Series Malmstones

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The Series Malmstones system provides unique rewards to players who participate in PvP during a given series. Achieved and upcoming malmstones can be confirmed via your PvP Profile.

Official PvP Guide

Series Malmstones1.jpg

The Series Malmstones system provides unique rewards to players who participate in PvP during a given Series─a period of time lasting the duration of one major patch (e.g. from the release of Patch 6.1 until the release of Patch 6.2).

From the release of Patch 6.1, participating in PvP content will earn you Series Malmstones Series EXP, which will increase your Series level. Increasing your Series level will unlock various Series rewards.

Series Level

Participate in PvP to earn Series Malmstones Series EXP and increase your Series level. Increasing your Series level will unlock special Series rewards. Any levels gained above 30 will be tracked as "extra levels."

EXP yields for each mode are as follows:

Result Series Malmstones Series EXP
Crystalline Conflict win 900 EXP
Crystalline Conflict loss 700 EXP
Result Series Malmstones Series EXP
Rival Wings win 1,250 EXP
Rival Wings loss 750 EXP
Result Series Malmstones Series EXP
Frontline 1st place 1,500 EXP
Frontline 2nd place 1,250 EXP
Frontline 3rd place 1,000 EXP
  • The Daily Challenge for Frontline gives an additional 1,500 EXP, on top of placement EXP.

Series Rewards

"Series" refers to a specific rewards period. As such, rewards will change when one Series ends and another begins. Any Series rewards earned can be claimed until the following Series ends.

Not to be confused with Seasons which cycle on a different schedule and have separate rewards.

Trophy Crystals

A new currency, Trophy Crystal Trophy Crystals, has been added as a Series reward. Trophy Crystals can be exchanged at the Wolves' Den Pier for a variety of items.

Series 1 (Patch 6.1)

Series Malmstone Chart
Level Series Malmstones to next rank Total Rewards
1 2000 N/A
2 2000 2000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
3 2000 4000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
4 2000 6000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
5 3000 8000 Ballroom etiquette - persuasive perseverance icon1.png  Ballroom Etiquette - Persuasive Perseverance (Determined icon1.png  Determined)
6 3000 11000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
7 3000 14000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
8 3000 17000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
9 3000 20000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
10 4000 23000 Astra framers kit icon1.png  Astra Framer's Kit
11 4000 27000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
12 4000 31000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
13 4000 35000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
14 4000 39000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
15 5500 43000 False shaded spectacles icon1.png  False Shaded Spectacles
16 5500 48500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
17 5500 54000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
18 5500 59500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
19 5500 65000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
20 7500 70500 Umbra framers kit icon1.png  Umbra Framer's Kit
21 7500 78000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
22 7500 85500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
23 7500 93000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
24 7500 100500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
25 10,000 108000 Archfiend attire coffer icon1.png  Archfiend Attire Coffer
26 10,000 118000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
27 10,000 128000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
28 10,000 138000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
29 10,000 148000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
30 20,000 158000 Trophy Crystal 5,000 Trophy Crystals
20,000 N/A Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals

Series 2 (Patch 6.2)

Series Malmstones Series2.png
Series Malmstone Chart
Level Series Malmstones to next rank Rewards
1 2000 N/A
2 2000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
3 2000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
4 2000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
5 3000 Ballroom etiquette - taking sides icon1.png  Ballroom Etiquette - Taking Sides (Spirit icon1.png  Spirit)
6 3000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
7 3000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
8 3000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
9 3000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
10 4000 Azure framers kit icon1.png  Azure Framer's Kit
11 4000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
12 4000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
13 4000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
14 4000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
15 5500 Clockwork cerulean chaser icon2.png  Clockwork Cerulean Chaser
16 5500 Clockwork crimson chaser icon2.png  Clockwork Crimson Chaser
17 5500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
18 5500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
19 5500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
20 7500 Crimson framers kit icon1.png  Crimson Framer's Kit
21 7500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
22 7500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
23 7500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
24 7500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
25 10,000 Fylgja horn icon1.png  Fylgja Horn (Fylgja icon1.png  Fylgja)
26 10,000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
27 10,000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
28 10,000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
29 10,000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
30 20,000 Trophy Crystal 6,000 Trophy Crystals
20,000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals

Series 3 (Patch 6.3)

Series Malmstone Chart
Level Series Malmstones to next rank Rewards
1 2000 N/A
2 2000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
3 2000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
4 2000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
5 3000 Ballroom etiquette - discreet discussion icon1.png  Ballroom Etiquette - Discreet Discussion (Linkpearl emote.png  Linkpearl)
6 3000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
7 3000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
8 3000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
9 3000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
10 4000 Falcons framers kit icon1.png  Falcons Framer's Kit
11 4000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
12 4000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
13 4000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
14 4000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
15 5500 Logistics node identification key icon1.png  Logistics Node Identification Key (Logistics node icon2.png  Logistics Node)
16 5500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
17 5500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
18 5500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
19 5500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
20 7500 Ravens framers kit icon1.png  Ravens Framer's Kit
21 7500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
22 7500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
23 7500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
24 7500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
25 10,000 False monarchy attire coffer icon1.png  False Monarchy Attire Coffer
26 10,000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
27 10,000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
28 10,000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
29 10,000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
30 20,000 Trophy Crystal 5,000 Trophy Crystals
20,000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals

Series 4 (Patch 6.4)

Series Malmstone Chart
Level Series Malmstones to next rank Rewards
1 2000 N/A
2 2000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
3 2000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
4 2000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
5 3000 Ballroom etiquette - heartfelt sincerity icon1.png  Ballroom Etiquette - Heartfelt Sincerity (Handtoheart.png  Hand to Heart)
6 3000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
7 3000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
8 3000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
9 3000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
10 4000 Aramitama framers kit icon1.png  Aramitama Framer's Kit
11 4000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
12 4000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
13 4000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
14 4000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
15 5500 Rubellite weapon icon2.png  Rubellite Weapon
16 5500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
17 5500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
18 5500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
19 5500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
20 7500 Nigimitama framers kit icon1.png  Nigimitama Framer's Kit
21 7500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
22 7500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
23 7500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
24 7500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
25 10,000 Traveling supporter identification key icon1.png  Traveling Supporter Identification Key (Traveling supporter icon2.png  Traveling Supporter)
26 10,000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
27 10,000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
28 10,000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
29 10,000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
30 20,000 Trophy Crystal 5,000 Trophy Crystals
20,000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals

Series 5 (Patch 6.5)

Series Malmstone Chart
Level Series Malmstones to next rank Rewards
1 2000 N/A
2 2000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
3 2000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
4 2000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
5 3000 Ballroom etiquette - heartfelt sincerity icon1.png  Ballroom Etiquette - Defeatist Attitude (Slump.png  Slump)
6 3000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
7 3000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
8 3000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
9 3000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
10 4000 Palaistra framers kit icon1.png  Palaistra Framer's Kit
11 4000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
12 4000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
13 4000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
14 4000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
15 5500 Tourmaline weapon icon2.png  Tourmaline Weapon
16 5500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
17 5500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
18 5500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
19 5500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
20 7500 Cloud nine framers kit icon1.png  Cloud Nine Framer's Kit
21 7500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
22 7500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
23 7500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
24 7500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
25 10,000 Fierce tyrants attire coffer icon1.png  Fierce Tyrant's Attire Coffer
26 10,000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
27 10,000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
28 10,000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
29 10,000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
30 20,000 Trophy Crystal 5,000 Trophy Crystals
20,000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals

Series 6 (Patch 7.0)

Series Malmstone Chart
Level Series Malmstones to next rank Rewards
1 2000 N/A
2 2000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
3 2000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
4 2000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
5 3000 Bomb parasol icon1.png  Bomb Parasol (Fashion Accessory)
6 3000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
7 3000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
8 3000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
9 3000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
10 4000 Volcanic heart framers kit icon1.png  Volcanic Heart Framer's Kit
11 4000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
12 4000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
13 4000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
14 4000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
15 5500 Squeak the coyote icon2.png  Squeak the Coyote
16 5500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
17 5500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
18 5500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
19 5500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
20 7500 Clockwork castletown framers kit icon1.png  Clockwork Castletown Framer's Kit
21 7500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
22 7500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
23 7500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
24 7500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
25 10,000 Oppressor identification key icon1.png  Oppressor Identification Key (Oppressor mount icon1.png  Oppressor)
26 10,000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
27 10,000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
28 10,000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
29 10,000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
30 20,000 Trophy Crystal 5,000 Trophy Crystals
20,000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals

Series 7 (Patch 7.1)

Series Malmstone Chart
Level Series Malmstones to next rank Rewards
1 2000 N/A
2 2000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
3 2000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
4 2000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
5 3000 Ballroom etiquette - awaiting orders icon1.png  Ballroom Etiquette - Awaiting Orders (Attend.png  Attend)
6 3000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
7 3000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
8 3000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
9 3000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
10 4000 Seal rock framers kit icon1.png  Seal Rock Framer's Kit
11 4000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
12 4000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
13 4000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
14 4000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
15 5500 Adamant weapon icon2.png  Adamant Weapon
16 5500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
17 5500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
18 5500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
19 5500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
20 7500 Red sands framers kit icon1.png  Red Sands Framer's Kit
21 7500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
22 7500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
23 7500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
24 7500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
25 10,000 Loose fit attire coffer icon1.png  Loose Fit Attire Coffer
26 10,000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
27 10,000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
28 10,000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
29 10,000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
30 20,000 Trophy Crystal 5,000 Trophy Crystals
20,000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals

Series 8 (Patch 7.2)

Series Malmstone Chart
Level Series Malmstones to next rank Rewards
1 2000 N/A
2 2000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
3 2000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
4 2000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
5 3000 Ballroom etiquette - feigning fainting icon1.png  Ballroom Etiquette - Feigning Fainting (Dazed icon1.png  Dazed)
6 3000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
7 3000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
8 3000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
9 3000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
10 4000 Fields of glory framers kit icon1.png  Fields of Glory Framer's Kit
11 4000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
12 4000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
13 4000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
14 4000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
15 5500 Clockwork oppressor icon1.png  Clockwork Oppressor
16 5500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
17 5500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
18 5500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
19 5500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
20 7500 Onsal hakair framers kit icon1.png  Onsal Hakair Framer's Kit
21 7500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
22 7500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
23 7500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
24 7500 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
25 10,000 Magitek slasher identification key icon1.png  Magitek Slasher Identification Key (20px  Magitek Slasher (Mount))
26 10,000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
27 10,000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
28 10,000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
29 10,000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals
30 20,000 Trophy Crystal 5,000 Trophy Crystals
20,000 Trophy Crystal 1,000 Trophy Crystals