Glutton for Punishment

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Glutton for Punishment

Quest giver
789th Order Dustman Bo Bu
Outer La Noscea (X:21.7, Y:17.9)
Quest line
Kobold Daily Quests
Required quest
Feature QuestThe Kobold and the Beautiful
Friendly Relations
Experience 5,130
Gil 780

789th Order Dustman Bo Bu is not enamored with the eating habits of his digmate.

— In-game description


In addition to the above, choose one of the following options:


In-game Description

  • 789th Order Dustman Bo Bu is not enamored with the eating habits of his digmate.
  • Bo Bu's dream of serving a feast atop his treasured doblyn-shell plate has been dashed by his fellow dustman Bo Zu, who─his already-lacking wits further addled by hunger─has greedily gorged himself upon the selfsame plate. While Bo Bu looks into his digmate's well-being, head to U'Ghamaro, scare doblyns from their shadows with the boom tosses furnished to you by Bo Bu, and retrieve their shells, that the dustman may restore his tableware.
  • You have swiftly and efficiently relieved three doblyns of their carapaces. Return to the 789th Order Dig and deliver the fruits of your labor to Bo Bu.
  • Heartened by your return and the knowledge that his fellow dustman is paying the price for his gluttony, Bo Bu takes the doblyn shells into hand. Will the day soon come when the 789th Order feasts in triumph?