Standing at the Helm

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Standing at the Helm

Standing at the Helm.png
Quest giver
North Shroud (X:24.4, Y:23.4)
Quest line
Ixali Main Quests
Required items
1 Helm component icon1.png  Helm Component
1 Helm component materials icon1.png  Helm Component Materials
Trusted Reputation maxed
Disciple of the Hand
Experience ????? "?????" is not a number.
Gil 630
Previous quest
Feature QuestLathe to the Party
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Feature QuestNever Be Royal

Tataramu wishes you to assist him in procuring another part for the Dezul Qualan.

※The crafting portion of this quest is recommended for Disciples of the Hand level 15 and above.

— In-game description




Make sure you've equipped Ehcatl wristgloves icon1.png  Ehcatl Wristgloves before attempting to craft the quest items.



  • Tataramu wishes you to assist him in procuring another part for the Dezul Qualan.
    • ※The crafting portion of this quest is recommended for Disciples of the Hand level 15 and above.
  • Tataramu has asked you to approach Gerolt with the task of forging the Dezul Qualan's unique steering mechanism. Take the helm component materials, and speak with the master weaponsmith at Hyrstmill.
  • You attempt to speak with Gerolt, but the groaning artisan seems aggressively disinclined to hear your request. Present the component materials to Drake, Gerolt's sympathetic apprentice, and explain the task you have in mind.
  • After listening to your request, Drake contrives a plan to help you ensnare his suffering master's attention. Craft four high-quality helm components from the materials returned to you by the apprentice, and then shove your inspiring handiwork right under Gerolt's nose.
    • ※In the event that the status Facility Access: Production wears off or the synthesis ends in failure, you may try again by speaking with Drake.
  • You present your helm components to Gerolt. Impressed and intrigued by the quality of your work, the master weaponsmith rouses himself from his slump and promises to forge the remainder of the steering mechanism. Return to Ehcatl and report to Tataramu.
  • You return to Ehcatl and report your success to Tataramu, who is overjoyed with Gerolt's involvement in the project. The young man's joy is cut short, however, when his father, the chairman of Highwind Skyways, arrives with a squad of sellswords to drag him away from the Ixali camp. Speak with Sezul and learn the Ixal's thoughts.
  • Chief Totoloc is enraged at Tatabaru's treatment of his own son, and resigned to postponing the final stages of the Dezul Qualan's construction. With the loss of their talented designer, it seems the Ehcatl Nine's ambitions must remain indefinitely grounded...


Accepting the Quest

Tataramu: Greetings, [Forename]. With the ceruleum engine now integrated, the Dezul Qualan is entering the final stages of construction! 
Tataramu: Not long now...not long at all. Once this airship is proven skyworthy, the field of aeronautics will never be the same again! 
Tataramu: There is, however, another favor I would ask of you. Are you familiar with Gerolt, the master weaponsmith who resides in Hyrstmill? 
Tataramu: We will have need of his legendary smithing talents if we are to complete our steering mechanism─the helm of the Dezul Qualan. Only he can properly combine and align the necessary components. 
Tataramu: Pray take these materials to Gerolt, and request that he aid us in our endeavor!

Optional Dialogue

Tataramu: Gerolt is the preeminent weaponsmith of this age—with his handiwork aboard, the Dezul Qualan will fly as straight as the truest blade!

Speaking with Gerolt at Hyrstmill

Gerolt: >>  Take yer business elsewhere, adventurer. I'm busy enough, an' me head feels like a kettle what some bastard's tryin' to pound the dents out of! <<

If Up in Arms has been completed:

Gerolt: >>  What d'ye want now? That Jalzahn bloke come callin' again, did he? Well, I ain't got the patience for no mystic rubbish today. Me head feels like a kettle what some bastard's tryin' to pound the dents out of!
Drake: Pay no mind to Master Gerolt, good sir. His temper is as short as his night of carousing was long... 
Drake: Now, what do you have that needs mending? A kettle? A cookpot? ...Nothing of the sort?
Drake: Hm. Well, if you don't mind dealing with an apprentice, I should be happy to hear the details of your request.

Optional Dialogue

Gerolt: Damn you, Buscarron... That cheap swill of yers'll be the death of me!

Presenting the component materials to Drake

Drake: Now, then, sir, what manner of task has brought you to our humble forge?
<Hand Over Component Materials>
Drake: ...Ah, a custom-made helm to fit a new breed of airship. Tricky. I can understand why you would seek Master Gerolt's expertise. 
Drake: Though he is first and foremost a forger of weapons, the masterpieces he creates demand a flair for innovation and an eye for the minutest of details. Should he turn his hand to crafting your vessel's helm, then I can promise you that the end result will be of unparalleled quality.
Drake: As you have witnessed, however, the master's present demeanor falls somewhere short of amenable. Beyond the threat of debt collection, there is little that will convince him to take up his hammer... 
Drake: Are you, yourself, not an artisan of some skill? Then allow me to suggest that you take a portion of these materials and craft the finest helm spokes you can manage. 
Drake: The sight of such painstaking workmanship should serve to stir the embers of professional curiosity in Master Gerolt's soul. Despite his grumbling, he is not one to back down from a challenge! 
Drake: Here, I shall return your materials. Consider the tools of our meager workshop to be at your disposal!

Optional Dialogue

Drake: Some finely crafted components─say, four or so─may be just what is needed to shake Master Gerolt from his obstinate mood. I am certain he will agree to at least hear your request!

Delivering the helm components to Gerolt (Cutscene)

Gerolt: Ugh, thank the gods. That drink-demon smitty's stopped usin' me head as an anvil... Eh? Still bloody here, are ye? I swear to the seven hells...
<Hand Over Helm Components>
Gerolt: What's this, then? Made these while I was tryin' not to puke on me apron, did ye? Fine bit of work. 
Gerolt: I never pegged ye for an artisan. But even with this level of skill, ye still felt the need to come to ol' Gerolt, eh? 
Gerolt: So, what's the job? Ye want me to take this handiwork of yers an' make a steering mechanism for yer flying boat, is that it? Hmmm. 
Gerolt: Alright, I'll do it. I know that fire in yer eyes, and bugger me if I don't respect it. ...Might be as I'll need some time to get the work done, though. 
Gerolt: I don't fancy makin' finicky adjustments until the fog of booze is good an' gone. Once I'm satisfied it's ready, though, I'll have the finished parts delivered to yer shipyard.

Reporting to Tataramu (Cutscene)

Tataramu: [Forename], you're back! ...Master Gerolt agreed to the task? Excellent, excellent! I can think of no other major barriers preventing us from completing the Dezul Qualan!
Tataramu: ...Hm? An airship...?
Trained Sellsword: All blades stand ready to begin the extraction!
Trained Sellsword: Spare no mercy for these feathered savages.
Sezul Totoloc: Squawk!? Who comes barging into Sezul's camp!?
Sezul Totoloc: Remember inviting armed thugs to lunch, Sezul does not!
Trained Sellsword: Save your indignation, beastman! You'll roast for kidnapping Master Tataramu!
Sezul Totoloc: Kidnapping!? See you any shackles around his ankles? Free as a bird, Tataramu is!
Tataramu: How did you even find me here...? How many times must I tell you to leave me be!?
???: Enough of this petulant nonsense, Tataramu!
Tataramu: Father!?
Sezul Totoloc: Father? Ah, chief of Highwind Skyways clan, you must be!
Tatabaru: This is the workshop for which you've caused so much fuss? There are no proper tools, no materials. Why, it barely qualifies as a dumping ground for our factories' refuse.
Tatabaru: What is it you wish to do, boy? If you want to tinker with airships, the company has them in abundance. I'll have Colson arrange for one of those new Garlond Ironworks models to be docked in a spare hangar...
Tataramu: No, Father! You don't understand! This is not some game or idle pursuit!
Sezul Totoloc: Squaek! Call my camp ground for dumping refuse, do you!? Shove ceruleum hose up chairman's backside, Sezul would! ...If already there, broomstick wasn't!
Tatabaru: ...What foul company you've been keeping. These birdmen have obviously deceived you—do you honestly believe such brutish creatures capable of building a functional airship?
Tataramu: You are the one guilty of deceit! The Ixal are the reason we were able to take to the skies in the first place! Why do you insist on hiding the truth?
Tataramu: Are you so afraid of damaging the company's reputation? Or are you simply too proud to admit that we borrowed the knowledge of "beastman savages"?
Tataramu: Fear and pride can only weigh us down! Only by casting aside such ballast can we truly reach the heights of which we are capable!
Tatabaru: I'll not stand here and be lectured by my own child! Cease this impudence at once!
Private Clerk: Sir, we really must be away. There are those two items of business in Limsa Lominsa that require your attention, followed by a dinner engagement with Counciller Turstin at the Coral Tower...
Tatabaru: Yes, yes, we are almost done here.
Tatabaru: Bring my son. If he decides to struggle, there is no need to be overly gentle. 
...A small dose of discipline will do him good.
Tataramu: Father! You cannot do this! Please, listen to me...
Sezul Totoloc: Harm Tataramu, you will not! Stab you first with feathers, then pluck you, then roast you, Sezul will!

Speaking with Sezul Totoloc

Sezul Totoloc: >> Squaaawk! Gone, Tataramu is! Taken! Strangled and stomped on, his dreams were! <<
Sezul Totoloc: >> For first time in Sezul's life, wish to harm featherless one, Sezul does! Share with them secrets of balloons, and now think they own skies, they do! <<
Sezul Totoloc: >> Dezul Qualan stays grounded! Integrate final components, we cannot! <<
Sezul Totoloc: >> Patience, now. Wait and hope for Tataramu's return, we must. Occupy ourselves with crafting needed parts. But if chairman sets foot into Ehcatl Nine's camp again...stuff into sack and beat bloody with tree branch, Sezul will! <<
System: You have achieved Respected reputation with the Ehcatl Nine
System: New Ixal tribal daily quests are now available from Duzal Meyean the Steady at Ehcatl.
System: Furthermore, you now have access to a wider selection of wares from the Ehcatl Nine vendor. 
System: This vendor also offers wares in exchange for the Ixali oaknots you obtain in the course of your adventures.


System: Thanks to your diligent efforts, the Dezul Qualan now has a functional steering mechanism. Continue assisting the Ehcatl Nine to see the airship hybrid reach completion