The Student Body's Revenge
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The Student Body's Revenge
- Quest giver
- Briardien
- Location
- The Pillars (X:8.7, Y:7.8)
- Quest line
- Scholasticate Quests
- Level
- 60
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Finding Ulaa
- Next quest
The Whipping Boy
- Patch
- 3.5
“Briardien's eyes smolder with determination.
— In-game description
- Make your way to Saint Endalim's Scholasticate.
- /soothe the stern seminarian.
- /rally the sincere seminarian's spirits.
- Speak with Theomocent.
- Briardien's eyes smolder with determination.
- Ulaa's safe return has brought with it the revival of a certain vicious rumor. Once more, the seminarians whisper amongst themselves, accusing Archombadin of arranging the girl's kidnapping, and this time they are resolved to take justice into their own hands. When the headmistress calls for an emergency meeting, the student body takes full advantage of the lack of supervision and moves to call for Archombadin's removal from the scholasticate. Asking that you look into matters on his behalf, Briardien leaves you with Blaisie to pursue his own line of investigation.
- The tension is palpable as the seminarians call for Archombadin's immediate expulsion. One youth is particularly vocal about seeing the prefect removed, and his frenzied shouts are quick to incite the other students gathered around. Her own efforts to do so having already failed, Blaisie asks you to attempt to ease the mounting tension. Perhaps you should start by trying to /soothe the stern seminarian.
- While your soothing words have helped to calm the enraged seminarian, the possibility of not taking immediate action seems to have triggered a deep-seated fear of retribution from Archombadin in another. Help to /rally the terrified boy's spirits before the feeling begins to spread to the rest of the seminarians.
- Upon hearing your words of encouragement, the young seminarian's fear dissipates and the floor finally opens for a calm discussion on how to proceed. Speak with Theomocent that the talk might commence.
- The merciful moment of measured discussion and decorum is sadly short-lived, as Theomocent declines to lead the proposed charge on Archombadin. Accusations and insults fly, and a furious student body marches out of the room, intent on starting up a petition that will see the dormitory prefect expelled. A flabbergasted Theomocent, Leigh, Crammevoix, and Blaisie are left in their wake. Is there nothing that can be done to prevent further discord from taking root at the scholasticate?
Accepting the Quest (Cutscene)
Briardien: Ah, [Forename]. I was wondering when you'd show up. The Temple Knights have deemed Ulaa fit to recount the events of her kidnapping, and have taken her into the room just beyond for questioning, with Blaisie to accompany for support. Briardien: It would appear the questioning is done. Let us see what we might learn. Briardien: Hail, my good man. I am Inspector Briardien, and this is my associate, [Forename]. I understand that you have spoken with Ulaa regarding her kidnapping. Is there aught you might share with us?
Trusty Temple Knight: Inspector Briardien. Mistress/Master [Forename]. I fear that it would seem the Lady Ulaa knows even less of her own abduction than we do. Trusty Temple Knight: As she tells it, the only people she saw during her captivity were the two thugs now in our custody. We've questioned them thrice over, but they insist their employer had disguised themselves so well they cannot even say for certain if they are a man or a woman, much less give us a description. Trusty Temple Knight: For what little it's worth, we did learn that the two were once orphans, raised as charges of the See. To betray the nation that fed and clothed them for a handful of coin... <sigh> But I must return to my post. Should we come across anything of actual significance, I shall be sure to alert you.
Briardien: ...Blaisie. Are there any details our friend may have neglected to mention?
Blaisie: I fear that Ulaa's testimony proved entirely unenlightening. There is another development, however, that has been troubling me. Rumors that Archombadin was behind the abduction are circulating around the scholasticate once more.
Briardien: Again with those asinine allegations...
Blaisie: And this time, the students seem convinced more than ever of his guilt. No longer content to sit back and wait for events to take their course, they've been pushing for his expulsion. Blaisie: Theo has been doing his best to convince them to disregard the rumors, but it seems any mention of Archombadin only serves to fuel their rage. I must hurry back and help him.
Briardien: I suspect that this is less a reflection on the prefect himself than a manifestation of aimless anxiety and fear. Still, I daresay this commotion might prove to be an opportunity in disguise. Briardien: I shall make my way to the Vault to continue my own investigations. In the meantime, I ask that you go and keep an eye on the seminarians and an ear to the ground.
Making your way to Saint Endalim's Scholasticate (Cutscene)
Stern Seminarian: >> And what if those ruffians truly were in his employ!? Are we to stand idly by until he betrays one of us as he did poor Ulaa!? << Stern Seminarian: >> His refusal to provide us with anything resembling a reasonable explanation speaks for itself! The boy is guilty, and I say we move to have him expelled from the scholasticate, effective immediately! Theomocent, I demand that you take lead of this charge! <<
Blaisie: Thank the Fury you've come, [Forename]. Since the headmistress called everyone away for an emergency meeting, it's been absolute chaos! Blaisie: They're so incensed, they won't listen to a word Theo or I say! Perhaps if you were to speak with them, it would help to soothe their angry feelings.
Optional Dialogue
Janchette: There's no solid evidence against Archombadin─just these vague rumors that keep making the rounds. With all the resentment toward him, however, I guess that was all that was needed to indict him.
Sincere Seminarian: So what if we've no proof that he had a hand in Ulaa's abduction!? He's guilty of so much more than that. Just ask anyone who's suffered under his reign of terror!
Blaisie: I fear their anger will drive them to do something we'll forever regret. Please, can you try and talk some sense back into them?
Despondent Seminarian: I'm sick of Archombadin always pushing us around! If we don't take action now, what's to stop him from continuing to make our lives miserable─or worse!?
Crammevoix: The frustration and anxiety that's been building ever since Ulaa first went missing has finally come to the surface, and for better or worse it's all being directed at Archombadin.
Theomocent: Everyone, please─calm yourselves. Before we take any drastic measures, let us discuss the matter like rational men.
Leigh: One thing's for sure─if he didn't deserve it for this, he deserved it for something else. I think we should let the student body have him!
/soothing the stern seminarian
Stern Seminarian: Enough is enough! I refuse to tolerate his presence within these halls for even one more day! < /soothe > Stern Seminarian: On second thought, I daresay you have the right of it. The prefect has the riches of House Dzemael at his disposal, and powerful allies just waiting to spring to his aid. We must step back and consider our actions carefully, lest we find ourselves strung up by the necks!
Sincere Seminarian: S-So you would suggest we do nothing!? The longer we dither without taking action, the greater the risk of him finding us out. And when he does, he'll see every last one of us suffer for it, mark my words!
Stern Seminarian: He is frightened─as are we all, but that is precisely why we must proceed with caution. As you rightly observed, if we act out of anger or despair we only doom ourselves to failure. Please, ma'am/sir, if you would, rally his spirits as you have calmed mine own.
/rally the sincere seminarian's spirits
Sincere Seminarian: With his wealth and influence, who knows what he could do to us!? < /rally > Sincere Seminarian: But of course...it is exactly as you say. Forgive me─my fear had gotten the better of me. Indeed, there is little he can do to us if we act as one and proceed with due caution.
Stern Seminarian: And remember once Archombadin is removed from the school, the administration will keep us safe, so we need not fear his retribution ever again. We must move swiftly─but surely─to ensure his expulsion. Theomocent, can we count on you to lead us?
Optional Dialogue
Leigh: While everyone seems to have calmed down, it won't take much to set them off again. Even the mere mention of Archombadin's name would be enough.
Crammevoix: Now that they've released their frustration, I hope we will be able to come together and find a way to resolve this predicament.
Blaisie: <sigh> Thank you, Forename. I shudder to think of what would have happened had you not been there to dissuade them from doing anything rash.
Janchette:<sigh> And not long ago these selfsame students would look down their noses at Theomocent while groveling at Archombadin's feet. Oh, how the tides have turned...
Stern Seminarian: Theomocent has a mind as sharp as any in these halls. If he leads our charge, I am convinced that Archombadin will find himself without a leg to stand on.
Despondent Seminarian: You're the only one who can see to it that the prefect gets what he deserves!
Sincere Seminarian: There is no point in worrying over things that have not─and may never─come to pass. If we proceed with due caution, there is naught we need fear!
Speaking with Theomocent (Cutscene)
Theomocent: Th-Thank you, [Forename]. Now that everyone is feeling more at ease, let us open the floor for discussion. I welcome any and all opinions, provided that they are delivered in a calm and orderly fashion.
Stern Seminarian: I believe there is just cause to expel Archombadin. As [Forename] was kind enough to point out, however, we should not act brashly. That is why you, Theomocent─with your calm demeanor─are best suited to head our appeal to have him removed. What say you?
Theomocent: Given the way he's treated you in the past, I can understand why you'd readily assume the worst of him. I cannot help but believe, however, that he, too, is a victim in all this. I strain to think that anyone who cares so deeply about the scholasticate and its inhabitants could commit such an atrocity.
Leigh: Theo, for the Fury's sake! You would defend the very individual who for the past several years ridiculed and tortured us!? Is it so impossible for you to believe that he is capable of such villainy!?
Theomocent: Until there is proof to say he is guilty, we must give him the benefit of the doubt.
Crammevoix: Theo is right, Leigh. I bear no great love for Archombadin either, but even the Temple Knights have been unable to uncover a single piece of evidence tying him to the kidnapping.
Despondent Seminarian: The same knights who have pulled the wool over our eyes for a thousand years, stripping us of all we own to protect men like him!? How heartening that is to hear!
Stern Seminarian: I...I would have thought that after all you'd endured at Archombadin's hands, you would stand with us. I see I was wrong. Stern Seminarian: Friends, it would seem the commoner has grown too content under the nobleman's yoke to fight for his ideals. If we are to see justice served, we must do so with our own strength─our own voices! Let us draft a petition, that our grievances might be heard and the blackguard expelled!
Theomocent: How can they be so blind!? The villain who kidnapped Ulaa is playing us all for fools! Stoking the flames of hatred, that we might all be consumed by them...