Free Company Crafting

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Free Company Crafting1.jpg
See also: Free Company

Free Company Crafting is a feature introduced in Heavensward that allows players to craft Aetherial Wheels, Exterior Walls, Airships and Submersibles for their Free Company. Company Airships and Submersibles can be used to embark on Exploratory Voyages.

  • Free Company Crafting requires your Free Company to have a House.


To unlock Company Crafting, players first need a Company Workshop, purchasable at the entrance to private chambers. It can only be purchased by the free company leader or members with the authorization to build or remove a workshop.

How to Craft

Company projects may require the cooperation of free company members, depending on the number of necessary materials. The materials needed for any given project can be confirmed by opening the company crafting log via the fabrication station. As of Patch 5.2 the requirement to be in a party to progress company projects has been removed. Only one project can be in-progress at any given time.

FC crafting project sample.png

Free company members can contribute materials via the crafting station, in quantities listed under the "Qty." column of the project log, by clicking on the material. The quantity is typically a third of the total of the material required, so each material will require three contributions. Normal quality and high quality materials can be contributed, but not together in a single contribution. The "EXP Reward" column shows how much experience the contributor will get in the crafting class matching the material; if the contributor's class is too much higher than specified in the "Class" column, the experience reward is zero.

Schematic Board

The schematic board is used to draft new projects. After gathering the required items, select the plan you wish to create. A new plan will then be added to the company crafting log automatically.

Company Crafting Log

Aetherial Wheels

See also: Free Company Actions

Wheel Stand

Item Icon Grade 1 Wheels Grade 2 Wheels Grade 3 Wheels Schematic
Level 2 Aetherial Wheel Stand Level 2 aetherial wheel stand icon1.png  1 1 0
Level 3 Aetherial Wheel Stand Level 3 aetherial wheel stand icon1.png  1 1 1 Schematic board icon.png  Wheel Stand Prototype II
Level 4 Aetherial Wheel Stand Level 4 aetherial wheel stand icon1.png  2 1 1 Schematic board icon.png  Wheel Stand Prototype III
Level 5 Aetherial Wheel Stand Level 5 aetherial wheel stand icon1.png  2 2 1 Schematic board icon.png  Wheel Stand Prototype IV
Level 6 Aetherial Wheel Stand Level 6 aetherial wheel stand icon1.png  3 2 1 Schematic board icon.png  Wheel Stand Prototype V

Aetherial Wheel

Grade 1 Wheels are ordinary crafts by Alchemist frame icon.png Alchemist.

Item Icon Buff Buff Icon Schematic
Grade 2 Wheel of Confrontation Grade 2 wheel of confrontation icon1.png  The Heat of Battle II The Heat of Battle II Icon.png  Schematic board icon.png  Aetherial Wheel Prototype II
Grade 2 Wheel of Productivity Grade 2 wheel of productivity icon1.png  Earth and Water II Earth and Water II Icon.png 
Grade 2 Wheel of Industry Grade 2 wheel of industry icon1.png  Helping Hand II Helping Hand II Icon.png 
Grade 2 Wheel of Longeing Grade 2 wheel of longeing icon1.png  A Man's Best Friend II A Man's Best Friend II Icon.png 
Grade 2 Wheel of Rivalry Grade 2 wheel of rivalry icon1.png  Mark Up II Mark Up II Icon.png 
Grade 2 Wheel of Company Grade 2 wheel of company icon1.png  Seal Sweetener II Seal Sweetener II Icon.png 
Grade 2 Wheel of Recreation Grade 2 wheel of recreation icon1.png  Jackpot II Jackpot II Icon.png 
Grade 2 Wheel of Initiation Grade 2 wheel of initiation icon1.png  Brave New World II Brave New World II Icon.png  Schematic board icon.png  Aetherial Wheel Prototype III
Grade 2 Wheel of Capacity Grade 2 wheel of capacity icon1.png  Live off the Land II Live off the Land II Icon.png 
Grade 2 Wheel of Observation Grade 2 wheel of observation icon1.png  What You See II What You See II Icon.png 
Grade 2 Wheel of Efficiency Grade 2 wheel of efficiency icon1.png  Eat from the Hand II Eat from the Hand II Icon.png 
Grade 2 Wheel of Precision Grade 2 wheel of precision icon1.png  In Control II In Control II Icon.png 
Grade 2 Wheel of Dedication Grade 2 wheel of dedication icon1.png  That Which Binds Us II That Which Binds Us II Icon.png 
Grade 2 Wheel of Nutriment Grade 2 wheel of nutriment icon1.png  Meat and Mead II Meat and Mead II Icon.png  Schematic board icon.png  Aetherial Wheel Prototype IV
Grade 2 Wheel of Permanence Grade 2 wheel of permanence icon1.png  Proper Care II Proper Care II Icon.png 
Grade 2 Wheel of Swiftness Grade 2 wheel of swiftness icon1.png  Fleet-footed II Fleet-footed ii icon1.png.png 
Grade 2 Wheel of Pilgrimage Grade 2 wheel of pilgrimage icon1.png  Reduced Rates II Reduced Rates II Icon.png 
Grade 3 Wheel of Confrontation Grade 3 wheel of confrontation icon1.png  The Heat of Battle III The Heat of Battle III.png  Schematic board icon.png  Aetherial Wheel Prototype V
Grade 3 Wheel of Productivity Grade 3 wheel of productivity icon1.png  Earth and Water III Earth and Water III.png 
Grade 3 Wheel of Industry Grade 3 wheel of industry icon1.png  Helping Hand III Helping Hand III.png 
Grade 3 Wheel of Longeing Grade 3 wheel of longeing icon1.png  A Man's Best Friend III A Man's Best Friend III.png 
Grade 3 Wheel of Rivalry Grade 3 wheel of rivalry icon1.png  Mark Up III Mark Up III.png 
Grade 3 Wheel of Company Grade 3 wheel of company icon1.png  Seal Sweetener III Seal Sweetener III.png 
Grade 3 Wheel of Recreation Grade 3 wheel of recreation icon1.png  Jackpot III Jackpot III.png 
Grade 3 Wheel of Capacity Grade 3 wheel of capacity icon1.png  Live off the Land III Live off the Land III.png  Schematic board icon.png  Aetherial Wheel Prototype VI
Grade 3 Wheel of Observation Grade 3 wheel of observation icon1.png  What You See III What You See III.png 
Grade 3 Wheel of Efficiency Grade 3 wheel of efficiency icon1.png  Eat from the Hand III Eat from the Hand III.png 
Grade 3 Wheel of Precision Grade 3 wheel of precision icon1.png  In Control III In Control III.png 
Grade 3 Wheel of Dedication Grade 3 wheel of dedication icon1.png  That Which Binds Us III That Which Binds Us III.png 
Grade 3 Wheel of Nutriment Grade 3 wheel of nutriment icon1.png  Meat and Mead III Meat and Mead III.png  Schematic board icon.png  Aetherial Wheel Prototype VII
Grade 3 Wheel of Permanence Grade 3 wheel of permanence icon1.png  Proper Care III Proper Care III.png 
Grade 3 Wheel of Pilgrimage Grade 3 wheel of pilgrimage icon1.png  Reduced Rates III Reduced Rates III.png 

Airships & Submersibles

See also: Airship Components and Submersible Components

Airship Hull

Name Item Type Level Item Level Rank Components Surveillance Retrieval Speed Range Favor
Bronco-type Hull Icon.png  Bronco-type Hull Airship Hull 1 115 1 3 0 0 0 80 -10
Invincible-type hull icon1.png  Invincible-type Hull Airship Hull 1 125 5 6 0 0 0 94 -14
Enterprise-type hull icon1.png  Enterprise-type Hull Airship Hull 1 133 15 11 0 0 0 108 -18
Invincible ii-type hull icon1.png  Invincible II-type Hull Airship Hull 1 139 25 16 0 0 0 122 -22
Odyssey-type hull icon1.png  Odyssey-type Hull Airship Hull 1 145 35 21 0 0 0 136 -26
Tatanora-type hull icon1.png  Tatanora-type Hull Airship Hull 1 150 45 26 0 0 0 150 -30
Viltgance-type hull icon1.png  Viltgance-type Hull Airship Hull 1 160 50 31 0 0 0 164 -34

Airship Rigging

Name Item Type Level Item Level Rank Components Surveillance Retrieval Speed Range Favor
Bronco-type sail icon1.png  Bronco-type Sail Airship Rigging 1 115 1 3 0 -10 80 -10 0
Invincible-type propellers icon1.png  Invincible-type Propellers Airship Rigging 1 125 5 6 0 -14 94 -14 0
Enterprise-type bladder icon1.png  Enterprise-type Bladder Airship Rigging 1 133 15 11 0 -18 108 -18 0
Invincible ii-type propellers icon1.png  Invincible II-type Propellers Airship Rigging 1 139 25 16 0 -22 122 -22 0
Odyssey-type bladders icon1.png  Odyssey-type Bladders Airship Rigging 1 145 35 21 0 -26 136 -26 0
Tatanora-type propellers icon1.png  Tatanora-type Propellers Airship Rigging 1 150 45 26 0 -30 150 -30 0
Viltgance-type aetherwings icon1.png  Viltgance-type Aetherwings Airship Rigging 1 160 50 31 0 -34 164 -34 0

Airship Forecastle

Name Item Type Level Item Level Rank Components Surveillance Retrieval Speed Range Favor
Bronco-type forecastle icon1.png  Bronco-type Forecastle Airship Forecastle 1 115 1 3 80 0 0 0 80
Invincible-type forecastle icon1.png  Invincible-type Forecastle Airship Forecastle 1 125 5 6 94 0 0 0 94
Enterprise-type forecastle icon1.png  Enterprise-type Forecastle Airship Forecastle 1 133 15 11 108 0 0 0 108
Invincible ii-type forecastle icon1.png  Invincible II-type Forecastle Airship Forecastle 1 139 25 16 122 0 0 0 122
Odyssey-type forecastle icon1.png  Odyssey-type Forecastle Airship Forecastle 1 145 35 21 136 0 0 0 136
Tatanora-type forecastle icon1.png  Tatanora-type Forecastle Airship Forecastle 1 150 45 26 150 0 0 0 150
Viltgance-type forecastle icon1.png  Viltgance-type Forecastle Airship Forecastle 1 160 50 31 164 0 0 0 164

Airship Aftcastle

Name Item Type Level Item Level Rank Components Surveillance Retrieval Speed Range Favor
Bronco-type aftcastle icon1.png  Bronco-type Aftcastle Airship Aftcastle 1 115 1 3 -10 80 -10 0 0
Invincible-type aftcastle icon1.png  Invincible-type Aftcastle Airship Aftcastle 1 125 5 6 -14 94 -14 0 0
Enterprise-type aftcastle icon1.png  Enterprise-type Aftcastle Airship Aftcastle 1 133 15 11 -18 108 -18 0 0
Invincible ii-type aftcastle icon1.png  Invincible II-type Aftcastle Airship Aftcastle 1 139 25 16 -22 122 -22 0 0
Odyssey-type aftcastle icon1.png  Odyssey-type Aftcastle Airship Aftcastle 1 145 35 21 -26 136 -26 0 0
Tatanora-type aftcastle icon1.png  Tatanora-type Aftcastle Airship Aftcastle 1 150 45 26 -30 150 -30 0 0
Viltgance-type aftcastle icon1.png  Viltgance-type Aftcastle Airship Aftcastle 1 160 50 31 -34 164 -34 0 0

Submersible Hull

Name Item Type Level Item Level Rank Components Surveillance Retrieval Speed Range Favor
Shark-class pressure hull icon1.png  Shark-class Pressure Hull Submersible Hull 1 115 1 5 -10 30 20 40 20
Unkiu-class pressure hull icon1.png  Unkiu-class Pressure Hull Submersible Hull 1 125 15 9 15 10 0 60 15
Whale-class pressure hull icon1.png  Whale-class Pressure Hull Submersible Hull 1 133 25 12 -15 55 35 15 20
Coelacanth-class pressure hull icon1.png  Coelacanth-class Pressure Hull Submersible Hull 1 145 35 14 40 -10 25 40 25
Syldra-class pressure hull icon1.png  Syldra-class Pressure Hull Submersible Hull 1 150 45 17 10 75 30 -15 5
Modified whale-class pressure hull icon1.png  Modified Whale-class Pressure Hull Submersible Hull 1 180 50 20 -10 55 40 20 30
Modified shark-class pressure hull icon1.png  Modified Shark-class Pressure Hull Submersible Hull 1 180 50 20 -5 40 25 45 35
Modified syldra-class pressure hull icon1.png  Modified Syldra-class Pressure Hull Submersible Hull 1 180 50 20 10 80 30 -15 10
Modified unkiu-class pressure hull icon1.png  Modified Unkiu-class Pressure Hull Submersible Hull 1 180 50 20 20 15 5 65 25
Modified coelacanth-class pressure hull icon1.png  Modified Coelacanth-class Pressure Hull Submersible Hull 1 180 50 20 40 -5 30 40 30

Submersible Stern

Name Item Type Level Item Level Rank Components Surveillance Retrieval Speed Range Favor
Shark-class stern icon1.png  Shark-class Stern Submersible Stern 1 115 1 5 -30 20 60 30 15
Unkiu-class stern icon1.png  Unkiu-class Stern Submersible Stern 1 125 15 9 15 0 30 40 25
Whale-class stern icon1.png  Whale-class Stern Submersible Stern 1 133 25 12 15 20 0 55 15
Coelacanth-class stern icon1.png  Coelacanth-class Stern Submersible Stern 1 145 35 14 10 25 35 25 25
Syldra-class stern icon1.png  Syldra-class Stern Submersible Stern 1 150 45 17 20 60 35 -15 5
Modified syldra-class stern icon1.png  Modified Syldra-class Stern Submersible Stern 1 180 50 20 20 60 35 -10 10
Modified unkiu-class stern icon1.png  Modified Unkiu-class Stern Submersible Stern 1 180 50 20 20 5 35 45 35
Modified whale-class stern icon1.png  Modified Whale-class Stern Submersible Stern 1 180 50 20 20 20 5 60 20
Modified shark-class stern icon1.png  Modified Shark-class Stern Submersible Stern 1 180 50 20 -25 25 70 35 25
Modified coelacanth-class stern icon1.png  Modified Coelacanth-class Stern Submersible Stern 1 180 50 20 10 25 40 30 30

Submersible Bow

Name Item Type Level Item Level Rank Components Surveillance Retrieval Speed Range Favor
Shark-class bow icon1.png  Shark-class Bow Submersible Bow 1 115 1 5 50 40 10 -20 15
Unkiu-class bow icon1.png  Unkiu-class Bow Submersible Bow 1 125 15 9 60 20 20 -15 10
Whale-class bow icon1.png  Whale-class Bow Submersible Bow 1 133 25 12 25 60 -15 20 15
Coelacanth-class bow icon1.png  Coelacanth-class Bow Submersible Bow 1 145 35 14 65 10 -10 30 0
Syldra-class bow icon1.png  Syldra-class Bow Submersible Bow 1 150 45 17 45 30 -15 40 40
Modified whale-class bow icon1.png  Modified Whale-class Bow Submersible Bow 1 180 50 20 25 65 -10 25 25
Modified syldra-class bow icon1.png  Modified Syldra-class Bow Submersible Bow 1 180 50 20 45 30 -10 40 40
Modified shark-class bow icon1.png  Modified Shark-class Bow Submersible Bow 1 180 50 20 55 50 -15 -15 25
Modified coelacanth-class bow icon1.png  Modified Coelacanth-class Bow Submersible Bow 1 180 50 20 70 15 -10 30 5
Modified unkiu-class bow icon1.png  Modified Unkiu-class Bow Submersible Bow 1 180 50 20 65 25 25 -10 20

Submersible Bridge

Name Item Type Level Item Level Rank Components Surveillance Retrieval Speed Range Favor
Shark-class bridge icon1.png  Shark-class Bridge Submersible Bridge 1 115 1 5 20 20 20 20 20
Unkiu-class bridge icon1.png  Unkiu-class Bridge Submersible Bridge 1 125 15 9 25 5 25 30 30
Whale-class bridge icon1.png  Whale-class Bridge Submersible Bridge 1 133 25 12 0 25 20 45 40
Whale-class bow icon1.png  Coelacanth-class Bridge Submersible Bridge 1 145 35 14 55 20 35 -15 50
Syldra-class bridge icon1.png  Syldra-class Bridge Submersible Bridge 1 150 45 17 55 20 -5 30 60
Modified syldra-class bridge icon1.png  Modified Syldra-class Bridge Submersible Bridge 1 180 50 20 60 20 -5 30 60
Modified coelacanth-class bridge icon1.png  Modified Coelacanth-class Bridge Submersible Bridge 1 180 50 20 60 20 35 -10 55
Modified unkiu-class bridge icon1.png  Modified Unkiu-class Bridge Submersible Bridge 1 180 50 20 30 10 30 35 40
Modified shark-class bridge icon1.png  Modified Shark-class Bridge Submersible Bridge 1 180 50 20 25 25 30 25 35
Modified whale-class bridge icon1.png  Modified Whale-class Bridge Submersible Bridge 1 180 50 20 0 30 25 50 45

Housing Items

See also: Exterior Wall

Full Estate Exterior

Exterior Wall Icon Size Schematic Patch
Small Merchant's Walls Small merchants wall icon1.png Small 3.0
Medium Merchant's Walls Medium merchants wall icon1.png Medium
Large Merchant's Walls Large merchants wall icon1.png Large
Small Eatery Walls Small eatery wall icon1.png Small Schematic board icon.png  Restaurant Prototype 3.0
Medium Eatery Walls Medium eatery wall icon1.png Medium
Large Eatery Walls Large eatery wall icon1.png Large
Small Outfitter's Walls Small outfitters wall icon1.png Small Schematic board icon.png  Armor Shop Prototype 3.0
Medium Outfitter's Walls Medium outfitters wall icon1.png Medium
Large Outfitter's Walls Large outfitters wall icon1.png Large
Small Arms Supplier's Walls Small arms suppliers wall icon1.png Small Schematic board icon.png  Weapon Shop Prototype 3.0
Medium Arms Supplier's Walls Medium arms suppliers wall icon1.png Medium
Large Arms Supplier's Walls Large arms suppliers wall icon1.png Large
Microscopically Small Mogwalls Microscopically small mogwalls icon1.png Small Schematic board icon.png  Moghouse Prototype 3.1
Middlingly Medium Mogwalls Middlingly medium mogwalls icon1.png Medium
Monstrously Large Mogwalls Monstrously large mogwalls icon1.png Large
Chocobo Cottage Walls Chocobo cottage wall icon1.png Small Schematic board icon.png  Chocobo House Prototype 3.4
Chocobo House Walls Chocobo house wall icon1.png Medium
Chocobo Mansion Walls Chocobo mansion wall icon1.png Large
Paissa Cottage Walls Paissa cottage walls icon1.png Small Schematic board icon.png  Paissa House Prototype 3.5
Paissa House Walls Paissa house walls icon1.png Medium
Paissa Mansion Walls Paissa mansion walls icon1.png Large
Carbuncle Cottage Walls Carbuncle cottage walls icon1.png Small Schematic board icon.png  Carbuncle House Prototype 4.0
Carbuncle House Walls Carbuncle house walls icon1.png Medium
Carbuncle Mansion Walls Carbuncle mansion walls icon1.png Large
Small Shirogane Castle Walls Small shirogane castle walls icon1.png Small Schematic board icon.png  Shirogane Castle Prototype 4.1
Medium Shirogane Castle Walls Medium shirogane castle walls icon1.png Medium
Large Shirogane Castle Walls Large shirogane castle walls icon1.png Large
Odder Otter Cottage Walls Odder otter cottage walls icon1.png Small Schematic board icon.png  Odder Otter House Prototype 4.3
Odder Otter House Walls Odder otter house walls icon1.png Medium
Odder Otter Mansion Walls Odder otter mansion walls icon1.png Large
Trader's Cottage Walls Traders cottage walls icon1.png Small 5.1
Trader's House Walls Traders house walls icon1.png Medium
Trader's Mansion Walls Traders mansion walls icon1.png Large
Half-timbered Cottage Walls Half-timbered cottage walls icon1.png Small Schematic board icon.png  Half-timbered House Prototype 5.2
Half-timbered House Walls Half-timbered house walls icon1.png Medium
Half-timbered Mansion Walls Half-timbered mansion walls icon1.png Large
Small Smithy Walls Small smithy walls icon1.png Small Schematic board icon.png  Anvil House Prototype 5.3
Medium Smithy Walls Medium smithy walls icon1.png Medium
Large Smithy Walls Large smithy walls icon1.png Large
Small Florist's Walls Small florists walls icon1.png Small Schematic board icon.png  Florist House Prototype 5.4
Medium Florist's Walls Medium florists walls icon1.png Medium
Large Florist's Walls Large florists walls icon1.png Large
Small Forge's Walls Small forges walls icon1.png Small Schematic board icon.png  Forge Prototype 5.5
Medium Forge's Walls Medium forges walls icon1.png Medium
Large Forge's Walls Large forges walls icon1.png Large
Small Cafe Walls Small cafe walls icon1.png Small Schematic board icon.png  Cafe Prototype 6.0
Medium Cafe Walls Medium cafe walls icon1.png Medium
Large Cafe Walls Large cafe walls icon1.png Large
Gingerbread Cottage Walls Gingerbread cottage walls icon1.png Small Schematic board icon.png  Gingerbread House Prototype 6.1
Gingerbread House Walls Gingerbread house walls icon1.png Medium
Gingerbread Mansion Walls Gingerbread mansion walls icon1.png Large
Sukiya-zukuri Cottage Walls Sukiya-zukuri cottage walls icon1.png Small Schematic board icon.png  Sukiya-zukuri Prototype 6.3
Sukiya-zukuri House Walls Sukiya-zukuri house walls icon1.png Medium
Sukiya-zukuri Mansion Walls Sukiya-zukuri mansion walls icon1.png Large
Country Cottage Wall Country cottage wall icon1.png Small Schematic board icon.png  Country House Prototype 7.0
Country House Wall Country house wall icon1.png Medium
Country Mansion Wall Country mansion wall icon1.png Large
