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Boomtype Magitek Gobwalker G-VII

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Originally constructed to transport sensitive cargo not to be trusted to the whims of a barely tamed pack raptor, the gobwalker was—out of necessity or simply madness, we shall never know—redesigned to serve as a heavily armored battle drone. Attempts by Illuminati engineers to one-better their compatriots have reportedly resulted in the research and deployment of a walker capable of flight, though there is no word on whether or not this creation is being called a “gobflyer.”

Encyclopaedia Eorzea p. 289

Boomtype Magitek Gobwalker G-VII is a Gobwalker in Alexander - The Cuff of the Father.


Zone Coordinates Level range
Alexander - The Cuff of the Father (X:10.9, Y:13.5) 60
Alexander - The Cuff of the Father (X:11.2, Y:11.6) 60
Alexander - The Cuff of the Father (X:11.2, Y:9.6) 60
Alexander - The Cuff of the Father (Savage) (X:11.2, Y:9.6) 60
Alexander - The Cuff of the Son (X:11.5, Y:12.4) 60
Alexander - The Cuff of the Son (Savage) (X:11.2, Y:9.0) 60
Alexander - The Arm of the Son (Savage) (X:8.6, Y:7.4) 60
Alexander - The Breath of the Creator (X:10.9, Y:10.5) 60


Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Steel and Steam Feature quest 60 Biggs
The Folly of Youth Feature quest 60 Biggs
Biggs and Wedge's Excellent Adventure Feature quest 60 Biggs