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Hands/Level 81 - 90

From Final Fantasy XIV Online Wiki
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Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Gajaskin Handekko Gajaskin handekko icon1.png 81 480 Disciple of the Hand Hands 162 HQ icon.png180 325 HQ icon.png361 2 (5) Control +226 HQ icon.png256CP +7 HQ icon.png8
Gajaskin Tekko Gajaskin tekko icon1.png 81 480 Disciple of the Land Hands 162 HQ icon.png180 325 HQ icon.png361 2 (5) Vitality +37 HQ icon.png41Gathering +293 HQ icon.png332GP +6 HQ icon.png7
Manusya Gauntlets of Aiming Manusya gauntlets of aiming icon1.png 81 520 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 329 329 2 Dexterity +126 Vitality +131 Critical Hit +124 Skill Speed +87 
Manusya Gauntlets of Casting Manusya gauntlets of casting icon1.png 81 520 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 239 419 2 Intelligence +126 Vitality +118 Critical Hit +124 Direct Hit Rate +87 
Manusya Gauntlets of Fending Manusya gauntlets of fending icon1.png 81 520 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 598 598 2 Strength +126 Vitality +131 Determination +124 Skill Speed +87 
Manusya Gauntlets of Healing Manusya gauntlets of healing icon1.png 81 520 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 239 419 2 Mind +126 Vitality +118 Critical Hit +87 Piety +124 
Manusya Gauntlets of Scouting Manusya gauntlets of scouting icon1.png 81 520 ROG NIN VPR Hands 329 329 2 Dexterity +126 Vitality +131 Determination +87 Skill Speed +124 
Manusya Gauntlets of Striking Manusya gauntlets of striking icon1.png 81 520 PGL MNK SAM Hands 329 329 2 Strength +126 Vitality +131 Critical Hit +124 Direct Hit Rate +87 
Manusya Gloves of Maiming Manusya gloves of maiming icon1.png 81 520 LNC DRG RPR Hands 419 329 2 Strength +126 Vitality +131 Critical Hit +124 Determination +87 
Almasty Serge Gloves of Aiming Almasty serge gloves of aiming icon1.png 82 525 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 299 HQ icon.png332 299 HQ icon.png332 2 (5) Dexterity +114 HQ icon.png127Vitality +121 HQ icon.png134Determination +79 HQ icon.png88Direct Hit Rate +112 HQ icon.png125
Almasty Serge Gloves of Casting Almasty serge gloves of casting icon1.png 82 525 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 218 HQ icon.png242 381 HQ icon.png423 2 (5) Intelligence +114 HQ icon.png127Vitality +109 HQ icon.png121Determination +112 HQ icon.png125Spell Speed +79 HQ icon.png88
Almasty Serge Gloves of Healing Almasty serge gloves of healing icon1.png 82 525 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 218 HQ icon.png242 381 HQ icon.png423 2 (5) Mind +114 HQ icon.png127Vitality +109 HQ icon.png121Critical Hit +79 HQ icon.png88Piety +112 HQ icon.png125
High Durium Gauntlets of Fending High durium gauntlets of fending icon1.png 82 525 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 544 HQ icon.png604 544 HQ icon.png604 2 (5) Strength +114 HQ icon.png127Vitality +121 HQ icon.png134Critical Hit +112 HQ icon.png125Skill Speed +79 HQ icon.png88
High Durium Gauntlets of Maiming High durium gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 82 525 LNC DRG RPR Hands 381 HQ icon.png423 299 HQ icon.png332 2 (5) Strength +114 HQ icon.png127Vitality +121 HQ icon.png134Direct Hit Rate +112 HQ icon.png125Skill Speed +79 HQ icon.png88
Luncheon Toadskin Gloves of Scouting Luncheon toadskin gloves of scouting icon1.png 82 525 ROG NIN VPR Hands 299 HQ icon.png332 299 HQ icon.png332 2 (5) Dexterity +114 HQ icon.png127Vitality +121 HQ icon.png134Critical Hit +112 HQ icon.png125Determination +79 HQ icon.png88
Luncheon Toadskin Gloves of Striking Luncheon toadskin gloves of striking icon1.png 82 525 PGL MNK SAM Hands 299 HQ icon.png332 299 HQ icon.png332 2 (5) Strength +114 HQ icon.png127Vitality +121 HQ icon.png134Determination +79 HQ icon.png88Skill Speed +112 HQ icon.png125
Imperial Gloves of Aiming Imperial gloves of aiming icon1.png 83 530 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 336 336 2 Dexterity +129 Vitality +136 Determination +88 Direct Hit Rate +126 
Imperial Gloves of Casting Imperial gloves of casting icon1.png 83 530 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 244 427 2 Intelligence +129 Vitality +122 Critical Hit +126 Direct Hit Rate +88 
Imperial Gloves of Fending Imperial gloves of fending icon1.png 83 530 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 610 610 2 Strength +129 Vitality +136 Skill Speed +88 Tenacity +126 
Imperial Gloves of Healing Imperial gloves of healing icon1.png 83 530 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 244 427 2 Mind +129 Vitality +122 Critical Hit +126 Determination +88 
Imperial Gloves of Maiming Imperial gloves of maiming icon1.png 83 530 LNC DRG RPR Hands 427 336 2 Strength +129 Vitality +136 Critical Hit +88 Skill Speed +126 
Imperial Gloves of Scouting Imperial gloves of scouting icon1.png 83 530 ROG NIN VPR Hands 336 336 2 Dexterity +129 Vitality +136 Determination +126 Direct Hit Rate +88 
Imperial Gloves of Striking Imperial gloves of striking icon1.png 83 530 PGL MNK SAM Hands 336 336 2 Strength +129 Vitality +136 Determination +88 Direct Hit Rate +126 
Saigaskin Gloves of Crafting Saigaskin gloves of crafting icon1.png 84 520 Disciple of the Hand Hands 177 HQ icon.png197 355 HQ icon.png394 2 (5) Control +252 HQ icon.png286CP +7 HQ icon.png8
Saigaskin Halfgloves of Gathering Saigaskin halfgloves of gathering icon1.png 84 520 Disciple of the Land Hands 177 HQ icon.png197 355 HQ icon.png394 2 (5) Vitality +41 HQ icon.png46Gathering +338 HQ icon.png383GP +6 HQ icon.png7
Saigaskin Armguards of Casting Saigaskin armguards of casting icon1.png 84 533 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 223 HQ icon.png248 390 HQ icon.png433 2 (5) Intelligence +117 HQ icon.png130Vitality +111 HQ icon.png123Critical Hit +114 HQ icon.png127Spell Speed +80 HQ icon.png89
Saigaskin Armguards of Fending Saigaskin armguards of fending icon1.png 84 533 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 557 HQ icon.png619 557 HQ icon.png619 2 (5) Strength +117 HQ icon.png130Vitality +123 HQ icon.png137Determination +80 HQ icon.png89Tenacity +114 HQ icon.png127
Saigaskin Armguards of Maiming Saigaskin armguards of maiming icon1.png 84 533 LNC DRG RPR Hands 390 HQ icon.png433 306 HQ icon.png340 2 (5) Strength +117 HQ icon.png130Vitality +123 HQ icon.png137Determination +114 HQ icon.png127Skill Speed +80 HQ icon.png89
Saigaskin Armguards of Scouting Saigaskin armguards of scouting icon1.png 84 533 ROG NIN VPR Hands 306 HQ icon.png340 306 HQ icon.png340 2 (5) Dexterity +117 HQ icon.png130Vitality +123 HQ icon.png137Critical Hit +114 HQ icon.png127Skill Speed +80 HQ icon.png89
Saigaskin Gloves of Aiming Saigaskin gloves of aiming icon1.png 84 533 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 306 HQ icon.png340 306 HQ icon.png340 2 (5) Dexterity +117 HQ icon.png130Vitality +123 HQ icon.png137Critical Hit +80 HQ icon.png89Skill Speed +114 HQ icon.png127
Saigaskin Gloves of Healing Saigaskin gloves of healing icon1.png 84 533 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 223 HQ icon.png248 390 HQ icon.png433 2 (5) Mind +117 HQ icon.png130Vitality +111 HQ icon.png123Critical Hit +114 HQ icon.png127Piety +80 HQ icon.png89
Saigaskin Gloves of Striking Saigaskin gloves of striking icon1.png 84 533 PGL MNK SAM Hands 306 HQ icon.png340 306 HQ icon.png340 2 (5) Strength +117 HQ icon.png130Vitality +123 HQ icon.png137Critical Hit +114 HQ icon.png127Skill Speed +80 HQ icon.png89
Palaka Halfgloves of Casting Palaka halfgloves of casting icon1.png 85 536 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 251 440 2 Intelligence +131 Vitality +124 Critical Hit +90 Direct Hit Rate +128 
Palaka Halfgloves of Healing Palaka halfgloves of healing icon1.png 85 536 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 251 440 2 Mind +131 Vitality +124 Determination +128 Spell Speed +90 
Palaka Halfgloves of Scouting Palaka halfgloves of scouting icon1.png 85 536 ROG NIN VPR Hands 345 345 2 Dexterity +131 Vitality +138 Critical Hit +90 Determination +128 
Palaka Vambraces of Aiming Palaka vambraces of aiming icon1.png 85 536 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 345 345 2 Dexterity +131 Vitality +138 Critical Hit +128 Determination +90 
Palaka Vambraces of Fending Palaka vambraces of fending icon1.png 85 536 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 628 628 2 Strength +131 Vitality +138 Skill Speed +90 Tenacity +128 
Palaka Vambraces of Maiming Palaka vambraces of maiming icon1.png 85 536 LNC DRG RPR Hands 440 345 2 Strength +131 Vitality +138 Critical Hit +90 Direct Hit Rate +128 
Palaka Vambraces of Striking Palaka vambraces of striking icon1.png 85 536 PGL MNK SAM Hands 345 345 2 Strength +131 Vitality +138 Determination +90 Direct Hit Rate +128 
Kumbhiraskin Armguards of the Last Unicorn Kumbhiraskin armguards of the last unicorn icon1.png 86 539 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 315 HQ icon.png350 315 HQ icon.png350 2 (5) Dexterity +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +125 HQ icon.png139Critical Hit +81 HQ icon.png90Determination +115 HQ icon.png128
Kumbhiraskin Gloves of the Black Griffin Kumbhiraskin gloves of the black griffin icon1.png 86 539 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 229 HQ icon.png254 400 HQ icon.png445 2 (5) Intelligence +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +112 HQ icon.png125Determination +115 HQ icon.png128Direct Hit Rate +81 HQ icon.png90
Kumbhiraskin Gloves of the White Griffin Kumbhiraskin gloves of the white griffin icon1.png 86 539 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 229 HQ icon.png254 400 HQ icon.png445 2 (5) Mind +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +112 HQ icon.png125Critical Hit +115 HQ icon.png128Determination +81 HQ icon.png90
Manganese Gauntlets of the Behemoth King Manganese gauntlets of the behemoth king icon1.png 86 539 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 572 HQ icon.png636 572 HQ icon.png636 2 (5) Strength +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +125 HQ icon.png139Critical Hit +115 HQ icon.png128Tenacity +81 HQ icon.png90
Manganese Gauntlets of the Behemoth Queen Manganese gauntlets of the behemoth queen icon1.png 86 539 LNC DRG RPR Hands 400 HQ icon.png445 315 HQ icon.png350 2 (5) Strength +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +125 HQ icon.png139Critical Hit +115 HQ icon.png128Direct Hit Rate +81 HQ icon.png90
Manganese Gloves of the Falling Dragon Manganese gloves of the falling dragon icon1.png 86 539 ROG NIN VPR Hands 315 HQ icon.png350 315 HQ icon.png350 2 (5) Dexterity +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +125 HQ icon.png139Determination +81 HQ icon.png90Direct Hit Rate +115 HQ icon.png128
Manganese Gloves of the Rising Dragon Manganese gloves of the rising dragon icon1.png 86 539 PGL MNK SAM Hands 315 HQ icon.png350 315 HQ icon.png350 2 (5) Strength +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +125 HQ icon.png139Critical Hit +81 HQ icon.png90Determination +115 HQ icon.png128
Kumbhiraskin Gloves of Crafting Kumbhiraskin gloves of crafting icon1.png 87 540 Disciple of the Hand Hands 190 HQ icon.png211 380 HQ icon.png422 2 (5) Control +269 HQ icon.png305CP +7 HQ icon.png8
Kumbhiraskin Gloves of Gathering Kumbhiraskin gloves of gathering icon1.png 87 540 Disciple of the Land Hands 190 HQ icon.png211 380 HQ icon.png422 2 (5) Vitality +44 HQ icon.png49Gathering +361 HQ icon.png409GP +6 HQ icon.png7
Ktiseos Gloves of Aiming Ktiseos gloves of aiming icon1.png 87 542 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 355 355 2 Dexterity +135 Vitality +139 Determination +129 Direct Hit Rate +90 
Ktiseos Gloves of Casting Ktiseos gloves of casting icon1.png 87 542 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 258 452 2 Intelligence +135 Vitality +125 Critical Hit +129 Spell Speed +90 
Ktiseos Gloves of Healing Ktiseos gloves of healing icon1.png 87 542 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 258 452 2 Mind +135 Vitality +125 Determination +90 Piety +129 
Ktiseos Gloves of Scouting Ktiseos gloves of scouting icon1.png 87 542 ROG NIN VPR Hands 355 355 2 Dexterity +135 Vitality +139 Critical Hit +129 Skill Speed +90 
Ktiseos Gloves of Striking Ktiseos gloves of striking icon1.png 87 542 PGL MNK SAM Hands 355 355 2 Strength +135 Vitality +139 Determination +90 Direct Hit Rate +129 
Ktiseos Vambraces of Fending Ktiseos vambraces of fending icon1.png 87 542 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 645 645 2 Strength +135 Vitality +139 Determination +90 Tenacity +129 
Ktiseos Vambraces of Maiming Ktiseos vambraces of maiming icon1.png 87 542 LNC DRG RPR Hands 452 355 2 Strength +135 Vitality +139 Determination +129 Direct Hit Rate +90 
Chondrite Gauntlets of Fending Chondrite gauntlets of fending icon1.png 88 545 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 589 HQ icon.png654 589 HQ icon.png654 2 (5) Strength +123 HQ icon.png137Vitality +125 HQ icon.png139Critical Hit +117 HQ icon.png130Skill Speed +82 HQ icon.png91
Chondrite Gloves of Aiming Chondrite gloves of aiming icon1.png 88 545 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 324 HQ icon.png360 324 HQ icon.png360 2 (5) Dexterity +123 HQ icon.png137Vitality +125 HQ icon.png139Direct Hit Rate +82 HQ icon.png91Skill Speed +117 HQ icon.png130
Chondrite Gloves of Casting Chondrite gloves of casting icon1.png 88 545 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 236 HQ icon.png262 412 HQ icon.png458 2 (5) Intelligence +123 HQ icon.png137Vitality +112 HQ icon.png125Direct Hit Rate +82 HQ icon.png91Spell Speed +117 HQ icon.png130
Chondrite Gloves of Healing Chondrite gloves of healing icon1.png 88 545 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 236 HQ icon.png262 412 HQ icon.png458 2 (5) Mind +123 HQ icon.png137Vitality +112 HQ icon.png125Critical Hit +82 HQ icon.png91Piety +117 HQ icon.png130
Chondrite Gloves of Maiming Chondrite gloves of maiming icon1.png 88 545 LNC DRG RPR Hands 412 HQ icon.png458 324 HQ icon.png360 2 (5) Strength +123 HQ icon.png137Vitality +125 HQ icon.png139Critical Hit +117 HQ icon.png130Determination +82 HQ icon.png91
Chondrite Gloves of Scouting Chondrite gloves of scouting icon1.png 88 545 ROG NIN VPR Hands 324 HQ icon.png360 324 HQ icon.png360 2 (5) Dexterity +123 HQ icon.png137Vitality +125 HQ icon.png139Critical Hit +82 HQ icon.png91Direct Hit Rate +117 HQ icon.png130
Chondrite Gloves of Striking Chondrite gloves of striking icon1.png 88 545 PGL MNK SAM Hands 324 HQ icon.png360 324 HQ icon.png360 2 (5) Strength +123 HQ icon.png137Vitality +125 HQ icon.png139Determination +117 HQ icon.png130Direct Hit Rate +82 HQ icon.png91
Academic's Gloves Academics gloves icon1.png 89 560 SCH Hands 281 491 2 Mind +146 Vitality +131 Determination +141 Spell Speed +99 
Allegiance Gloves Allegiance gloves icon1.png 89 560 GNB Hands 702 702 2 Strength +146 Vitality +146 Critical Hit +99 Determination +141 
Anchorite's Vambraces Anchorites vambraces icon1.png 89 560 MNK Hands 386 386 2 Strength +146 Vitality +146 Determination +99 Skill Speed +141 
Astronomia Armlets Astronomia armlets icon1.png 89 560 AST Hands 281 491 2 Mind +146 Vitality +131 Determination +141 Spell Speed +99 
Atrophy Gloves Atrophy gloves icon1.png 89 560 RDM Hands 281 491 2 Intelligence +146 Vitality +131 Determination +99 Direct Hit Rate +141 
Brioso Halfgloves Brioso halfgloves icon1.png 89 560 BRD Hands 386 386 2 Dexterity +146 Vitality +146 Critical Hit +141 Direct Hit Rate +99 
Convoker's Gloves Convokers gloves icon1.png 89 560 SMN Hands 281 491 2 Intelligence +146 Vitality +131 Determination +99 Direct Hit Rate +141 
Didact's Gloves Didacts gloves icon1.png 89 560 SGE Hands 281 491 2 Mind +146 Vitality +131 Determination +141 Spell Speed +99 
Etoile Halfgloves Etoile halfgloves icon1.png 89 560 DNC Hands 386 386 2 Dexterity +146 Vitality +146 Critical Hit +141 Direct Hit Rate +99 
Hachiya Tekko Hachiya tekko icon1.png 89 560 NIN Hands 386 386 2 Dexterity +146 Vitality +146 Determination +141 Direct Hit Rate +99 
Ignominy Gauntlets Ignominy gauntlets icon1.png 89 560 DRK Hands 702 702 2 Strength +146 Vitality +146 Critical Hit +99 Determination +141 
Painter's Halfgloves Painters halfgloves icon1.png 89 560 PCT Hands 281 491 2 Intelligence +146 Vitality +131 Determination +99 Direct Hit Rate +141 
Pioneer's Gloves Pioneers gloves icon1.png 89 560 MCH Hands 386 386 2 Dexterity +146 Vitality +146 Critical Hit +141 Direct Hit Rate +99 
Pummeler's Gauntlets Pummelers gauntlets icon1.png 89 560 WAR Hands 702 702 2 Strength +146 Vitality +146 Critical Hit +99 Determination +141 
Reaper's Armguards Reapers armguards icon1.png 89 560 RPR Hands 491 386 2 Strength +146 Vitality +146 Determination +141 Direct Hit Rate +99 
Reverence Gauntlets Reverence gauntlets icon1.png 89 560 PLD Hands 702 702 2 Strength +146 Vitality +146 Critical Hit +99 Determination +141 
Saotome Kote Saotome kote icon1.png 89 560 SAM Hands 386 386 2 Strength +146 Vitality +146 Determination +99 Skill Speed +141 
Snakebite Halfgloves Snakebite halfgloves icon1.png 89 560 VPR Hands 386 386 2 Dexterity +146 Vitality +146 Critical Hit +141 Skill Speed +99 
Spaekona's Wrist Torques Spaekonas wrist torques icon1.png 89 560 BLM Hands 281 491 2 Intelligence +146 Vitality +131 Determination +99 Direct Hit Rate +141 
Theophany Shortgloves Theophany shortgloves icon1.png 89 560 WHM Hands 281 491 2 Mind +146 Vitality +131 Determination +141 Spell Speed +99 
Tiamat Gauntlets Tiamat gauntlets icon1.png 89 560 DRG Hands 491 386 2 Strength +146 Vitality +146 Determination +141 Direct Hit Rate +99 
Ophiotauroskin Halfgloves of Crafting Ophiotauroskin halfgloves of crafting icon1.png 90 560 Disciple of the Hand Hands 209 HQ icon.png232 417 HQ icon.png463 2 (5) Control +288 HQ icon.png326CP +7 HQ icon.png8
Ophiotauroskin Halfgloves of Gathering Ophiotauroskin halfgloves of gathering icon1.png 90 560 Disciple of the Land Hands 209 HQ icon.png232 417 HQ icon.png463 2 (5) Vitality +46 HQ icon.png51Gathering +385 HQ icon.png436GP +7 HQ icon.png7
Boltsoph's Cuffs Boltsophs cuffs icon1.png 90 570 WVR Hands 243 486 0 Control +334 CP +8 
Cauldronsoph's Gloves Cauldronsophs gloves icon1.png 90 570 ALC Hands 243 486 0 Control +334 CP +8 
Fieldsoph's Gloves Fieldsophs gloves icon1.png 90 570 BTN Hands 243 486 0 Vitality +54 Gathering +449 GP +7 
Forgesoph's Work Gloves Forgesophs work gloves icon1.png 90 570 BSM Hands 243 486 0 Control +334 CP +8 
Galleysoph's Mittens Galleysophs mittens icon1.png 90 570 CUL Hands 243 486 0 Control +334 CP +8 
Gemsoph's Wristdresses Gemsophs wristdresses icon1.png 90 570 GSM Hands 243 486 0 Control +334 CP +8 
Hammersoph's Work Gloves Hammersophs work gloves icon1.png 90 570 ARM Hands 243 486 0 Control +334 CP +8 
Hidesoph's Gloves Hidesophs gloves icon1.png 90 570 LTW Hands 243 486 0 Control +334 CP +8 
Millsoph's Gloves Millsophs gloves icon1.png 90 570 CRP Hands 243 486 0 Control +334 CP +8 
Minesoph's Work Gloves Minesophs work gloves icon1.png 90 570 MIN Hands 243 486 0 Vitality +54 Gathering +449 GP +7 
Moonward Armguards of Scouting Moonward armguards of scouting icon1.png 90 570 ROG NIN VPR Hands 405 405 2 Dexterity +152 Vitality +155 Direct Hit Rate +150 Skill Speed +105 
Moonward Armguards of Striking Moonward armguards of striking icon1.png 90 570 PGL MNK SAM Hands 405 405 2 Strength +152 Vitality +155 Determination +150 Direct Hit Rate +105 
Moonward Armlets of Aiming Moonward armlets of aiming icon1.png 90 570 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 405 405 2 Dexterity +152 Vitality +155 Critical Hit +150 Direct Hit Rate +105 
Moonward Armlets of Casting Moonward armlets of casting icon1.png 90 570 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 294 515 2 Intelligence +152 Vitality +140 Critical Hit +150 Spell Speed +105 
Moonward Armlets of Healing Moonward armlets of healing icon1.png 90 570 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 294 515 2 Mind +152 Vitality +140 Determination +150 Spell Speed +105 
Moonward Gauntlets of Fending Moonward gauntlets of fending icon1.png 90 570 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 736 736 2 Strength +152 Vitality +155 Determination +105 Tenacity +150 
Moonward Gauntlets of Maiming Moonward gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 90 570 LNC DRG RPR Hands 515 405 2 Strength +152 Vitality +155 Critical Hit +150 Direct Hit Rate +105 
Tacklesoph's Work Gloves Tacklesophs work gloves icon1.png 90 570 FSH Hands 243 486 0 Vitality +54 Gathering +449 GP +7 
Darbar Gloves of Aiming Darbar gloves of aiming icon1.png 90 575 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 409 409 2 Dexterity +157 Vitality +160 Critical Hit +106 Direct Hit Rate +152 
Darbar Gloves of Fending Darbar gloves of fending icon1.png 90 575 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 743 743 2 Strength +157 Vitality +160 Determination +152 Tenacity +106 
Darbar Gloves of Maiming Darbar gloves of maiming icon1.png 90 575 LNC DRG RPR Hands 520 409 2 Strength +157 Vitality +160 Critical Hit +106 Direct Hit Rate +152 
Darbar Gloves of Scouting Darbar gloves of scouting icon1.png 90 575 ROG NIN VPR Hands 409 409 2 Dexterity +157 Vitality +160 Critical Hit +106 Determination +152 
Darbar Gloves of Striking Darbar gloves of striking icon1.png 90 575 PGL MNK SAM Hands 409 409 2 Strength +157 Vitality +160 Determination +152 Direct Hit Rate +106 
Darbar Mitts of Casting Darbar mitts of casting icon1.png 90 575 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 297 520 2 Intelligence +157 Vitality +144 Critical Hit +152 Determination +106 
Darbar Mitts of Healing Darbar mitts of healing icon1.png 90 575 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 297 520 2 Mind +157 Vitality +144 Determination +106 Piety +152 
Classical Dimachaerius's Manicae Classical dimachaeriuss manicae icon1.png 90 580 ROG NIN VPR Hands 372 HQ icon.png413 372 HQ icon.png413 2 (5) Dexterity +145 HQ icon.png161Vitality +148 HQ icon.png165Direct Hit Rate +139 HQ icon.png154Skill Speed +97 HQ icon.png108
Classical Eques's Manicae Classical equess manicae icon1.png 90 580 LNC DRG RPR Hands 472 HQ icon.png525 372 HQ icon.png413 2 (5) Strength +145 HQ icon.png161Vitality +148 HQ icon.png165Determination +139 HQ icon.png154Direct Hit Rate +97 HQ icon.png108
Classical Hoplomachus's Manicae Classical hoplomachuss manicae icon1.png 90 580 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 675 HQ icon.png750 675 HQ icon.png750 2 (5) Strength +145 HQ icon.png161Vitality +148 HQ icon.png165Skill Speed +97 HQ icon.png108Tenacity +139 HQ icon.png154
Classical Medicus's Wrist Torque Classical medicuss wrist torque icon1.png 90 580 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 270 HQ icon.png300 472 HQ icon.png525 2 (5) Mind +145 HQ icon.png161Vitality +134 HQ icon.png149Critical Hit +97 HQ icon.png108Spell Speed +139 HQ icon.png154
Classical Sagittarius's Wrist Torque Classical sagittariuss wrist torque icon1.png 90 580 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 372 HQ icon.png413 372 HQ icon.png413 2 (5) Dexterity +145 HQ icon.png161Vitality +148 HQ icon.png165Determination +139 HQ icon.png154Direct Hit Rate +97 HQ icon.png108
Classical Secutor's Manicae Classical secutors manicae icon1.png 90 580 PGL MNK SAM Hands 372 HQ icon.png413 372 HQ icon.png413 2 (5) Strength +145 HQ icon.png161Vitality +148 HQ icon.png165Critical Hit +139 HQ icon.png154Skill Speed +97 HQ icon.png108
Classical Signifer's Fingerless Gloves Classical signifers fingerless gloves icon1.png 90 580 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 270 HQ icon.png300 472 HQ icon.png525 2 (5) Intelligence +145 HQ icon.png161Vitality +134 HQ icon.png149Determination +97 HQ icon.png108Spell Speed +139 HQ icon.png154
Limbo Gloves of Aiming Limbo gloves of aiming icon1.png 90 580 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 413 413 2 Dexterity +161 Vitality +165 Critical Hit +154 Determination +108 
Limbo Gloves of Scouting Limbo gloves of scouting icon1.png 90 580 ROG NIN VPR Hands 413 413 2 Dexterity +161 Vitality +165 Critical Hit +108 Determination +154 
Limbo Halfgloves of Maiming Limbo halfgloves of maiming icon1.png 90 580 LNC DRG RPR Hands 525 413 2 Strength +161 Vitality +165 Critical Hit +154 Determination +108 
Limbo Halfgloves of Striking Limbo halfgloves of striking icon1.png 90 580 PGL MNK SAM Hands 413 413 2 Strength +161 Vitality +165 Determination +108 Direct Hit Rate +154 
Limbo Vambraces of Fending Limbo vambraces of fending icon1.png 90 580 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 750 750 2 Strength +161 Vitality +165 Critical Hit +154 Determination +108 
Limbo Wristbands of Casting Limbo wristbands of casting icon1.png 90 580 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 300 525 2 Intelligence +161 Vitality +149 Critical Hit +154 Direct Hit Rate +108 
Limbo Wristbands of Healing Limbo wristbands of healing icon1.png 90 580 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 300 525 2 Mind +161 Vitality +149 Determination +154 Piety +108 
Augmented Classical Dimachaerius's Manicae Augmented classical dimachaeriuss manicae icon1.png 90 590 ROG NIN VPR Hands 379 HQ icon.png421 379 HQ icon.png421 2 Dexterity +153 HQ icon.png170Vitality +158 HQ icon.png176Determination +142 HQ icon.png158Direct Hit Rate +100 HQ icon.png111
Augmented Classical Eques's Manicae Augmented classical equess manicae icon1.png 90 590 LNC DRG RPR Hands 482 HQ icon.png536 379 HQ icon.png421 2 Strength +153 HQ icon.png170Vitality +158 HQ icon.png176Critical Hit +100 HQ icon.png111Determination +142 HQ icon.png158
Augmented Classical Hoplomachus's Manicae Augmented classical hoplomachuss manicae icon1.png 90 590 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 688 HQ icon.png765 688 HQ icon.png765 2 Strength +153 HQ icon.png170Vitality +158 HQ icon.png176Critical Hit +100 HQ icon.png111Determination +142 HQ icon.png158
Augmented Classical Medicus's Wrist Torque Augmented classical medicuss wrist torque icon1.png 90 590 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 275 HQ icon.png306 482 HQ icon.png536 2 Mind +153 HQ icon.png170Vitality +142 HQ icon.png158Spell Speed +100 HQ icon.png111Piety +142 HQ icon.png158
Augmented Classical Sagittarius's Wrist Torque Augmented classical sagittariuss wrist torque icon1.png 90 590 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 379 HQ icon.png421 379 HQ icon.png421 2 Dexterity +153 HQ icon.png170Vitality +158 HQ icon.png176Determination +142 HQ icon.png158Skill Speed +100 HQ icon.png111
Augmented Classical Secutor's Manicae Augmented classical secutors manicae icon1.png 90 590 PGL MNK SAM Hands 379 HQ icon.png421 379 HQ icon.png421 2 Strength +153 HQ icon.png170Vitality +158 HQ icon.png176Critical Hit +142 HQ icon.png158Determination +100 HQ icon.png111
Augmented Classical Signifer's Fingerless Gloves Augmented classical signifers fingerless gloves icon1.png 90 590 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 275 HQ icon.png306 482 HQ icon.png536 2 Intelligence +153 HQ icon.png170Vitality +142 HQ icon.png158Critical Hit +100 HQ icon.png111Determination +142 HQ icon.png158
Pactmaker's Gloves of Gathering Pactmakers gloves of gathering icon1.png 90 590 Disciple of the Land Hands 227 HQ icon.png253 455 HQ icon.png505 2 (5) Vitality +56 HQ icon.png62Gathering +424 HQ icon.png480GP +7 HQ icon.png8
Pactmaker's Halfgloves of Crafting Pactmakers halfgloves of crafting icon1.png 90 590 Disciple of the Hand Hands 227 HQ icon.png253 455 HQ icon.png505 2 (5) Control +314 HQ icon.png356CP +8 HQ icon.png9
Panthean Armguards of Aiming Panthean armguards of aiming icon1.png 90 590 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 421 421 2 Dexterity +170 Vitality +176 Determination +158 Direct Hit Rate +111 
Panthean Armguards of Casting Panthean armguards of casting icon1.png 90 590 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 306 536 2 Intelligence +170 Vitality +158 Critical Hit +158 Determination +111 
Panthean Armguards of Healing Panthean armguards of healing icon1.png 90 590 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 306 536 2 Mind +170 Vitality +158 Critical Hit +111 Spell Speed +158 
Panthean Armguards of Scouting Panthean armguards of scouting icon1.png 90 590 ROG NIN VPR Hands 421 421 2 Dexterity +170 Vitality +176 Critical Hit +111 Determination +158 
Panthean Gauntlets of Fending Panthean gauntlets of fending icon1.png 90 590 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 765 765 2 Strength +170 Vitality +176 Skill Speed +111 Tenacity +158 
Panthean Gauntlets of Maiming Panthean gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 90 590 LNC DRG RPR Hands 536 421 2 Strength +170 Vitality +176 Determination +158 Direct Hit Rate +111 
Panthean Gauntlets of Striking Panthean gauntlets of striking icon1.png 90 590 PGL MNK SAM Hands 421 421 2 Strength +170 Vitality +176 Critical Hit +158 Skill Speed +111 
Perfectionist's Fingerless Gloves of Crafting Perfectionists fingerless gloves of crafting icon1.png 90 590 Disciple of the Hand Hands 253 505 2 Control +356 CP +9 
Perfectionist's Halfgloves of Gathering Perfectionists halfgloves of gathering icon1.png 90 590 Disciple of the Land Hands 253 505 2 Vitality +62 Gathering +480 GP +8 
Radiant's Gauntlets of Fending Radiants gauntlets of fending icon1.png 90 590 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 765 765 2 Strength +170 Vitality +176 Critical Hit +158 Determination +111 
Radiant's Gauntlets of Maiming Radiants gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 90 590 LNC DRG RPR Hands 536 421 2 Strength +170 Vitality +176 Critical Hit +158 Skill Speed +111 
Radiant's Gloves of Casting Radiants gloves of casting icon1.png 90 590 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 306 536 2 Intelligence +170 Vitality +158 Direct Hit Rate +111 Spell Speed +158 
Radiant's Gloves of Healing Radiants gloves of healing icon1.png 90 590 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 306 536 2 Mind +170 Vitality +158 Critical Hit +158 Determination +111 
Radiant's Gloves of Scouting Radiants gloves of scouting icon1.png 90 590 ROG NIN VPR Hands 421 421 2 Dexterity +170 Vitality +176 Critical Hit +158 Skill Speed +111 
Radiant's Wristgloves of Aiming Radiants wristgloves of aiming icon1.png 90 590 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 421 421 2 Dexterity +170 Vitality +176 Critical Hit +158 Skill Speed +111 
Radiant's Wristgloves of Striking Radiants wristgloves of striking icon1.png 90 590 PGL MNK SAM Hands 421 421 2 Strength +170 Vitality +176 Critical Hit +158 Determination +111 
Troian Armguards of Aiming Troian armguards of aiming icon1.png 90 595 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 425 425 2 Dexterity +175 Vitality +182 Determination +112 Direct Hit Rate +160 
Troian Armguards of Casting Troian armguards of casting icon1.png 90 595 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 309 541 2 Intelligence +175 Vitality +164 Determination +112 Direct Hit Rate +160 
Troian Armguards of Healing Troian armguards of healing icon1.png 90 595 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 309 541 2 Mind +175 Vitality +164 Determination +112 Spell Speed +160 
Troian Fingerless Gloves of Scouting Troian fingerless gloves of scouting icon1.png 90 595 ROG NIN VPR Hands 425 425 2 Dexterity +175 Vitality +182 Critical Hit +160 Skill Speed +112 
Troian Fingerless Gloves of Striking Troian fingerless gloves of striking icon1.png 90 595 PGL MNK SAM Hands 425 425 2 Strength +175 Vitality +182 Critical Hit +160 Skill Speed +112 
Troian Vambraces of Fending Troian vambraces of fending icon1.png 90 595 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 773 773 2 Strength +175 Vitality +182 Critical Hit +112 Skill Speed +160 
Troian Vambraces of Maiming Troian vambraces of maiming icon1.png 90 595 LNC DRG RPR Hands 541 425 2 Strength +175 Vitality +182 Determination +112 Skill Speed +160 
Asphodelos Gloves of Aiming Asphodelos gloves of aiming icon1.png 90 600 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 429 429 2 Dexterity +180 Vitality +188 Critical Hit +113 Determination +162 
Asphodelos Gloves of Scouting Asphodelos gloves of scouting icon1.png 90 600 ROG NIN VPR Hands 429 429 2 Dexterity +180 Vitality +188 Critical Hit +113 Determination +162 
Asphodelos Halfgloves of Maiming Asphodelos halfgloves of maiming icon1.png 90 600 LNC DRG RPR Hands 546 429 2 Strength +180 Vitality +188 Critical Hit +113 Determination +162 
Asphodelos Halfgloves of Striking Asphodelos halfgloves of striking icon1.png 90 600 PGL MNK SAM Hands 429 429 2 Strength +180 Vitality +188 Determination +162 Direct Hit Rate +113 
Asphodelos Vambraces of Fending Asphodelos vambraces of fending icon1.png 90 600 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 780 780 2 Strength +180 Vitality +188 Determination +113 Tenacity +162 
Asphodelos Wristbands of Casting Asphodelos wristbands of casting icon1.png 90 600 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 312 546 2 Intelligence +180 Vitality +169 Critical Hit +162 Determination +113 
Asphodelos Wristbands of Healing Asphodelos wristbands of healing icon1.png 90 600 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 312 546 2 Mind +180 Vitality +169 Spell Speed +162 Piety +113 
Augmented Radiant's Gauntlets of Fending Augmented radiants gauntlets of fending icon1.png 90 600 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 780 780 2 Strength +180 Vitality +188 Critical Hit +162 Determination +113 
Augmented Radiant's Gauntlets of Maiming Augmented radiants gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 90 600 LNC DRG RPR Hands 546 429 2 Strength +180 Vitality +188 Critical Hit +162 Skill Speed +113 
Augmented Radiant's Gloves of Casting Augmented radiants gloves of casting icon1.png 90 600 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 312 546 2 Intelligence +180 Vitality +169 Direct Hit Rate +113 Spell Speed +162 
Augmented Radiant's Gloves of Healing Augmented radiants gloves of healing icon1.png 90 600 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 312 546 2 Mind +180 Vitality +169 Critical Hit +162 Determination +113 
Augmented Radiant's Gloves of Scouting Augmented radiants gloves of scouting icon1.png 90 600 ROG NIN VPR Hands 429 429 2 Dexterity +180 Vitality +188 Critical Hit +162 Skill Speed +113 
Augmented Radiant's Wristgloves of Aiming Augmented radiants wristgloves of aiming icon1.png 90 600 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 429 429 2 Dexterity +180 Vitality +188 Critical Hit +162 Skill Speed +113 
Augmented Radiant's Wristgloves of Striking Augmented radiants wristgloves of striking icon1.png 90 600 PGL MNK SAM Hands 429 429 2 Strength +180 Vitality +188 Critical Hit +162 Determination +113 
Manalis Dress Gloves of Casting Manalis dress gloves of casting icon1.png 90 605 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 316 553 2 Intelligence +185 Vitality +175 Critical Hit +163 Spell Speed +114 
Manalis Gauntlets of Fending Manalis gauntlets of fending icon1.png 90 605 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 790 790 2 Strength +185 Vitality +194 Determination +163 Tenacity +114 
Manalis Gauntlets of Scouting Manalis gauntlets of scouting icon1.png 90 605 ROG NIN VPR Hands 435 435 2 Dexterity +185 Vitality +194 Direct Hit Rate +163 Skill Speed +114 
Manalis Gauntlets of Striking Manalis gauntlets of striking icon1.png 90 605 PGL MNK SAM Hands 435 435 2 Strength +185 Vitality +194 Determination +163 Direct Hit Rate +114 
Manalis Gloves of Aiming Manalis gloves of aiming icon1.png 90 605 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 435 435 2 Dexterity +185 Vitality +194 Direct Hit Rate +114 Skill Speed +163 
Manalis Halfgloves of Healing Manalis halfgloves of healing icon1.png 90 605 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 316 553 2 Mind +185 Vitality +175 Critical Hit +163 Piety +114 
Manalis Halfgloves of Maiming Manalis halfgloves of maiming icon1.png 90 605 LNC DRG RPR Hands 553 435 2 Strength +185 Vitality +194 Determination +163 Direct Hit Rate +114 
Purgatory Armguards of Casting Purgatory armguards of casting icon1.png 90 610 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 320 559 2 Intelligence +190 Vitality +181 Determination +116 Spell Speed +165 
Purgatory Armguards of Healing Purgatory armguards of healing icon1.png 90 610 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 320 559 2 Mind +190 Vitality +181 Determination +116 Piety +165 
Purgatory Armguards of Striking Purgatory armguards of striking icon1.png 90 610 PGL MNK SAM Hands 439 439 2 Strength +190 Vitality +201 Critical Hit +165 Direct Hit Rate +116 
Purgatory Gauntlets of Fending Purgatory gauntlets of fending icon1.png 90 610 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 799 799 2 Strength +190 Vitality +201 Critical Hit +116 Determination +165 
Purgatory Gauntlets of Maiming Purgatory gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 90 610 LNC DRG RPR Hands 559 439 2 Strength +190 Vitality +201 Critical Hit +165 Skill Speed +116 
Purgatory Gloves of Aiming Purgatory gloves of aiming icon1.png 90 610 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 439 439 2 Dexterity +190 Vitality +201 Critical Hit +165 Skill Speed +116 
Purgatory Gloves of Scouting Purgatory gloves of scouting icon1.png 90 610 ROG NIN VPR Hands 439 439 2 Dexterity +190 Vitality +201 Critical Hit +165 Determination +116 
Rinascita Armguards of Casting Rinascita armguards of casting icon1.png 90 610 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 288 HQ icon.png320 503 HQ icon.png559 2 (5) Intelligence +171 HQ icon.png190Vitality +163 HQ icon.png181Critical Hit +148 HQ icon.png165Direct Hit Rate +104 HQ icon.png116
Rinascita Armguards of Scouting Rinascita armguards of scouting icon1.png 90 610 ROG NIN VPR Hands 395 HQ icon.png439 395 HQ icon.png439 2 (5) Dexterity +171 HQ icon.png190Vitality +181 HQ icon.png201Determination +148 HQ icon.png165Skill Speed +104 HQ icon.png116
Rinascita Armguards of Striking Rinascita armguards of striking icon1.png 90 610 PGL MNK SAM Hands 395 HQ icon.png439 395 HQ icon.png439 2 (5) Strength +171 HQ icon.png190Vitality +181 HQ icon.png201Determination +148 HQ icon.png165Skill Speed +104 HQ icon.png116
Rinascita Gloves of Aiming Rinascita gloves of aiming icon1.png 90 610 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 395 HQ icon.png439 395 HQ icon.png439 2 (5) Dexterity +171 HQ icon.png190Vitality +181 HQ icon.png201Determination +148 HQ icon.png165Direct Hit Rate +104 HQ icon.png116
Rinascita Gloves of Healing Rinascita gloves of healing icon1.png 90 610 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 288 HQ icon.png320 503 HQ icon.png559 2 (5) Mind +171 HQ icon.png190Vitality +163 HQ icon.png181Determination +104 HQ icon.png116Spell Speed +148 HQ icon.png165
Rinascita Vambraces of Fending Rinascita vambraces of fending icon1.png 90 610 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 719 HQ icon.png799 719 HQ icon.png799 2 (5) Strength +171 HQ icon.png190Vitality +181 HQ icon.png201Determination +104 HQ icon.png116Skill Speed +148 HQ icon.png165
Rinascita Vambraces of Maiming Rinascita vambraces of maiming icon1.png 90 610 LNC DRG RPR Hands 503 HQ icon.png559 395 HQ icon.png439 2 (5) Strength +171 HQ icon.png190Vitality +181 HQ icon.png201Determination +104 HQ icon.png116Direct Hit Rate +148 HQ icon.png165
Artful Afflatus Halfgloves Artful afflatus halfgloves icon1.png 90 620 Disciple of the Hand Hands 270 539 2 Control +383 CP +9 
Augmented Rinascita Armguards of Casting Augmented rinascita armguards of casting icon1.png 90 620 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 294 HQ icon.png327 515 HQ icon.png572 2 Intelligence +180 HQ icon.png200Vitality +174 HQ icon.png193Critical Hit +151 HQ icon.png168Direct Hit Rate +106 HQ icon.png118
Augmented Rinascita Armguards of Scouting Augmented rinascita armguards of scouting icon1.png 90 620 ROG NIN VPR Hands 404 HQ icon.png449 404 HQ icon.png449 2 Dexterity +180 HQ icon.png200Vitality +193 HQ icon.png214Determination +151 HQ icon.png168Skill Speed +106 HQ icon.png118
Augmented Rinascita Armguards of Striking Augmented rinascita armguards of striking icon1.png 90 620 PGL MNK SAM Hands 404 HQ icon.png449 404 HQ icon.png449 2 Strength +180 HQ icon.png200Vitality +193 HQ icon.png214Determination +151 HQ icon.png168Skill Speed +106 HQ icon.png118
Augmented Rinascita Gloves of Aiming Augmented rinascita gloves of aiming icon1.png 90 620 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 404 HQ icon.png449 404 HQ icon.png449 2 Dexterity +180 HQ icon.png200Vitality +193 HQ icon.png214Determination +151 HQ icon.png168Direct Hit Rate +106 HQ icon.png118
Augmented Rinascita Gloves of Healing Augmented rinascita gloves of healing icon1.png 90 620 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 294 HQ icon.png327 515 HQ icon.png572 2 Mind +180 HQ icon.png200Vitality +174 HQ icon.png193Determination +106 HQ icon.png118Spell Speed +151 HQ icon.png168
Augmented Rinascita Vambraces of Fending Augmented rinascita vambraces of fending icon1.png 90 620 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 735 HQ icon.png817 735 HQ icon.png817 2 Strength +180 HQ icon.png200Vitality +193 HQ icon.png214Determination +106 HQ icon.png118Skill Speed +151 HQ icon.png168
Augmented Rinascita Vambraces of Maiming Augmented rinascita vambraces of maiming icon1.png 90 620 LNC DRG RPR Hands 515 HQ icon.png572 404 HQ icon.png449 2 Strength +180 HQ icon.png200Vitality +193 HQ icon.png214Determination +106 HQ icon.png118Direct Hit Rate +151 HQ icon.png168
Hypostatic Armlets of Casting Hypostatic armlets of casting icon1.png 90 620 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 327 572 2 Intelligence +200 Vitality +193 Determination +168 Direct Hit Rate +118 
Hypostatic Armlets of Healing Hypostatic armlets of healing icon1.png 90 620 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 327 572 2 Mind +200 Vitality +193 Critical Hit +168 Piety +118 
Hypostatic Gauntlets of Fending Hypostatic gauntlets of fending icon1.png 90 620 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 817 817 2 Strength +200 Vitality +214 Critical Hit +168 Skill Speed +118 
Hypostatic Gauntlets of Maiming Hypostatic gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 90 620 LNC DRG RPR Hands 572 449 2 Strength +200 Vitality +214 Critical Hit +118 Direct Hit Rate +168 
Hypostatic Gloves of Aiming Hypostatic gloves of aiming icon1.png 90 620 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 449 449 2 Dexterity +200 Vitality +214 Critical Hit +168 Skill Speed +118 
Hypostatic Gloves of Scouting Hypostatic gloves of scouting icon1.png 90 620 ROG NIN VPR Hands 449 449 2 Dexterity +200 Vitality +214 Critical Hit +118 Direct Hit Rate +168 
Hypostatic Gloves of Striking Hypostatic gloves of striking icon1.png 90 620 PGL MNK SAM Hands 449 449 2 Strength +200 Vitality +214 Direct Hit Rate +168 Skill Speed +118 
Indagator's Armguards of Gathering Indagators armguards of gathering icon1.png 90 620 Disciple of the Land Hands 243 HQ icon.png270 485 HQ icon.png539 2 (5) Vitality +67 HQ icon.png75Gathering +464 HQ icon.png526GP +7 HQ icon.png8
Indagator's Gloves of Crafting Indagators gloves of crafting icon1.png 90 620 Disciple of the Hand Hands 243 HQ icon.png270 485 HQ icon.png539 2 (5) Control +338 HQ icon.png383CP +8 HQ icon.png9
Lunar Envoy's Fingerless Gloves of Aiming Lunar envoys fingerless gloves of aiming icon1.png 90 620 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 449 449 2 Dexterity +200 Vitality +214 Critical Hit +168 Determination +118 
Lunar Envoy's Fingerless Gloves of Maiming Lunar envoys fingerless gloves of maiming icon1.png 90 620 LNC DRG RPR Hands 572 449 2 Strength +200 Vitality +214 Critical Hit +168 Determination +118 
Lunar Envoy's Gloves of Casting Lunar envoys gloves of casting icon1.png 90 620 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 327 572 2 Intelligence +200 Vitality +193 Direct Hit Rate +118 Spell Speed +168 
Lunar Envoy's Gloves of Fending Lunar envoys gloves of fending icon1.png 90 620 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 817 817 2 Strength +200 Vitality +214 Critical Hit +168 Tenacity +118 
Lunar Envoy's Gloves of Healing Lunar envoys gloves of healing icon1.png 90 620 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 327 572 2 Mind +200 Vitality +193 Determination +118 Spell Speed +168 
Lunar Envoy's Gloves of Scouting Lunar envoys gloves of scouting icon1.png 90 620 ROG NIN VPR Hands 449 449 2 Dexterity +200 Vitality +214 Critical Hit +118 Skill Speed +168 
Lunar Envoy's Gloves of Striking Lunar envoys gloves of striking icon1.png 90 620 PGL MNK SAM Hands 449 449 2 Strength +200 Vitality +214 Critical Hit +168 Determination +118 
Natural Afflatus Halfgloves Natural afflatus halfgloves icon1.png 90 620 Disciple of the Land Hands 270 539 2 Vitality +75 Gathering +526 GP +8 
Distance Armguards of Casting Distance armguards of casting icon1.png 90 625 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 331 579 2 Intelligence +206 Vitality +199 Critical Hit +119 Spell Speed +170 
Distance Armguards of Healing Distance armguards of healing icon1.png 90 625 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 331 579 2 Mind +206 Vitality +199 Determination +119 Piety +170 
Distance Gauntlets of Fending Distance gauntlets of fending icon1.png 90 625 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 827 827 2 Strength +206 Vitality +221 Determination +119 Tenacity +170 
Distance Gauntlets of Maiming Distance gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 90 625 LNC DRG RPR Hands 579 455 2 Strength +206 Vitality +221 Critical Hit +119 Skill Speed +170 
Distance Gloves of Aiming Distance gloves of aiming icon1.png 90 625 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 455 455 2 Dexterity +206 Vitality +221 Determination +170 Direct Hit Rate +119 
Distance Gloves of Scouting Distance gloves of scouting icon1.png 90 625 ROG NIN VPR Hands 455 455 2 Dexterity +206 Vitality +221 Direct Hit Rate +170 Skill Speed +119 
Distance Gloves of Striking Distance gloves of striking icon1.png 90 625 PGL MNK SAM Hands 455 455 2 Strength +206 Vitality +221 Determination +119 Direct Hit Rate +170 
Abyssos Armguards of Casting Abyssos armguards of casting icon1.png 90 630 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 334 585 2 Intelligence +211 Vitality +205 Critical Hit +172 Determination +120 
Abyssos Armguards of Healing Abyssos armguards of healing icon1.png 90 630 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 334 585 2 Mind +211 Vitality +205 Critical Hit +172 Piety +120 
Abyssos Armguards of Striking Abyssos armguards of striking icon1.png 90 630 PGL MNK SAM Hands 460 460 2 Strength +211 Vitality +228 Direct Hit Rate +120 Skill Speed +172 
Abyssos Gauntlets of Fending Abyssos gauntlets of fending icon1.png 90 630 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 836 836 2 Strength +211 Vitality +228 Determination +172 Skill Speed +120 
Abyssos Gauntlets of Maiming Abyssos gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 90 630 LNC DRG RPR Hands 585 460 2 Strength +211 Vitality +228 Determination +172 Skill Speed +120 
Abyssos Gloves of Aiming Abyssos gloves of aiming icon1.png 90 630 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 460 460 2 Dexterity +211 Vitality +228 Direct Hit Rate +120 Skill Speed +172 
Abyssos Gloves of Scouting Abyssos gloves of scouting icon1.png 90 630 ROG NIN VPR Hands 460 460 2 Dexterity +211 Vitality +228 Critical Hit +172 Determination +120 
Augmented Lunar Envoy's Fingerless Gloves of Aiming Augmented lunar envoys fingerless gloves of aiming icon1.png 90 630 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 460 460 2 Dexterity +211 Vitality +228 Critical Hit +172 Determination +120 
Augmented Lunar Envoy's Fingerless Gloves of Maiming Augmented lunar envoys fingerless gloves of maiming icon1.png 90 630 LNC DRG RPR Hands 585 460 2 Strength +211 Vitality +228 Critical Hit +172 Determination +120 
Augmented Lunar Envoy's Gloves of Casting Augmented lunar envoys gloves of casting icon1.png 90 630 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 334 585 2 Intelligence +211 Vitality +205 Direct Hit Rate +120 Spell Speed +172 
Augmented Lunar Envoy's Gloves of Fending Augmented lunar envoys gloves of fending icon1.png 90 630 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 836 836 2 Strength +211 Vitality +228 Critical Hit +172 Tenacity +120 
Augmented Lunar Envoy's Gloves of Healing Augmented lunar envoys gloves of healing icon1.png 90 630 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 334 585 2 Mind +211 Vitality +205 Determination +120 Spell Speed +172 
Augmented Lunar Envoy's Gloves of Scouting Augmented lunar envoys gloves of scouting icon1.png 90 630 ROG NIN VPR Hands 460 460 2 Dexterity +211 Vitality +228 Critical Hit +120 Skill Speed +172 
Augmented Lunar Envoy's Gloves of Striking Augmented lunar envoys gloves of striking icon1.png 90 630 PGL MNK SAM Hands 460 460 2 Strength +211 Vitality +228 Critical Hit +172 Determination +120 
Voidmoon Armguards of Aiming Voidmoon armguards of aiming icon1.png 90 635 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 465 465 2 Dexterity +217 Vitality +236 Critical Hit +174 Determination +122 
Voidmoon Armguards of Scouting Voidmoon armguards of scouting icon1.png 90 635 ROG NIN VPR Hands 465 465 2 Dexterity +217 Vitality +236 Direct Hit Rate +174 Skill Speed +122 
Voidmoon Armguards of Striking Voidmoon armguards of striking icon1.png 90 635 PGL MNK SAM Hands 465 465 2 Strength +217 Vitality +236 Determination +122 Direct Hit Rate +174 
Voidmoon Gauntlets of Fending Voidmoon gauntlets of fending icon1.png 90 635 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 845 845 2 Strength +217 Vitality +236 Determination +174 Skill Speed +122 
Voidmoon Gauntlets of Maiming Voidmoon gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 90 635 LNC DRG RPR Hands 592 465 2 Strength +217 Vitality +236 Critical Hit +174 Skill Speed +122 
Voidmoon Gloves of Casting Voidmoon gloves of casting icon1.png 90 635 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 338 592 2 Intelligence +217 Vitality +212 Determination +122 Spell Speed +174 
Voidmoon Gloves of Healing Voidmoon gloves of healing icon1.png 90 635 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 338 592 2 Mind +217 Vitality +212 Critical Hit +122 Determination +174 
Anabaseios Gauntlets of Fending Anabaseios gauntlets of fending icon1.png 90 640 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 854 854 2 Strength +223 Vitality +243 Determination +176 Skill Speed +123 
Anabaseios Gauntlets of Maiming Anabaseios gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 90 640 LNC DRG RPR Hands 598 470 2 Strength +223 Vitality +243 Critical Hit +176 Determination +123 
Anabaseios Gloves of Aiming Anabaseios gloves of aiming icon1.png 90 640 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 470 470 2 Dexterity +223 Vitality +243 Critical Hit +176 Direct Hit Rate +123 
Anabaseios Gloves of Casting Anabaseios gloves of casting icon1.png 90 640 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 342 598 2 Intelligence +223 Vitality +219 Determination +123 Spell Speed +176 
Anabaseios Gloves of Healing Anabaseios gloves of healing icon1.png 90 640 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 342 598 2 Mind +223 Vitality +219 Critical Hit +176 Determination +123 
Anabaseios Gloves of Scouting Anabaseios gloves of scouting icon1.png 90 640 ROG NIN VPR Hands 470 470 2 Dexterity +223 Vitality +243 Critical Hit +176 Determination +123 
Anabaseios Gloves of Striking Anabaseios gloves of striking icon1.png 90 640 PGL MNK SAM Hands 470 470 2 Strength +223 Vitality +243 Critical Hit +176 Determination +123 
Diadochos Armlets of Casting Diadochos armlets of casting icon1.png 90 640 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 308 HQ icon.png342 538 HQ icon.png598 2 (5) Intelligence +201 HQ icon.png223Vitality +197 HQ icon.png219Critical Hit +111 HQ icon.png123Direct Hit Rate +158 HQ icon.png176
Diadochos Armlets of Healing Diadochos armlets of healing icon1.png 90 640 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 308 HQ icon.png342 538 HQ icon.png598 2 (5) Mind +201 HQ icon.png223Vitality +197 HQ icon.png219Determination +111 HQ icon.png123Spell Speed +158 HQ icon.png176
Diadochos Gloves of Scouting Diadochos gloves of scouting icon1.png 90 640 ROG NIN VPR Hands 423 HQ icon.png470 423 HQ icon.png470 2 (5) Dexterity +201 HQ icon.png223Vitality +219 HQ icon.png243Direct Hit Rate +111 HQ icon.png123Skill Speed +158 HQ icon.png176
Diadochos Gloves of Striking Diadochos gloves of striking icon1.png 90 640 PGL MNK SAM Hands 423 HQ icon.png470 423 HQ icon.png470 2 (5) Strength +201 HQ icon.png223Vitality +219 HQ icon.png243Critical Hit +158 HQ icon.png176Skill Speed +111 HQ icon.png123
Diadochos Halfgloves of Aiming Diadochos halfgloves of aiming icon1.png 90 640 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 423 HQ icon.png470 423 HQ icon.png470 2 (5) Dexterity +201 HQ icon.png223Vitality +219 HQ icon.png243Determination +111 HQ icon.png123Direct Hit Rate +158 HQ icon.png176
Diadochos Halfgloves of Fending Diadochos halfgloves of fending icon1.png 90 640 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 769 HQ icon.png854 769 HQ icon.png854 2 (5) Strength +201 HQ icon.png223Vitality +219 HQ icon.png243Critical Hit +111 HQ icon.png123Tenacity +158 HQ icon.png176
Diadochos Halfgloves of Maiming Diadochos halfgloves of maiming icon1.png 90 640 LNC DRG RPR Hands 538 HQ icon.png598 423 HQ icon.png470 2 (5) Strength +201 HQ icon.png223Vitality +219 HQ icon.png243Determination +158 HQ icon.png176Skill Speed +111 HQ icon.png123
Loboskin Fingerless Gloves of Aiming Loboskin fingerless gloves of aiming icon1.png 90 645 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 427 HQ icon.png475 427 HQ icon.png475 2 (5) Dexterity +206 HQ icon.png229Vitality +227 HQ icon.png252Critical Hit +160 HQ icon.png178Determination +112 HQ icon.png125
Loboskin Fingerless Gloves of Casting Loboskin fingerless gloves of casting icon1.png 90 645 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM PCT BLU Hands 311 HQ icon.png346 545 HQ icon.png605 2 (5) Intelligence +206 HQ icon.png229Vitality +204 HQ icon.png227Determination +112 HQ icon.png125Spell Speed +160 HQ icon.png178
Loboskin Fingerless Gloves of Fending Loboskin fingerless gloves of fending icon1.png 90 645 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 778 HQ icon.png864 778 HQ icon.png864 2 (5) Strength +206 HQ icon.png229Vitality +227 HQ icon.png252Determination +112 HQ icon.png125Tenacity +160 HQ icon.png178
Loboskin Fingerless Gloves of Healing Loboskin fingerless gloves of healing icon1.png 90 645 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 311 HQ icon.png346 545 HQ icon.png605 2 (5) Mind +206 HQ icon.png229Vitality +204 HQ icon.png227Determination +160 HQ icon.png178Piety +112 HQ icon.png125
Loboskin Fingerless Gloves of Maiming Loboskin fingerless gloves of maiming icon1.png 90 645 LNC DRG RPR Hands 545 HQ icon.png605 427 HQ icon.png475 2 (5) Strength +206 HQ icon.png229Vitality +227 HQ icon.png252Critical Hit +160 HQ icon.png178Skill Speed +112 HQ icon.png125
Loboskin Fingerless Gloves of Scouting Loboskin fingerless gloves of scouting icon1.png 90 645 ROG NIN VPR Hands 427 HQ icon.png475 427 HQ icon.png475 2 (5) Dexterity +206 HQ icon.png229Vitality +227 HQ icon.png252Critical Hit +160 HQ icon.png178Skill Speed +112 HQ icon.png125
Loboskin Fingerless Gloves of Striking Loboskin fingerless gloves of striking icon1.png 90 645 PGL MNK SAM Hands 427 HQ icon.png475 427 HQ icon.png475 2 (5) Strength +206 HQ icon.png229Vitality +227 HQ icon.png252Determination +160 HQ icon.png178Direct Hit Rate +112 HQ icon.png125
Augmented Diadochos Armlets of Casting Augmented diadochos armlets of casting icon1.png 90 650 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 314 HQ icon.png349 550 HQ icon.png611 2 Intelligence +211 HQ icon.png235Vitality +211 HQ icon.png234Critical Hit +113 HQ icon.png126Direct Hit Rate +162 HQ icon.png180
Augmented Diadochos Armlets of Healing Augmented diadochos armlets of healing icon1.png 90 650 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 314 HQ icon.png349 550 HQ icon.png611 2 Mind +211 HQ icon.png235Vitality +211 HQ icon.png234Determination +113 HQ icon.png126Spell Speed +162 HQ icon.png180
Augmented Diadochos Gloves of Scouting Augmented diadochos gloves of scouting icon1.png 90 650 ROG NIN VPR Hands 432 HQ icon.png480 432 HQ icon.png480 2 Dexterity +211 HQ icon.png235Vitality +234 HQ icon.png260Direct Hit Rate +113 HQ icon.png126Skill Speed +162 HQ icon.png180
Augmented Diadochos Gloves of Striking Augmented diadochos gloves of striking icon1.png 90 650 PGL MNK SAM Hands 432 HQ icon.png480 432 HQ icon.png480 2 Strength +211 HQ icon.png235Vitality +234 HQ icon.png260Critical Hit +162 HQ icon.png180Skill Speed +113 HQ icon.png126
Augmented Diadochos Halfgloves of Aiming Augmented diadochos halfgloves of aiming icon1.png 90 650 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 432 HQ icon.png480 432 HQ icon.png480 2 Dexterity +211 HQ icon.png235Vitality +234 HQ icon.png260Determination +113 HQ icon.png126Direct Hit Rate +162 HQ icon.png180
Augmented Diadochos Halfgloves of Fending Augmented diadochos halfgloves of fending icon1.png 90 650 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 786 HQ icon.png873 786 HQ icon.png873 2 Strength +211 HQ icon.png235Vitality +234 HQ icon.png260Critical Hit +113 HQ icon.png126Tenacity +162 HQ icon.png180
Augmented Diadochos Halfgloves of Maiming Augmented diadochos halfgloves of maiming icon1.png 90 650 LNC DRG RPR Hands 550 HQ icon.png611 432 HQ icon.png480 2 Strength +211 HQ icon.png235Vitality +234 HQ icon.png260Determination +162 HQ icon.png180Skill Speed +113 HQ icon.png126
Credendum Armguards of Scouting Credendum armguards of scouting icon1.png 90 650 ROG NIN VPR Hands 480 480 2 Dexterity +235 Vitality +260 Critical Hit +180 Direct Hit Rate +126 
Credendum Armguards of Striking Credendum armguards of striking icon1.png 90 650 PGL MNK SAM Hands 480 480 2 Strength +235 Vitality +260 Critical Hit +180 Determination +126 
Credendum Gauntlets of Casting Credendum gauntlets of casting icon1.png 90 650 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 349 611 2 Intelligence +235 Vitality +234 Direct Hit Rate +126 Spell Speed +180 
Credendum Gauntlets of Fending Credendum gauntlets of fending icon1.png 90 650 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 873 873 2 Strength +235 Vitality +260 Skill Speed +180 Tenacity +126 
Credendum Gauntlets of Healing Credendum gauntlets of healing icon1.png 90 650 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 349 611 2 Mind +235 Vitality +234 Critical Hit +180 Determination +126 
Credendum Gauntlets of Maiming Credendum gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 90 650 LNC DRG RPR Hands 611 480 2 Strength +235 Vitality +260 Critical Hit +126 Determination +180 
Credendum Halfgloves of Aiming Credendum halfgloves of aiming icon1.png 90 650 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 480 480 2 Dexterity +235 Vitality +260 Determination +180 Direct Hit Rate +126 
Theogonic Armlets of Casting Theogonic armlets of casting icon1.png 90 650 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 349 611 2 Intelligence +235 Vitality +234 Determination +180 Spell Speed +126 
Theogonic Armlets of Healing Theogonic armlets of healing icon1.png 90 650 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 349 611 2 Mind +235 Vitality +234 Determination +126 Piety +180 
Theogonic Gauntlets of Fending Theogonic gauntlets of fending icon1.png 90 650 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 873 873 2 Strength +235 Vitality +260 Critical Hit +180 Determination +126 
Theogonic Gauntlets of Maiming Theogonic gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 90 650 LNC DRG RPR Hands 611 480 2 Strength +235 Vitality +260 Critical Hit +180 Skill Speed +126 
Theogonic Vambraces of Aiming Theogonic vambraces of aiming icon1.png 90 650 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 480 480 2 Dexterity +235 Vitality +260 Critical Hit +126 Skill Speed +180 
Theogonic Vambraces of Scouting Theogonic vambraces of scouting icon1.png 90 650 ROG NIN VPR Hands 480 480 2 Dexterity +235 Vitality +260 Critical Hit +126 Determination +180 
Theogonic Vambraces of Striking Theogonic vambraces of striking icon1.png 90 650 PGL MNK SAM Hands 480 480 2 Strength +235 Vitality +260 Critical Hit +180 Direct Hit Rate +126 
Ascension Gauntlets of Fending Ascension Gauntlets of Fending Icon.png 90 660 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 892 892 2 Strength +248 Vitality +277 Critical Hit +184 Tenacity +129 
Ascension Gauntlets of Maiming Ascension Gauntlets of Maiming Icon.png 90 660 LNC DRG RPR Hands 624 491 2 Strength +248 Vitality +277 Determination +129 Direct Hit Rate +184 
Ascension Gloves of Aiming Ascension Gloves of Aiming Icon.png 90 660 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 491 491 2 Dexterity +248 Vitality +277 Critical Hit +184 Determination +129 
Ascension Gloves of Casting Ascension Gloves of Casting Icon.png 90 660 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 357 624 2 Intelligence +248 Vitality +249 Critical Hit +184 Determination +129 
Ascension Gloves of Healing Ascension Gloves of Healing Icon.png 90 660 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 357 624 2 Mind +248 Vitality +249 Determination +184 Piety +129 
Ascension Gloves of Scouting Ascension Gloves of Scouting Icon.png 90 660 ROG NIN VPR Hands 491 491 2 Dexterity +248 Vitality +277 Determination +184 Skill Speed +129 
Ascension Gloves of Striking Ascension Gloves of Striking Icon.png 90 660 PGL MNK SAM Hands 491 491 2 Strength +248 Vitality +277 Determination +184 Skill Speed +129 
Augmented Credendum Armguards of Scouting Augmented credendum armguards of scouting icon1.png 90 660 ROG NIN VPR Hands 491 491 2 Dexterity +248 Vitality +277 Critical Hit +184 Direct Hit Rate +129 
Augmented Credendum Armguards of Striking Augmented credendum armguards of striking icon1.png 90 660 PGL MNK SAM Hands 491 491 2 Strength +248 Vitality +277 Critical Hit +184 Determination +129 
Augmented Credendum Gauntlets of Casting Augmented credendum gauntlets of casting icon1.png 90 660 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 357 624 2 Intelligence +248 Vitality +249 Direct Hit Rate +129 Spell Speed +184 
Augmented Credendum Gauntlets of Fending Augmented credendum gauntlets of fending icon1.png 90 660 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 892 892 2 Strength +248 Vitality +277 Skill Speed +184 Tenacity +129 
Augmented Credendum Gauntlets of Healing Augmented credendum gauntlets of healing icon1.png 90 660 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 357 624 2 Mind +248 Vitality +249 Critical Hit +184 Determination +129 
Augmented Credendum Gauntlets of Maiming Augmented credendum gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 90 660 LNC DRG RPR Hands 624 491 2 Strength +248 Vitality +277 Critical Hit +129 Determination +184 
Augmented Credendum Halfgloves of Aiming Augmented credendum halfgloves of aiming icon1.png 90 660 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 491 491 2 Dexterity +248 Vitality +277 Determination +184 Direct Hit Rate +129