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Artificial Malevolence: Unmanned Aerial Villains

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Artificial Malevolence: Unmanned Aerial Villains

Garlemald (X:11.4, Y:11.2)
15 min
230,545 Experience
162 Gil
14 Bicolor Gemstone
Artificial Malevolence: The Drone Army
Artificial Malevolence: Mighty Metatron

The magitek that Ebrelnaux once helped create has taken on a life of its own. He intends to analyze the latest Garlean automated weaponry, but in order for him to carry out his investigation, you must first render these machines inoperative.

— In-game description

Artificial Malevolence: Unmanned Aerial Villains is a level 83 FATE spawned in Garlemald. It is the third FATE of a four-part FATE chain.


Before speaking with Keltlona to spawn the FATE

Ebrelnaux: That is where the automation process must've been carried out on older units.

Starting the FATE

Keltlona: Thank goodness you're here! Ebrelnaux is continuing his field research, and it's brought us to the munitions factory.
Keltlona: This is where the existing weaponry underwent the automation process, allowing it to fight entirely independently...which is precisely what it's doing now.
Keltlona: These smaller units apparently don't have the parts Ebrelnaux is after, but we'll need to destroy them before we can proceed any further. Will you help us?
< If the player answers Yes >
Keltlona: Your cooperation is much appreciated. I'll try enlisting the aid of more of our comrades while you set about tackling these security drones. May the Navigator guide your hand!
Ebrelnaux: And there is our welcoming party, right on cue!
< If the player answers No >
Keltlona: You are needed elsewhere, then. Very well, we'll attempt to fight our way through as best we can.

During the FATE

Ebrelnaux: During my days as an imperial magitek engineer, I sought to simplify the methods for operating the machina used in daily life, so that the average citizen could more easily contribute towards the Empire's technological revolution.
Ebrelnaux: This led me to pursue automation of certain processes, only for my research to be used for military purposes. I had never intended for my work to be used for such destructive ends, and when my protestations fell on deaf ears, I defected to Eorzea.
Ebrelnaux: In my absence, the selfsame technology I created has brought untold misery upon my former compatriots. This automated machina must be stopped, and for that, I require all the information I can gather.
Keltlona: The automated magitek that roams this city continues to be a thorn in our side.
Keltlona: As we understand it, the safety measures in place to prevent it targeting its own allies were disabled during the civil war, allowing it to attack Garlean troops. Even now, it still treats every living being as a foe.

Upon successful completion

Keltlona: It appears that was the last of the smaller units.
Ebrelnaux: But they were no more than sub-units, or underlings, one might say.
Ebrelnaux: The commanding unit should be nearby!

Upon unsuccessful completion

Ebrelnaux: We'll never get past them at this rate.
Keltlona: Agreed. Let's regroup and think of another approach.