Once More unto the Void
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Once More unto the Void
- Quest giver
- Varshahn
- Location
- Radz-at-Han (X:4.4, Y:9.8)
- Quest line
- Post-Endwalker Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 90
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Buried Memory
- Next quest
A Cold Reunion
- Patch
- 6.3
- Links
- GT
Main Scenario Progress: 826 / 968 (85.3%)
Endwalker Progress: 128 / 155 (82.6%)
“Varshahn's eyes seem to brighten at your arrival.
— In-game description
- Varshahn's eyes seem to brighten at your arrival.
- After arriving in the Source, Zero required time to regain her strength, but Varshahn has informed you that, thanks to a ready supply of food, she has made a full recovery. Eager to resume the search for his sister, he bids you relay his intent to the voidsent, whom he believes may be enjoying a view of the city from the corridor connecting Yuj and Kama.
- You find Zero observing the people of Radz-at-Han while ruminating on the ephemeral existence of mortals. When she finally gives you her attention, you inform her of your purpose, and together make your way to Meghaduta to join the others.
- Your preparations complete, you and your comrades are about to set forth for the void when, without warning, Vrtra emerges from the palace and lets out a mighty roar. When he speaks again as Varshahn, he reveals that he felt his sister's presence far to the north. This unexpected turn of events prompts a change of plans─rather than the void, you now set your sights on Garlemald.
Accepting the Quest
Varshahn: Ah, [Forename]. As always, your timing is most fortuitous. I wish to share with you news concerning Zero. Varshahn: You will recall that, in exchange for aether, she agreed to aid us in our search for my sister. Varshahn: At Y'shtola's suggestion, I began providing said aether in the form of food. Zero has found the arrangement to be agreeable, and has been eating steadily. Varshahn: In large part due to that, she claims to have already made a full recovery. Varshahn: If you and the others are ready as well, I would set forth for the void once more. Varshahn: Excellent. I shall inform Y'shtola and Estinien, and then go to collect my other vessel from the alchemists. Varshahn: In the meantime, might I ask you to fetch Zero? Varshahn: She was absent when I visited her chambers earlier, but I suspect you will find her in the corridor connecting Yuj and Kama. It seems she's grown partial to the view of the city it affords. Varshahn: Once we have attended to our respective tasks, let us gather here.
Fetching Zero
Zero: Everyone is so...carefree. Zero: Unafraid and unconcerned in spite of their weakness, and how easily their lives could be torn apart in an instant... Zero: Such luxuries are lost to us. We have no hopes or dreams─not even the release of death. Only hunger. Zero: Others are a means to an end. At times a literal one. Zero: We forge covenants with men, and come here to feed. Or to die. Zero: I thought it would be no different when I was summoned by Zenos. Zero: Lives were tools to him, to be used and discarded at whim. In that respect, he was a voidsent at heart. Zero: But towards you and you alone, he behaved...differently. And I cannot fathom why. Zero: What was it that drove him? What made him choose such an end? Zero: But enough about that man. He is dead, and we are all better for it. Zero: Why are you here? Was there something you needed? Zero: So you're heading back now. Then as per our bargain, I will go as well.
Completing the Quest
(Optional) Y'shtola: I've been at the Great Work, discussing our experiences in the void with the alchemists. Y'shtola: Though they found much of it surprising, they were especially shocked to learn that Darkness prevents souls from finding rest.
(Optional) Estinien: If you're ready to get back to it, then so am I.
(Optional) Zero: So much aether... I can't remember the last time I felt such fullness. I could get used to this.
Varshahn: Everyone is here? Good. Let us set forth for the void once more.
Estinien: What is it? Estinien: He's...calling.
Varshahn: What is the meaning of this...?
Y'shtola: Unless I'm mistaken, that was intended for one of your kin. Who?
Varshahn: It was for the briefest of moments, but...I felt her. Azdaja.
Estinien: I thought she was in the void.
Varshahn: As did I. Yet the presence was unmistakable. Varshahn: Thus did I call out...only for it to fade and vanish.
Y'shtola: Perhaps...she crossed over to the Source then immediately turned back?
Varshahn: I do not know... Varshahn: Could she have found a way home...?
Y'shtola: The how of it aside, if she was indeed in the Source, there may be clues where she came through that could lead us back to her. Y'shtola: Where exactly was it that you felt her presence?
Varshahn: Far to the north. That was all I could discern.
Estinien: The north, you say? Beyond the Bounty─Garlemald?
Y'shtola: As good a place to start as any. Y'shtola: My apologies, Zero, but your return to the void will have to wait.
Zero: I told you before that I have no reason to go back there. Do as you will.
Y'shtola: ...All right. I presume you wish to stay here in Radz-at-Han until we return?
Zero: You've kept me amply fed. I wouldn't be averse to helping you on your search.
Y'shtola: If Azdaja was indeed here, other voidsent may have made the journey as well... Y'shtola: Very well, we would welcome your company.
Estinien: If it's decided, then I'll contact our associates in Garlemald. Estinien: ..It's me. Still talking everyone's ears off, I trust? Estinien: Understood. We'll see you there. Estinien: We're to rendezvous at Tertium. Estinien: We'll need to teleport to make it there in time. Can you?
Zero: Aye. I know it well from my time as an avatar.
Estinien: Then it seems we're all set.
Y'shtola: If there is nothing else, let us see to our final preparations.
System: "Once More unto the Void" complete!
Speaking with the others prior to accepting the next quest
(Optional) Varshahn: Sister...was it really you?
(Optional) Y'shtola: We have no reason to doubt Vrtra. Let us depart for Garlemald as soon as possible.
(Optional) Zero: So that was a dragon's roar. Quite a trick, imbuing one's voice with aether.