Legs/Level 1 - 10

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Note: Only the first 500 results are displayed. Click " ... further results" at the bottom of the page to display the rest in a separate page.

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Abes Halfslops Abes halfslops icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Male only
Legs 10 18 0
Aka Oni Tsutsu-hakama Aka oni tsutsu-hakama icon1.png 1 1 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Legs 26 26 0
Amatsu Haidate Amatsu haidate icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Anemos Chaps Anemos chaps icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Anemos Sarouel Anemos sarouel icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Angelic Slops Angelic slops icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Ao Oni Tsutsu-hakama Ao oni tsutsu-hakama icon1.png 1 1 LNC DRG RPR Legs 18 14 0
Appointed Slacks Appointed slacks icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Archfiend Breeches Archfiend breeches icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Augmented Rathalos Coil [F] Augmented rathalos coil f icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Augmented Rathalos Coil [M] Augmented rathalos coil m icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Barghest Cuisses Barghest cuisses icon1.png 1 1 Disciple of War or Magic Legs 10 18 0
Baronial Culottes Baronial culottes icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Bergsteiger's Halfslops Bergsteigers halfslops icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Best Man's Slacks Best mans slacks icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Black Summer Tanga Black summer tanga icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Female only
Legs 9 16 0
Black Summer Trunks Black summer trunks icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Male only
Legs 9 16 0
Blue Summer Maro Blue summer maro icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Male only
Legs 9 16 0
Blue Summer Tanga Blue summer tanga icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Female only
Legs 9 16 0
Blue Summer Trunks Blue summer trunks icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Male only
Legs 9 16 0
Boulevardier's Ruffled Pantaloons Boulevardiers ruffled pantaloons icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Bridesmaid's Tights Bridesmaids tights icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Bunny Chief Tights Bunny chief tights icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Bunny Tights Bunny tights icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 9 16 0
Butler's Slacks Butlers slacks icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Cactuar Pajama Bottoms Cactuar pajama bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png10 16 HQ icon.png18 0
Calfskin Rider's Bottoms Calfskin riders bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Cashmere Slops Cashmere slops icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Casual Halfslops Casual halfslops icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Chocobo Pajama Bottoms Chocobo pajama bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png10 16 HQ icon.png18 0
Clown's Bottoms Clowns bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Coeurl Beach Briefs Coeurl beach briefs icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Male only
Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Coeurl Beach Maro Coeurl beach maro icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Male only
Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Coeurl Beach Pareo Coeurl beach pareo icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Female only
Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Coeurl Beach Tanga Coeurl beach tanga icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Female only
Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Collegiate Skirt Collegiate skirt icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Collegiate Slacks Collegiate slacks icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Common Makai Harbinger's Leggings Common makai harbingers leggings icon1.png 1 1 RPR
Male only
Legs 18 14 0
Common Makai Harrower's Quartertights Common makai harrowers quartertights icon1.png 1 1 RPR
Female only
Legs 18 14 0
Common Makai Manhandler's Quartertights Common makai manhandlers quartertights icon1.png 1 1 PGL MNK SAM
Female only
Legs 14 14 0
Common Makai Marksman's Slops Common makai marksmans slops icon1.png 1 1 ARC BRD MCH DNC
Male only
Legs 14 14 0
Common Makai Markswoman's Quartertights Common makai markswomans quartertights icon1.png 1 1 ARC BRD MCH DNC
Female only
Legs 14 14 0
Common Makai Mauler's Leggings Common makai maulers leggings icon1.png 1 1 PGL MNK SAM
Male only
Legs 14 14 0
Common Makai Moon Guide's Quartertights Common makai moon guides quartertights icon1.png 1 1 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE
Female only
Legs 10 18 0
Common Makai Priest's Slops Common makai priests slops icon1.png 1 1 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT
Male only
Legs 10 18 0
Common Makai Priestess's Skirt Common makai priestesss skirt icon1.png 1 1 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT
Female only
Legs 10 18 0
Common Makai Sun Guide's Slops Common makai sun guides slops icon1.png 1 1 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE
Male only
Legs 10 18 0
Common Makai Vanbreaker's Quartertights Common makai vanbreakers quartertights icon1.png 1 1 GNB
Female only
Legs 26 26 0
Common Makai Vanguard's Leggings Common makai vanguards leggings icon1.png 1 1 GNB
Male only
Legs 26 26 0
Craftsman's Coverall Bottoms Craftsmans coverall bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Craftsman's Leather Trousers Craftsmans leather trousers icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Crescent Moon Bottoms Crescent moon bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Cropped Fireglass Leather Slops Cropped fireglass leather slops icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Cropped Flannel Slops Cropped flannel slops icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Cropped Summer Indigo Slops Cropped summer indigo slops icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Cropped Wool Slops Cropped wool slops icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Crystarium Prodigy's Hose Crystarium prodigys hose icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Dalmascan Draped Bottoms Dalmascan draped bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Dawnblazer Chaps Dawnblazer chaps icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Demonic Slops Demonic slops icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Dirndl's Long Skirt Dirndls long skirt icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Doman Liege's Kyakui Doman lieges kyakui icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Male only
Legs 10 18 0
Dragonskin Bottoms Dragonskin bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Eaglebeak Breeches Eaglebeak breeches icon1.png 1 1 Disciple of War or Magic Legs 10 18 0
Eaglewing Breeches Eaglewing breeches icon1.png 1 1 Disciple of War or Magic Legs 10 18 0
Eastern Journey Bottoms Eastern journey bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Eastern Lady Errant's Skirt Eastern lady errants skirt icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Eastern Lord Errant's Trousers Eastern lord errants trousers icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Eastern Socialite's Skirt Eastern socialites skirt icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Educand's Sailor Skirt Educands sailor skirt icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Educand's Slacks Educands slacks icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Eerie Tights Eerie tights icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 9 16 0
Endless Summer Bottom Endless summer bottom icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Ex-arch's Halfslops Ex-archs halfslops icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Exclusive Eastern Journey Bottoms Exclusive eastern journey bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Expeditioner's Kecks Expeditioners kecks icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Expeditioner's Pantalettes Expeditioners pantalettes icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Extreme Survival Slops Extreme survival slops icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Faerie Tale Prince's Slops Faerie tale princes slops icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Faerie Tale Princess's Long Skirt Faerie tale princesss long skirt icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Faire Kohakama Faire kohakama icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Falconer's Bottoms Falconers bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
False Monarchy Breeches False monarchy breeches icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Far Eastern Beauty's Koshita Far eastern beautys koshita icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Female only
Legs 10 18 0
Far Eastern Gentleman's Haidate Far eastern gentlemans haidate icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Male only
Legs 10 18 0
Far Eastern Maiden's Bottoms Far eastern maidens bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Far Eastern Noble's Petticoat Far eastern nobles petticoat icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Far Eastern Officer's Bottoms Far eastern officers bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Far Northern Bottoms Far northern bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Fat Cat Halfslops Fat cat halfslops icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Fat Cat Shorts Fat cat shorts icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Felicitous Gaskins Felicitous gaskins icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Fierce Tyrant's Hose Fierce tyrants hose icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Free Spirit's Cropped Slops Free spirits cropped slops icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Frontier Trousers Frontier trousers icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Fuga Hakama Fuga hakama icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Gambler's Trousers Gamblers trousers icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 9 16 0
Gentlebean Bottoms Gentlebean bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Glade Slops Glade slops icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 9 16 0
Gleaner's Breeches Gleaners breeches icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Gnath Abdomen Gnath abdomen icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Green Summer Tanga Green summer tanga icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Female only
Legs 9 16 0
Green Summer Trunks Green summer trunks icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Male only
Legs 9 16 0
Grey Hound Cuisses Grey hound cuisses icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Gryphonskin Pantalettes Gryphonskin pantalettes icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Gunro Tsutsu-hakama Gunro tsutsu-hakama icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Hakuko Tsutsu-hakama Hakuko tsutsu-hakama icon1.png 1 1 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Legs 10 18 0
Heavensturn Haidate Heavensturn haidate icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 17 9 0
Hellhound Cuisses Hellhound cuisses icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Hempen Breeches Hempen breeches icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png10 16 HQ icon.png18 0
Hempen Breeches of Crafting Hempen breeches of crafting icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png9 14 HQ icon.png17 0 Control +7 HQ icon.png8
Hempen Pantalettes Hempen pantalettes icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Female only
Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Hempen Shepherd's Slops Hempen shepherds slops icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png9 14 HQ icon.png17 0 Gathering +6 HQ icon.png7Perception +3 HQ icon.png4
Hempen Underpants Hempen underpants icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Male only
Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
High House Breeches High house breeches icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Hose of Happiness Hose of happiness icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Housemaid's Bloomers Housemaids bloomers icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Hraesvelgr Trousers Hraesvelgr trousers icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Iceheart Bottoms Iceheart bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Ironworks Engineer's Slops Ironworks engineers slops icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Island Resort Slacks Island resort slacks icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Isle Explorer's Culottes Isle explorers culottes icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Isle Explorer's Trousers Isle explorers trousers icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Isle Farmhand's Cutoffs Isle farmhands cutoffs icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Isle Farmhand's Widebottoms Isle farmhands widebottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Isle Shepherd's Bottoms Isle shepherds bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Isle Vacationer's Shorts Isle vacationers shorts icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Isle Vacationer's Tanga Isle vacationers tanga icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Karasu Hakama Karasu hakama icon1.png 1 1 ROG NIN VPR Legs 14 14 0
King of Leonis Brais King of leonis brais icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Kokuko Tsutsu-hakama Kokuko tsutsu-hakama icon1.png 1 1 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Legs 10 18 0
Koro Tsutsu-hakama Koro tsutsu-hakama icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Kupo Trousers Kupo trousers icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Lady's Knickers (Black) Ladys knickers (black) icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Female only
Legs 9 16 0
Lady's Knickers (Gold) Ladys knickers (gold) icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Female only
Legs 9 16 0
Lady's Knickers (White) Ladys knickers (white) icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Female only
Legs 9 16 0
Late Allagan Bottoms of Aiming Late allagan bottoms of aiming icon1.png 1 1 ARC BRD MCH DNC Legs 14 14 0
Late Allagan Bottoms of Casting Late allagan bottoms of casting icon1.png 1 1 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Legs 10 18 0
Late Allagan Bottoms of Fending Late allagan bottoms of fending icon1.png 1 1 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Legs 26 26 0
Late Allagan Bottoms of Healing Late allagan bottoms of healing icon1.png 1 1 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Legs 10 18 0
Late Allagan Bottoms of Maiming Late allagan bottoms of maiming icon1.png 1 1 LNC DRG RPR Legs 18 14 0
Late Allagan Bottoms of Scouting Late allagan bottoms of scouting icon1.png 1 1 ROG NIN VPR Legs 14 14 0
Late Allagan Bottoms of Striking Late allagan bottoms of striking icon1.png 1 1 PGL MNK SAM Legs 14 14 0
Lawless Enforcer's Slacks Lawless enforcers slacks icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png10 16 HQ icon.png18 0
Leal Samurai's Tsutsu-hakama Leal samurais tsutsu-hakama icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Male only
Legs 10 18 0
Legacy Warrior Breeches Legacy warrior breeches icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Leonhart Bottoms Leonhart bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Light Steel Subligar Light steel subligar icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 13 HQ icon.png14 13 HQ icon.png14 0
Linen Survival Halfslops Linen survival halfslops icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Lone Wolf Breeches Lone wolf breeches icon1.png 1 1 Disciple of War or Magic Legs 10 18 0
Loose Fit Cargo Trousers Loose fit cargo trousers icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Lord's Drawers (Black) Lords drawers (black) icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Male only
Legs 9 16 0
Lord's Drawers (Gold) Lords drawers (gold) icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Male only
Legs 9 16 0
Lord's Drawers (White) Lords drawers (white) icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Male only
Legs 9 16 0
Loyal Butler's Slacks Loyal butlers slacks icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Loyal Housemaid's Bloomers Loyal housemaids bloomers icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Lucian Prince's Bottoms Lucian princes bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Lunar Summer Tanga Lunar summer tanga icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Female only
Legs 9 16 0
Lunar Summer Trunks Lunar summer trunks icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Male only
Legs 9 16 0
Magitek Bottoms Magitek bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Manderville Bottoms Manderville bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 9 16 0
Martial Artist's Slops Martial artists slops icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png10 16 HQ icon.png18 0
Metian Chausses Metian chausses icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Mheg Deaca Bottoms Mheg deaca bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Moddey Dhoo Cuisses Moddey dhoo cuisses icon1.png 1 1 Disciple of War or Magic Legs 10 18 0
Model A-1 Tactical Bottoms Model a-1 tactical bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Model A-2 Tactical Bottoms Model a-2 tactical bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Model B-1 Tactical Bottoms Model b-1 tactical bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Model B-2 Tactical Bottoms Model b-2 tactical bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Model C-1 Tactical Bottoms Model c-1 tactical bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Model C-2 Tactical Bottoms Model c-2 tactical bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Moogle Buns Moogle buns icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 9 16 0
Moonfire Tanga Moonfire tanga icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Female only
Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Moonfire Trunks Moonfire trunks icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Male only
Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Mun'gaek Trousers Mungaek trousers icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Male only
Legs 10 18 0
New World Hose New world hose icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png8 13 HQ icon.png16 0
Nezha Lady's Slops Nezha ladys slops icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Nezha Lord's Slops Nezha lords slops icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Night of Devilry Trousers Night of devilry trousers icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
No.2 Type B Leggings No.2 type b leggings icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Noir Slacks Noir slacks icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Nue Tsutsu-hakama Nue tsutsu-hakama icon1.png 1 1 ARC BRD MCH DNC Legs 14 14 0
Oasis Halftrews Oasis halftrews icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 9 16 0
Oasis Sarouel Oasis sarouel icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 9 16 0
Onion Gaskins Onion gaskins icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Oracle Pantalettes Oracle pantalettes icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Female only
Legs 10 18 0
Pack Wolf Breeches Pack wolf breeches icon1.png 1 1 Disciple of War or Magic Legs 10 18 0
Pagos Culottes Pagos culottes icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Pagos Gaskins Pagos gaskins icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Peacelover's Pantaloons Peacelovers pantaloons icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Peacock Skirt Peacock skirt icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Plain Long Skirt Plain long skirt icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Plain Pajama Bottoms Plain pajama bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png10 16 HQ icon.png18 0
Prestige Ballad Sarouel Prestige ballad sarouel icon1.png 1 1 ARC BRD MCH DNC Legs 14 14 0
Prestige Breeches of Light Prestige breeches of light icon1.png 1 1 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Legs 26 26 0
Prestige Crimson Breeches Prestige crimson breeches icon1.png 1 1 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Legs 10 18 0
Prestige Fuma Hakama Prestige fuma hakama icon1.png 1 1 PGL MNK SAM Legs 14 14 0
Prestige High Allagan Breeches of Aiming Prestige high allagan breeches of aiming icon1.png 1 1 ARC BRD MCH DNC Legs 14 14 0
Prestige High Allagan Breeches of Casting Prestige high allagan breeches of casting icon1.png 1 1 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Legs 10 18 0
Prestige High Allagan Pantaloons of Healing Prestige high allagan pantaloons of healing icon1.png 1 1 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Legs 10 18 0
Prestige High Allagan Pantaloons of Scouting Prestige high allagan pantaloons of scouting icon1.png 1 1 ROG NIN VPR Legs 14 14 0
Prestige High Allagan Trousers of Fending Prestige high allagan trousers of fending icon1.png 1 1 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Legs 26 26 0
Prestige High Allagan Trousers of Maiming Prestige high allagan trousers of maiming icon1.png 1 1 LNC DRG RPR Legs 18 14 0
Prestige High Allagan Trousers of Striking Prestige high allagan trousers of striking icon1.png 1 1 PGL MNK SAM Legs 14 14 0
Prestige Onion Sarouel Prestige onion sarouel icon1.png 1 1 LNC DRG RPR Legs 18 14 0
Prestige Royal Breeches Prestige royal breeches icon1.png 1 1 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Legs 10 18 0
Prestige Shadow Fuma Hakama Prestige shadow fuma hakama icon1.png 1 1 ROG NIN VPR Legs 14 14 0
Quaintrelle's Ruffled Skirt Quaintrelles ruffled skirt icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Quan Quan icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Queen of Hourne Tights Queen of hourne tights icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Rainbow Breeches Rainbow breeches icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Ramie Kecks Ramie kecks icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Ramie Pantalettes Ramie pantalettes icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Ramie Slops Ramie slops icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Rathalos Coil [F] Rathalos coil f icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Rathalos Coil [M] Rathalos coil m icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Recreationisle Halfslops Recreationisle halfslops icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Red Summer Maro Red summer maro icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Male only
Legs 9 16 0
Red Summer Pareo Red summer pareo icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Female only
Legs 9 16 0
Red Summer Tanga Red summer tanga icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Female only
Legs 9 16 0
Red Summer Trunks Red summer trunks icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Male only
Legs 9 16 0
Replica Sky Pirate's Bottoms of Casting Replica sky pirates bottoms of casting icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Replica Sky Pirate's Bottoms of Healing Replica sky pirates bottoms of healing icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Replica Sky Pirate's Gaskins of Fending Replica sky pirates gaskins of fending icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Replica Sky Pirate's Gaskins of Maiming Replica sky pirates gaskins of maiming icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Replica Sky Pirate's Halfslops of Aiming Replica sky pirates halfslops of aiming icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Replica Sky Pirate's Trousers of Scouting Replica sky pirates trousers of scouting icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Replica Sky Pirate's Trousers of Striking Replica sky pirates trousers of striking icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Replica Sky Rat Breeches of Aiming Replica sky rat breeches of aiming icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Replica Sky Rat Breeches of Casting Replica sky rat breeches of casting icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Replica Sky Rat Breeches of Fending Replica sky rat breeches of fending icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Replica Sky Rat Breeches of Healing Replica sky rat breeches of healing icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Replica Sky Rat Breeches of Maiming Replica sky rat breeches of maiming icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Replica Sky Rat Breeches of Scouting Replica sky rat breeches of scouting icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Replica Sky Rat Breeches of Striking Replica sky rat breeches of striking icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Republican Dimachaerius's Loincloth Republican dimachaeriuss loincloth icon1.png 1 1 ROG NIN VPR Legs 14 14 0
Republican Eques's Loincloth Republican equess loincloth icon1.png 1 1 LNC DRG RPR Legs 18 14 0
Republican Hoplomachus's Loincloth Republican hoplomachuss loincloth icon1.png 1 1 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Legs 26 26 0
Republican Medicus's Loincloth Republican medicuss loincloth icon1.png 1 1 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Legs 10 18 0
Republican Sagittarius's Loincloth Republican sagittariuss loincloth icon1.png 1 1 ARC BRD MCH DNC Legs 14 14 0
Republican Secutor's Loincloth Republican secutors loincloth icon1.png 1 1 PGL MNK SAM Legs 14 14 0
Republican Signifer's Culottes Republican signifers culottes icon1.png 1 1 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Legs 10 18 0
Resshi Tsutsu-hakama Resshi tsutsu-hakama icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Riviera Slops Riviera slops icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 9 16 0
Royal Seneschal's Breeches Royal seneschals breeches icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Sailor Brais Sailor brais icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Salon Server's Bottoms Salon servers bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png10 16 HQ icon.png18 0
Salon Server's Skirt Salon servers skirt icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png10 16 HQ icon.png18 0
Scientist's Breeches Scientists breeches icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 HQ icon.png10 18 HQ icon.png18 0
Scion Adventurer's Bottoms Scion adventurers bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Scion Chronocler's Tights Scion chronoclers tights icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Male only
Legs 10 18 0
Scion Conjurer's Chausses Scion conjurers chausses icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Female only
Legs 10 18 0
Scion Healer's Halftights Scion healers halftights icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Female only
Legs 10 18 0
Scion Liberator's Pantalettes Scion liberators pantalettes icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Female only
Legs 10 18 0
Scion Rogue's Gaskins Scion rogues gaskins icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Male only
Legs 10 18 0
Scion Thaumaturge's Gaskins Scion thaumaturges gaskins icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Male only
Legs 10 18 0
Scion Thief's Gaskins Scion thiefs gaskins icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Male only
Legs 10 18 0
Scion Traveler's Trousers Scion travelers trousers icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Sea Breeze Summer Pareo Sea breeze summer pareo icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Female only
Legs 9 16 0
Seigneur's Breeches Seigneurs breeches icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Seneschal Prince's Trousers Seneschal princes trousers icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Shadowcleaver's Breeches Shadowcleavers breeches icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Shadowstalker's Breeches Shadowstalkers breeches icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Shishu Bujin Kiribakama Shishu bujin kiribakama icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Shishu Gozen Hakama Shishu gozen hakama icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Skirt of Light Skirt of light icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Female only
Legs 10 18 0
Skyworker's Bottoms Skyworkers bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Slacks of Eternal Devotion Slacks of eternal devotion icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 9 16 0
Slacks of Eternal Innocence Slacks of eternal innocence icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 9 16 0
Slacks of Eternal Passion Slacks of eternal passion icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 9 16 0
Solar Summer Tanga Solar summer tanga icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Female only
Legs 9 16 0
Solar Summer Trunks Solar summer trunks icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Male only
Legs 9 16 0
Songbird Skirt Songbird skirt icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Sophist's Podea Sophists podea icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Southern Seas Skirt Southern seas skirt icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Southern Seas Tanga Southern seas tanga icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Female only
Legs 9 16 0
Southern Seas Trousers Southern seas trousers icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Southern Seas Trunks Southern seas trunks icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Male only
Legs 9 16 0
Spriggan Bottoms Spriggan bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Spring Bottoms Spring bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Spring Skirt Spring skirt icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Stained Manderville Bottoms Stained manderville bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Male only
Legs 10 18 0
Starlight Tights Starlight tights icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 9 16 0
Street Cargo Trousers Street cargo trousers icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Strife Bags Strife bags icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 9 16 0
Striped Summer Tanga Striped summer tanga icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Female only
Legs 9 16 0
Striped Summer Trunks Striped summer trunks icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Male only
Legs 9 16 0
Summer Evening Trunks Summer evening trunks icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Male only
Legs 9 16 0
Summer Morning Tanga Summer morning tanga icon1.png 1 1 Any class
Female only
Legs 9 16 0
Summer Sunset Bottoms Summer sunset bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Summer's Flame Pareo Summers flame pareo icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Survival Halfslops Survival halfslops icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Taffeta Loincloth Taffeta loincloth icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png10 16 HQ icon.png18 0
Tantalus Breeches Tantalus breeches icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Taoist's Slops Taoists slops icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Tarnished Legs of Pressing Darkness Tarnished legs of pressing darkness icon1.png 1 1 DRK Legs 26 26 0
Tarnished Legs of Undying Twilight Tarnished legs of undying twilight icon1.png 1 1 MRD WAR Legs 26 26 0
Tarnished Legs of the Golden Wolf Tarnished legs of the golden wolf icon1.png 1 1 GLA PLD Legs 26 26 0
Tarnished Legs of the Silver Wolf Tarnished legs of the silver wolf icon1.png 1 1 ROG NIN VPR Legs 14 14 0
Tarnished Legs of the White Night Tarnished legs of the white night icon1.png 1 1 LNC DRG Legs 18 14 0
Tengu Hakama Tengu hakama icon1.png 1 1 PGL MNK SAM Legs 14 14 0
Thavnairian Sarouel Thavnairian sarouel icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Thavnairian Tights Thavnairian tights icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
The Emperor's New Breeches The emperors new breeches icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 9 16 0
Tights of Eternal Devotion Tights of eternal devotion icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 9 16 0
Tights of Eternal Innocence Tights of eternal innocence icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 9 16 0
Tights of Eternal Passion Tights of eternal passion icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 9 16 0
Tonberry Culottes Tonberry culottes icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
True Blue Trousers True blue trousers icon1.png 1 1 BLU Legs 10 18 0
Tsutsu-hakama of the Blue Tsutsu-hakama of the blue icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Turali Trader's Culottes Turali traders culottes icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Unorthodox Saint's Bottoms Unorthodox saint's bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Uraeus Breeches Uraeus breeches icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Uraeus Skirt Uraeus skirt icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Valentione Acacia Slacks Valentione acacia slacks icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Valentione Acacia Tights Valentione acacia tights icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Valentione Emissary's Bottoms Valentione emissarys bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Valentione Emissary's Culottes Valentione emissarys culottes icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Valentione Forget-me-not Slacks Valentione forget-me-not slacks icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Valentione Forget-me-not Tights Valentione forget-me-not tights icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Valentione Rose Slacks Valentione rose slacks icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Valentione Rose Tights Valentione rose tights icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Valentione Skirt Valentione skirt icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 9 16 0
Valentione Trousers Valentione trousers icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 9 16 0
Vanu Vanu Waist Vanu vanu waist icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Varsity Bottoms Varsity bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png10 16 HQ icon.png18 0
Varsity Skirt Varsity skirt icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png10 16 HQ icon.png18 0
Virtu Aoidos' Tights Virtu aoidos tights icon1.png 1 1 BRD Legs 14 14 0
Virtu Bodyguard's Trousers Virtu bodyguards trousers icon1.png 1 1 GNB Legs 26 26 0
Virtu Caller's Loincloth Virtu callers loincloth icon1.png 1 1 SMN Legs 10 18 0
Virtu Chaos Flanchard Virtu chaos flanchard icon1.png 1 1 DRK Legs 26 26 0
Virtu Creed Cuisses Virtu creed cuisses icon1.png 1 1 PLD Legs 26 26 0
Virtu Dancer's Bottoms Virtu dancers bottoms icon1.png 1 1 DNC Legs 14 14 0
Virtu Didact's Gaskins Virtu didacts gaskins icon1.png 1 1 SGE Legs 10 18 0
Virtu Dragonlancer's Cuissots Virtu dragonlancers cuissots icon1.png 1 1 DRG Legs 18 14 0
Virtu Duelist's Breeches Virtu duelists breeches icon1.png 1 1 RDM Legs 10 18 0
Virtu Goetia Chausses Virtu goetia chausses icon1.png 1 1 BLM Legs 10 18 0
Virtu Iga Hakama Virtu iga hakama icon1.png 1 1 NIN Legs 14 14 0
Virtu Machinist's Brais Virtu machinists brais icon1.png 1 1 MCH Legs 14 14 0
Virtu Myochin Hakama Virtu myochin hakama icon1.png 1 1 SAM Legs 14 14 0
Virtu Orison Skirt Virtu orison skirt icon1.png 1 1 WHM Legs 10 18 0
Virtu Ravager's Breeches Virtu ravagers breeches icon1.png 1 1 WAR Legs 26 26 0
Virtu Reaper's Poleyns Virtu reapers poleyns icon1.png 1 1 RPR Legs 18 14 0
Virtu Savant's Culottes Virtu savants culottes icon1.png 1 1 SCH Legs 10 18 0
Virtu Tantra Galligaskins Virtu tantra galligaskins icon1.png 1 1 MNK Legs 14 14 0
Virtu Welkin Breeches Virtu welkin breeches icon1.png 1 1 AST Legs 10 18 0
Wake Doctor's Bottoms Wake doctors bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Ward Knight's Trousers Ward knights trousers icon1.png 1 1 Disciple of War Legs 26 26 0
Ward Mage's Trousers Ward mages trousers icon1.png 1 1 Disciple of Magic Legs 10 18 0
Weathered Shepherd's Slops Weathered shepherds slops icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 6 13 0
Werewolf Bottoms Werewolf bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Whisperfine Woolen Shorts Whisperfine woolen shorts icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Wild Rose Breeches Wild rose breeches icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 9 16 0
Wind Silk Bottoms Wind silk bottoms icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png11 16 HQ icon.png17 0
Wintertide Culottes Wintertide culottes icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png10 16 HQ icon.png18 0
Wintertide Sheath Skirt Wintertide sheath skirt icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs HQ icon.png10 16 HQ icon.png18 0
Woodland Warden's Breeches Woodland wardens breeches icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Woodland Warden's Skirt Woodland wardens skirt icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Yakaku Fundoshi Yakaku fundoshi icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Yakaku Koshita Yakaku koshita icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Zero's Order Flanchard Zero's order flanchard icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 18 32 0
Zundu Waist Zundu waist icon1.png 1 1 Any class Legs 10 18 0
Auri Breeches Auri breeches icon1.png 1 5 Any class
Male only
Legs 11 20 0
Auri Pantalettes Auri pantalettes icon1.png 1 5 Any class
Female only
Legs 11 20 0
Elezen Braccae Elezen braccae icon1.png 1 5 Any class
Male only
Legs 11 20 0
Elezen Tights Elezen tights icon1.png 1 5 Any class
Female only
Legs 11 20 0
Hrothgar Subligar Hrothgar subligar icon1.png 1 5 Any class
Male only
Legs 11 20 0
Hrothgar Tights Hrothgar tights icon1.png 1 5 Any class
Female only
Legs 11 20 0
Hyuran Breeches Hyuran breeches icon1.png 1 5 Any class
Male only
Legs 11 20 0
Hyuran Skirt Hyuran skirt icon1.png 1 5 Any class
Female only
Legs 11 20 0
Lalafellin Bloomers Lalafellin bloomers icon1.png 1 5 Any class
Female only
Legs 11 20 0
Lalafellin Gaskins Lalafellin gaskins icon1.png 1 5 Any class
Male only
Legs 11 20 0
Miqo'te Loincloth Miqote loincloth icon1.png 1 5 Any class
Female only
Legs 11 20 0
Miqo'te Zouaves Miqote zouaves icon1.png 1 5 Any class
Male only
Legs 11 20 0
Roegadyn Breeches Roegadyn breeches icon1.png 1 5 Any class
Male only
Legs 11 20 0
Roegadyn Legstraps Roegadyn legstraps icon1.png 1 5 Any class
Female only
Legs 11 20 0
Viera Gaskins Viera gaskins icon1.png 1 5 Any class
Male only
Legs 11 20 0
Viera Pantalettes Viera pantalettes icon1.png 1 5 Any class
Female only
Legs 11 20 0
Eastern Lady's Loincloth Eastern ladys loincloth icon1.png 1 15 Any class Legs 18 32 0
Eastern Lord's Trousers Eastern lords trousers icon1.png 1 15 Any class
Male only
Legs 18 32 0
Hempen Chausses Hempen chausses icon1.png 5 5 Any class Legs HQ icon.png10 16 HQ icon.png20 0 Control +9 HQ icon.png10
Hempen Sarouel Hempen sarouel icon1.png 5 5 Disciple of War Legs 28 HQ icon.png31 28 HQ icon.png31 0 Strength +1 HQ icon.png1Dexterity +1 HQ icon.png1
Hempen Tights Hempen tights icon1.png 5 5 Any class Legs 11 HQ icon.png12 20 HQ icon.png22 0 Intelligence +1 HQ icon.png1Mind +1 HQ icon.png1
Leather Culottes Leather culottes icon1.png 5 5 Any class Legs HQ icon.png10 16 HQ icon.png20 0 Gathering +8 HQ icon.png9Perception +4 HQ icon.png4
Hempen Gaskins Hempen gaskins icon1.png 8 8 Any class Legs 13 HQ icon.png14 22 HQ icon.png24 0 Intelligence +2 HQ icon.png2Mind +2 HQ icon.png2
Hempen Kecks Hempen kecks icon1.png 8 8 Disciple of War Legs 31 HQ icon.png34 31 HQ icon.png34 0 Strength +2 HQ icon.png2Dexterity +2 HQ icon.png2
Amateur's Breeches Amateurs breeches icon1.png 10 10 Any class Legs 14 HQ icon.png15 23 HQ icon.png26 0 Intelligence +2 HQ icon.png2Mind +2 HQ icon.png2Vitality +1 HQ icon.png1Spell Speed +2 HQ icon.png2
Amateur's Slops Amateurs slops icon1.png 10 10 Any class Legs 10 HQ icon.png12 19 HQ icon.png24 0 Gathering +10 HQ icon.png11Perception +5 HQ icon.png6
Hempen Bottoms Hempen bottoms icon1.png 10 10 Any class Legs 10 HQ icon.png12 19 HQ icon.png24 0 Control +12 HQ icon.png13
Hempen Trousers Hempen trousers icon1.png 10 10 Disciple of War Legs 33 HQ icon.png37 33 HQ icon.png37 0 Strength +2 HQ icon.png2Dexterity +2 HQ icon.png2Vitality +1 HQ icon.png1Direct Hit Rate +2 HQ icon.png2