Blacksmith Recipes/Level 100

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Item Class Recipe Level Type Yield Durability Difficulty Max Quality Ingredients
Solar reflector icon1.png  Solar Reflector Blacksmith 100 Other 1 80 4950 7200
Rakaznar cross-pein hammer icon1.png  Ra'Kaznar Cross-pein Hammer Blacksmith 100 Blacksmith's Primary Tool 1 80 6600 12000
Rakaznar hatchet icon1.png  Ra'Kaznar Hatchet Blacksmith 100 Botanist's Primary Tool 1 80 6600 12000
Rakaznar lapidary hammer icon1.png  Ra'Kaznar Lapidary Hammer Blacksmith 100 Goldsmith's Primary Tool 1 80 6600 12000
Rakaznar pickaxe icon1.png  Ra'Kaznar Pickaxe Blacksmith 100 Miner's Primary Tool 1 80 6600 12000
Rakaznar raising hammer icon1.png  Ra'Kaznar Raising Hammer Blacksmith 100 Armorer's Primary Tool 1 80 6600 12000
Rakaznar round knife icon1.png  Ra'Kaznar Round Knife Blacksmith 100 Leatherworker's Primary Tool 1 80 6600 12000
Rakaznar saw icon1.png  Ra'Kaznar Saw Blacksmith 100 Carpenter's Primary Tool 1 80 6600 12000
Rarefied rakaznar round knife icon1.png  Rarefied Ra'Kaznar Round Knife Blacksmith 100 Miscellany 1 80 6600 12000
Maraging steel ingot icon1.png  Maraging Steel Ingot
(Learned from: Master blacksmith xi icon1.png  Master Blacksmith XI)
Blacksmith 100 ★★ Metal 1 35 4125 12000
Archeo kingdom broadsword icon1.png  Archeo Kingdom Broadsword
(Learned from: Master blacksmith xi icon1.png  Master Blacksmith XI)
Blacksmith 100 ★★ Gladiator's Arm 1 70 7500 16500
Archeo kingdom chakrams icon1.png  Archeo Kingdom Chakrams
(Learned from: Master blacksmith xi icon1.png  Master Blacksmith XI)
Blacksmith 100 ★★ Dancer's Arm 1 70 7500 16500
Archeo kingdom claymore icon1.png  Archeo Kingdom Claymore
(Learned from: Master blacksmith xi icon1.png  Master Blacksmith XI)
Blacksmith 100 ★★ Dark Knight's Arm 1 70 7500 16500
Archeo kingdom culverin icon1.png  Archeo Kingdom Culverin
(Learned from: Master blacksmith xi icon1.png  Master Blacksmith XI)
Blacksmith 100 ★★ Machinist's Arm 1 70 7500 16500
Archeo kingdom gunblade icon1.png  Archeo Kingdom Gunblade
(Learned from: Master blacksmith xi icon1.png  Master Blacksmith XI)
Blacksmith 100 ★★ Gunbreaker's Arm 1 70 7500 16500
Archeo kingdom labrys icon1.png  Archeo Kingdom Labrys
(Learned from: Master blacksmith xi icon1.png  Master Blacksmith XI)
Blacksmith 100 ★★ Marauder's Arm 1 70 7500 16500
Archeo kingdom patas icon1.png  Archeo Kingdom Patas
(Learned from: Master blacksmith xi icon1.png  Master Blacksmith XI)
Blacksmith 100 ★★ Pugilist's Arm 1 70 7500 16500
Archeo kingdom samurai blade icon1.png  Archeo Kingdom Samurai Blade
(Learned from: Master blacksmith xi icon1.png  Master Blacksmith XI)
Blacksmith 100 ★★ Samurai's Arm 1 70 7500 16500
Archeo kingdom sickle icon1.png  Archeo Kingdom Sickle
(Learned from: Master blacksmith xi icon1.png  Master Blacksmith XI)
Blacksmith 100 ★★ Reaper's Arm 1 70 7500 16500
Archeo kingdom twinfangs icon1.png  Archeo Kingdom Twinfangs
(Learned from: Master blacksmith xi icon1.png  Master Blacksmith XI)
Blacksmith 100 ★★ Viper's Arm 1 70 7500 16500
Everseekers awl icon1.png  Everseeker's Awl
(Learned from: Master blacksmith xi icon1.png  Master Blacksmith XI)
Blacksmith 100 ★★ Leatherworker's Secondary Tool 1 70 8050 17600
Everseekers claw hammer icon1.png  Everseeker's Claw Hammer
(Learned from: Master blacksmith xi icon1.png  Master Blacksmith XI)
Blacksmith 100 ★★ Carpenter's Secondary Tool 1 70 8050 17600
Everseekers creasing knife icon1.png  Everseeker's Creasing Knife
(Learned from: Master blacksmith xi icon1.png  Master Blacksmith XI)
Blacksmith 100 ★★ Leatherworker's Primary Tool 1 70 8050 17600
Everseekers cross-pein hammer icon1.png  Everseeker's Cross-pein Hammer
(Learned from: Master blacksmith xi icon1.png  Master Blacksmith XI)
Blacksmith 100 ★★ Blacksmith's Primary Tool 1 70 8050 17600
Everseekers culinary knife icon1.png  Everseeker's Culinary Knife
(Learned from: Master blacksmith xi icon1.png  Master Blacksmith XI)
Blacksmith 100 ★★ Culinarian's Secondary Tool 1 70 8050 17600
Everseekers file icon1.png  Everseeker's File
(Learned from: Master blacksmith xi icon1.png  Master Blacksmith XI)
Blacksmith 100 ★★ Blacksmith's Secondary Tool 1 70 8050 17600
Everseekers garden scythe icon1.png  Everseeker's Garden Scythe
(Learned from: Master blacksmith xi icon1.png  Master Blacksmith XI)
Blacksmith 100 ★★ Botanist's Secondary Tool 1 70 8050 17600
Everseekers hatchet icon1.png  Everseeker's Hatchet
(Learned from: Master blacksmith xi icon1.png  Master Blacksmith XI)
Blacksmith 100 ★★ Botanist's Primary Tool 1 70 8050 17600
Everseekers lapidary hammer icon1.png  Everseeker's Lapidary Hammer
(Learned from: Master blacksmith xi icon1.png  Master Blacksmith XI)
Blacksmith 100 ★★ Goldsmith's Primary Tool 1 70 8050 17600
Everseekers mortar icon1.png  Everseeker's Mortar
(Learned from: Master blacksmith xi icon1.png  Master Blacksmith XI)
Blacksmith 100 ★★ Alchemist's Secondary Tool 1 70 8050 17600
Everseekers pickaxe icon1.png  Everseeker's Pickaxe
(Learned from: Master blacksmith xi icon1.png  Master Blacksmith XI)
Blacksmith 100 ★★ Miner's Primary Tool 1 70 8050 17600
Everseekers pliers icon1.png  Everseeker's Pliers
(Learned from: Master blacksmith xi icon1.png  Master Blacksmith XI)
Blacksmith 100 ★★ Armorer's Secondary Tool 1 70 8050 17600
Everseekers raising hammer icon1.png  Everseeker's Raising Hammer
(Learned from: Master blacksmith xi icon1.png  Master Blacksmith XI)
Blacksmith 100 ★★ Armorer's Primary Tool 1 70 8050 17600
Everseekers saw icon1.png  Everseeker's Saw
(Learned from: Master blacksmith xi icon1.png  Master Blacksmith XI)
Blacksmith 100 ★★ Carpenter's Primary Tool 1 70 8050 17600
Everseekers sledgehammer icon1.png  Everseeker's Sledgehammer
(Learned from: Master blacksmith xi icon1.png  Master Blacksmith XI)
Blacksmith 100 ★★ Miner's Secondary Tool 1 70 8050 17600