Tuliyollal Sidequests

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See also: Yok Tural Sidequests
Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks Rewards
A New Dawn, a New Hunt Feature quest 90 Wing of Protection Scout Beginner Dawn mark bills
A Trying Breed Sidequest 90 Savvy Stable Master 1 Acacia bracelet coffer (il 669) icon1.png  Acacia Bracelet Coffer (IL 669)
An Intrepid New Enterprise Feature quest 90 Blue-garbed Pelu Ohokaliy.png  Ohokaliy
Pelupelu Daily Quests
Pelu proponent i icon1.png  Pelu Proponent I
Blame It on My Juice Feature quest 90 Xeerol Ja 3 Jhinga biryani icon1.png  Jhinga Biryani
Corn of Necessity Sidequest 90 Cornservant (NPC) 2 Turali corn icon1.png  Turali Corn
Culinary Import Sidequest 90 Inattentive Culinarian 1 Tacos al pastor icon1.png  Tacos Al Pastor
Ferocious Beasts on Foreign Shores Sidequest 90 Determined Naturalist
For Whom the Drum Beats Sidequest 90 Landsguard Drum Major
Guilding the Lily Sidequest 90 Cullaal Ja 1 Acacia hand gear coffer (il 669) icon1.png  Acacia Hand Gear Coffer (IL 669)
Hands for Hire Feature quest 90 Greying Gatherer 3 Jhinga curry icon1.png  Jhinga Curry
Hanu Opportunities Sidequest 90 Pameka 250 Wind crystal icon1.png  Wind Crystal
250 Earth crystal icon1.png  Earth Crystal
Hard to Reed Sidequest 90 Rral Soj 250 Fire crystal icon1.png  Fire Crystal
250 Ice crystal icon1.png  Ice Crystal
How Far He'll Go Sidequest 90 Huvool Ja 1 Mountain chromite leg gear coffer (il 645) icon1.png  Mountain Chromite Leg Gear Coffer (IL 645)
Laying New Tracks Feature quest 90 Railroad Employee Custom Deliveries (Nitowikwe)
Leves of Tuliyollal Feature quest 90 Malihali
Mon Cherimoya Sidequest 90 Xeerol Ja 250 Lightning crystal icon1.png  Lightning Crystal
250 Water Crystal.png  Water Crystal
Mulch Ado About Nothing Sidequest 90 Tapipya 2 Spaghetti al olio e peperoncino icon1.png  Spaghetti al Olio e Peperoncino
Of Crates and Correspondence Sidequest 90 Dutiful Deckhand
Once a Riddler, Now a Ruler Sidequest 90 Nostalgic Attendant
Painter on the Hill Sidequest 90 Precocious Mamool Ja 2 Shrimp cocktail icon1.png  Shrimp Cocktail
Pameka, the Scrivener Feature quest 90 Pameka 3 Jhinga biryani icon1.png  Jhinga Biryani
Sights of the West Feature quest 90 Elsebee Ironheart Sightseeing Log Entries 1-28 (Dawntrail)
Special Orders, Special Deliveries Sidequest 90 Pelupelu Peddler
Test of Talents Sidequest 90 Shunye 30 Hi-cordial icon1.png  Hi-Cordial
The Many Multitudes of Mamool Ja Sidequest 90 Impatient Landsguard
When Wishes Are Fishes Sidequest 90 Donuhanu 30 Hi-cordial icon1.png  Hi-Cordial
Wrought in Wachumeqimeqi Feature quest 90 Ropli
Your Friendly Neighborhood Metalworker Feature quest 90 Rral Soj 3 Jhinga biryani icon1.png  Jhinga Biryani
A Discerning Eye Sidequest 93 Shunye 30 Hi-cordial icon1.png  Hi-Cordial
A Drink for Everymobbie Sidequest 93 Xeerol Ja 250 Lightning crystal icon1.png  Lightning Crystal
250 Water Crystal.png  Water Crystal
Hey, Aunt Tii Sidequest 93 Rral Soj 250 Fire crystal icon1.png  Fire Crystal
250 Ice crystal icon1.png  Ice Crystal
Scaling Up Demand Sidequest 93 Donuhanu 30 Hi-cordial icon1.png  Hi-Cordial
This Little Pelu Sidequest 93 Pameka 250 Wind crystal icon1.png  Wind Crystal
250 Earth crystal icon1.png  Earth Crystal
Why We Hunt Feature quest 94 Bol Ogaw Intermediate Dawn mark bills
A Job Quickly Done Sidequest 95 Rral Soj 250 Fire crystal icon1.png  Fire Crystal
250 Ice crystal icon1.png  Ice Crystal
As Nature Intends Sidequest 95 Shunye 30 Hi-cordial icon1.png  Hi-Cordial
Big Body, Big Beauty Sidequest 95 Donuhanu 30 Hi-cordial icon1.png  Hi-Cordial
Donuhanu's Devotion Sidequest 95 Donuhanu 2 Turali pineapple ponzecake icon1.png  Turali Pineapple Ponzecake
Halnaruk the Helphand Sidequest 95 Xeerol Ja 250 Lightning crystal icon1.png  Lightning Crystal
250 Water Crystal.png  Water Crystal
Oldton Roads Sidequest 95 Pameka 250 Wind crystal icon1.png  Wind Crystal
250 Earth crystal icon1.png  Earth Crystal
Teamwork Makes the Craftwork Sidequest 95 Rral Soj 2 Gateau au chocolat icon1.png  Gateau au Chocolat
The Cycle of Life Sidequest 95 Shunye 2 Turali pineapple ponzecake icon1.png  Turali Pineapple Ponzecake
The Missing Drink Sidequest 95 Xeerol Ja 2 Gateau au chocolat icon1.png  Gateau au Chocolat
Written in Stone Sidequest 95 Pameka 2 Gateau au chocolat icon1.png  Gateau au Chocolat
A New Kind of Metalware Sidequest 98 Rral Soj 2 Salmon jerky icon1.png  Salmon Jerky
Catching Breath Sidequest 98 Donuhanu 2 Nasi goreng icon1.png  Nasi Goreng
Digging Up the Truth Sidequest 98 Shunye 2 Nasi goreng icon1.png  Nasi Goreng
Good Hydrations Sidequest 98 Xeerol Ja 2 Salmon jerky icon1.png  Salmon Jerky
Reaching for the Sky Sidequest 98 Pameka 2 Salmon jerky icon1.png  Salmon Jerky
Hunting the Hunter Feature quest 99 Bol Ogaw Advanced Dawn mark bills
A Dream Come True Sidequest 100 Rral Soj Bonds forged in fire icon1.png  Bonds Forged in Fire
1 Craftsmans competence materia xi icon1.png  Craftsman's Competence Materia XI
1 Craftsmans cunning materia xi icon1.png  Craftsman's Cunning Materia XI
1 Craftsmans command materia xi icon1.png  Craftsman's Command Materia XI
A Place in the Sun Sidequest 100 Pameka These are their stories icon1.png  These Are Their Stories
1 Craftsmans competence materia xi icon1.png  Craftsman's Competence Materia XI
1 Craftsmans cunning materia xi icon1.png  Craftsman's Cunning Materia XI
1 Craftsmans command materia xi icon1.png  Craftsman's Command Materia XI
An Odd Fish Odyssey Sidequest 100 Donuhanu Forever fancy icon1.png  Forever Fancy
1 Gatherers guerdon materia xi icon1.png  Gatherer's Guerdon Materia XI
1 Gatherers guile materia xi icon1.png  Gatherer's Guile Materia XI
1 Gatherers grasp materia xi icon1.png  Gatherer's Grasp Materia XI
An Otherworldly Encounter Feature quest 100 Hoobigo Messenger
Jeuno: The First Walk
Jeuno: The First Walk
Appreciated Value Sidequest 100 Ropli Overeducated icon1.png  Trade and True 1 Wachumeqimeqi balloon icon1.png  Wachumeqimeqi Balloon
Bar the Passage Sidequest 100 Rral Majun Sum of our parts icon1.png  A Passage Rebound
Role Master Quests (Dawntrail)
Role Master Quests (Dawntrail)
1 Smile orchestrion roll icon1.png  Bright Bustle Orchestrion Roll
How the West Was Sung Feature quest 100 Wandering Minstrel
Worqor Lar Dor (Extreme)
Worqor Lar Dor (Extreme)
Everkeep (Extreme)
Everkeep (Extreme)
The Minstrel's Ballad: Sphene's Burden
The Minstrel's Ballad: Sphene's Burden
Futures Rewritten (Ultimate)
Futures Rewritten (Ultimate)
The Cloud of Darkness (Chaotic)
The Cloud of Darkness (Chaotic)
It Belongs in a Museum Feature quest 100 Zeycihan
Tender Valley
Tender Valley
1 Piety materia xi icon1.png  Piety Materia XI
1 Quicktongue materia xi icon1.png  Quicktongue Materia XI
Jeuno Feature quest 100 Bakool Ja Ja 1 Rise orchestrion roll icon1.png  The Grand Duchy of Jeuno Orchestrion Roll
Picking Up the Torch Sidequest 100 Rral Majun
The Case of the Displaced Inspector Sidequest 100 Nashu
The Hunt Goes On Feature quest 100 Bol Ogaw Dawntrail Elite Marks
Three Cheers for Sweet Juice Sidequest 100 Xeerol Ja Worth the squeeze icon1.png  Worth the Squeeze
1 Craftsmans competence materia xi icon1.png  Craftsman's Competence Materia XI
1 Craftsmans cunning materia xi icon1.png  Craftsman's Cunning Materia XI
1 Craftsmans command materia xi icon1.png  Craftsman's Command Materia XI
Wellspring of Tears Sidequest 100 Shunye Holistic gathering icon1.png  Holistic Gathering
1 Gatherers guerdon materia xi icon1.png  Gatherer's Guerdon Materia XI
1 Gatherers guile materia xi icon1.png  Gatherer's Guile Materia XI
1 Gatherers grasp materia xi icon1.png  Gatherer's Grasp Materia XI