Siren (boss)

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Siren (boss)

With their enthralling song, these seductive she-devils of the waves have lured many sailors to a watery demise. Some years ago, the pirate king Mistbeard hunted down the creatures, and for a time their ruinous voices were not to be heard upon the five seas. Following the Calamity, however, a siren would appear upon the Isles of Umbra—or what few of their kind that remained being drawn, it would seem, to corrupted crystals.

— Encyclopaedia Eorzea Volume II, p. 149

Siren (boss) is a boss in Pharos Sirius.


Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Hoplite tabard icon1.png  Hoplite Tabard Body 60 BGreen 1
Lords cuirass icon1.png  Lord's Cuirass Body 60 BGreen 1
Thick haubergeon icon1.png  Thick Haubergeon Body 60 BGreen 1
Hetairos mail icon1.png  Hetairos Mail Body 60 BGreen 1
War harness icon1.png  War Harness Body 60 BGreen 1
Nobles jacket icon1.png  Noble's Jacket Body 60 BGreen 1
Peltast acton icon1.png  Peltast Acton Body 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes tunic icon1.png  Toxotes Tunic Body 60 BGreen 1
Austere cowl icon1.png  Austere Cowl Body 60 BGreen 1
Blessed gown icon1.png  Blessed Gown Body 60 BGreen 1
Strategos bliaud icon1.png  Strategos Bliaud Body 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue halfrobe icon1.png  Demagogue Halfrobe Body 60 BGreen 1
Hoplite trousers icon1.png  Hoplite Trousers Legs 60 BGreen 1
Lords trousers icon1.png  Lord's Trousers Legs 60 BGreen 1
Thick skirt icon1.png  Thick Skirt Legs 60 BGreen 1
Hetairos breeches icon1.png  Hetairos Breeches Legs 60 BGreen 1
War subligar icon1.png  War Subligar Legs 60 BGreen 1
Nobles brais icon1.png  Noble's Brais Legs 60 BGreen 1
Peltast breeches icon1.png  Peltast Breeches Legs 60 BGreen 1
Toxotes kecks icon1.png  Toxotes Kecks Legs 60 BGreen 1
Austere tights icon1.png  Austere Tights Legs 60 BGreen 1
Blessed slops icon1.png  Blessed Slops Legs 60 BGreen 1
Strategos breeches icon1.png  Strategos Breeches Legs 60 BGreen 1
Demagogue chausses icon1.png  Demagogue Chausses Legs 60 BGreen 1


Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Sirius Business Feature quest 50 Diamanda

Additional Information


Once feared across the five seas, today sirens are but the stuff of legend, due in part to a thorough culling of the creatures some years past by the renowned pirate Mistbeard. Recent sightings of the seductive she-devils, however, once again have sea- and landsmen alike exchanging tales of sirens entrancing entire ship crews with their accursed songs, then feeding on their captives' souls until all that remain are lifeless husks.

Encyclopædia Eorzea, p. 288
