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Female ♀
Miqo'te (Seeker of the Sun)
Rhalgr's Reach (14.6,9.4)
The Peering Stones (Gyr Abania)
Ala Mhigan Resistance
M Tribe
M'rahz Nunh (father)
M'hahtoa (mother)
Quest NPC

It's the waiting that drives me mad. Standing around, knowing what's to come. I'll never get used to it.

— In-game description

M'naago Rahz is a Miqo'te in Rhalgr's Reach. A member of the M Tribe, she hails from The Peering Stones in The Fringes. To fight for her homeland, she joined the Ala Mhigan Resistance.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
A Friend of a Friend in Need Main Scenario quest 60 M'naago
Signed, Sealed, to Be Delivered Main Scenario quest 60 M'naago
Let Fill Your Hearts with Pride Main Scenario quest 60 M'naago
Strong and Unified Main Scenario quest 68 M'naago
Not While Their Names Are Still Spoken Feature quest 60 M'naago

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
The Promise of a New Beginning Main Scenario quest 60 Conrad
A Bargain Struck Main Scenario quest 60 Alisaie
Tidings from the East Main Scenario quest 70 Lyse
Under the Moonlight Main Scenario quest 70 Alisaie
None Forgotten, None Forsaken Feature quest 60 Galiena

Custom Deliveries

Players can complete custom deliveries for M'naago after completion of the quest Feature QuestNone Forgotten, None Forsaken.

Rank Crafted Gathered Fished
Level 1 Gyr abanian souvenir icon1.png  Gyr Abanian SouvenirCollectable Starcrack sand icon1.png  Starcrack SandCollectable Gyr abanian chub icon1.png  Gyr Abanian ChubCollectable
Level 2 Far eastern antique icon1.png  Far Eastern AntiqueCollectable Shishu koban icon1.png  Shishu KobanCollectable Coral horse icon1.png  Coral HorseCollectable
Level 3 Gold saucer consolation prize icon1.png  Gold Saucer Consolation PrizeCollectable Cotter dynasty relic icon1.png  Cotter Dynasty RelicCollectable Maidens heart icon1.png  Maiden's HeartCollectable
Level 4 M tribe sundries icon1.png  M Tribe SundriesCollectable Peaks pigment icon1.png  Peaks PigmentCollectable Velodyna salmon icon1.png  Velodyna SalmonCollectable
Level 5 Resistance materiel icon1.png  Resistance MaterielCollectable Yellow kudzu root icon1.png  Yellow Kudzu RootCollectable Purple buckler icon1.png  Purple BucklerCollectable


"It's the waiting that drives me mad. Standing around, knowing what's to come. I'll never get used to it." This twenty-two-year-old Peering Stones native joined the Resistance to help free her people, the M Tribe, from the tyranny of the Empire. Although M'naago dreamed of fighting even at the tender age of fifteen, her father insisted that she first master the hunter's path, lest she prove a burden to the cause. And so she spurned mundane skills such as cooking and the like, and focused solely on bow and blade. It was two summers past when M'rahz Nunh, M'naago's sire, at last permitted her to become a Resistance soldier. Known for her bright personality and unrelenting candor, it often fell to M'naago to bring her comrades back from the edge of despair. In the wake of the war, she now serves as Lyse's second-in-command, and is involved in procuring funds for bereaved families.

Encyclopædia Eorzea vol 2, page 102

M'naago' was sent as the messenger to alert the Eorzean Alliance about the Griffin's plan to invade Baelsar's Wall, but was attacked upon leaving Ala Mhigo, winding up severely injured. She managed to reach the Rising Stones in Mor Dhona to alert the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, passing out shortly after. By the time she had recovered, the events at the wall had already transpired, and Eorzea had become embroiled in the war for the liberation of Ala Mhigo.

M'naago joined Lyse Hext and the Warrior of Light on several reconnaissance missions for Conrad Kemp, while also scouting the small villages in Gyr Abania for any willing and able-bodied soldiers who were willing to join their fight. They ambush a patrol of Garlean Empire soldiers led by Grynewaht pyr Arvina and force him to flee, which boosts morale.

However, retaliation soon comes from the Empire, when Zenos yae Galvus and The Skulls attack Rhalgr's Reach. Recognizing that their forces are too much for them to handle, M'naago escapes to find the Scions and the Warrior of Light for help. Though they return and fight against the Imperial forces, they are ultimately crushed by Zenos, with Meffrid losing his life to Fordola in the attack.

While the Scions headed to Doma to spark a rebellion to force Zenos to fight a war on two fronts, M'naago stayed behind to do what she could to rebuild the Ala Mhigan Resistance and scout new recruits. Some time later, when Doma is freed, she helps plan the next move against the Empire; Operation: Rhalgr's Beacon.

M'naago, for her part, aided in taking Castellum Velodyna, casting a Glamour over the Imperial Banner to look like the Ala Mhigan standard, causing confusion amongst the Empire's troops and making them think they had lost control already. She takes part in several battles following this, taking Castra after Castra. She was also present in Castrum Abania, and held one of the towers until it was fired on by Imperial guns, blowing it from the cliffside into the sea. Though she managed to make it out alive, she mourned the death of Conrad. She went on to aid in the retaking of Ala Mhigo proper, and was present when the Ala Mhigan banner was placed atop the palace once again.

Following the war, M'naago worked with the Warrior of Light to raise money for the families of those who were affected by the attack of Rhalgr's Reac', as well as help rebuild the city and surrounding communities. She would also join the Werlyt Revolutionaries and aid in driving the Empire out after they reach out to the Ala Mhigan Resistance for support. Though she was loath to do it, she recognized the now fallen Gaius van Baelsar as the leader of the campaign to seek out and destroy the Weapon program, but told him that the people of Ala Mhigo would not so easily forgive his crimes against them.


You've a heart of gold, <name>.  We could have never come this far without you.

Crafting Deliverables

  • Gyr Abanian Souvenier
  • Far Eastern Antique
  • Gold Saucer Consolation Prize
  • M Tribe Sundries
  • Resistance Material
    • You're a godsend -- and that's no exaggeration either! I can't even begin to tell you how many ways we can put this material to good use.
    • The fight never ends, friend -- it just changes. The Resistance is still needed all across Gyr Abania, and contributions like yours are invaluable. Thank you!

Gathering Deliverables

  • Starcrack Sand
  • Shishu Koban
  • Cotter Dynasty Relic
  • Peaks Pigment
  • Yellow Kudzu Root
    • I could go on about the myriad uses of this root -- mostly medicinal, mind -- but let's just say we'll put it to good use.
    • The fight never ends, friend -- it just changes. The Resistance is still needed all across Gyr Abania, and contributions like yours are invaluable. Thank you!

Fishing Deliverables

  • Gyr Abanian Chub
  • Coral Horse
  • Maiden's Heart
  • Velodyna Salmon
    • Seems like you've got a good catch there! A skilled chef could cook it a la meuniere...but me? Well, I suppose I could blacken it over coals or a cookfire. Edible, sure, but I can't vouch for the taste.
    • Now then, on closer inspection... No glaring imperfections or otherwise. Solit work that passes muster. As befits an artisan such as yourself.
  • Purple Buckler

After weekly turn-ins

  • Cutscene 1
I don't know how you can keep it up, <name>.  Honestly!  You're a veritable fountain of endless energy.
But I'll not hear it said that I'm keeping you all to myself.  You've got places to go and other people to help.  Take care, and thanks again!