129th Order Priest | 129th Order Priest | | Kobolds | 1 | Outer La Noscea |
12th Legion Armored Weapon | 12th Legion Armored Weapon |  | Forgekin | 2 | |
12th Legion Avenger | 12th Legion Avenger |  | Forgekin | 2 | Castrum Abania |
12th Legion Bit | 12th Legion Bit |  | Forgekin | 2 | Castrum Abania |
12th Legion Canis Pugnax | 12th Legion Canis Pugnax |  | Beastkin | 2 | Castrum Abania |
12th Legion Centurion | 12th Legion Centurion |  | Enemy Humanoid | 2 | |
12th Legion Colossus | 12th Legion Colossus |  | Forgekin | 2 | |
12th Legion Death Claw | 12th Legion Death Claw |  | Forgekin | 1 | Castrum Abania |
12th Legion Eques | 12th Legion Eques |  | Enemy Humanoid | 2 | |
12th Legion Gunship | 12th Legion Gunship |  | Forgekin | 1 | The Lochs |
12th Legion Hastatus | 12th Legion Hastatus | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | The Fringes |
12th Legion Hexadrone | 12th Legion Hexadrone |  | Forgekin | 1 | |
12th Legion Hoplomachus | 12th Legion Hoplomachus |  | Enemy Humanoid | 2 | The Peaks |
12th Legion Laquearius | 12th Legion Laquearius |  | Enemy Humanoid | 2 | Rhalgr's Reach |
12th Legion Optio | 12th Legion Optio |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Castrum Abania |
12th Legion Packer | 12th Legion Packer |  | Forgekin | 1 | Castrum Abania |
12th Legion Predator | 12th Legion Predator |  | Forgekin | 2 | |
12th Legion Princeps | 12th Legion Princeps | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | The Fringes |
12th Legion Reaper | 12th Legion Reaper | | Forgekin | 1 | Rhalgr's Reach |
12th Legion Rearguard | 12th Legion Rearguard |  | Forgekin | 1 | Castrum Abania |
12th Legion Roader | 12th Legion Roader |  | Forgekin | 2 | Castrum Abania |
12th Legion Secutor | 12th Legion Secutor | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Rhalgr's Reach |
12th Legion Signifer | 12th Legion Signifer |  | Enemy Humanoid | 2 | Rhalgr's Reach |
12th Legion Slasher | 12th Legion Slasher |  | Forgekin | 1 | The Fringes |
12th Legion Vanguard | 12th Legion Vanguard |  | Forgekin | 2 | The Lochs |
13th Child | 13th Child |  | Ashkin | 4 | Living Memory |
13th Order Patrolman | 13th Order Patrolman | | Kobolds | 1 | Outer La Noscea |
13th Order Priest | 13th Order Priest | | Kobolds | 1 | Outer La Noscea |
13th Order Quarryman | 13th Order Quarryman | | Kobolds | 1 | Outer La Noscea |
13th Order Roundsman | 13th Order Roundsman | | Kobolds | 1 | Outer La Noscea |
179th Order Fugleman | 179th Order Fugleman | | Kobolds | 1 | Upper La Noscea |
179th Order Prelate | 179th Order Prelate | | Kobolds | 1 | Upper La Noscea |
1st Cohort Eques | 1st Cohort Eques | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | |
1st Cohort Hoplomachus | 1st Cohort Hoplomachus | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | The Praetorium |
1st Cohort Laquearius | 1st Cohort Laquearius | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | The Praetorium |
1st Cohort Medicus | 1st Cohort Medicus | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | The Praetorium |
1st Cohort Primi Ordines | 1st Cohort Primi Ordines | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | The Praetorium |
1st Cohort Sagittarius | 1st Cohort Sagittarius | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | The Praetorium |
1st Cohort Secutor | 1st Cohort Secutor | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | The Praetorium |
1st Cohort Signifer | 1st Cohort Signifer | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | The Praetorium |
1st Maniple Centurion | 1st Maniple Centurion | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Azys Lla |
1st Maniple Eques | 1st Maniple Eques | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Azys Lla |
1st Maniple Imaginifer | 1st Maniple Imaginifer | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Azys Lla |
1st Maniple Medicus | 1st Maniple Medicus | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Azys Lla |
1st Maniple Sagittarius | 1st Maniple Sagittarius | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Azys Lla |
1st Maniple Signifer | 1st Maniple Signifer | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Azys Lla |
2nd Cohort Eques | 2nd Cohort Eques |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Eastern La Noscea |
2nd Cohort Hoplomachus | 2nd Cohort Hoplomachus |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Eastern La Noscea |
2nd Cohort Laquearius | 2nd Cohort Laquearius |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Eastern La Noscea |
2nd Cohort Optio | 2nd Cohort Optio | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Lower La Noscea |
2nd Cohort Princeps | 2nd Cohort Princeps | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Lower La Noscea |
2nd Cohort Secutor | 2nd Cohort Secutor |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Eastern La Noscea |
2nd Cohort Signifer | 2nd Cohort Signifer |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Eastern La Noscea |
2nd Cohort Vanguard | 2nd Cohort Vanguard |  | Forgekin | 1 | Eastern La Noscea |
2nd Maniple Bestiarius | 2nd Maniple Bestiarius | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Azys Lla |
2nd Maniple Medicus | 2nd Maniple Medicus | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Azys Lla |
2nd Maniple Triarius | 2nd Maniple Triarius | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Azys Lla |
2nd Maniple Veles | 2nd Maniple Veles | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Azys Lla |
382nd Order Pickman Ge Bu | 382nd Order Pickman Ge Bu | | Kobolds | 1 | Upper La Noscea |
3rd Cohort Bestarius | 3rd Cohort Bestarius | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | South Shroud |
3rd Cohort Canis Pugnax | 3rd Cohort Canis Pugnax |  | Beastkin | 2 | |
3rd Cohort Death Claw | 3rd Cohort Death Claw | | Forgekin | 1 | South Shroud |
3rd Cohort Decurion | 3rd Cohort Decurion | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | South Shroud |
3rd Cohort Eques | 3rd Cohort Eques |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | East Shroud |
3rd Cohort Funditor | 3rd Cohort Funditor | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | South Shroud |
3rd Cohort Hoplomachus | 3rd Cohort Hoplomachus |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | East Shroud |
3rd Cohort Imaginifer | 3rd Cohort Imaginifer | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | South Shroud |
3rd Cohort Laquearius | 3rd Cohort Laquearius |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | East Shroud |
3rd Cohort Optio | 3rd Cohort Optio |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | East Shroud |
3rd Cohort Sagittarius | 3rd Cohort Sagittarius |  | Enemy Humanoid | 2 | Baelsar's Wall |
3rd Cohort Secutor | 3rd Cohort Secutor |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | East Shroud |
3rd Cohort Signifer | 3rd Cohort Signifer |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | East Shroud |
3rd Cohort Vanguard | 3rd Cohort Vanguard | | Forgekin | 1 | East Shroud |
426th Order Mendicant Zi Gu | 426th Order Mendicant Zi Gu |  | Kobolds | 1 | Eastern La Noscea |
426th Order Pickman Bu Ga | 426th Order Pickman Bu Ga | | Kobolds | 4 | Lower La Noscea |
4th Cohort Eques | 4th Cohort Eques |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Western Thanalan |
4th Cohort Hoplomachus | 4th Cohort Hoplomachus |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Western Thanalan |
4th Cohort Imaginifer | 4th Cohort Imaginifer | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Western Thanalan |
4th Cohort Laquearius | 4th Cohort Laquearius |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Western Thanalan |
4th Cohort Secutor | 4th Cohort Secutor |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Western Thanalan |
4th Cohort Signifer | 4th Cohort Signifer |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Western Thanalan |
4th Cohort Triarius | 4th Cohort Triarius | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Western Thanalan |
4th Cohort Vanguard | 4th Cohort Vanguard |  | Forgekin | 1 | Western Thanalan |
4th Cohort War Hound | 4th Cohort War Hound | | Beastkin | 1 | Western Thanalan |
4th Legion Aquilifer | 4th Legion Aquilifer |  | Enemy Humanoid | 6 | |
4th Legion Armored Weapon | 4th Legion Armored Weapon |  | Forgekin | 1 | |
4th Legion Avenger | 4th Legion Avenger |  | Forgekin | 1 | |
4th Legion Cavalry | 4th Legion Cavalry |  | Forgekin | 1 | Zadnor |
4th Legion Colossus | 4th Legion Colossus |  | Forgekin | 1 | Zadnor |
4th Legion Death Claw | 4th Legion Death Claw |  | Forgekin | 1 | |
4th Legion Death Machine | 4th Legion Death Machine |  | Forgekin | 1 | |
4th Legion Gunship | 4th Legion Gunship |  | Forgekin | 1 | |
4th Legion Helldiver | 4th Legion Helldiver |  | Forgekin | 6 | |
4th Legion Hexadrone | 4th Legion Hexadrone |  | Forgekin | 1 | |
4th Legion Imaginifer | 4th Legion Imaginifer |  | | 1 | The Bozjan Southern Front |
4th Legion Infantry | 4th Legion Infantry |  | Forgekin | 1 | Zadnor |
4th Legion Nimrod | 4th Legion Nimrod |  | Forgekin | 1 | |
4th Legion Rearguard | 4th Legion Rearguard |  | Forgekin | 1 | |
4th Legion Roader | 4th Legion Roader |  | Forgekin | 1 | |
4th Legion Satellite | 4th Legion Satellite |  | Forgekin | 1 | Zadnor |
4th Legion Scorpion | 4th Legion Scorpion |  | Forgekin | 1 | |
4th Legion Sky Armor | 4th Legion Sky Armor | | Humanoid Warmachina | 1 | The Bozjan Southern Front |
4th Legion Slasher | 4th Legion Slasher |  | Forgekin | 1 | |
4th Legion Vanguard | 4th Legion Vanguard |  | Forgekin | 1 | |
4th Legion Veles | 4th Legion Veles | | | 1 | The Bozjan Southern Front |
4th-make Belias | 4th-make Belias |  | Transfigured | 6 | |
4th-make Cuchulainn | 4th-make Cuchulainn |  | Transfigured | 6 | |
4th-make Famfrit | 4th-make Famfrit |  | Transfigured | 6 | |
4th-make Hashmal | 4th-make Hashmal |  | Transfigured | 6 | |
4th-make Shemhazai | 4th-make Shemhazai |  | Transfigured | 6 | |
59th Order Bedesman Bi Go | 59th Order Bedesman Bi Go | | Kobolds | 4 | Outer La Noscea |
59th Order Matriarch Go Zu | 59th Order Matriarch Go Zu | | Kobolds | 1 | Outer La Noscea |
59th Order Pickman Be Ze | 59th Order Pickman Be Ze |  | Kobolds | 1 | Outer La Noscea |
59th Order Roundsman Ge Ga | 59th Order Roundsman Ge Ga |  | Kobolds | 1 | Outer La Noscea |
5th Cohort Decurion | 5th Cohort Decurion | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Coerthas Central Highlands |
5th Cohort Eques | 5th Cohort Eques |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Mor Dhona |
5th Cohort Evocatus | 5th Cohort Evocatus | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Mor Dhona |
5th Cohort Hoplomachus | 5th Cohort Hoplomachus |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Mor Dhona |
5th Cohort Laquearius | 5th Cohort Laquearius |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Mor Dhona |
5th Cohort Medicus | 5th Cohort Medicus | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Mor Dhona |
5th Cohort Optio | 5th Cohort Optio | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Mor Dhona |
5th Cohort Sagittarius | 5th Cohort Sagittarius | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Coerthas Central Highlands |
5th Cohort Secutor | 5th Cohort Secutor |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Mor Dhona |
5th Cohort Signifer | 5th Cohort Signifer |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Mor Dhona |
5th Cohort Vanguard | 5th Cohort Vanguard |  | Forgekin | 1 | Mor Dhona |
6th Cohort Centurion | 6th Cohort Centurion |  | Enemy Humanoid | 2 | |
6th Cohort Colossus | 6th Cohort Colossus |  | Forgekin | 2 | |
6th Cohort Eques | 6th Cohort Eques |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Mor Dhona |
6th Cohort Hoplomachus | 6th Cohort Hoplomachus | | Enemy Humanoid | 3 | Mor Dhona |
6th Cohort Laquearius | 6th Cohort Laquearius |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Mor Dhona |
6th Cohort Medicus | 6th Cohort Medicus | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Mor Dhona |
6th Cohort Secutor | 6th Cohort Secutor |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Mor Dhona |
6th Cohort Signifer | 6th Cohort Signifer |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Mor Dhona |
6th Cohort Vanguard | 6th Cohort Vanguard |  | Forgekin | 1 | Mor Dhona |
6th Legion Colossus | 6th Legion Colossus |  | Forgekin | 1 | Azys Lla |
6th Legion Deathclaw | 6th Legion Deathclaw | | Forgekin | 1 | The Sea of Clouds |
6th Legion Eques | 6th Legion Eques |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | |
6th Legion Execution Claw | 6th Legion Execution Claw |  | Forgekin | 1 | Azys Lla |
6th Legion Gunship | 6th Legion Gunship | | Magitek Gunship | 1 | The Sea of Clouds |
6th Legion Hoplomachus | 6th Legion Hoplomachus |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Azys Lla |
6th Legion Laquearius | 6th Legion Laquearius |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Azys Lla |
6th Legion Magitek Vanguard | 6th Legion Magitek Vanguard | | Forgekin | 1 | |
6th Legion Magitek Vanguard H-1 | 6th Legion Magitek Vanguard H-1 |  | Forgekin | 2 | |
6th Legion Medicus | 6th Legion Medicus |  | Enemy Humanoid | 2 | |
6th Legion Optio | 6th Legion Optio |  | Enemy Humanoid | 2 | |
6th Legion Sagittarius | 6th Legion Sagittarius | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | |
6th Legion Secutor | 6th Legion Secutor |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Azys Lla |
6th Legion Signifer | 6th Legion Signifer |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Azys Lla |
6th Legion Tesserarius | 6th Legion Tesserarius |  | Enemy Humanoid | 2 | |
6th Legion Vanguard | 6th Legion Vanguard |  | Forgekin | 1 | Azys Lla |
724P-operated Superior Flight Unit | 724P-operated Superior Flight Unit | | | 1 | The Puppets' Bunker |
724P-operated Superior Flight Unit (A-lpha) | 724P-operated Superior Flight Unit (A-lpha) |  | Forgekin | 6 | |
767P-operated Superior Flight Unit | 767P-operated Superior Flight Unit | | | 1 | The Puppets' Bunker |
767P-operated Superior Flight Unit (B-eta) | 767P-operated Superior Flight Unit (B-eta) |  | Forgekin | 6 | |
772P-operated Superior Flight Unit | 772P-operated Superior Flight Unit | | | 1 | The Puppets' Bunker |
772P-operated Superior Flight Unit (C-hi) | 772P-operated Superior Flight Unit (C-hi) |  | Forgekin | 6 | |
7th Cohort Aquilifer | 7th Cohort Aquilifer | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Northern Thanalan |
7th Cohort Centurion | 7th Cohort Centurion | | Forgekin | 1 | Northern Thanalan |
7th Cohort Colossus | 7th Cohort Colossus | | Forgekin | 1 | Northern Thanalan |
7th Cohort Death Claw | 7th Cohort Death Claw | | Forgekin | 1 | Northern Thanalan |
7th Cohort Eques | 7th Cohort Eques | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Northern Thanalan |
7th Cohort Hoplomachus | 7th Cohort Hoplomachus | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Northern Thanalan |
7th Cohort Laquearius | 7th Cohort Laquearius | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Castrum Meridianum |
7th Cohort Medicus | 7th Cohort Medicus | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Northern Thanalan |
7th Cohort Optio | 7th Cohort Optio | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Cape Westwind |
7th Cohort Reaper | 7th Cohort Reaper | | Forgekin | 1 | Northern Thanalan |
7th Cohort Sagittarius | 7th Cohort Sagittarius | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Northern Thanalan |
7th Cohort Secutor | 7th Cohort Secutor | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Castrum Meridianum |
7th Cohort Signifer | 7th Cohort Signifer | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Northern Thanalan |
7th Cohort Vanguard | 7th Cohort Vanguard | | Forgekin | 1 | Northern Thanalan |
813P-operated Aegis Unit | 813P-operated Aegis Unit |  | Forgekin | 6 | |
8th Cohort Centurion | 8th Cohort Centurion | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Castrum Meridianum |
8th Cohort Decurion | 8th Cohort Decurion | | Garlean | 1 | Castrum Meridianum |
8th Cohort Eques | 8th Cohort Eques | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Castrum Meridianum |
8th Cohort Hoplomachus | 8th Cohort Hoplomachus | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Castrum Meridianum |
8th Cohort Laquearius | 8th Cohort Laquearius | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Castrum Meridianum |
8th Cohort Medicus | 8th Cohort Medicus | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Castrum Meridianum |
8th Cohort Sagittarius | 8th Cohort Sagittarius | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Castrum Meridianum |
8th Cohort Secutor | 8th Cohort Secutor | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Castrum Meridianum |
8th Cohort Signifer | 8th Cohort Signifer | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Castrum Meridianum |
8th Order Alchemist | 8th Order Alchemist |  | Kobolds | 2 | Pharos Sirius (Hard) |
8th Order Bedesman | 8th Order Bedesman |  | Kobolds | 2 | Pharos Sirius (Hard) |
8th Order Furnaceman | 8th Order Furnaceman |  | Kobolds | 1 | Pharos Sirius (Hard) |
8th Order Patriarch Be Gu | 8th Order Patriarch Be Gu |  | Kobolds | 5 | |
8th Order Pickman | 8th Order Pickman |  | Kobolds | 2 | Pharos Sirius (Hard) |
8th Order Roundsman | 8th Order Roundsman |  | Kobolds | 1 | Pharos Sirius (Hard) |
905P-operated Heavy Artillery | 905P-operated Heavy Artillery | | | 1 | The Puppets' Bunker |
905P-operated Heavy Artillery Unit | 905P-operated Heavy Artillery Unit |  | Forgekin | 6 | |
9S-operated Walking Fortress | 9S-operated Walking Fortress |  | | 6 | |
ADS | ADS |  | Forgekin | 1 | |
Abaddon | Abaddon |  | Wavekin | 1 | The Lochs |
Abalathian Clay Golem | Abalathian Clay Golem |  | Soulkin | 2 | Sohm Al (Hard) |
Abalathian Fox | Abalathian Fox |  | Cloudkin | 2 | |
Abalathian Hornbill | Abalathian Hornbill |  | Cloudkin | 2 | Xelphatol |
Abalathian Minotaur | Abalathian Minotaur |  | Chimera | 1 | The Lochs |
Abalathian Ogrebon | Abalathian Ogrebon |  | Wavekin | 2 | Sohm Al (Hard) |
Abalathian Slug | Abalathian Slug |  | Wavekin | 2 | Xelphatol |
Abalathian Tursus | Abalathian Tursus |  | Wavekin | 2 | |
Abalathian Vulture | Abalathian Vulture |  | Cloudkin | 2 | |
Abalathian Wamoura | Abalathian Wamoura |  | Vilekin | 1 | The Sea of Clouds |
Abandoned Vanguard | Abandoned Vanguard | | Forgekin | 1 | Northern Thanalan |
Abelisk | Abelisk |  | Scalekin | 4 | The Churning Mists |
Abharamu | Abharamu | | Matanga | 1 | The Lost Canals of Uznair |
Able-bodied Ambusher | Able-bodied Ambusher | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Lower La Noscea |
Abraxas (Enemy) | Abraxas |  | Scalekin | 1 | The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos The Forbidden Land, Eureka |
Absolute Virtue | Absolute Virtue |  | | 6 | |
Abyss Worm | Abyss Worm | | Vilekin | 1 | |
Accursed Cane | Accursed Cane | | Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm | 1 | Heaven-on-High |
Accursed Idol | Accursed Idol |  | Soulkin | 2 | The Drowned City of Skalla |
Acerbic Jam | Acerbic Jam | | Ashkin | 1 | |
Achamoth | Achamoth |  | Vilekin | 5 | |
Acheron | Acheron |  | Allagan Empire | 1 | Syrcus Tower |
Acid Bubble | Acid Bubble | | Acid Bubble | 1 | Upper La Noscea |
Acidic Honey | Acidic Honey | | Ashkin | 1 | Dalamud's Shadow |
Acidic Mousse | Acidic Mousse | | Voidsent | 1 | Mare Lamentorum |
Acorn Bear | Acorn Bear | | Beastkin | 1 | The Dravanian Forelands |
Acro Bat | Acro Bat |  | Cloudkin | 2 | The Qitana Ravel |
Acrocat | Acrocat |  | Beastkin | 1 | Living Memory |
Actuator (Enemy) | Actuator | | Forgekin | 1 | Alexander - The Heart of the Creator |
Actuator 0 | Actuator 0 |  | Forgekin | 3 | Alexander - The Heart of the Creator |
Acubens | Acubens |  | Wavekin | 1 | Eastern La Noscea |
Adamantite Claw | Adamantite Claw |  | Forgekin | 1 | Azys Lla |
Adamantoise (Mob) | Adamantoise |  | Scalekin | 1 | South Shroud |
Adjudicator | Adjudicator |  | Soulkin | 6 | |
Adjunct Ostyrgrein | Adjunct Ostyrgrein | | Roegadyn | 1 | Rhotano Sea |
Administrator | Administrator |  | Forgekin | 1 | |
Adrammelech | Adrammelech |  | Transfigured | 6 | |
Adulator | Adulator | | Minotaur | 1 | The Forbidden Land, Eureka The Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos |
Advent Mochi | Advent Mochi | | Mochi | 1 | Middle La Noscea |
Aeetes | Aeetes |  | Elementals | 1 | Eastern Thanalan |
Aegaeon of the Bone | Aegaeon of the Bone | | Spoken | 4 | |
Aegeiros | Aegeiros |  | Seedkin | 4 | Garlemald |
Aenc Thon, Lord of the Lengthsome Gait | Aenc Thon, Lord of the Lengthsome Gait |  | Spoken | 6 | |
Aenc Thon, Lord of the Lingering Gaze | Aenc Thon, Lord of the Lingering Gaze |  | Spoken | 5 | |
Aermswys the Stained | Aermswys the Stained | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Western La Noscea |
Aery Biast | Aery Biast |  | Scalekin | 2 | |
Aery Diresaur | Aery Diresaur |  | Dragon | 2 | The Aery |
Aery Drake | Aery Drake |  | Scalekin | 2 | |
Aery Red Dragon | Aery Red Dragon |  | Dragon | 2 | The Aery |
Aery Vouivre | Aery Vouivre |  | Dragon | 2 | The Aery |
Aery Wyvern | Aery Wyvern |  | Scalekin | 2 | |
Aery Yellow Dragon | Aery Yellow Dragon |  | Dragon | 2 | The Aery |
Aether Collector | Aether Collector |  | | 1 | |
Aether-starved Shuck | Aether-starved Shuck | | Shuck | 1 | The Fringes |
Aetherbound Aurelia | Aetherbound Aurelia | | Wavekin | 1 | Eastern La Noscea |
Aetherbound Gnat | Aetherbound Gnat | | Gnat | 1 | South Shroud |
Aetherbound Kern | Aetherbound Kern | | Ashkin | 1 | East Shroud |
Aetherial Orb | Aetherial Orb | | Object | 1 | Sastasha |
Aetherial Ward | Aetherial Ward | | Shield | 1 | Delubrum Reginae |
Aetheric Gelatin | Aetheric Gelatin | | Elementals | 1 | Labyrinthos |
Aetheric Shadow | Aetheric Shadow | | Elementals | 1 | The Peaks |
Aetolus | Aetolus |  | Cloudkin | 1 | |
Aeturna (boss) | Aeturna |  | Beastkin | 6 | |
Agaric Fly Swarm | Agaric Fly Swarm | | Vilekin | 1 | South Shroud |
Agathos | Agathos |  | Dragon | 4 | The Churning Mists |
Agavoides | Agavoides |  | Beastkin | 1 | Living Memory |
Agdistis | Agdistis |  | Amaurotine | 6 | |
Ageless Melia | Ageless Melia | | Seedkin | 1 | The Diadem |
Ageless Wood Golem | Ageless Wood Golem | | Golem | 1 | The Diadem |
Aggressive Archaeornis | Aggressive Archaeornis | | Scalekin | 1 | Coerthas Western Highlands |
Aggressive Gyuki | Aggressive Gyuki | | Wavekin | 1 | The Ruby Sea |
Aggressive Shark | Aggressive Shark | | Wavekin | 1 | The Ruby Sea |
Agilulfo | Agilulfo |  | Soulkin | 2 | |
Aglaope | Aglaope |  | Pixies | 4 | Il Mheg |
Aglaophotis | Aglaophotis |  | Seedkin | 1 | |
Agrias | Agrias |  | Hyur | 6 | |
Agrippa the Mighty | Agrippa the Mighty |  | Forgekin | 4 | Mor Dhona |
Ah Puch | Ah Puch |  | Ashkin | 1 | |
Ahctstymm Shadowlurker | Ahctstymm Shadowlurker |  | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Lower La Noscea |
Ahl Ein | Ahl Ein | | Dragon | 1 | Ultima Thule |
Ahleh | Ahleh |  | Dragon | 1 | The Aery |
Ahriman (Enemy) | Ahriman |  | Voidsent | 1 | Northern Thanalan |
Aiatar | Aiatar |  | Dragon | 6 | |
Ailbert the Lost | Ailbert the Lost | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | North Shroud |
Aion Teleos | Aion Teleos | | Primals | 1 | |
Air Force (Enemy) | Air Force | | | 1 | Sigmascape V3.0 |
Airborne Freedom Fighter | Airborne Freedom Fighter |  | Forgekin | 2 | |
Airstone | Airstone |  | | 1 | Xelphatol |
Aisibhir Badwind | Aisibhir Badwind | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks |
Ajattara | Ajattara |  | Dragon | 1 | Coerthas Western Highlands |
Ak-Inik Varlet | Ak-Inik Varlet | | Ashkin | 6 | |
Ak-Mena Groundsman | Ak-Mena Groundsman | | Ashkin | 6 | |
Ak-Mena Varlet | Ak-Mena Varlet | | Ashkin | 6 | |
Akantha | Akantha |  | Creations | 1 | Elpis |
Akbaba | Akbaba |  | Cloudkin | 1 | |
Akhekhu | Akhekhu |  | Cloudkin | 1 | The Sea of Clouds |
Akoman | Akoman | | Voidsent | 1 | South Shroud |
Akyaali Crab | Akyaali Crab |  | Wavekin | 1 | Thavnair |
Ala Mhigan Axeman | Ala Mhigan Axeman | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Mor Dhona |
Ala Mhigan Bowman | Ala Mhigan Bowman | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Mor Dhona |
Ala Mhigan Pikeman | Ala Mhigan Pikeman | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Mor Dhona |
Ala Mhigan Shaman | Ala Mhigan Shaman | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Mor Dhona |
Alacran Bloodhound | Alacran Bloodhound | | Beastkin | 1 | Southern Thanalan |
Alacran Warhound | Alacran Warhound | | Beastkin | 1 | Southern Thanalan |
Alaimbert of the Spiked Butt | Alaimbert of the Spiked Butt | | Elezen | 4 | Coerthas Western Highlands |
Alarum | Alarum |  | Forgekin | 1 | |
Albatros | Albatros |  | Cloudkin | 2 | |
Albeleo | Albeleo | | Elezen | 6 | The Bozjan Southern Front |
Albin the Ashen | Albin the Ashen |  | Ashkin | 4 | Southern Thanalan |
Albion | Albion |  | Beastkin | 5 | |
Albus Bear | Albus Bear | | Beastkin | 1 | Lapis Manalis |
Albus Canis Lupinus | Albus Canis Lupinus | | Beastkin | 1 | Lapis Manalis |
Albus Craklaw | Albus Craklaw | | Wavekin | 1 | Lapis Manalis |
Albus Griffin | Albus Griffin | | Cloudkin | 1 | Lapis Manalis |
Albus Serpent | Albus Serpent | | Scalekin | 1 | Lapis Manalis |
Alchemy Engine | Alchemy Engine |  | Forgekin | 1 | Pharos Sirius (Hard) |
Alderique the Unyielding | Alderique the Unyielding | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Coerthas Central Highlands |
Aldis, Sword of Nald | Aldis, Sword of Nald | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Raising the Sword |
Alectryon | Alectryon |  | Scalekin | 4 | Western Thanalan |
Alert Archaeosaur | Alert Archaeosaur | | Scalekin | 1 | The Churning Mists |
Alert Sankchinni | Alert Sankchinni | | Seedkin | 1 | The Churning Mists |
Alexander Prime | Alexander Prime |  | Primals | 6 | |
Alexandrian Clipper | Alexandrian Clipper |  | Scalekin | 1 | Living Memory |
Alexandrian Collider | Alexandrian Collider |  | Goblin | 3 | Alexander - The Breath of the Creator |
Alexandrian Glider | Alexandrian Glider |  | Goblin | 1 | Alexander - The Eyes of the Creator |
Alexandrian Hider | Alexandrian Hider |  | Goblin | 3 | Alexander - The Breath of the Creator |
Alexandrian Slider | Alexandrian Slider |  | Goblin | 3 | Alexander - The Breath of the Creator |
Alexandrian Strider | Alexandrian Strider |  | Goblin | 3 | Alexander - The Breath of the Creator |
Alfard | Alfard |  | Chimera | 1 | |
Alicanto | Alicanto |  | Voidsent | 1 | |
Alichino | Alichino | | Soulkin | 1 | |
Alkonost (boss) | Alkonost |  | Cloudkin | 6 | |
All-seeing Eye | All-seeing Eye |  | Voidsent | 5 | |
Allagan Balloon | Allagan Balloon |  | Voidsent | 1 | The Labyrinth of the Ancients |
Allagan Bomb | Allagan Bomb |  | Voidsent | 1 | The Labyrinth of the Ancients |
Allagan Chimera | Allagan Chimera |  | Chimera | 1 | Azys Lla |
Allagan Cobra | Allagan Cobra |  | Scalekin | 1 | |
Allagan Dreadnaught | Allagan Dreadnaught |  | Forgekin | 1 | |
Allagan Mirrorknight | Allagan Mirrorknight | | Mirrorknight | 1 | Mor Dhona |
Allagan Naga | Allagan Naga |  | Chimera | 1 | |
Allagan Napalm | Allagan Napalm |  | Voidsent | 1 | The Labyrinth of the Ancients |
Alligator (enemy) | Alligator |  | Scalekin | 1 | Shaaloani |
Allotaur | Allotaur | | Taurus | 1 | The Lost City of Amdapor |
Almasty | Almasty |  | Beastkin | 1 | Garlemald |
Aloalo Ahool | Aloalo Ahool | | Cloudkin | 2 | |
Aloalo Anala | Aloalo Anala | | Elementals | 2 | |
Aloalo Asvattha | Aloalo Asvattha |  | Seedkin | 2 | |
Aloalo Baritine Croc | Aloalo Baritine Croc | | Scalekin | 2 | |
Aloalo Biast | Aloalo Biast | | Scalekin | 2 | |
Aloalo Boar | Aloalo Boar |  | Beastkin | 2 | |
Aloalo Boarlet | Aloalo Boarlet |  | Beastkin | 2 | |
Aloalo Crab | Aloalo Crab | | Wavekin | 1 | |
Aloalo Crawler | Aloalo Crawler | | Vilekin | 2 | |
Aloalo Deadly Coconut | Aloalo Deadly Coconut |  | Seedkin | 2 | |
Aloalo Gigantoad | Aloalo Gigantoad | | Wavekin | 2 | |
Aloalo Goobbue | Aloalo Goobbue | | Beastkin | 2 | |
Aloalo Hamsa | Aloalo Hamsa |  | Cloudkin | 2 | |
Aloalo Islekeeper | Aloalo Islekeeper | | Soulkin | 2 | |
Aloalo Khalamari | Aloalo Khalamari | | Wavekin | 2 | |
Aloalo Kiwakin | Aloalo Kiwakin | | Wavekin | 2 | |
Aloalo Mantis | Aloalo Mantis | | Vilekin | 2 | |
Aloalo Monk | Aloalo Monk | | Wavekin | 1 | |
Aloalo Monstera | Aloalo Monstera | | Seedkin | 2 | |
Aloalo Morbol | Aloalo Morbol |  | Seedkin | 2 | |
Aloalo Nepenthes | Aloalo Nepenthes | | Seedkin | 2 | |
Aloalo Ochu | Aloalo Ochu |  | Seedkin | 2 | |
Aloalo Ogrebon | Aloalo Ogrebon | | Wavekin | 2 | |
Aloalo Paddle Biter | Aloalo Paddle Biter | | Wavekin | 2 | |
Aloalo Raptor | Aloalo Raptor | | Scalekin | 2 | |
Aloalo Ray | Aloalo Ray | | Wavekin | 1 | |
Aloalo Sallet | Aloalo Sallet | | Wavekin | 2 | |
Aloalo Snipper | Aloalo Snipper | | Wavekin | 2 | |
Aloalo Sopranine Croc | Aloalo Sopranine Croc | | Scalekin | 2 | |
Aloalo Susena | Aloalo Susena | | Beastkin | 2 | |
Aloalo Treant | Aloalo Treant | | Seedkin | 2 | |
Aloalo Uragnite | Aloalo Uragnite | | Wavekin | 2 | |
Aloalo Vanara | Aloalo Vanara | | Beastkin | 2 | |
Aloalo Vemosia | Aloalo Vemosia |  | Seedkin | 2 | |
Aloalo Wood Golem | Aloalo Wood Golem | | Soulkin | 2 | |
Aloalo Worm | Aloalo Worm | | Vilekin | 2 | |
Aloalo Zaratan | Aloalo Zaratan | | Wavekin | 2 | |
Alpaca (mob) | Alpaca |  | Beastkin | 1 | Urqopacha |
Alpaca of Fortune | Alpaca of Fortune | | Beastkin | 1 | |
Alpgrot Orobon | Alpgrot Orobon | | Wavekin | 1 | |
Alpha Adamantoise | Alpha Adamantoise | | Scalekin | 1 | Central Shroud |
Alpha Alligator | Alpha Alligator |  | Scalekin | 1 | Shaaloani |
Alpha Anole | Alpha Anole |  | Scalekin | 1 | Central Shroud |
Alpha Anzu | Alpha Anzu | | Cloudkin | 1 | The Sea of Clouds |
Alpha Apkallu | Alpha Apkallu | | Cloudkin | 1 | Middle La Noscea |
Alpha Archaeosaur | Alpha Archaeosaur | | Scalekin | 1 | The Dravanian Forelands |
Alpha Basilisk | Alpha Basilisk | | Scalekin | 1 | Eastern Thanalan |
Alpha Biast | Alpha Biast | | Scalekin | 1 | Mor Dhona |
Alpha Buffalo | Alpha Buffalo | | Beastkin | 1 | Central Shroud |
Alpha Chimera | Alpha Chimera | | Chimera | 1 | Central Thanalan |
Alpha Cobra | Alpha Cobra | | Scalekin | 1 | Coerthas Central Highlands |
Alpha Coeurl | Alpha Coeurl | | Beastkin | 1 | Eastern Thanalan |
Alpha Deathgaze | Alpha Deathgaze | | Cloudkin | 1 | North Shroud |
Alpha Dryad | Alpha Dryad | | Seedkin | 1 | North Shroud |
Alpha Endymion | Alpha Endymion | | Cloudkin | 1 | The Sea of Clouds |
Alpha Gargoyle | Alpha Gargoyle | | Voidsent | 1 | Western Thanalan |
Alpha Gazelle | Alpha Gazelle | | Beastkin | 1 | The Fringes |
Alpha Ghostwolf | Alpha Ghostwolf | | Beastkin | 1 | Coerthas Western Highlands |
Alpha Golem | Alpha Golem | | Soulkin | 1 | Middle La Noscea |
Alpha Goobbue | Alpha Goobbue | | Beastkin | 1 | Coerthas Central Highlands |
Alpha Groundskeeper | Alpha Groundskeeper | | Marolith | 1 | The Churning Mists |
Alpha Hapalit | Alpha Hapalit | | Ogre | 1 | Coerthas Central Highlands |
Alpha Ice Commander | Alpha Ice Commander | | Soulkin | 1 | Coerthas Western Highlands |
Alpha Manticore | Alpha Manticore | | Beastkin | 1 | Western La Noscea |
Alpha Mantis | Alpha Mantis | | Vilekin | 1 | Central Shroud |
Alpha Microchu | Alpha Microchu | | Seedkin | 1 | Central Shroud |
Alpha Morbol | Alpha Morbol | | Seedkin | 1 | Central Shroud |
Alpha Nix | Alpha Nix | | Wavekin | 1 | Coerthas Central Highlands |
Alpha Omega | Alpha Omega |  | Omicrons | 6 | |
Alpha Sandworm | Alpha Sandworm | | Vilekin | 1 | Western Thanalan |
Alpha Slime | Alpha Slime | | Ashkin | 1 | Western Thanalan |
Alpha Snurble | Alpha Snurble | | Golden Fleece | 1 | Eastern Thanalan |
Alpha Spriggolem | Alpha Spriggolem | | Spriggolem | 1 | Central Thanalan |
Alpha Stag | Alpha Stag | | Beastkin | 1 | South Shroud |
Alpha Tortoise | Alpha Tortoise | File:Alpha Tortoise.jpg | Scalekin | 1 | Eastern La Noscea |
Alpha Tursus | Alpha Tursus | | Tursus | 1 | Coerthas Western Highlands |
Alpha Vinegaroon | Alpha Vinegaroon | | Scalekin | 1 | The Dravanian Forelands |
Alpha Vodoriga | Alpha Vodoriga | | Vodoriga | 1 | East Shroud |
Alpha Wamoura | Alpha Wamoura | | Vilekin | 1 | Middle La Noscea |
Alpha Wolf | Alpha Wolf | | Beastkin | 1 | Central Shroud |
Alpha Zaghnal | Alpha Zaghnal |  | Chimera | 6 | |
Alpha Ziz | Alpha Ziz | | Scalekin | 1 | Western Thanalan |
Alpha Zu | Alpha Zu | | Cloudkin | 1 | Southern Thanalan |
Alpine Hippocerf | Alpine Hippocerf | | Beastkin | 1 | Coerthas Central Highlands |
Alseis | Alseis | | Creations | 1 | Elpis |
Altar Arachne | Altar Arachne | | Voidsent | 1 | |
Altar Beast | Altar Beast | | Beast | 1 | The Shifting Altars of Uznair |
Altar Dullahan | Altar Dullahan | | Dullahan | 1 | The Shifting Altars of Uznair |
Altar Katasharin | Altar Katasharin | | Katasharin | 1 | The Shifting Altars of Uznair |
Altar Keeper | Altar Keeper | | Ashkin | 1 | The Shifting Altars of Uznair |
Altar Kelpie | Altar Kelpie | | Kelpie | 1 | The Shifting Altars of Uznair |
Altar Matanga | Altar Matanga | | Gajasura | 1 | The Shifting Altars of Uznair |
Altar Vodoriga | Altar Vodoriga | | Vodoriga | 1 | The Shifting Altars of Uznair |
Alte Roite (Boss) | Alte Roite |  | Cloudkin | 6 | |
Alteci | Alteci |  | Beastkin | 4 | Coerthas Western Highlands |
Altered Bahamut | Altered Bahamut | | Dragon | 1 | Cid's Memory |
Altered Wailer | Altered Wailer | | Taurus | 1 | Haukke Manor (Hard) |
Althyk (Boss) | Althyk |  | Non-Humanoid | 6 | |
Alux | Alux |  | Voidsent | 1 | Central Shroud |
Alzadaal's Acrolith | Alzadaal's Acrolith | | Soulkin | 1 | Alzadaal's Legacy |
Alzadaal's Asvattha | Alzadaal's Asvattha | | Seedkin | 1 | Alzadaal's Legacy |
Alzadaal's Guardian | Alzadaal's Guardian | | Soulkin | 1 | Alzadaal's Legacy |
Alzadaal's Langur | Alzadaal's Langur | | Beastkin | 1 | Alzadaal's Legacy |
Alzadaal's Mimic | Alzadaal's Mimic | | Voidsent | 1 | Alzadaal's Legacy |
Alzadaal's Qutrub | Alzadaal's Qutrub | | Ashkin | 1 | Alzadaal's Legacy |
Alzadaal's Rampart | Alzadaal's Rampart | | Forgekin | 1 | Alzadaal's Legacy |
Alzadaal's Vajralangula | Alzadaal's Vajralangula | | Beastkin | 1 | Alzadaal's Legacy |
Amalgam | Amalgam |  | | 5 | |
Amalj'aa Archer | Amalj'aa Archer |  | Spoken | 1 | Southern Thanalan |
Amalj'aa Brigand | Amalj'aa Brigand |  | Spoken | 1 | Southern Thanalan |
Amalj'aa Bruiser | Amalj'aa Bruiser |  | Spoken | 1 | Eastern Thanalan |
Amalj'aa Divinator | Amalj'aa Divinator | | Spoken | 1 | Southern Thanalan |
Amalj'aa Flame-eater | Amalj'aa Flame-eater | | Amalj'aa | 1 | Southern Thanalan |
Amalj'aa Halberdier | Amalj'aa Halberdier |  | Spoken | 1 | Southern Thanalan |
Amalj'aa Hunter | Amalj'aa Hunter |  | Spoken | 1 | Eastern Thanalan |
Amalj'aa Impaler | Amalj'aa Impaler | | Spoken | 1 | Central Thanalan |
Amalj'aa Inculcator | Amalj'aa Inculcator | | Spoken | 1 | Eastern Thanalan |
Amalj'aa Javelinier | Amalj'aa Javelinier |  | Spoken | 1 | Eastern Thanalan |
Amalj'aa Lancer | Amalj'aa Lancer |  | Spoken | 1 | Southern Thanalan |
Amalj'aa Liberator | Amalj'aa Liberator | | Amalj'aa | 1 | Eastern Thanalan |
Amalj'aa Porter | Amalj'aa Porter | | Spoken | 1 | Southern Thanalan |
Amalj'aa Pugilist | Amalj'aa Pugilist |  | Spoken | 1 | Southern Thanalan |
Amalj'aa Ranger | Amalj'aa Ranger |  | Spoken | 1 | Eastern Thanalan |
Amalj'aa Ravager | Amalj'aa Ravager | | Spoken | 1 | Eastern Thanalan |
Amalj'aa Scavenger | Amalj'aa Scavenger |  | Spoken | 1 | Southern Thanalan |
Amalj'aa Seer | Amalj'aa Seer |  | Spoken | 1 | Southern Thanalan |
Amalj'aa Shaman | Amalj'aa Shaman | | Amalj'aa | 1 | Southern Thanalan |
Amalj'aa Sniper | Amalj'aa Sniper |  | Spoken | 1 | Southern Thanalan |
Amalj'aa Striker | Amalj'aa Striker | | Spoken | 1 | Central Thanalan |
Amalj'aa Supply Crate | Amalj'aa Supply Crate | | Crate | 1 | Eastern Thanalan |
Amalj'aa Thaumaturge | Amalj'aa Thaumaturge |  | Spoken | 1 | Southern Thanalan |
Amanuensis | Amanuensis | | Demon | 1 | Dzemael Darkhold |
Amarok | Amarok |  | Voidsent | 1 | |
Amateur Raider | Amateur Raider | | Enemy Humanoid | 1 | Central Thanalan |
Amber Carbuncle | Amber Carbuncle | | Carbuncle | 1 | Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks |
Amber Iguana | Amber Iguana | | Scalekin | 1 | Amh Araeng |
Ambrose the Undeparted | Ambrose the Undeparted |  | Forgekin | 6 | |
Ambujam | Ambujam |  | Wavekin | 5 | |
Ambushing Hammerhead | Ambushing Hammerhead |  | Scalekin | 1 | Kozama'uka |
Ambushing Jungle Orobon | Ambushing Jungle Orobon |  | Wavekin | 1 | Kozama'uka |
Ambushing Scissorjaws | Ambushing Scissorjaws | | Antlion | 1 | Amh Araeng |
Amdapori Corpse | Amdapori Corpse |  | Ashkin | 2 | |
Amdapori Gargoyle | Amdapori Gargoyle |  | Ashkin | 1 | |
Ame-no-Habakiri | Ame-no-Habakiri |  | Gladiator's Arm | 1 | |
Amemet | Amemet |  | Scalekin | 1 | |
Ameretat | Ameretat |  | Seedkin | 1 | The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos The Forbidden Land, Eureka |
Amhuluk | Amhuluk |  | Dragon | 5 | |
Amikiri | Amikiri |  | Wavekin | 5 | |
Amikiri Leg | Mutsu |  | Body Part | 5 | Shisui of the Violet Tides |
Amon | Amon |  | Enemy Humanoid | 6 | |
Amon the Undying | Amon the Undying |  | | 6 | |
Amphibious Talos | Amphibious Talos |  | Soulkin | 5 | |
Amphiptere | Amphiptere |  | Dragon | 1 | The Churning Mists |
Amphiptere Straggler | Amphiptere Straggler | | Amphiptere | 1 | The Churning Mists |
Amphiptere in Waiting | Amphiptere in Waiting | | Amphiptere | 1 | The Churning Mists |
Amphisbaena | Amphisbaena |  | Wavekin | 1 | The Tempest |
Anaconda | Anaconda |  | Scalekin | 2 | The Qitana Ravel |
Anancus | Anancus |  | Scalekin | 1 | |
Anantaboga | Anantaboga |  | Voidsent | 6 | |
Anapos | Anapos |  | Apa | 1 | |
Anchag (boss) | Anchag (boss) |  | Voidsent | 5 | |
Ancient Lizard | Ancient Lizard |  | Scalekin | 1 | Amh Araeng |
Ancient Oak | Ancient Oak | | Seedkin | 1 | Central Shroud |
Ancient Uragnite | Ancient Uragnite | | Wavekin | 1 | Copperbell Mines (Hard) |
Ancient Voidragon | Ancient Voidragon | | Dragon | 1 | The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros The Forbidden Land, Eureka |
Ancient Vouivre | Ancient Vouivre | | Vouivre | 1 | The Churning Mists |