Siren (boss)
Siren (boss)
“With their enthralling song, these seductive she-devils of the waves have lured many sailors to a watery demise. Some years ago, the pirate king Mistbeard hunted down the creatures, and for a time their ruinous voices were not to be heard upon the five seas. Following the Calamity, however, a siren would appear upon the Isles of Umbra—or what few of their kind that remained being drawn, it would seem, to corrupted crystals.
— Encyclopaedia Eorzea Volume II, p. 149
Siren (boss) is a boss in Pharos Sirius.
Name | Type | Item Level | Rarity | Quantity |
Hoplite Tabard | Body | 60 | Green | 1 |
Lord's Cuirass | Body | 60 | Green | 1 |
Thick Haubergeon | Body | 60 | Green | 1 |
Hetairos Mail | Body | 60 | Green | 1 |
War Harness | Body | 60 | Green | 1 |
Noble's Jacket | Body | 60 | Green | 1 |
Peltast Acton | Body | 60 | Green | 1 |
Toxotes Tunic | Body | 60 | Green | 1 |
Austere Cowl | Body | 60 | Green | 1 |
Blessed Gown | Body | 60 | Green | 1 |
Strategos Bliaud | Body | 60 | Green | 1 |
Demagogue Halfrobe | Body | 60 | Green | 1 |
Hoplite Trousers | Legs | 60 | Green | 1 |
Lord's Trousers | Legs | 60 | Green | 1 |
Thick Skirt | Legs | 60 | Green | 1 |
Hetairos Breeches | Legs | 60 | Green | 1 |
War Subligar | Legs | 60 | Green | 1 |
Noble's Brais | Legs | 60 | Green | 1 |
Peltast Breeches | Legs | 60 | Green | 1 |
Toxotes Kecks | Legs | 60 | Green | 1 |
Austere Tights | Legs | 60 | Green | 1 |
Blessed Slops | Legs | 60 | Green | 1 |
Strategos Breeches | Legs | 60 | Green | 1 |
Demagogue Chausses | Legs | 60 | Green | 1 |
Quest | Type | Level | Quest Giver |
Sirius Business | ![]() |
50 | Diamanda |
Additional Information
- Uses the
Blue Mage spell Song of Torment.
- Siren is also a server in the American Aether Data Center.
“Once feared across the five seas, today sirens are but the stuff of legend, due in part to a thorough culling of the creatures some years past by the renowned pirate Mistbeard. Recent sightings of the seductive she-devils, however, once again have sea- and landsmen alike exchanging tales of sirens entrancing entire ship crews with their accursed songs, then feeding on their captives' souls until all that remain are lifeless husks.
— Encyclopædia Eorzea, p. 288