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Data across the Decades

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Data across the Decades

Quest giver
T'laqa Tia
Old Sharlayan (X:4.2, Y:9.6)
Quest line
Faculty of Aetherology
Required items
6 Garjana wrasse icon1.png  Garjana Wrasse
Experience 117,150
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Side QuestHistory Lesson

T'laqa Tia has high hopes that your partnership will bear fruit.

— In-game description



Recommended using Shrimp ball icon1.png  Shrimp Ball or Versatile lure icon1.png  Versatile Lure, Patience II.png  Patience II active, and hook with Powerful Hookset.png  Powerful Hookset to catch the Garjana wrasse icon1.png  Garjana Wrasse.



Turn in the six Garjana wrasse icon1.png  Garjana Wrasse Collectable you have caught.

Remuneration Details

Turning in six 313+ Collectability Garjana Wrasse reward:



  • T'laqa Tia has high hopes that your partnership will bear fruit.


Accepting the Quest

T'laqa Tia: Oh, hello again!
T'laqa Tia: Did you notice the fish tank, by the way? I went ahead and put one of my research specimens in it. Quite the looker, wouldn't you say?
T'laqa Tia: I tell you, so many things, have fallen into place ever since you showed up. I'm having the time of my life analyzing all this data!
T'laqa Tia: I mean to continue analysis of aetherlice, of course, but I will task another gleaner with such mundane tasks.
T'laqa Tia: Instead, I'd like to make full use of your skills by having you visit an area I've long been fascinated with.
T'laqa Tia: I speak of the oceans surrounding Thavnair!
T'laqa Tia: I have reason to believe there was a significant change in the aether currents in those waters that occurred around the time of the Calamity. Professor Nele shared with me some data from twenty years prior, and I would compare it with current data to ascertain if I am correct.
T'laqa Tia: The waters around Thavnair, you see, have long been one of the focal points of Professor Nele's research.
T'laqa Tia: I wish to study them more to honor his work, whilst also using it as a starting point for my own.
T'laqa Tia: Before you go, however, a word of warning: ever since the Calamity, the region is notorious for shipwrecks. I realize that you are a seasoned professional, but I fully understand if you do not want to take on the risk.
Player: Hero: Consider it done!
T'laqa Tia: Oh, thank you! I knew I could count on you.


Player: I almost didn't return from my voyage on the Sirensong Sea...
T'laqa Tia: So the rumors were true! Still, you could always fish off the island's coast. I reckon there wouldn't be much risk in that.
T'laqa Tia: Anyhow, I'd like you to fish the same species that Professor Nele studied twenty years ago: to wit, the garjana wrasse.
T'laqa Tia: According to the books the pressor gave me, they live near the Great Runoff, and are known to enjoy nibbling on shrimp balls. And that should do it! Be safe out there, yes?

During the Quest

T'laqa Tia: Have you managed to reel in any wrasse? According to my references, they live in relative abundance near the Great Runoff and favor the taste of shrimp balls.
T'laqa Tia: Speaking of which, how do you plan to travel to Thavnair? I suspect teleportation magicks would be the most convenient way—if, sadly, not one available to me. In either event, do take care!

Finishing the Quest

T'laqa Tia: Dear me! What an impressive specimen! This should allow me to collect data as complete as Professor Nele's from two decades ago. I can't wait to compare my findings!


T'laqa Tia: Well, would you look at that wrasse! Splendid! I can scarcely wait to analyze it, that I might compare my findings with Professor Nele's from two decades ago!
T'laqa Tia: Well, I daresay I've more than enough samples now. Pray wait for just a moment—I'm going to ask Professor Nele to take a look.
Nele: It's not every day that you ask after me, T'laqa. I trust this means that your research is coming along well?
T'laqa Tia: Better than I could have ere imagined! As a matter of fact, I was hoping to hear your thoughts on my latest findings.
T'laqa Tia: Comparing my data with yours from twenty years ago, I can say with confidence that the concentration of aether in the area did indeed show an increase around the time of the Calamity. From these numbers, I would posit that smaller fish species in the area have increased in abundance severalfold!(sic)
T'laqa Tia: The garjana wrasse, in particular, is known for protecting itself from predators by creating disturbances in the surrounding aether. A population increase of such scale would undoubtedly result in a dramatic impact on its habitat.
T'laqa Tia: Which would go a long way to explaining the countless shipwrecks. The sheer number of these fish would surely play havoc with ships' aether compasses.
Nele: Outstanding work, T'laqa! Of course, more data will be needed to prove your assertations as fact. Should it hold true, however, this could be a discovery of no small import.
Nele: Come to think of it, I remember you showing considerable interest in my research into the seas around Thavnair. What exactly was it that drew you to my work?
T'laqa Tia: Oh! It's just, well, I always found the figures somewhat...unnatural. Call it a hunch, but I couldn't help but feel like it warranted further research.
Nele: With that intuition and power of observation, you're going to go places, T'laqa. I knew my faith in you was not misplaced.
T'laqa Tia: I...I am!? You flatter me Professor...
Nele: Haha! Take care not to let it go to your head. Your potential will only be stifled if you allow yourself to be content with minor progress and faint praise.
T'laqa Tia: O-Of course, Pressor. I will redouble my efforts, and work harder than ever to deliver results!
T'laqa Tia: And on that note, I'd best get to work summarizing my findings for inclusion in my thesis.
T'laqa Tia: If I am able to identify an explicit correlation amongst the post-Calamity change in aether concentration, the explosion of the fish population, and the increase in shipwrecks, it will go a long way toward proving my theory correct!
T'laqa Tia: Of course, I 'll be needing more fish specimens before that can happen. Fair warning—I might to send you to even more hazardous locales. And yet I'm sure you're up to the challenge, yes?
T'laqa Tia: Splendid! I swear, this is the most invigorated I've ever felt about my research! Now, where to start...?