Alphinaud's Way
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Alphinaud's Way
- Quest giver
- Alphinaud
- Location
- The Pillars (X:11, Y:11)
- Quest line
- Heavensward Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 51
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
To Siege or Not to Siege
- Next quest
In Search of Iceheart
Flower Mill
Looking to the Future
Featherbrained Schemes
Behind Enemy Lines
Calling Back the Troops
A Hasty Recovery
- Patch
- 3.0
Main Scenario Progress: 265 / 960 (27.6%)
Heavensward Progress: 24 / 138 (17.4%)
“Alphinaud is deliberating how to best proceed.
— In-game description
- Speak with Alphinaud.
- Enter the Seat of the Lord Commander within the Congregation of Our Knights Most Heavenly.
- Speak with Alphinaud.
- Conscious that Tataru should have a say in how to proceed, Alphinaud proposes that the three of you hold a council. Join your fellow Scions at the manor entrance, and signal to Alphinaud that you are ready to begin.
- As you discuss the possibility of enlisting Iceheart to mediate with the dragons, you are approached by Estinien, Ishgard's famed Azure Dragoon. He insists on accompanying you to the proposed parley with Nidhogg, and Alphinaud warily consents, on the condition that he stay his lance until words have proven ineffective. Before you can begin your mission, however, you must first convince Ser Aymeric to forestall any military action that might jeopardize your negotiations. Make your way to the Congregation of Our Knights Most Heavenly, and speak with the sentry on duty to be admitted to the Seat of the Lord Commander.
- Though troubled by your refusal to share the details of your plan, Ser Aymeric agrees to use his influence to keep the See's more vociferous crusaders in check. Ask Alphinaud what he intends to do next.
- Though Ser Aymeric has granted you a measure of time to enact your plan, the Horde will invade the moment its forces are assembled. Conscious of this, Alphinaud immediately sets his sights on the next objective: locating Lady Iceheart.
Accepting the Quest
Alphinaud: The choice we make this day may have grave implications for our order. It is only right that Tataru should have a say. Come, let us all meet outside and discuss the path that lies before us.
Speaking with Alphinaud (Cutscene)
Alphinaud: Ishgard cannot well endure another assault. Even should her knights succeed in turning back the Horde, the casualties will be catastrophic.
Tataru: But what other choice do we have? It's not like we can talk it over with them. Dragons and men aren't exactly on speaking terms.
Alphinaud: ...With certain notable exceptions.
Tataru: You don't mean...Iceheart!?
Alphinaud: When last you spoke with her, she lamented her crimes, did she not? Alphinaud: Then there remains a sliver of hope. If we can persuade Iceheart to act as our intermediary, we may yet be able to convince Nidhogg to abandon his bloody course.
Estinien: If there is to be a meeting, I would accompany you.
Alphinaud: ...Estinien!?
Estinien: Even with your intermediary, Nidhogg's bloodrage may render him deaf to reason. However, the mere attempt may afford our forces precious time to prepare. Estinien: Of course...you might also consider a more direct approach to ending this conflict. With the power of the Eye at my disposal, and the vaunted strength of the Warrior of Light, we could conceivably slay the beast outright...
Alphinaud: If we are to risk a face-to-face meeting with the dread wyrm, I for one would feel safer in the company of the Azure Dragoon. However, I should only turn to your lance if my words failed to find their mark. Is that clear?
Estinien: Perfectly. I shall assume that Iceheart enjoys similar diplomatic protection until instructed otherwise. Estinien: A word of advice: think carefully before divulging the particulars of this plan to Ser Aymeric. 'Twould not do to have the lord commander accused of consorting with heretics.
Alphinaud: Indeed. I thank you for your counsel, Estinien. We shall be honored to have you with us.
Estinien: I am glad to be of service.
Alphinaud: We have chosen a difficult road─yet even should we succeed in winning Iceheart to our cause, our plans for parley will swiftly come to naught should the Holy See decide to strike first against the Horde. Alphinaud: We must petition the lord commander's aid ere we set forth. I only hope that Ser Aymeric will be willing to muzzle Ishgard's forces on the strength of our vague assurances. Alphinaud: Tataru─I would ask that you remain at Fortemps Manor and inform the count of our decision. Tell him that the Scions of the Seventh Dawn mean to do all in their power to ensure that Ishgard and her people survive.
Tataru: Yes, sir!
Optional Dialogue
Tataru: Don't worry about the count—I'll tell him the Scions aren't going anywhere!
Entering the Seat of the Lord Commander within the Congregation of Our Knights Most Heavenly
Temple Knight Guard: You would speak with the lord commander? Pray make it quick.
<Proceed to the Seat of the Lord Commander?> <Yes> <No>
Aymeric: I want the defenses of the outer ward rechecked. See to it that the ballistas are in good repair and supplied with enough ammunition for a prolonged siege.
Timorous Temple Knight: At once, my lord!
Aymeric: Ah, 'twould seem I have visitors─and unlike those massing beyond our walls, these ones are welcome.
Alphinaud: Pray forgive us for interrupting you in the midst of your preparations, Ser Aymeric, but our suit concerns the impending assault. To speak plain, we believe there is a chance the invasion might be halted before it even begins. Alphinaud: I can divulge little more at this time, but I must nevertheless request that you advise the Holy See to refrain from launching any preemptive sorties whilst we seek to put our plans in motion.
Aymeric: I will gladly lend my support to any endeavor that could spare the blood of my countrymen─but I would know more of the cause you would have me champion. Will you not share aught of this mysterious undertaking?
Estinien: Know that I have offered my lance to aid in this endeavor. I cannot claim that its success is assured, but our actions should serve to delay Nidhogg's advance at the very least. Estinien: Which is more than can be said for the ill-conceived counterattack advocated by the See's more vocal crusaders. They offer glorious death, but little hope of victory.
Aymeric: Aye...their proposal does not inspire confidence. Our resources should rightly be spent shoring up the city's defenses. Aymeric: Hmmm. The Azure Dragoon and the Warrior of Light, sallying forth together to face the dread wyrm, Nidhogg... Aymeric: I must admit, the mere thought of it does much to dispel my misgivings. Go, then─carry out your plan. I shall do what I can for you within the Holy See.
=Optional Dialogue
Estinien: I will say this for your plan: it has made keeping secrets from the Holy See seem almost entertaining.
Speaking with Alphinaud
Alphinaud: Having secured Ser Aymeric's support, we may proceed without fear of a preemptive Ishgardian attack─which is not to say we can afford to dither. Alphinaud: History tells us that the Dravanians will attack as soon as their Horde reaches a critical size. Before that happens, we must needs track down and win over the Lady Iceheart...and then locate and parley with Nidhogg. Alphinaud: In short, time is against us. If you are ready, Estinien, let us be about our task.
Archbishop Thordan VII: Such commotion...
Zephirin: Yes, Your Eminence. The bells of the Observatorium warn of our enemy's approach...
Archbishop Thordan VII: So...the dragons are coming. Archbishop Thordan VII: Let them come─in their hundreds and their thousands. With the divine blade in our hands, we shall rend their flesh and drown the heretics in their masters' blood. Even Nidhogg and his foul brood shall be powerless to resist us. Archbishop Thordan VII: And when we have rid the world of their pestilence, we shall turn our attention to our Ascian allies─see that they are suitably rewarded for their invaluable assistance.
Zephirin: If I may, Your Eminence. The Paragons wield powers strange and unknowable. Can we be certain that they will not see through our deception?
Archbishop Thordan VII: We can be certain of naught save the righteousness of our cause. If you would be a true leader of men, you must possess conviction as well as caution. Archbishop Thordan VII: We seek to excise the root of an evil that has blighted us for a thousand years. The risk is worth the reward.
Zephirin: And what of Estinien and this Warrior of Light? They have plans of their own...
Archbishop Thordan VII: Leave them to their purpose. We must each play the role we have been given...you and your chosen brothers most of all.
Zephirin: For the glory of King Thordan...