Ramuh will now enter a mechanical loop, using nothing that you haven't witnessed already, continuing until Ramuh (or the raid) have been defeated.


Treasure Coffer 1

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Golden antiquity icon1.png  Helm of Golden Antiquity Other N/A ABasic 1
Armor of golden antiquity icon1.png  Armor of Golden Antiquity Other N/A ABasic 1
Chausses of golden antiquity icon1.png  Chausses of Golden Antiquity Other N/A ABasic 1
Bangle of golden antiquity icon1.png  Bangle of Golden Antiquity Other N/A ABasic 1

Treasure Coffer 2

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Golden antiquity icon1.png  Helm of Golden Antiquity Other N/A ABasic 1
Gauntlets of golden antiquity icon1.png  Gauntlets of Golden Antiquity Other N/A ABasic 1
Greaves of golden antiquity icon1.png  Greaves of Golden Antiquity Other N/A ABasic 1
Bangle of golden antiquity icon1.png  Bangle of Golden Antiquity Other N/A ABasic 1

Treasure Coffer 3

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Twice stricken orchestrion roll icon1.png  Twice Stricken Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll N/A ABasic 1


Ramuh: Thou wouldst forge this world anew?
I, Ramuh, shall test thy worth.
Ramuh: Spears of lightning, to me!
Ramuh: May levinbolts strike thee down!
Ramuh: From the storm of my judgment, thou shalt not escape!
Ramuh: The rolling of thunder foretells thy doom, mortal.
Ramuh: With all my might, I smite thee!
Ramuh: Swift as thou art, I am swifter still!
Ramuh: O noble beasts of the levin, may none withstand your charge!
Struck by lightning, Ramuh is invigorated!
Ramuh: 'Neath rolling cloud, unrelenting lightning doth strike!
Ramuh envelops the battlefield in lightning!
Ramuh envelops the battlefield in lightning!
Struck by lightning, Ramuh is invigorated!
Ramuh: Arbiters! With me!
