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Mousse Princess

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Mousse Princess


Mousse Princess is a Rank A Elite Mark in Mare Lamentorum.

Map for Mousse Princess.jpg

Killing the Elite Mark will reward the player up to Sack of Nuts 40 Sacks of Nuts, Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 30 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics and Allagan Tomestone of Aesthetics 10 Allagan Tomestones of Aesthetics. Players will also have a chance of obtaining 1 Cracked anthocluster icon1.png  Cracked Anthocluster, 1 Cracked dendrocluster icon1.png  Cracked Dendrocluster or both.


Zone Coordinates Level range
Mare Lamentorum (X:10.8, Y:24.4) 90
Mare Lamentorum (X:15.6, Y:28.7) 90
Mare Lamentorum (X:17.7, Y:25.6) 90
Mare Lamentorum (X:18.4, Y:21.6) 90
Mare Lamentorum (X:23.6, Y:33.3) 90
Mare Lamentorum (X:24.2, Y:22.8) 90
Mare Lamentorum (X:28, Y:26.9) 90
Mare Lamentorum (X:29.9, Y:30) 90
Mare Lamentorum (X:36.4, Y:27.2) 90

Spawn Conditions


Normal Spawn


4 to 6 hours after killed.

Tips and Tricks

  • Whimsy a la Mode applies a directional buff to itself which makes its next attack in that direction.
  • Princess's Threnody is an untelegraphed conal AoE in the direction of the Whimsy buff which applies Truly Berserk, forcing those hit to auto-attack target and self for 10 seconds.
  • Amorphic Flail is a telegraphed circle AoE around itself.
  • Banish is a telegraphed tank buster on the main target.
  • Princess's Cacophony is a large, telegraphed circle AoE on a random target.


As one should hope you are aware, summoning a high-ranking voidsent to our plane requires a vast amount of aether be manipulated to tear a hole in the veil betwixt this world and the void.
On extremely rare occasion, however, a tear may naturally form, creating a planar fissure from which the likes of low-ranking voidsent, such as the imp, squirm their way into our world. Obviously, this phenomenon must also occur on the moon.
Now, without a satisfactory vessel to inhabit on the moon's surface, I am quite certain the voidsent would be forced to dwell in an amorphous lump of lunar soil. The only true question is what to name the resulting specimen...but I think “mousse princess” sounds rather sweet, don't you?

— Chrysielle, Old Sharlayan Aetheryte Plaza, Old Sharlayan


Summoning a high-ranking voidsent to our plane requires a vast amount of aether be manipulated to tear a hole in the vil. Infrequently, however, a tear forms naturally, creating a planar fissure through which the likes of low-ranking voidsent squirm their way into the world. Should each an event occur on the moon, the voidsent in question may find a dearth of habitable bodies, and thus resort to dwelling in an amorphous lump of lunar soil regardless of its typical preferences. Perhaps on the off chance that this would be rude—and thus unwise—to call attention to, however, xenobiologist Chrysielle has proposed the euphemistic nomenclature "mousse princess" for such a being.

Encyclopædia Eorzea Volume III, p. 301
