South Shroud FATEs

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See also: List of FATEs
FATE trigger (map icon).png
Fate Name Fate Type Fate Level Fate Location Experience Experience Gil Gil Company Seals Company seal
Slay enemies FATE (map icon).png
Stag Parting Slay enemies 21 South Shroud (X:15, Y:18) 1,800 Experience 42 Gil 120 Company seal
Defense FATE (map icon).png
Another Round Defense 22 South Shroud (X:17, Y:20) 1,860 Experience 44 Gil 126 Company seal
Slay enemies FATE (map icon).png
Kickin' it with the Kedtraps Slay enemies 22 South Shroud (X:22, Y:21) 1,860 Experience 44 Gil 126 Company seal
Slay enemies FATE (map icon).png
To Whom the Toll Goes Slay enemies 22 South Shroud (X:20, Y:20) 1,860 Experience 44 Gil 126 Company seal
Notorious monster FATE (map icon).png
The Hunted Notorious monster 23 South Shroud (X:19, Y:22) 1,920 Experience 46 Gil 132 Company seal
Slay enemies FATE (map icon).png
Conspiracy Theory Slay enemies 24 South Shroud (X:16, Y:22) 1,980 Experience 48 Gil 138 Company seal
Slay enemies FATE (map icon).png
The Negotiators Slay enemies 28 South Shroud (X:26, Y:22) 1,942 Experience 56 Gil 161 Company seal
Gather items FATE (map icon).png
Hide and Seek (FATE) Gather 29 South Shroud (X:28, Y:21) 3,040 Experience 56 Gil 161 Company seal
Notorious monster FATE (map icon).png
The Coeurl King Notorious monster 29 South Shroud (X:30, Y:19) 6,080 Experience 58 Gil 166 Company seal
Gather items FATE (map icon).png
Robbin' Goblins Gather 29 South Shroud (X:27, Y:20) 3,040 Experience 58 Gil 166 Company seal
Slay enemies FATE (map icon).png
To Train a Tortoise Slay enemies 30 South Shroud (X:16, Y:27) 3,120 Experience 60 Gil 172 Company seal
Slay enemies FATE (map icon).png
Fate is a Fecal Mistress Slay enemies 31 South Shroud (X:16, Y:29) 3,200 Experience 62 Gil 178 Company seal
Defense FATE (map icon).png
Keeping the Hive Defense 32 South Shroud (X:23, Y:16) 2,439 Experience 64 Gil 184 Company seal
Notorious monster FATE (map icon).png
A Tale of Two-tails Notorious monster 32 South Shroud (X:15, Y:33) 3,485 Experience 64 Gil 184 Company seal
Slay enemies FATE (map icon).png
Breaching the Hive Slay enemies 32 South Shroud (X:22, Y:18) 2,439 Experience 64 Gil 184 Company seal
Notorious monster FATE (map icon).png
Clearing the Hive Notorious monster 32 South Shroud (X:22, Y:17) 3,485 Experience 64 Gil 184 Company seal
Defense FATE (map icon).png
Defending the Hive Defense 32 South Shroud (X:22, Y:17) 2,439 Experience 64 Gil 184 Company seal
Slay enemies FATE (map icon).png
Rogue on the Water Slay enemies 33 South Shroud (X:19, Y:29) 3,570 Experience 66 Gil 189 Company seal
Slay enemies FATE (map icon).png
Eft for Dead Slay enemies 34 South Shroud (X:21, Y:29) 3,655 Experience 68 Gil 195 Company seal
Notorious monster FATE (map icon).png
What Gored Before Notorious monster 46 South Shroud (X:32, Y:25) 6,325 Experience 91 Gil 264 Company seal