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Armorer Recipes/Level 70

From Final Fantasy XIV Online Wiki
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Item Class Recipe Level Type Yield Durability Difficulty Max Quality Ingredients
Armament repair kit icon1.png  Armament Repair Kit Armorer 70 Miscellany 1 35 1026 3600
Axle component icon1.png  Axle Component Armorer 70 Miscellany 1 35 1026 3600
Core tank component icon1.png  Core Tank Component Armorer 70 Miscellany 1 35 1026 3600
Eye-catching custom option icon1.png  Eye-catching Custom Option Armorer 70 Miscellany 1 35 1026 3600
Filtration supplies icon1.png  Filtration Supplies Armorer 70 Miscellany 1 35 1026 3600
Heat-resistant component icon1.png  Heat-resistant Component Armorer 70 Miscellany 1 35 1026 3600
Low-profile custom option icon1.png  Low-profile Custom Option Armorer 70 Miscellany 1 35 1026 3600
Steel plate component icon1.png  Steel Plate Component Armorer 70 Miscellany 1 35 1026 3600
Test-fire target dummy icon1.png  Test-fire Target Dummy Armorer 70 Miscellany 1 35 1026 3600
Flyer printing set icon1.png  Flyer Printing Set Armorer 70 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 756 2880
Grade 2 skybuilders mesail icon1.png  Grade 2 Skybuilders' Mesail Armorer 70 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 1080 9900
Grade 3 skybuilders mesail icon1.png  Grade 3 Skybuilders' Mesail Armorer 70 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 1080 9900
Grade 4 skybuilders mesail icon1.png  Grade 4 Skybuilders' Mesail Armorer 70 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 1080 9900
Skybuilders counter icon1.png  Skybuilders' Counter Armorer 70 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 1080 9900
Kholusian cuisine set icon1.png  Kholusian Cuisine Set Armorer 70 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 1140 2940
Workshop supplies icon1.png  Workshop Supplies Armorer 70 Miscellany 1 70 1080 3600
Automaton repair component icon1.png  Automaton Repair Component Armorer 70 Miscellany 1 70 1080 4860
Bespoke barter item icon1.png  Bespoke Barter Item Armorer 70 Miscellany 1 70 1080 4860
Engine component icon1.png  Engine Component Armorer 70 Miscellany 1 70 1080 4860
Experimental plating component icon1.png  Experimental Plating Component Armorer 70 Miscellany 1 70 1080 4860
Tavern materials icon1.png  Tavern Materials Armorer 70 Miscellany 1 70 1080 4860
Unfailing eye opener icon1.png  Unfailing Eye Opener Armorer 70 Miscellany 1 70 1080 4860
Brewery supplies icon1.png  Brewery Supplies Armorer 70 Miscellany 1 70 1134 3600
Blueprint supplies icon1.png  Blueprint Supplies Armorer 70 Miscellany 1 70 1188 3600
Cask component icon1.png  Cask Component Armorer 70 Miscellany 1 70 1188 3600
Cooling device component icon1.png  Cooling Device Component Armorer 70 Miscellany 1 70 1188 3600
Crystal cannon supplies icon1.png  Crystal Cannon Supplies Armorer 70 Miscellany 1 70 1188 3600
Grooming kit icon1.png  Grooming Kit Armorer 70 Miscellany 1 70 1188 3600
Workshop expansion supplies icon1.png  Workshop Expansion Supplies Armorer 70 Miscellany 1 70 1242 5040
Automaton worker supplies icon1.png  Automaton Worker Supplies Armorer 70 Miscellany 1 70 1242 5220
Lominsan hara-ate icon1.png  Lominsan Hara-ate Armorer 70 Other 1 80 756 1980
Metal gauntlets icon1.png  Metal Gauntlets Armorer 70 Other 1 80 756 1980
Molybdenum alembic icon1.png  Molybdenum Alembic Armorer 70 Alchemist's Primary Tool 1 80 1080 3600
Molybdenum frypan icon1.png  Molybdenum Frypan Armorer 70 Culinarian's Primary Tool 1 80 1080 3600
Rarefied molybdenum headgear icon1.png  Rarefied Molybdenum Headgear Armorer 70 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 80 1080 3600
Revelers barding icon1.png  Reveler's Barding
(Learned from: Master armorer iv icon1.png  Master Armorer IV)
Armorer 70 ★ Other 1 70 570 4200
Susano miniature icon1.png  Susano Miniature
(Learned from: Master armorer iv icon1.png  Master Armorer IV)
Armorer 70 ★ Tabletop 1 70 1140 2100
Pure titanium plate icon1.png  Pure Titanium Plate
(Learned from: Master armorer iv icon1.png  Master Armorer IV)
Armorer 70 ★ Metal 1 70 1140 4200
Shinryu barding icon1.png  Shinryu Barding
(Learned from: Master armorer v icon1.png  Master Armorer V)
Armorer 70 ★★ Other 1 70 1200 2400
Tier 1 metal aquarium icon1.png  Tier 1 Metal Aquarium
(Learned from: Master armorer vi icon1.png  Master Armorer VI)
Armorer 70 ★★ Tabletop 1 70 1200 2400
Tier 2 metal aquarium icon1.png  Tier 2 Metal Aquarium
(Learned from: Master armorer vi icon1.png  Master Armorer VI)
Armorer 70 ★★ Tabletop 1 70 1200 2400
Tier 3 metal aquarium icon1.png  Tier 3 Metal Aquarium
(Learned from: Master armorer vi icon1.png  Master Armorer VI)
Armorer 70 ★★ Tabletop 1 70 1200 2400
Tier 4 metal aquarium icon1.png  Tier 4 Metal Aquarium
(Learned from: Master armorer vi icon1.png  Master Armorer VI)
Armorer 70 ★★ Tabletop 1 70 1200 2400
Ala mhigan alembic icon1.png  Ala Mhigan Alembic
(Learned from: Master armorer v icon1.png  Master Armorer V)
Armorer 70 ★★ Weapon 1 70 1200 4800
Ala mhigan frypan icon1.png  Ala Mhigan Frypan
(Learned from: Master armorer v icon1.png  Master Armorer V)
Armorer 70 ★★ Weapon 1 70 1200 4800
Byakkos enspirited paladin arms icon1.png  Byakko's Enspirited Paladin Arms
(Learned from: Master armorer vi icon1.png  Master Armorer VI)
Armorer 70 ★★ Miscellany 1 70 1200 4800
Chromite armor of fending icon1.png  Chromite Armor of Fending
(Learned from: Master armorer v icon1.png  Master Armorer V)
Armorer 70 ★★ Body 1 70 1200 4800
Chromite gauntlets of fending icon1.png  Chromite Gauntlets of Fending
(Learned from: Master armorer v icon1.png  Master Armorer V)
Armorer 70 ★★ Hands 1 70 1200 4800
Chromite gauntlets of maiming icon1.png  Chromite Gauntlets of Maiming
(Learned from: Master armorer v icon1.png  Master Armorer V)
Armorer 70 ★★ Hands 1 70 1200 4800
Chromite greaves of maiming icon1.png  Chromite Greaves of Maiming
(Learned from: Master armorer v icon1.png  Master Armorer V)
Armorer 70 ★★ Feet 1 70 1200 4800
Chromite helm of fending icon1.png  Chromite Helm of Fending
(Learned from: Master armorer v icon1.png  Master Armorer V)
Armorer 70 ★★ Head 1 70 1200 4800
Chromite ingot icon1.png  Chromite Ingot
(Learned from: Master armorer v icon1.png  Master Armorer V)
Armorer 70 ★★ Metal 1 70 1200 4800
Chromite mail of maiming icon1.png  Chromite Mail of Maiming
(Learned from: Master armorer v icon1.png  Master Armorer V)
Armorer 70 ★★ Body 1 70 1200 4800
Chromite sabatons of fending icon1.png  Chromite Sabatons of Fending
(Learned from: Master armorer v icon1.png  Master Armorer V)
Armorer 70 ★★ Feet 1 70 1200 4800
Chromite shield icon1.png  Chromite Shield
(Learned from: Master armorer v icon1.png  Master Armorer V)
Armorer 70 ★★ Shield 1 70 1200 4800
Seiryus sanctified paladin arms icon1.png  Seiryu's Sanctified Paladin Arms
(Learned from: Master armorer vi icon1.png  Master Armorer VI)
Armorer 70 ★★ Miscellany 1 70 1200 4800
Shinryus ephemeral paladin arms icon1.png  Shinryu's Ephemeral Paladin Arms
(Learned from: Master armorer vi icon1.png  Master Armorer VI)
Armorer 70 ★★ Miscellany 1 70 1200 4800
Susanos rapturous paladin arms icon1.png  Susano's Rapturous Paladin Arms
(Learned from: Master armorer vi icon1.png  Master Armorer VI)
Armorer 70 ★★ Miscellany 1 70 1200 4800
Suzakus flame-kissed paladin arms icon1.png  Suzaku's Flame-kissed Paladin Arms
(Learned from: Master armorer vi icon1.png  Master Armorer VI)
Armorer 70 ★★ Miscellany 1 70 1200 4800
Tsukuyomis moonlit paladin arms icon1.png  Tsukuyomi's Moonlit Paladin Arms
(Learned from: Master armorer vi icon1.png  Master Armorer VI)
Armorer 70 ★★ Miscellany 1 70 1200 4800
Nightsteel ingot icon1.png  Nightsteel Ingot
(Learned from: Master armorer vi icon1.png  Master Armorer VI)
Armorer 70 ★★★ Metal 2 35 1147 3900
Nightsteel alembic icon1.png  Nightsteel Alembic
(Learned from: Master armorer vi icon1.png  Master Armorer VI)
Armorer 70 ★★★ Weapon 1 70 1350 5200
Nightsteel armor of fending icon1.png  Nightsteel Armor of Fending
(Learned from: Master armorer vi icon1.png  Master Armorer VI)
Armorer 70 ★★★ Body 1 70 1350 5200
Nightsteel frypan icon1.png  Nightsteel Frypan
(Learned from: Master armorer vi icon1.png  Master Armorer VI)
Armorer 70 ★★★ Weapon 1 70 1350 5200
Nightsteel gauntlets of fending icon1.png  Nightsteel Gauntlets of Fending
(Learned from: Master armorer vi icon1.png  Master Armorer VI)
Armorer 70 ★★★ Hands 1 70 1350 5200
Nightsteel gauntlets of maiming icon1.png  Nightsteel Gauntlets of Maiming
(Learned from: Master armorer vi icon1.png  Master Armorer VI)
Armorer 70 ★★★ Hands 1 70 1350 5200
Nightsteel greaves of maiming icon1.png  Nightsteel Greaves of Maiming
(Learned from: Master armorer vi icon1.png  Master Armorer VI)
Armorer 70 ★★★ Feet 1 70 1350 5200
Nightsteel helm of fending icon1.png  Nightsteel Helm of Fending
(Learned from: Master armorer vi icon1.png  Master Armorer VI)
Armorer 70 ★★★ Head 1 70 1350 5200
Nightsteel helm of maiming icon1.png  Nightsteel Helm of Maiming
(Learned from: Master armorer vi icon1.png  Master Armorer VI)
Armorer 70 ★★★ Head 1 70 1350 5200
Nightsteel mail of maiming icon1.png  Nightsteel Mail of Maiming
(Learned from: Master armorer vi icon1.png  Master Armorer VI)
Armorer 70 ★★★ Body 1 70 1350 5200
Nightsteel sabatons of fending icon1.png  Nightsteel Sabatons of Fending
(Learned from: Master armorer vi icon1.png  Master Armorer VI)
Armorer 70 ★★★ Feet 1 70 1350 5200
Nightsteel shield icon1.png  Nightsteel Shield
(Learned from: Master armorer vi icon1.png  Master Armorer VI)
Armorer 70 ★★★ Shield 1 70 1350 5200
Chigusa ingot icon1.png  Chigusa Ingot
(Learned from: Master armorer vi icon1.png  Master Armorer VI)
Armorer 70 ★★★★ Metal 2 35 1275 4575
Seiryu barding icon1.png  Seiryu Barding
(Learned from: Master armorer vi icon1.png  Master Armorer VI)
Armorer 70 ★★★★ Other 1 70 1500 3050
Suzaku barding icon1.png  Suzaku Barding
(Learned from: Master armorer vi icon1.png  Master Armorer VI)
Armorer 70 ★★★★ Other 1 70 1500 3050
Rakshasa greatshield icon1.png  Rakshasa Greatshield
(Learned from: Master armorer vi icon1.png  Master Armorer VI)
Armorer 70 ★★★★ Shield 1 70 1500 6100
Rakshasa kote of fending icon1.png  Rakshasa Kote of Fending
(Learned from: Master armorer vi icon1.png  Master Armorer VI)
Armorer 70 ★★★★ Hands 1 70 1500 6100
Rakshasa kote of maiming icon1.png  Rakshasa Kote of Maiming
(Learned from: Master armorer vi icon1.png  Master Armorer VI)
Armorer 70 ★★★★ Hands 1 70 1500 6100
Rakshasa mask of fending icon1.png  Rakshasa Mask of Fending
(Learned from: Master armorer vi icon1.png  Master Armorer VI)
Armorer 70 ★★★★ Head 1 70 1500 6100
Rakshasa mask of maiming icon1.png  Rakshasa Mask of Maiming
(Learned from: Master armorer vi icon1.png  Master Armorer VI)
Armorer 70 ★★★★ Head 1 70 1500 6100
Rakshasa sune-ate of fending icon1.png  Rakshasa Sune-ate of Fending
(Learned from: Master armorer vi icon1.png  Master Armorer VI)
Armorer 70 ★★★★ Feet 1 70 1500 6100
Rakshasa sune-ate of maiming icon1.png  Rakshasa Sune-ate of Maiming
(Learned from: Master armorer vi icon1.png  Master Armorer VI)
Armorer 70 ★★★★ Feet 1 70 1500 6100