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Necklace/Level 91 - 100

From Final Fantasy XIV Online Wiki
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Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Ginseng Necklace Ginseng necklace icon1.png 91 610 Disciple of the Land Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) GP +86 HQ icon.png98
Lar Choker Lar choker icon1.png 91 610 Disciple of the Hand Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Craftsmanship +59 HQ icon.png67CP +65 HQ icon.png73
Riversbreath Necklace of Aiming Riversbreath necklace of aiming icon1.png 91 650 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +186 Vitality +205 Critical Hit +99 Determination +142 
Riversbreath Necklace of Casting Riversbreath necklace of casting icon1.png 91 650 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM PCT BLU Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +186 Vitality +185 Critical Hit +142 Direct Hit Rate +99 
Riversbreath Necklace of Fending Riversbreath necklace of fending icon1.png 91 650 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +186 Vitality +205 Critical Hit +142 Determination +99 
Riversbreath Necklace of Healing Riversbreath necklace of healing icon1.png 91 650 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +186 Vitality +185 Spell Speed +142 Piety +99 
Riversbreath Necklace of Slaying Riversbreath necklace of slaying icon1.png 91 650 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +186 Vitality +205 Determination +99 Direct Hit Rate +142 
Ihuykanite Choker of Aiming Ihuykanite choker of aiming icon1.png 92 655 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Dexterity +172 HQ icon.png191Vitality +191 HQ icon.png212Determination +91 HQ icon.png101Direct Hit Rate +130 HQ icon.png144
Ihuykanite Choker of Casting Ihuykanite choker of casting icon1.png 92 655 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM PCT BLU Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Intelligence +172 HQ icon.png191Vitality +172 HQ icon.png191Critical Hit +91 HQ icon.png101Direct Hit Rate +130 HQ icon.png144
Ihuykanite Choker of Fending Ihuykanite choker of fending icon1.png 92 655 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Strength +172 HQ icon.png191Vitality +191 HQ icon.png212Determination +130 HQ icon.png144Tenacity +91 HQ icon.png101
Ihuykanite Choker of Healing Ihuykanite choker of healing icon1.png 92 655 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Mind +172 HQ icon.png191Vitality +172 HQ icon.png191Critical Hit +130 HQ icon.png144Piety +91 HQ icon.png101
Ihuykanite Choker of Slaying Ihuykanite choker of slaying icon1.png 92 655 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Strength +172 HQ icon.png191Vitality +191 HQ icon.png212Critical Hit +91 HQ icon.png101Direct Hit Rate +130 HQ icon.png144
Zormor Necklace of Aiming Zormor necklace of aiming icon1.png 93 660 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +196 Vitality +218 Critical Hit +102 Determination +145 
Zormor Necklace of Casting Zormor necklace of casting icon1.png 93 660 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM PCT BLU Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +196 Vitality +196 Critical Hit +145 Determination +102 
Zormor Necklace of Fending Zormor necklace of fending icon1.png 93 660 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +196 Vitality +218 Determination +145 Skill Speed +102 
Zormor Necklace of Healing Zormor necklace of healing icon1.png 93 660 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +196 Vitality +196 Critical Hit +145 Piety +102 
Zormor Necklace of Slaying Zormor necklace of slaying icon1.png 93 660 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +196 Vitality +218 Direct Hit Rate +145 Skill Speed +102 
Dark Mahogany Necklace of Aiming Dark mahogany necklace of aiming icon1.png 94 663 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Dexterity +178 HQ icon.png198Vitality +197 HQ icon.png219Determination +131 HQ icon.png146Direct Hit Rate +92 HQ icon.png102
Dark Mahogany Necklace of Casting Dark mahogany necklace of casting icon1.png 94 663 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM PCT BLU Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Intelligence +178 HQ icon.png198Vitality +177 HQ icon.png197Critical Hit +131 HQ icon.png146Direct Hit Rate +92 HQ icon.png102
Dark Mahogany Necklace of Fending Dark mahogany necklace of fending icon1.png 94 663 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Strength +178 HQ icon.png198Vitality +197 HQ icon.png219Skill Speed +131 HQ icon.png146Tenacity +92 HQ icon.png102
Dark Mahogany Necklace of Healing Dark mahogany necklace of healing icon1.png 94 663 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Mind +178 HQ icon.png198Vitality +177 HQ icon.png197Determination +131 HQ icon.png146Spell Speed +92 HQ icon.png102
Dark Mahogany Necklace of Slaying Dark mahogany necklace of slaying icon1.png 94 663 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Strength +178 HQ icon.png198Vitality +197 HQ icon.png219Determination +131 HQ icon.png146Direct Hit Rate +92 HQ icon.png102
Skydeep Necklace of Aiming Skydeep necklace of aiming icon1.png 95 666 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +201 Vitality +219 Determination +103 Skill Speed +147 
Skydeep Necklace of Casting Skydeep necklace of casting icon1.png 95 666 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM PCT BLU Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +201 Vitality +197 Determination +103 Spell Speed +147 
Skydeep Necklace of Fending Skydeep necklace of fending icon1.png 95 666 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +201 Vitality +219 Determination +103 Skill Speed +147 
Skydeep Necklace of Healing Skydeep necklace of healing icon1.png 95 666 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +201 Vitality +197 Determination +103 Piety +147 
Skydeep Necklace of Slaying Skydeep necklace of slaying icon1.png 95 666 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +201 Vitality +219 Critical Hit +103 Determination +147 
Acacia Necklace Acacia necklace icon1.png 96 664 Disciple of the Hand Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Craftsmanship +68 HQ icon.png78CP +68 HQ icon.png77
Gomphotherium Necklace Gomphotherium necklace icon1.png 96 664 Disciple of the Land Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) GP +88 HQ icon.png100
White Gold Choker of Aiming White gold choker of aiming icon1.png 96 669 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Dexterity +186 HQ icon.png207Vitality +198 HQ icon.png220Determination +133 HQ icon.png148Direct Hit Rate +94 HQ icon.png104
White Gold Choker of Casting White gold choker of casting icon1.png 96 669 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM PCT BLU Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Intelligence +186 HQ icon.png207Vitality +178 HQ icon.png198Critical Hit +133 HQ icon.png148Direct Hit Rate +94 HQ icon.png104
White Gold Choker of Fending White gold choker of fending icon1.png 96 669 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Strength +186 HQ icon.png207Vitality +198 HQ icon.png220Critical Hit +133 HQ icon.png148Tenacity +94 HQ icon.png104
White Gold Choker of Healing White gold choker of healing icon1.png 96 669 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Mind +186 HQ icon.png207Vitality +178 HQ icon.png198Critical Hit +133 HQ icon.png148Determination +94 HQ icon.png104
White Gold Choker of Slaying White gold choker of slaying icon1.png 96 669 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Strength +186 HQ icon.png207Vitality +198 HQ icon.png220Critical Hit +133 HQ icon.png148Skill Speed +94 HQ icon.png104
Vanguard Neckband of Aiming Vanguard neckband of aiming icon1.png 97 672 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +211 Vitality +221 Critical Hit +149 Determination +104 
Vanguard Neckband of Casting Vanguard neckband of casting icon1.png 97 672 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM PCT BLU Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +211 Vitality +199 Direct Hit Rate +104 Spell Speed +149 
Vanguard Neckband of Fending Vanguard neckband of fending icon1.png 97 672 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +211 Vitality +221 Skill Speed +104 Tenacity +149 
Vanguard Neckband of Healing Vanguard neckband of healing icon1.png 97 672 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +211 Vitality +199 Critical Hit +104 Spell Speed +149 
Vanguard Neckband of Slaying Vanguard neckband of slaying icon1.png 97 672 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +211 Vitality +221 Critical Hit +104 Direct Hit Rate +149 
Black Star Choker of Aiming Black star choker of aiming icon1.png 98 675 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Dexterity +193 HQ icon.png215Vitality +200 HQ icon.png222Critical Hit +135 HQ icon.png150Direct Hit Rate +94 HQ icon.png105
Black Star Choker of Casting Black star choker of casting icon1.png 98 675 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM PCT BLU Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Intelligence +193 HQ icon.png215Vitality +180 HQ icon.png200Determination +94 HQ icon.png105Direct Hit Rate +135 HQ icon.png150
Black Star Choker of Fending Black star choker of fending icon1.png 98 675 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Strength +193 HQ icon.png215Vitality +200 HQ icon.png222Critical Hit +94 HQ icon.png105Determination +135 HQ icon.png150
Black Star Choker of Healing Black star choker of healing icon1.png 98 675 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Mind +193 HQ icon.png215Vitality +180 HQ icon.png200Determination +135 HQ icon.png150Piety +94 HQ icon.png105
Black Star Choker of Slaying Black star choker of slaying icon1.png 98 675 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Strength +193 HQ icon.png215Vitality +200 HQ icon.png222Critical Hit +94 HQ icon.png105Skill Speed +135 HQ icon.png150
Origenics Choker of Aiming Origenics choker of aiming icon1.png 99 678 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +220 Vitality +223 Critical Hit +106 Determination +151 
Origenics Choker of Casting Origenics choker of casting icon1.png 99 678 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM PCT BLU Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +220 Vitality +201 Critical Hit +106 Determination +151 
Origenics Choker of Fending Origenics choker of fending icon1.png 99 678 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +220 Vitality +223 Determination +106 Tenacity +151 
Origenics Choker of Healing Origenics choker of healing icon1.png 99 678 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +220 Vitality +201 Critical Hit +151 Piety +106 
Origenics Choker of Slaying Origenics choker of slaying icon1.png 99 678 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +220 Vitality +223 Critical Hit +106 Determination +151 
Black Star Scarf of Crafting Black star scarf of crafting icon1.png 100 690 Disciple of the Hand Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Craftsmanship +74 HQ icon.png84CP +71 HQ icon.png81
Claro Walnut Necklace of Gathering Claro walnut necklace of gathering icon1.png 100 690 Disciple of the Land Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) GP +92 HQ icon.png104
Epochal Choker of Aiming Epochal choker of aiming icon1.png 100 690 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +236 Vitality +238 Critical Hit +162 Determination +113 
Epochal Choker of Casting Epochal choker of casting icon1.png 100 690 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM PCT BLU Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +236 Vitality +214 Determination +113 Spell Speed +162 
Epochal Choker of Fending Epochal choker of fending icon1.png 100 690 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +236 Vitality +238 Critical Hit +162 Tenacity +113 
Epochal Choker of Healing Epochal choker of healing icon1.png 100 690 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +236 Vitality +214 Critical Hit +113 Determination +162 
Epochal Choker of Slaying Epochal choker of slaying icon1.png 100 690 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +236 Vitality +238 Critical Hit +162 Direct Hit Rate +113 
Neo Kingdom Choker of Aiming Neo kingdom choker of aiming icon1.png 100 700 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +249 Vitality +254 Determination +121 Direct Hit Rate +173 
Neo Kingdom Choker of Casting Neo kingdom choker of casting icon1.png 100 700 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM PCT BLU Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +249 Vitality +229 Critical Hit +173 Determination +121 
Neo Kingdom Choker of Fending Neo kingdom choker of fending icon1.png 100 700 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +249 Vitality +254 Determination +173 Tenacity +121 
Neo Kingdom Choker of Healing Neo kingdom choker of healing icon1.png 100 700 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +249 Vitality +229 Critical Hit +121 Piety +173 
Neo Kingdom Choker of Slaying Neo kingdom choker of slaying icon1.png 100 700 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +249 Vitality +254 Determination +173 Direct Hit Rate +121 
Archeo Kingdom Choker of Aiming Archeo kingdom choker of aiming icon1.png 100 710 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Dexterity +237 HQ icon.png263Vitality +246 HQ icon.png273Determination +159 HQ icon.png177Direct Hit Rate +112 HQ icon.png124
Archeo Kingdom Choker of Casting Archeo kingdom choker of casting icon1.png 100 710 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM PCT BLU Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Intelligence +237 HQ icon.png263Vitality +221 HQ icon.png246Critical Hit +112 HQ icon.png124Direct Hit Rate +159 HQ icon.png177
Archeo Kingdom Choker of Fending Archeo kingdom choker of fending icon1.png 100 710 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Strength +237 HQ icon.png263Vitality +246 HQ icon.png273Critical Hit +159 HQ icon.png177Determination +112 HQ icon.png124
Archeo Kingdom Choker of Healing Archeo kingdom choker of healing icon1.png 100 710 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Mind +237 HQ icon.png263Vitality +221 HQ icon.png246Critical Hit +159 HQ icon.png177Piety +112 HQ icon.png124
Archeo Kingdom Choker of Slaying Archeo kingdom choker of slaying icon1.png 100 710 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace HQ icon.png1 HQ icon.png1 1 (5) Strength +237 HQ icon.png263Vitality +246 HQ icon.png273Critical Hit +159 HQ icon.png177Skill Speed +112 HQ icon.png124
Light-heavy Choker of Aiming Light-heavy choker of aiming icon1.png 100 710 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +263 Vitality +273 Critical Hit +177 Direct Hit Rate +124 
Light-heavy Choker of Casting Light-heavy choker of casting icon1.png 100 710 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM PCT BLU Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +263 Vitality +246 Critical Hit +177 Spell Speed +124 
Light-heavy Choker of Fending Light-heavy choker of fending icon1.png 100 710 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +263 Vitality +273 Critical Hit +124 Tenacity +177 
Light-heavy Choker of Healing Light-heavy choker of healing icon1.png 100 710 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +263 Vitality +246 Determination +124 Piety +177 
Light-heavy Choker of Slaying Light-heavy choker of slaying icon1.png 100 710 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +263 Vitality +273 Direct Hit Rate +177 Skill Speed +124 
Resilient Choker of Aiming Resilient choker icon1.png 100 710 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +263 Vitality +273 Critical Hit +177 Determination +124 
Resilient Choker of Casting Resilient choker icon1.png 100 710 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM PCT BLU Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +263 Vitality +246 Determination +177 Direct Hit Rate +124 
Resilient Choker of Fending Resilient choker icon1.png 100 710 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +263 Vitality +273 Critical Hit +177 Skill Speed +124 
Resilient Choker of Healing Resilient choker icon1.png 100 710 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +263 Vitality +246 Critical Hit +124 Determination +177 
Resilient Choker of Slaying Resilient choker icon1.png 100 710 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +263 Vitality +273 Determination +177 Direct Hit Rate +124 
Quetzalli Necklace of Aiming Quetzalli necklace of aiming icon1.png 100 720 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace 1 1 2 Dexterity +278 Vitality +290 Determination +127 Direct Hit Rate +182 
Quetzalli Necklace of Casting Quetzalli necklace of casting icon1.png 100 720 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM PCT BLU Necklace 1 1 2 Intelligence +278 Vitality +261 Critical Hit +182 Direct Hit Rate +127 
Quetzalli Necklace of Fending Quetzalli necklace of fending icon1.png 100 720 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace 1 1 2 Strength +278 Vitality +290 Determination +127 Tenacity +182 
Quetzalli Necklace of Healing Quetzalli necklace of healing icon1.png 100 720 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace 1 1 2 Mind +278 Vitality +261 Critical Hit +182 Determination +127 
Quetzalli Necklace of Slaying Quetzalli necklace of slaying icon1.png 100 720 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace 1 1 2 Strength +278 Vitality +290 Critical Hit +182 Direct Hit Rate +127 
Augmented Quetzalli Necklace of Aiming Augmented quetzalli necklace of aiming icon1.png 100 730 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace 1 1 2 Dexterity +292 Vitality +308 Determination +130 Direct Hit Rate +186 
Augmented Quetzalli Necklace of Casting Augmented quetzalli necklace of casting icon1.png 100 730 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM PCT BLU Necklace 1 1 2 Intelligence +292 Vitality +277 Critical Hit +186 Direct Hit Rate +130 
Augmented Quetzalli Necklace of Fending Augmented quetzalli necklace of fending icon1.png 100 730 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace 1 1 2 Strength +292 Vitality +308 Determination +130 Tenacity +186 
Augmented Quetzalli Necklace of Healing Augmented quetzalli necklace of healing icon1.png 100 730 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace 1 1 2 Mind +292 Vitality +277 Critical Hit +186 Determination +130 
Augmented Quetzalli Necklace of Slaying Augmented quetzalli necklace of slaying icon1.png 100 730 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace 1 1 2 Strength +292 Vitality +308 Critical Hit +186 Direct Hit Rate +130 
Dark Horse Champion's Choker of Aiming Dark horse champions choker of aiming icon1.png 100 730 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace 1 1 2 Dexterity +292 Vitality +308 Critical Hit +186 Direct Hit Rate +130 
Dark Horse Champion's Choker of Casting Dark horse champions choker of casting icon1.png 100 730 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM PCT BLU Necklace 1 1 2 Intelligence +292 Vitality +277 Determination +130 Spell Speed +186 
Dark Horse Champion's Choker of Fending Dark horse champions choker of fending icon1.png 100 730 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace 1 1 2 Strength +292 Vitality +308 Critical Hit +186 Determination +130 
Dark Horse Champion's Choker of Healing Dark horse champions choker of healing icon1.png 100 730 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace 1 1 2 Mind +292 Vitality +277 Determination +186 Spell Speed +130 
Dark Horse Champion's Choker of Slaying Dark horse champions choker of slaying icon1.png 100 730 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace 1 1 2 Strength +292 Vitality +308 Determination +186 Direct Hit Rate +130