3rd Cohort Laquearius

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3rd Cohort Laquearius

3rd Cohort Laquearius is an Enemy Humanoid in East Shroud.


Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity Creature level
Garlean fiber icon1.png  Garlean Fiber Material N/A ABasic 1 47-49
Garlean rubber icon1.png  Garlean Rubber Material N/A ABasic 1 47-49
Legionary visor icon1.png  Legionary Visor Head 50 ABasic 1 47-49


Zone Coordinates Level range
South Shroud (X:22, Y:20) 22
Coerthas Central Highlands Unknown 42
East Shroud (X:29, Y:21) 47
Northern Thanalan (X:17, Y:15) 47–49
Baelsar's Wall Unknown 60


Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Sylphish Concerns Main Scenario quest 23 Buscarron
Doubt Truth to Be a Liar Sidequest 44 Cailean
Griffin, Griffin on the Wall Main Scenario quest 60 Alisaie

Hunting Log




The laquearius was a class of Roman gladiator that fought with a lasso or noose in one hand and a poniard or sword in the other.