Lord of the Inferno

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Lord of the Inferno

Lord of the Inferno Image.png
Quest giver
Minfilia Warde
The Waking Sands (X:6.9, Y:6.1)
Quest line
Seventh Umbral Era Main Scenario Quests
Experience 6,960
Gil 1,245
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestLife, Materia and Everything
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestA Hero in the Making

Main Scenario Progress: 39 / 953 (4.1%)


A Realm Reborn Progress: 39 / 241 (16.2%)


Minfilia would like you to assist the Immortal Flames.

— In-game description




If you teleport out of the quest area while the quest is still active, you can return by speaking with Adala in Camp Drybone.



  • You have been briefed on the details of the operation. The Flames anticipate that the Amalj'aa will offer fierce resistance, and you are urged to prepare accordingly. When you are ready, proceed to the Invisible City, and lie in wait at the designated location.
  • Mere moments after surrounding the enemy, you learn that there is a traitor in the ranks, and are swiftly subdued. After an indeterminate amount of time, you awake to find yourself imprisoned within an Amalj'aa stronghold, along with the Flames. Speak with them to ascertain the situation.
  • It appears the Amalj'aa mean to make an offering of you and your companions to their primal, Ifrit. If it must end, let it be with weapon in hand. Wait for the right moment, and strike back at the beastmen.
  • It would appear that Ifrit has the power to bind mortals to his will, but for reasons yet unknown you are immune to his influence. Having failed to make you his minion, Ifrit elects to exterminate you instead, only to find himself outmatched. Quite how you found the strength to resist the godlike being is a question for another time. For now, make your way back to Camp Drybone, and speak with Thancred.
  • Having lavished you with praise, Thancred takes his leave to return to the Waking Sands. Minfilia will be eager to hear back from you as well. Report to her at the earliest opportunity.
  • At the Waking Sands, Minfilia and Thancred take turns bombarding you with information, explaining to you how the crystal robbery and the abductions served to advance Ifrit's cause. Thancred then reveals a disturbing truth: in order to prevent the primal from gaining strength, his “tempered” victims must be put to death. Though this revelation casts a grim shadow over your victory, you find yourself more determined than ever to play your part as a Scion.


Accepting the Quest

Minfilia: Word has arrived from Thancred concerning our ongoing investigation. 
Minfilia: It appears he was able to extract some information from our friend Ungust, the false priest. 
Minfilia: He revealed that he is due to meet with the Amalj'aa to discuss their dealings. 
Minfilia: The Immortal Flames believe that the meeting will present an ideal opportunity to ambush and capture the Amalj'aa responsible for the abductions, and so they mean to have Ungust attend as planned. 
Minfilia: As the Amalj'aa are anticipated to offer fierce resistance, the Immortal Flames have requested our support. 
Minfilia: I would have you provide it to them, [First name]. Thancred is presently attending to another matter, but will join you as soon as he is able. Until such time as he does, you will be the Scions' sole representative on the ground. 
Minfilia: Before he left, he bade me tell you to “save some for him.” Such is his confidence in you—a confidence I share. 
Minfilia: When you have made ready, pray take yourself to Camp Drybone and report to the flame sergeant leading the mission. May you walk in the light of the Crystal. 
Minfilia: Through this first mission, you will come to understand the nature of our struggle with the primals.
Minfilia: The realm may appear well on its way to recovery, but reality paints a far bleaker picture.
Minfilia: The truth is out there, [First name], and I would have you discover it for yourself.

Reporting to the Flame Sergeant at Camp Drybone:

Flame Sergeant: Ah, you're [First name] [Last name] of the Scions? My thanks for coming, friend. We're stronger for your assistance.
Flame Sergeant: Allow me to brief you on our mission. Our objective is to capture Amalj'aa and prise from them the whereabouts of the abductees.
Flame Sergeant: The lizardmen aren't aware that their man, Ungust, has been exposed. When they come to the rendezvous point to meet the traitor, we'll spring the trap.
Flame Sergeant: Owing to the clandestine nature of the mission, we can deploy only a small contingent. Every member must count, and so we requested the aid of the Scions.
Flame Sergeant: The rendezvous will take place at the Invisible City. Please make your way there and lie in wait.
Flame Sergeant: We stand to learn much and more of the Amalj'aa plot if the mission succeeds, [First name]. Let's make sure it does.

Lying in wait at the Invisible City (Cutscene)

Flame Sergeant: Is the bait in place?
Flame Private: Our man is in position, sir.
Flame Sergeant: Good. We make our move as soon as the Amalj'aa appear.
Flame Private: Yes, sir!
Ungust: Uwaaah!
Amalj'aa Warrior: What is the meaning of this!?
Flame Private: Wait. Something's amiss...
Ungust: Hee hee hee...
Traitorous Flame Soldier: Ahahahahaha!
Traitorous Flame Soldier: I'm afraid your little ambush ends here!
Ungust: I eluded the Immortal Flames' clutches for moons before finally being caught. Did you not wonder how I managed it?
Traitorous Flame Soldier: 'Twas almost as if someone was feedin' him information from the inside! Gahahaha!
Ungust: Aye, your every movement was known to me ahead of time! Hee hee hee!
Ungust: Now, as much as I'd love to chat awhile, I have appointments to keep.
Traitorous Flame Soldier: They're all yours!


Ungust: Hee hee! Our Amalj'aa friends will keep you company!
Flame Sergeant: Filthy traitors! When I get my hands on you... 
Ungust: Hee hee! How long will you last, I wonder!? 
Flame Sergeant: Another wave! Stay sharp, men! 
Flame Sergeant: Godsdammit, is there no end to them!? 
Ungust: Hee hee! The show is only just beginning! 

Post duty Cutscene

Traitorous Flame Soldier: Put up your weapon, or your comrade's a dead man!
Flame Private: Behind you!
Ungust: Bring her/him.
Traitorous Flame Soldier: The rest of you, march!
Flame Sergeant: Traitorous scum...

Optional Dialogue in the Cave

Captured Flame Private (1): They're going to kill us, aren't they!? Gods, I don't want to die! I want to go home! <sob>
Captured Flame Private (2): The lizardmen marched us to their stronghold.
Captured Flame Private (2): They're preparing for something...and I for one do not want to be around when they finish.
Adala The lizards claim they will soon bring us before Ifrit for tempering. All of us are as good as dead...
Amalj'aa Warrior: Rejoice, heathens, for your worthless lives shall soon have meaning!
Flame Private: Listen well, These waters feed into the marshes of Drybone. A short swim will see us to freedom.
Flame Private: However, if all of us attempt to flee, we are like to be discovered. You alone must sneak out and assemble a rescue party.
Flame Private: Once you have won free, seek out our comrade stationed at Drybone. He will show you the way back here. May the Twelve speed your way.

(If leave, Adala is the one in Camp Drybone)

Adala: <gasp> You mean to go and rescue our comrades!?

Speak with the Flame Sergeant

Flame Sergeant: I fear the Amalj'aa mean to give us to their god as an offering. If I must die, then let me die a soldier's death─with steel in hand!

Confronting Ifrit (Cutscene)

Amalj'aa Zealots: Lord of the Inferno, hearken to our plea! 
Lord of the Inferno, deliver us from our misery! 
Temugg Zoh: O mighty Ifrit, Lord of the Inferno! 
Temugg Zoh: Your humble servants beseech You! Grace us with Your divine presence! 
Temugg Zoh: O mighty Ifrit! We bring before You ignorant savages who know not Your godhead! 
Temugg Zoh: If it please You, Lord, scorch their heathen souls with Your cleansing flame, and mark them as Your own! 
Flame Sergeant: B-Bloody hells... 
Amalj'aa Warrior: Bring those two as well! 
Ungust: Unnngh... 
Traitorous Flame Soldier: Wh-What's going on!? Th-This ain't what we agreed! 
Amalj'aa Warrior: None but servants of Lord Ifrit may behold the rite of summoning. The souls of unbelievers are forfeit! 
Ungust: Nooo! Spare me, I beg you! 
Ifrit: Pitiful children of man! By my breath I claim you! 
Ifrit: Arise once more as my loyal minions! Feed my flames with your faith, and all who stand against us shall burn! 
Flame Sergeant: O mighty Ifrit... 
Flame Private: My one true god... 
Traitorous Flame Soldier: Your words are my bread... 
Temugg Zoh: Impossible! By what sorcery do you resist my master's will!? 
Temugg Zoh: Could it be...? 
Temugg Zoh: Your soul already belongs to another!? Yes, that is the only explanation! 
Ifrit: Forsooth, thy frail mortal frame can serve as vessel to the blessing of but One. 
Ifrit: Yet I smell not the taint of another upon thee... 
Ifrit: The truth of thine allegiance waxeth clear─thou art of the godless blessed's number. 
Ifrit: The Paragons warned of thine abhorrent kind. Thine existence is not to be suffered.


Ifrit: My flames shall consume thy flesh and soul both! 
Ifrit: Succumb to the Inferno! 
Ifrit: Surrender thyself to the fires of judgment! 
Ifrit: Thy soul shall burn for eternity! 
Ifrit: Thou art strong, mortal! 
Ifrit: The blessing of Light...defies me!?

Post-duty Cutscene

Thancred: Pray forgive my lateness! 
Thancred: I was delayed by a congregation of Amalj'aa zealots. I swear, each seemed more evangelical than the last. 
Thancred: Hmph! Persistent lot! 
Thancred: Phew... 
Thancred: I see the Bloodsworn wasted no time extracting the captives. No less than I'd expect from the Flame General's handpicked men. 
Thancred: As for those two...it is fair to say their hardships have only just begun. They have much to answer for. 
Thancred: I feel I owe you an apology, [First name]. Had I known this mission would prove so dangerous, I would never have left you to face it alone. You have been given a veritable baptism of fire. 
Thancred: But let us continue this conversation in more agreeable surrounds. Camp Drybone, shall we say? 
Flame Soldier: This way, sir! 
Nero tol Scaeva: So that was the mighty Ifrit... 
Nero tol Scaeva: And what a disappointment he was. The readings are nowhere near what I had anticipated, even taking Ul'dahn interference into account. 
???: You should know better than to rely upon five-year-old data left by the VIIth Legion. 
???: Nor can we expect any form of support from the motherland, given the troubles at court. We have only ourselves to rely upon. 
Nero tol Scaeva: Ever the pessimist, my dear Livia. Promise me you'll never change. 
Livia sas Junius: We've wasted enough time here. That meter of yours is too old to give any reading worth a damn. 
Nero tol Scaeva: Not that there was aught worth a damn for it to read...but I take your point. I suppose we must content ourselves with the knowledge that we've achieved our primary objective. 
Nero tol Scaeva: Yet I find that I am troubled by that adventurer's unexpected show of strength. Could such a foe prove a hindrance to our plans? 
Livia sas Junius:' Perhaps─but that is a consideration for another time. 
Livia sas Junius: You have been given a task. That is your priority. I suggest you treat it as such. 
Livia sas Junius: Fail to do as my lord commands... 
Livia sas Junius: ...And I will spare him the trouble of punishing you. 
Nero tol Scaeva: With allies like that... 
Nero tol Scaeva: Beware a woman in love. I shall need to be on my best behavior.

Speaking with Thancred at Camp Drybone

Thancred: Ah, there you are, [First name]. Come, rest awhile─you will have no better opportunity. After witnessing their god's ignominious defeat, the Amalj'aa will be less inclined to risk our wrath─for a time, at least.     
Thancred: Now, where were we? Ah yes, I was in the process of apologizing. I do hope you can forgive me. I arrived too late to be of any use...to you or the abductees. 
Thancred: They may be whole of body, but the same cannot be said of their minds. For once a man is tempered... 
Thancred: Ah, but it ill suits me to dwell on the negatives. Amidst all our misfortunes, there is still reason to rejoice. Ifrit is slain, and by your hand, no less! 
Thancred: That is the deed of no ordinary individual, [First name]. Not that I ever thought you were ordinary. On the contrary, I have long suspected that you have the potential to shape the fate of this realm. What can I say? My fine eye for talent remains undimmed. 
Thancred: Minfilia will be proud beyond all reckoning when she hears of your deeds. I trust you shan't object to my bearing the tidings to her. That way I can claim to have contributed something to this mission.         
Thancred: You, meanwhile, have earned yourself a rest. Take some time to relax, and return to the Waking Sands when you are good and ready. We can discuss matters in more detail then. Just don't take too long, will you? The realm's problems won't solve themselves. 

Optional Dialogue at Camp Drybone

Isembard: With the false priest apprehended, the people of Camp Drybone may go about their lives with easier hearts. You have my gratitude, friend.

Reporting to the Scion of the Seventh Dawn at the Waking Sands

Scion of the Seventh Dawn: Ah, the triumphant hero returns! 
Scion of the Seventh Dawn: Thancred told us the news upon his arrival. He is presently in the solar, giving a full report to Lady Minfilia. 
Scion of the Seventh Dawn: You should join them at once. Lady Minfilia is most eager to see you. 

Reporting to Minfilia (Cutscene)

Thancred: ...My late arrival nearly cost [First name] her/his life. I wasn't there when the Amalj'aa took her/him prisoner... 
Thancred: And I wasn't there when they served her/him to Ifrit...
Thancred: Yes, by some miracle, she/he survived─but that does not excuse the fact that she/he should never have had to face such dangers alone. I failed her/him utterly. 
Thancred: Just as I'm failing you all... 
Minfilia: What's done is done, Thancred. You can ill blame yourself for every─ 
Minfilia: [First name]! It is so good to see you again! 
Thancred: Impeccable timing, my friend. I had just finished regaling Minfilia with your heroic exploits. 
Minfilia: Thancred has told me everything. You have done well to return to us. 
Thancred: The perils you faced were undeniably great, yet a part of me believes that I had no cause to fear. And now we can put paid to our long investigation. 
Thancred: As we suspected, the Amalj'aa undertook both the robbery and the abductions with the aim of summoning their primal, Ifrit. 
Minfilia: Nor is this tale limited to Ul'dah. Similar incidents have been rife in both Limsa Lominsa and Gridania of late. 
Thancred: I daresay you've been curious as to how these crimes are linked to the primals. Permit me to explain. 
Thancred: Having manifested in the physical realm, primals must consume aether if they are to maintain their presence here. And the stronger they become, the more aether they require. 
Thancred: Now, aether exists throughout creation. It flows through all life, and permeates the very air that we breathe. 
Thancred: Alas, this alone will not suffice to sustain the likes of Ifrit. Nay, he and his kind require a more concentrated source of aether─crystals. 
Minfilia: It is for this reason that incidents involving crystals can often be traced back to a primal. 
Thancred: Which leaves us with the why of the abductions. To understand this, you must first understand how primals are born. 
Thancred: When all is well with the world, primals possess no physical form. Their essence is dispersed across the great river of aether. 
Minfilia: However, when the world is plunged into chaos, those who worship the primals cry out to their gods for deliverance from suffering. 
Minfilia: These cries serve as a beacon toward which a primal's essence is irresistibly drawn. It is this coming together─or “aetheric coalescence”─which grants the beings physical form. 
Minfilia: Once born, a primal gains strength from its followers' worship. The more numerous and fervent they are, the more powerful their god becomes. 
Thancred: But the primals are seldom satisfied with such reverence as their adherents freely give, and in order to gain more power, they do not scruple to create followers. They do this by “tempering” mortals─a process to which you yourself were subjected. 
Minfilia: Yet even as Ifrit took your comrades in his thrall, you alone remained unaffected. This is thanks to the power you possess─the Echo.  
Minfilia: We know not the why of it, but those blessed with the Echo are immune to primal influence. 
Minfilia: It is as though a greater power protects us... 
Minfilia: When first you came to us, I told you that the Echo would be instrumental in dealing with the primal threat. I trust you now begin to see why. 
Thancred: The recent incidents all share a common trait: meticulous planning. Such elaborate designs are a new development, and one which fills me with an unshakable sense of foreboding. 
Minfilia: While I share your concern, my presiding feeling is one of relief at your safe return. 
Minfilia: Ah, the Immortal Flames assured me that they will deal with the aftermath, so you need not concern yourself with that. We may rest easy for a time. 
Minfilia: I suggest you take full advantage of the respite, [First name]. 
Minfilia: You may be sure it won't last long. Once the people learn the identity of the hero who felled Ifrit, I fear you will have nary a moment to yourself! 
Thancred: Whether she intended to or no, Minfilia neglected to tell you something─something I think it would be best you heard from one of us. 
Thancred: It concerns the tempered abductees that were rescued... I am sorry to report that all are to be put to death, the Flames with whom you were imprisoned included. Needless to say, this information must not be made known to the public. 
Thancred: I swear to you that we would not do this if there were any other recourse─but once a man is tempered, he is tempered for life. His very existence lends strength to the primal whom he cannot choose but worship. 
Thancred: And so we Scions continue our fight, that no more innocents need be sacrificed. I hope that you will continue to stand with us, [First name]. 
Thancred: But I should be going. I must offer my apologies to the Flame General for the losses his people suffered. Till next time! 
Thancred: Gods forgive me... How many more lives...? Louisoix would never have allowed this to happen. 
Thancred: I have to do better... I have to be stronger...