Category:Ability actions
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Abilities are active actions (skills) unlocked by classes and jobs, with their own cooldown and no resource consumption.
Pages in category "Ability actions"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,327 total.
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- Abdomen Tear
- Abdomen Tear (PvP)
- Abyssal Drain
- Acceleration
- Addle
- Addle (PvP)
- Advanced Touch (alchemist)
- Advanced Touch (armorer)
- Advanced Touch (blacksmith)
- Advanced Touch (carpenter)
- Advanced Touch (culinarian)
- Advanced Touch (goldsmith)
- Advanced Touch (leatherworker)
- Advanced Touch (weaver)
- Aerial Blast
- Aether Mortar (PvP)
- Aetherflow
- Aetherflow (PvP)
- Aetherial Manipulation
- Aetherial Manipulation (PvP)
- Aetherial Manipulation L (action)
- Aetherial Shift
- Aetheric Burst (PvP)
- Aetherpact (Scholar)
- Aetherpact (Summoner)
- Ageha
- Ageless Words
- Akh Morn
- Akh Morn (PvP)
- Ambitious Lure
- Amplifier
- Analysis (PvP)
- Anatman
- Angel's Whisper
- Anticipation
- Apocatastasis
- Apokalypsis
- Aquaveil
- Aquaveil (PvP)
- Arbor Call
- Arbor Call II
- Arcane Circle
- Arcane Crest
- Arcane Crest (PvP)
- Arm Graze
- Arm's Length
- Arm's Length (PvP)
- Army's Paeon
- Army's Paeon (PvP)
- Assassinate
- Assault Cannon
- Assize
- Assize (PvP)
- Astral Draw
- Astrodyne
- Asylum
- Attunement (PvP)
- Aura Blast (PvP)
- Aurora
- Aurora (PvP)
- Automaton Queen
- Awareness
- Axe Kick (PvP)
- Backdraft
- Backflip
- Backlash (PvP)
- Backstep (PvP)
- Backstep L (action)
- Bait
- Baited Breath
- Bane
- Bane (PvP)
- Baneful Impaction
- Banner of Firm Resolve
- Banner of Honed Acuity
- Banner of Honored Sacrifice
- Banner of Noble Ends
- Banner of Solemn Clarity
- Banner of Tireless Conviction
- Barrage
- Barrage (PvP)
- Barrel Stabilizer
- Basic Synthesis (alchemist)
- Basic Synthesis (armorer)
- Basic Synthesis (blacksmith)
- Basic Synthesis (carpenter)
- Basic Synthesis (culinarian)
- Basic Synthesis (goldsmith)
- Basic Synthesis (leatherworker)
- Basic Synthesis (weaver)
- Basic Touch (alchemist)
- Basic Touch (armorer)
- Basic Touch (blacksmith)
- Basic Touch (carpenter)
- Basic Touch (culinarian)
- Basic Touch (goldsmith)
- Basic Touch (leatherworker)
- Basic Touch (weaver)
- Battle Litany
- Battle Litany (PvP)
- Battle Voice
- Battlefield March (PvP)
- Beak Snap
- Bearclaw
- Beatdown
- Being Mortal
- Benediction
- Benediction (PvP)
- Berserk
- Between the Eyes (PvP)
- Between the Lines
- Bhavacakra
- Bhavacakra (PvP)
- Big-game Fishing
- Bishop Autoturret
- Bishop Autoturret (PvP)
- Bishop Overdrive
- Bishop Overload
- Black Shift (PvP)
- Blade of Honor
- Blank
- Blank (PvP)
- Blasting Zone
- Blasting Zone (PvP)
- Blessed Harvest
- Blessed Harvest II
- Blood for Blood (PvE)
- Blood of the Dragon (PvP)
- Blood Price
- Blood Stalk
- Blood Stalk (PvP)
- Blood Weapon
- Bloodbath
- Bloodbath (PvP)
- Bloodbath L (action)
- Bloodfest
- Bloodletter
- Bloodletter (PvP)
- Bloodwhetting
- Bloodwhetting (PvP)
- Blota (PvP)
- Blunt Arrow (PvP)
- Body Slam
- Bolt (PvP)
- Bombardier
- Both Ends
- Bountiful Catch
- Bountiful Harvest
- Bountiful Harvest II
- Bountiful Yield
- Bountiful Yield II
- Bow Shock
- Bow Shock (PvP)
- Brand of Earth
- Brand of Fire
- Brand of Ice
- Brand of Lightning
- Brand of Purgatory (PvP)
- Brand of the Elements
- Brand of Water
- Brand of Wind
- Brazen Prospector
- Brazen Woodsman
- Brotherhood
- Brotherhood (PvP)
- Browbeat
- Brunt Force
- Buffet (Enemy Action)
- Bulwark
- Bunshin
- Bunshin (PvP)
- Byregot's Blessing
- Byregot's Brow
- Byregot's Ward
- Calm Waters
- Camouflage
- Canopy
- Cap Bump
- Careful Synthesis
- Careful Synthesis II
- Careful Synthesis III
- Carnal Chill (PvP)
- Carve and Spit
- Cast
- Cast Glamour
- Cast Light
- Catastrophe L
- Catching Claws
- Caudal Swipe
- Celestial Intersection
- Celestial Opposition
- Celestial Opposition (PvP)
- Cermet Drill
- Chain Stratagem
- Chain Stratagem (PvP)
- Checkmate
- Chi
- Chum
- Circle of Scorn