The Boy from Gridania
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The Boy from Gridania
- Quest giver
- Tataramu
- Location
- North Shroud (X:24, Y:23)
- Quest line
- Ixali Main Quests
- Level
- 6
- Required items
- 1 Engine Jointing Component
1 Engine Jointing Component Materials - Requirements
- Recognized Reputation maxed
Disciples of the Hand - Experience
????? "?????" is not a number.
- Gil
- Previous quest
A Designer Job
- Next quest
Lathe to the Party
- Patch
- 2.35
“Tataramu has encountered a bump in the road towards completing the Dezul Qualan.
※The crafting portion of this quest is recommended for Disciples of the Hand level 6 and above.— In-game description
- Unlocks
Make sure you've equipped Ehcatl Wristgloves before attempting to craft the quest items.
- Speak with Hida at the airship ticket counter in Gridania.
- Speak with Chansteloup.
- Deliver Tataramu's letter to Colson.
- Present the promissory note to Hildeyerd in Fallgourd Float.
- Deliver the engine jointing component to Tataramu.
- Tataramu has encountered a bump in the road towards completing the Dezul Qualan.
- ※The crafting portion of this quest is recommended for Disciples of the Hand level 6 and above.
- After explaining the need for certain notoriously difficult-to-acquire materials, Tataramu reluctantly asks that you deliver a letter to an acquaintance of his. Visit the airship ticket counter in Gridania, and ask Hida where you might find a gentleman by the name of Colson.
- Upon hearing of your wish to deliver a letter from "Master Tataramu," an obviously shocked Hida demands that you make haste to the headquarters of the Gods' Quiver and submit a report. Speak with Chansteloup at his post outside of Quiver's Hold.
- Chansteloup brushes aside your attempt to speak with him, claiming to be fully occupied with solving an important missing persons case. The agitated Quiverman does, however, confirm Colson's presence within Quiver's Hold. Head inside, and deliver the letter to Tataramu's acquaintance.
- After delivering the letter to Advisor Colson, you learn that Tataramu is actually the "missing" son of Highwind Skyways chairman Tatabaru. Though vexed by the unapologetic nature of Tataramu's brief missive, Colson nevertheless agrees to cover the costs for the young Lalafell's requested materials. Take the promissory note and hand it to Hildeyerd at the Fallgourd Float crafting facility.
- You hand the promissory note to Hildeyerd, and receive what the workshop supervisor describes as a set of lavishly expensive materials. Use the facility to craft a high-quality engine jointing component, then deliver your handiwork to Tataramu.
- ※ In the evvent that the status Facility Access: Detailing wears off or the synthesis ends in failure, you may try again by speaking with Hildeyerd.
- You have delivered the engine jointing component to Tataramu. Realizing that you are now aware of his true identity, the young man explains his desire to pursue an honest career outside of the suffocating cocoon of his privileged position. Sezul assures Tataramu that crafting is its own reward, and urges the airship designer to funnel his passion into the completion of the Dezul Qualan.
Accepting the Quest
Tataramu: >> Ho there, [Forename]! Construction of the airship proceeds apace! Our beastment colleagues have even agreed to implement several of my proposals! << Tataramu: However inadvertent it was, I must thank you for introducing me to this opportunity. Tataramu: That I should have the chance of contribute to such a revolutionary project... 'Tis exactly the sort of thing I dreamed of as I pored over countless tomes on aeronautic principle and design! Tataramu: There is, however, one small issue that has arisen to thwart us... Tataramu: In order to properly integrate my innovations, we require certain materials to build a custom engine jointing component—materials that are notoriously difficult to procure. Tataramu: I had hoped it would not come to this, but I must call upon the aid of an acquaintance of mine. Tataramu: [Forename], would you be so kind as to deliver this letter to a gentleman by the name of Colson? I am certain that he will agree to prepare the materials...and keep the entire matter discreet. Tataramu: Now, Colson is often out and about on company business, but speak with Hida at the airship ticket counter in Gridania, and she will point you towards his latest appointment. My apologies, [Forename]. I do not mean to treat you as a lackey, but I'd prefer to avoid the city for the time being... (Optional) Tataramu: I almost wish I could see Colson's face when he learns what I am building...not to mention with whom I am building it!
Speaking with Hida
Hida: Welcome to the airship landing... I'm sorry, was there aught else I might help you with, miss/sir? Hida: You wish to meet with Advisor Colson? Delivering a letter from "Tataramu," you say...? <gasp> Surely you don't mean Master Tataramu!? Hida: >> Y–You've seen him!? I–Is he hale and unharmed!? << Hida: >> You must take yourself directly to Quiver's Hold! Chansteloup will wish to speak with you in person! << Hida: You will find Advisor Colson there as well, assisting with the investigation. Swiftly now please, miss/sir! <<
Speaking with Chansteloup
Chansteloup: I'm sorry, miss/sir, but I cannot assist you at the time—the Gods' Quiver is fully engaged with investigating a most important case. Chansteloup: Every resource at our disposal has been allocated towards locating Chairman Tatabaru's missing son. Chansteloup: Even now, the chairman's chief aide, Advisor Colson, awaits within Quiver's Hold—no doubt eager to berate the First Bow for our lack of progress. Chansteloup: Hm? Colson is the person you've come to see? Then I must ask you to mind your words. I can't have you antagonizing the esteemed representative of Highwind Skyways. (Optional) Chansteloup: If you must speak with Advisor Colson, then pray do so with the utmost respect. Highwind Skyways is not a company to be trifled with...
Delivering Tataramu's letter to Colson
Colson: Yes, yes, I am Colson, but this is hardly the time for— Hm? A letter for me? Let's have it, then, miss/son! Time is of the essence, you know, especially at my age... <Hand Over Tataramu's Letter> Colson: >> Great gods! This is signed by Master Tataramu! How come you by this document!? Is the young master well!? << Colson: >> What's that, you say!? Ensconced in the company of Ixal!? Then we've not a moment to lose! Should it cost me my very life, I shall see him freed from their ravenous clutches! << Colson: We'll need to form a rescue party... Yes, the finest Gods' Quiver marksmen, reinforced by a small army of Skyways retainers! Be brave, Master Tataramu! Those beastmen will soon rue the day they dared lay talons on my young charge! <<
< What will you say to soothe him?> < Advisor, calm down!!! > <But Tataramu is fine! >
Either dialogue option Colson: This no longer concerns you, young man/miss! We must immediately— ...Wait, what? You mean to say that Tataramu is safe? Colson: ...He's there of his own free will? Building an airship with the Ixal!? Wait, wait, wait! Perhaps we must needs begin afresh. Colson: As you are obviously aware, my name is Colson, and I am the chief technical advisor for Highwind Skyways and aide to Chairman Tatabaru. Pleased to make your acquaintance. Colson: What you may not have known is that the man who asked you to deliver this letter is the chairman's only son...and the sole successor to a veritable airship empire. Colson: Some few days ago, Master Tataramu accompanied me here to Gridania are part of his continuing education on company practices. Much to my surprise and alarum, however, the young master suddenly disappeared from under my very nose. Colson: Well, I was naturally beset by all manner of horrible imaginings! With no ransom demand or other clue to his whereabouts, I had no choice but to task the Gods' Quiver with turning the entire city upside down! Colson: Suffice it to say, your news has lifted a terrible weight from my old shoulders. I know not how I would have faced the boy's father had events unfolded otherwise. Colson: ...And yet, the contents of this letter still manage to vex me. Colson: Dear Colson, Enclosed is a list of materials I would have you prepare for my companion. I require them for a most exciting project! Fond regards, Tataramu Colson: Not one word of apology or even the slightest hint of contrition! My lectures on the privilege and responsibility of position appear to have fallen on deaf ears. Colson: An as for this list... I'm assuming these are materials for some manner of high–quality jointing component? Treated rubber gaskets to prevent ceruleum leakage, yes? Colson: Hmmmm. I am sorely tempted to refuse this impertinent request, considering the trouble the young master has caused...But I am also intrigued. Colson: Here. Take this promissory note and hand it to the supervisor of the Fallgourd Float crafting facility. She will provide you with everything you require to craft Tataramu's component. Colson: Though I yet harbor some concerns, I will trust that Master Tataramu is content to work alongside these Ixal for now... (Optional) Colson: Master Tataramu is as a grandson to me—I have watched that boy nurture a love for airships since the day he was born. Pray see to it that no harm befalls him...
Presenting the promissory note to Hildeyerd
Hildeyerd: Hello again, adventurer! Come now, I can hardly hear you! I said, "Hello again"! <Hand Over Promissary Note> Hildeyerd: Oh my! This note has the seal of Highwind Skyways! ...Though I suppose it only stands to reason—there are few other organizations that could afford the items you're requesting. Hildeyerd: Here you are, then! Everything is in order for you to begin crafting!
Delivering the engine jointing component to Tataramu (Cutscene)
Tataramu: [Forename]! You were gone so long, I was beginning to worry! were you able to deliver my letter to Colson? <Hand Over Engine Jointing Component> Tataramu: Yes! This is exactly what I had in mind! Jointing components like this one are almost impossible to obtain without the clout of a company like Highwind Skyways behind you. Tataramu: But with your expertly crafted component now in hand, we should have no trouble integrating my improved engine housing into the Dezul Qualan. I ca already feel the bracing chill of the wind on my face! Hear the cries of the birds! See the folk below, rushing about like tiny— Tataramu: Ahem. Pray excuse my little flights of fancy. Terrible habit of mine. So, [Forename]... I suppose you heard from old Colson who I really am, then? Tataramu: Yes, 'tis true: my father is the chairman of Highwind Skyways, the expansive airship service that links the great cities of Eorzea. Tataramu: Destined as I am to one day take the company's helm, people everywhere seek to curry my favor as they would some merchant prince. Tataramu: ...A pity then that my "royal" status does not excuse me from an unrelenting procession of dreary lessons at home. I am forced to study mercantile practices, business strategies...all that I might maximize the profits of airship travel. Tataramu: But I have not the slightest interest in making coin. I've had enough of ledgers and lectures! Thus was I so reluctant to leave this little sanctuary. Tataramu: I want to design airships, not manage a fleet of them! I want to be valued not for my station or my purse, but for the skills I have labored to acquire! Tataramu: Mayhaps you hear naught but the whining of a spoiled child... Yet I swear to you, I would renounce my inheritance in a twinkling if I could! Tataramu: >> Oh for the wings of a wondrous airship to carry me further, faster, and higher than ever before! That is my dream! That, and naught else! <<
Sezul Totoloc: Squawk! Well said, that was! Sezul Totoloc: And mean nothing to us, Tataramu's wealth does. Better off smelting down coins and making nails, Sezul thinks!
Tataramu: Thank you, Sezul...
Sezul Totoloc: >> Squawk, squawk! Seize this passion, and let it sustain you, you must! Construction of Dezul Qualan will take all that Tataramu has, and more! Sezul Totoloc: Chosen an easy path, Tataramu has not. No, not easy. But always fair master, crafting is! Great reward for great effort! Sezul Totoloc: Launch our vessel upon ocean of clouds, we shall! Launch it towards gates of Ayatlan! Ready to fly is Tataramu, yes?
Tataramu: Yes! Yes, sir!
System: You have achieved Friendly reputation with the Ehcatl Nine. System: New Ixal daily quests are now available from Rozol Cattlan the Prudent at Ehcatl. System: Furthermore, you now have access to a wider selection of wares from the Ehcatl Nine vendor. System: Thanks to your diligent efforts, the engine housing has now been integrates into the Dezul Qualan's tail assembly! Continue assisting the Ehcatl Nine to see the airship hybrid reach completion.