Ruthenium Armor

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See also: Leveling Gear Guide, Ruthenium Weapons and Ruthenium Accessories

Crafted; Ruthenium head gear coffer (il 655) icon1.png  Ruthenium Head Gear Coffer (IL 655), Ruthenium hand gear coffer (il 655) icon1.png  Ruthenium Hand Gear Coffer (IL 655), Ruthenium chest gear coffer (il 655) icon1.png  Ruthenium Chest Gear Coffer (IL 655), Ruthenium leg gear coffer (il 655) icon1.png  Ruthenium Leg Gear Coffer (IL 655), Ruthenium foot gear coffer (il 655) icon1.png  Ruthenium Foot Gear Coffer (IL 655)

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Ihuykanite Circlet of Fending Ihuykanite circlet of fending icon1.png 92 655 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Head 794 HQ icon.png882 794 HQ icon.png882 2 (5) Strength +218 HQ icon.png242Vitality +241 HQ icon.png268Determination +114 HQ icon.png127Skill Speed +164 HQ icon.png182
Ihuykanite Circlet of Maiming Ihuykanite circlet of maiming icon1.png 92 655 LNC DRG RPR Head 555 HQ icon.png617 436 HQ icon.png485 2 (5) Strength +218 HQ icon.png242Vitality +241 HQ icon.png268Critical Hit +114 HQ icon.png127Determination +164 HQ icon.png182
Mountain Linen Bandana of Scouting Mountain linen bandana of scouting icon1.png 92 655 ROG NIN VPR Head 436 HQ icon.png485 436 HQ icon.png485 2 (5) Dexterity +218 HQ icon.png242Vitality +241 HQ icon.png268Critical Hit +114 HQ icon.png127Direct Hit Rate +164 HQ icon.png182
Mountain Linen Bandana of Striking Mountain linen bandana of striking icon1.png 92 655 PGL MNK SAM Head 436 HQ icon.png485 436 HQ icon.png485 2 (5) Strength +218 HQ icon.png242Vitality +241 HQ icon.png268Critical Hit +114 HQ icon.png127Direct Hit Rate +164 HQ icon.png182
Mountain Linen Field Dressing of Aiming Mountain linen field dressing of aiming icon1.png 92 655 ARC BRD MCH DNC Head 436 HQ icon.png485 436 HQ icon.png485 2 (5) Dexterity +218 HQ icon.png242Vitality +241 HQ icon.png268Critical Hit +114 HQ icon.png127Skill Speed +164 HQ icon.png182
Mountain Linen Hat of Casting Mountain linen hat of casting icon1.png 92 655 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM PCT BLU Head 318 HQ icon.png353 555 HQ icon.png617 2 (5) Intelligence +218 HQ icon.png242Vitality +217 HQ icon.png241Determination +164 HQ icon.png182Spell Speed +114 HQ icon.png127
Mountain Linen Hat of Healing Mountain linen hat of healing icon1.png 92 655 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Head 318 HQ icon.png353 555 HQ icon.png617 2 (5) Mind +218 HQ icon.png242Vitality +217 HQ icon.png241Determination +164 HQ icon.png182Piety +114 HQ icon.png127
Mountain Linen Cloak of Aiming Mountain linen cloak of aiming icon1.png 92 655 ARC BRD MCH DNC Body 586 HQ icon.png651 586 HQ icon.png651 2 (5) Dexterity +346 HQ icon.png384Vitality +383 HQ icon.png426Determination +182 HQ icon.png202Direct Hit Rate +260 HQ icon.png289
Mountain Linen Cloak of Casting Mountain linen cloak of casting icon1.png 92 655 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM PCT BLU Body 426 HQ icon.png473 745 HQ icon.png828 2 (5) Intelligence +346 HQ icon.png384Vitality +345 HQ icon.png383Critical Hit +260 HQ icon.png289Determination +182 HQ icon.png202
Mountain Linen Cloak of Healing Mountain linen cloak of healing icon1.png 92 655 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Body 426 HQ icon.png473 745 HQ icon.png828 2 (5) Mind +346 HQ icon.png384Vitality +345 HQ icon.png383Determination +182 HQ icon.png202Spell Speed +260 HQ icon.png289
Mountain Linen Top of Scouting Mountain linen top of scouting icon1.png 92 655 ROG NIN VPR Body 586 HQ icon.png651 586 HQ icon.png651 2 (5) Dexterity +346 HQ icon.png384Vitality +383 HQ icon.png426Determination +260 HQ icon.png289Skill Speed +182 HQ icon.png202
Mountain Linen Top of Striking Mountain linen top of striking icon1.png 92 655 PGL MNK SAM Body 586 HQ icon.png651 586 HQ icon.png651 2 (5) Strength +346 HQ icon.png384Vitality +383 HQ icon.png426Critical Hit +182 HQ icon.png202Determination +260 HQ icon.png289
Ruthenium Lorica of Fending Ruthenium lorica of fending icon1.png 92 655 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Body 1,065 HQ icon.png1,183 1,065 HQ icon.png1,183 2 (5) Strength +346 HQ icon.png384Vitality +383 HQ icon.png426Determination +260 HQ icon.png289Tenacity +182 HQ icon.png202
Ruthenium Lorica of Maiming Ruthenium lorica of maiming icon1.png 92 655 LNC DRG RPR Body 745 HQ icon.png828 586 HQ icon.png651 2 (5) Strength +346 HQ icon.png384Vitality +383 HQ icon.png426Direct Hit Rate +182 HQ icon.png202Skill Speed +260 HQ icon.png289
Crocodileskin Armguards of Aiming Crocodileskin armguards of aiming icon1.png 92 655 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 436 HQ icon.png485 436 HQ icon.png485 2 (5) Dexterity +218 HQ icon.png242Vitality +241 HQ icon.png268Critical Hit +164 HQ icon.png182Direct Hit Rate +114 HQ icon.png127
Crocodileskin Armguards of Casting Crocodileskin armguards of casting icon1.png 92 655 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM PCT BLU Hands 318 HQ icon.png353 555 HQ icon.png617 2 (5) Intelligence +218 HQ icon.png242Vitality +217 HQ icon.png241Determination +114 HQ icon.png127Spell Speed +164 HQ icon.png182
Crocodileskin Armguards of Healing Crocodileskin armguards of healing icon1.png 92 655 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 318 HQ icon.png353 555 HQ icon.png617 2 (5) Mind +218 HQ icon.png242Vitality +217 HQ icon.png241Critical Hit +164 HQ icon.png182Determination +114 HQ icon.png127
Crocodileskin Fingerless Gloves of Scouting Crocodileskin fingerless gloves of scouting icon1.png 92 655 ROG NIN VPR Hands 436 HQ icon.png485 436 HQ icon.png485 2 (5) Dexterity +218 HQ icon.png242Vitality +241 HQ icon.png268Critical Hit +164 HQ icon.png182Skill Speed +114 HQ icon.png127
Crocodileskin Fingerless Gloves of Striking Crocodileskin fingerless gloves of striking icon1.png 92 655 PGL MNK SAM Hands 436 HQ icon.png485 436 HQ icon.png485 2 (5) Strength +218 HQ icon.png242Vitality +241 HQ icon.png268Critical Hit +114 HQ icon.png127Skill Speed +164 HQ icon.png182
Ruthenium Vambraces of Fending Ruthenium vambraces of fending icon1.png 92 655 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 794 HQ icon.png882 794 HQ icon.png882 2 (5) Strength +218 HQ icon.png242Vitality +241 HQ icon.png268Critical Hit +114 HQ icon.png127Tenacity +164 HQ icon.png182
Ruthenium Vambraces of Maiming Ruthenium vambraces of maiming icon1.png 92 655 LNC DRG RPR Hands 555 HQ icon.png617 436 HQ icon.png485 2 (5) Strength +218 HQ icon.png242Vitality +241 HQ icon.png268Determination +114 HQ icon.png127Direct Hit Rate +164 HQ icon.png182
Crocodileskin Breeches of Scouting Crocodileskin breeches of scouting icon1.png 92 655 ROG NIN VPR Legs 586 HQ icon.png651 586 HQ icon.png651 2 (5) Dexterity +346 HQ icon.png384Vitality +383 HQ icon.png426Critical Hit +182 HQ icon.png202Direct Hit Rate +260 HQ icon.png289
Crocodileskin Breeches of Striking Crocodileskin breeches of striking icon1.png 92 655 PGL MNK SAM Legs 586 HQ icon.png651 586 HQ icon.png651 2 (5) Strength +346 HQ icon.png384Vitality +383 HQ icon.png426Determination +260 HQ icon.png289Skill Speed +182 HQ icon.png202
Mountain Linen Hose of Fending Mountain linen hose of fending icon1.png 92 655 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Legs 1,065 HQ icon.png1,183 1,065 HQ icon.png1,183 2 (5) Strength +346 HQ icon.png384Vitality +383 HQ icon.png426Critical Hit +182 HQ icon.png202Skill Speed +260 HQ icon.png289
Mountain Linen Hose of Maiming Mountain linen hose of maiming icon1.png 92 655 LNC DRG RPR Legs 745 HQ icon.png828 586 HQ icon.png651 2 (5) Strength +346 HQ icon.png384Vitality +383 HQ icon.png426Critical Hit +260 HQ icon.png289Determination +182 HQ icon.png202
Mountain Linen Longkilt of Aiming Mountain linen longkilt of aiming icon1.png 92 655 ARC BRD MCH DNC Legs 586 HQ icon.png651 586 HQ icon.png651 2 (5) Dexterity +346 HQ icon.png384Vitality +383 HQ icon.png426Critical Hit +182 HQ icon.png202Skill Speed +260 HQ icon.png289
Mountain Linen Longkilt of Casting Mountain linen longkilt of casting icon1.png 92 655 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM PCT BLU Legs 426 HQ icon.png473 745 HQ icon.png828 2 (5) Intelligence +346 HQ icon.png384Vitality +345 HQ icon.png383Direct Hit Rate +182 HQ icon.png202Spell Speed +260 HQ icon.png289
Mountain Linen Longkilt of Healing Mountain linen longkilt of healing icon1.png 92 655 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Legs 426 HQ icon.png473 745 HQ icon.png828 2 (5) Mind +346 HQ icon.png384Vitality +345 HQ icon.png383Spell Speed +260 HQ icon.png289Piety +182 HQ icon.png202
Crocodileskin Leg Wraps of Scouting Crocodileskin leg wraps of scouting icon1.png 92 655 ROG NIN VPR Feet 436 HQ icon.png485 436 HQ icon.png485 2 (5) Dexterity +218 HQ icon.png242Vitality +241 HQ icon.png268Critical Hit +164 HQ icon.png182Direct Hit Rate +114 HQ icon.png127
Crocodileskin Leg Wraps of Striking Crocodileskin leg wraps of striking icon1.png 92 655 PGL MNK SAM Feet 436 HQ icon.png485 436 HQ icon.png485 2 (5) Strength +218 HQ icon.png242Vitality +241 HQ icon.png268Determination +114 HQ icon.png127Direct Hit Rate +164 HQ icon.png182
Crocodileskin Thighboots of Aiming Crocodileskin thighboots of aiming icon1.png 92 655 ARC BRD MCH DNC Feet 436 HQ icon.png485 436 HQ icon.png485 2 (5) Dexterity +218 HQ icon.png242Vitality +241 HQ icon.png268Critical Hit +164 HQ icon.png182Direct Hit Rate +114 HQ icon.png127
Crocodileskin Thighboots of Casting Crocodileskin thighboots of casting icon1.png 92 655 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM PCT BLU Feet 318 HQ icon.png353 555 HQ icon.png617 2 (5) Intelligence +218 HQ icon.png242Vitality +217 HQ icon.png241Critical Hit +114 HQ icon.png127Determination +164 HQ icon.png182
Crocodileskin Thighboots of Healing Crocodileskin thighboots of healing icon1.png 92 655 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Feet 318 HQ icon.png353 555 HQ icon.png617 2 (5) Mind +218 HQ icon.png242Vitality +217 HQ icon.png241Critical Hit +114 HQ icon.png127Determination +164 HQ icon.png182
Ruthenium Sabatons of Fending Ruthenium sabatons of fending icon1.png 92 655 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Feet 794 HQ icon.png882 794 HQ icon.png882 2 (5) Strength +218 HQ icon.png242Vitality +241 HQ icon.png268Determination +114 HQ icon.png127Tenacity +164 HQ icon.png182
Ruthenium Sabatons of Maiming Ruthenium sabatons of maiming icon1.png 92 655 LNC DRG RPR Feet 555 HQ icon.png617 436 HQ icon.png485 2 (5) Strength +218 HQ icon.png242Vitality +241 HQ icon.png268Determination +164 HQ icon.png182Skill Speed +114 HQ icon.png127