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Fair Skies.png Clouds.png Fog.png Snow.png Clear Skies.png

Map of Foundation

Ishgard concept art.jpg
Loading screen

Visitors to Ishgard who traverse the Steps of Faith first arrive in Foundation, the lower level of the capital. Like the whole of Ishgard, it is shielded by the wards of Daniffen's Collar. Yet should the Dravanians find a way to breach these defenses, Foundation would serve as the last line of defense for the Pillars.

— In-game description

Foundation is a zone in Coerthas.


Area Points of Interest
Aetheryte (map icon).png
Ishgard Aetheryte Plaza
Landmark (map icon).png
The Arc of the Worthy
Landmark (map icon).png
Saint Valeroyant's Forum
Landmark (map icon).png
Saint Reinette's Forum
Landmark (map icon).png
The Arc of the Humble
Landmark (map icon).png
The Fury's Mercy
Landmark (map icon).png
The Brume
Mini-aetheryte (map icon).png
The Brume
Landmark (map icon).png
The Forgotten Knight
Mini-aetheryte (map icon).png
The Forgotten Knight
Inn (map icon).png
Cloud Nine
Landmark (map icon).png
Congregation of Our Knights Most Heavenly
Landmark (map icon).png
The Lightfeather Proving Grounds
Machinist (map icon).png
Skysteel Manufactory
Mini-aetheryte (map icon).png
Skysteel Manufactory
Landmark (map icon).png
The Holy Stables
Dungeon (map icon).png
The Aery
Skywatcher (map icon).png
Chocobokeep (map icon).png
Chocobo Porter


Ishgard Sidequests

Shops & Services

Merchant Name Merchant Location
Merchant (map icon).png
(X:13.1, Y:11.7)
Merchant (map icon).png
(X:8.1, Y:10.3)
Merchant (map icon).png
Amber Trader
(X:10.1, Y:10.3)
Merchant (map icon).png
(X:13.1, Y:11.9)
Merchant (map icon).png
(X:8, Y:10)
Merchant (map icon).png
Rowena's Representative
(X:10.5, Y:11.8)
Merchant (map icon).png
(X:13.1, Y:11.9)



The Arc Of The Worthy

The main gates to the city of Ishgard are more than mere stone and steel; Ishgardian scripture states that only those who have been judged worthy in the eyes of Halone are granted safe passage into the city as children of the faith.

Saint Valeroyant's Forum

Later venerated as a saint, a towering stone statue of the man was erected in the plaza which now bears his name. Alas, in the most recent Dravanian assault, a pack of wyverns set upon it with great fury, and now only half remains.

Old Saint Reinette's Forum

Named for a legendary dragoon who successfully tracked and revenged herself upon the dragon who tore apart her lover, Saint Reinette's Forum is another plaza built in the memory of those who fought valiantly in the name of Ishgard.

The Arc Of The Humble

Once she had fulfilled her destiny, Lady Reinette laid down her spear and became a woman of the cloth. She passed the remainder of her days in modesty as a nun, and dedicated her life to helping the poor and needy. For that reason, the enormous archway which leads to the forum bearing her name is called the "Arc of the Humble."

The Fury's Mercy

One of the mighty ballistas protecting the city, the Fury's Mercy is said to strike its target with a force so great that it dies instantly, and thus feels no pain.

The Brume

Named for the thick fog which rolls in with altogether too much frequency, the lowest levels of the city are home to the poorest citizens of Ishgard. Noblemen and clergy rarely deign to venture below, preferring to ignore or speak in hushed tones of the Brume.

Cloud Nine

The proprietor of this modestly priced inn has been heard to boast that his beds are so soft and fluffy one will feel as though they are sleeping on a cloud. However, after paying their coin, one will quickly find that the mattresses are not stuffed with goosefeather, but hardened stacks of dry straw.

The Forgotten Knight

No one can say with confidence when the Forgotten Knight first opened its doors. The tavern has been passed down from former knight to former knight, each who was said to have bled for his nation. In keeping with tradition, the new proprietor receives an heirloom from the old: an ancient rusted sword inscribed with the words, "Brothers brave and true, live well, forgotten and content."

Congregation Of Our Knights Most Heavenly

The headquarters of the Temple Knights, the Congregation was estab- lished in Foundation that her knights might more effectively defend the paths leading to the Pillars, where the Vault, St. Reymanaud's Cathedral, and many other important religious institutions can be found.

The Lightfeather Proving Grounds

Originally established to host matches for battle-trained chocobos, the Lightfeather Proving Grounds, so named for the flurry of golden feathers left in the wake of a spirited fight, have since played host to a variety of spectacles, including more traditional knightly tournaments.

Skysteel Manufactory

Once dedicated to the production of traditional arms and armor, House Haillenarte's Manufactory has since become a center for the research and development of ballistas, cannons, and other advanced armaments designed to fell dragons. Recently, they penned an agreement with Garlond Ironworks allowing them to begin mass production of small-scale airships.

The Holy Stables

In addition to the breeding and training of chocobos for Temple Knight cavaliers, the Holy Stables also host rigorous flight training for Ishgard's famous black thoroughbreds. [1]


  1. Encyclopaedia Eorzea: Volume I, page 159