The Obvious Solution
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The Obvious Solution
- Quest giver
- Alisaie
- Location
- The Rising Stones (X:6, Y:6)
- Quest line
- Post-Dragonsong Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 60
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Louisoix's Finest Student
- Next quest
The Greater Obeisance
- Patch
- 3.56
Main Scenario Progress: 376 / 968 (38.8%)
Heavensward Progress: 135 / 138 (97.8%)
“— In-game description
- Speak with the silent conjurer at Nophica's Altar.
- Speak with Alphinaud.
- After receiving a timely message via linkpearl, Alisaie informs you that the Alliance council will soon be reconvening in Gridania. Make your way to Nophica's Altar, and announce your arrival to the silent conjurer.
- As the council debates how best to combat the incalculable threat contained within the cocoon of light, an unexpected figure seizes his moment to take the stage: Nero tol Scaeva. The disgraced imperial engineer proceeds to proffer what might kindly be termed a “bold” solution to the problem, and is duly ridiculed by Cid. The Alliance leaders, however, are not so quick to dismiss the man's proposal, anything being preferable to another Calamity, and they grudgingly agree to send a contingent to awaken the infamous Allagan weapon known as “Omega.” Trouble Alphinaud for his thoughts on this surprising turn of events.
- It is plain that Alphinaud harbors grave misgivings about the timing of Nero's reappearance. Press him on how best to proceed.
Optional Dialogue
Ocher Boulder: My brother may wrap himself in steel, but he is a man of tender heart. Witness his concern for the pain his dear friend endures.
Aenor: I have a long road ahead before I match the Archons in skill and experience, but we must all do our part in times like this. Surely there is something I can do to help...
Clemence: As much as we wish it were different, there is a limit to what our healing can accomplish. Even the most powerful magicks can do naught for a grieving heart...
Hoary Boulder: Coultenet greatly admired Paplymo, and aspired to achieve the same lofty heights of magecraft. His loss was a terrible blow to the Scions...
Coultenet: They told us what happened with Papalymo, and I... <sniff> Forgive me, there are simply no words...
Homei: Sacrificing oneself for one's duty... Such actions remind me of the warriors of Doma—of the samurai and shinobi who died for our cause.
F'lhaminn: Once Yda returns, I'll see that she sits down to her favorite dish. When you feel empty inside, it is easy to forget that your belly needs to be filled...
Tataru: All I want to do is weep, but right now we need to hold back the tears and do what must be done...
Alphinaud: My own grief is as a crushing weight upon my heart, and when I think of what Yda must be feeling... Papalymo's sacrifice cannot be in vain. We will find the means to deal with this primal.
Accepting the Quest
Alisaie: Ah, [Forename]. I wish I had more to tell you, but the situation in the East Shroud remains largely unchanged. Alisaie: ...Meaning we still have no idea how long it will be before— Alisaie: A communication from the Alliance! One moment.
Alisaie: ...Yes, of course. Our representatives will be present. My thanks. Alisaie: Word from Gridania: the council will shortly be reconvened. The Alliance leaders have already begun to assemble.
Alphinaud: They wish to discuss the primal, of course. As Y'shtola's last report, the cocoon yet hung above the Wall, unchanged...
Alisaie: Yes. But the Elder Seedseer doubtless shares our concerns about how long it will remain so. I am told that Cid Garlond has been called in to add his expertise to proceedings.
Alphinaud: A wise decision. The more minds we have working on this, the better.
Alisaie: Well then, I suggest we leave the Rising Stones in Tataru's capable hands and make haste for the Lotus Stand.
Towering Traveler: A word if you would, good sir. This place, it is within the realm of Eorzea?
Vesper Bay Resident: You're an odd-looking fellow, aren't you? Still...takes all sorts, I s'pose. This here's Vesper Bay—"Thanalan's door to the ocean," as some folk like to call it...
Towering Traveler: Am I to understand that I have indeed arrived in Eorzea?
Vesper Bay Resident: Eh? ...Yes. You're in Eorzea.
Towering Traveler: Ah, a plain response at last! And the one I wanted, at that! My journey was not without its hardships, and I would sooner travel by land than put to sea again! Towering Traveler: You do not believe that so small a bark could bear me across the ocean? Such timid little sailors! I had but to set my course, then set my jaw till I made port! Towering Traveler: Hah hah hah hah hah hah! Towering Traveler: Though...'twould perhaps have been wise to lay down my oars a moment to sup on more than the spray of brinewater. By the trembling of my limbs, I sense a brief repast may be in order... Towering Traveler: Nay! I will not hearken to the feeble grumblings of an empty belly! Duty comes before all!
Vesper Bay Resident: Good gods, man! Are you all right?
Urianger: Thou art far indeed from home, friend...
Tataru: Let's see here... Riol's report needs to be filed, Alianne has requested additional supplies, and then there's—Oh! Don't mind me! Everything's under control!
Homei: Ah, the determination upon their faces. There is nothing more blinding than youth burning with purpose.
F'lhaminn: Hoary Boulder and his companions left to continue reconnaissance on the beast tribes. F'lahminn: They were adamant about shouldering what burdens they could while the senior Scions were occupied with this "coccoon" emergency.
Arenvald: Papalymo's was a noble soul... He shall take a place of honor in my memories, alongside A'aba and Aulie.
Radolf: The light of the dawn is dimmed by Papalymo's passing. Those of us who remain must strive to shine all the brighter.
Speaking with the silent conjurer at Nophica's Altar
Silent Conjurer: Welcome, Warrior of Light. This way, if you please.
Kan-E-Senna: Dear friends...pray accept my heartfelt thanks for your efforts in defense of Gridania's borders. I would fain dwell longer on my gratitude for the support of the Alliance, but the situation at Baelsar's Wall demands that we forgo such pleasantries.
Keeper of the Entwined Serpents: According to our most recent intelligence, the cocoon of light that formed in the air above the Wall remains undimmed and unbroken. Keeper of the Entwined Serpents: After measuring the cocoon's aetheric concentrations, Archon Y'shtola has confirmed the presence of a primal entity...
Raubahn: Hmph. So we must assume that Ilberd's thrice-damned god is indeed trapped within. And what news of the imperials? They are not like to ignore such a spectacle.
Keeper of the Entwined Serpents: Sir. A Garlean airship was observed making an approach, but the vessel was destroyed when it drew near. The Empire appears to have made no subsequent attempts to reach the object.
Kan-E-Senna: The soldiers who witnessed the incident spoke of a "lance of light" issuing from within the cocoon. Of an entire warship being reduced to smoking ruin in the space of a moment... Kan–E—Senna: Veterans of Carteneau, meanwhile...likened the destruction to that wrought by the fiery wrath of Bahamut.
Alisaie: We could face another Calamity...
Alphinaud: So the primal is awake, then? Contained, yes, but for how long? We must destroy it now, lest it break free!
Cid: Agreed. There is, however, the small matter of how to get close enough to a being that swats warships from the sky as you would a bothersome gnat....
???: Is this truly so complex a puzzle? Or have you no stomach for the obvious solution?
Cid: What in the hells are you doing here!?
Nero tol Scaeva: A pleasure to see you too, Garlond. Now, if you would be so kind as to explain to these good people why you should be begging me for my assistance, that would be most appreciated.
Aymeric: Who is this man?
Nero tol Scaeva: Oh, how terrifically rude of me! Nero tol Scaeva, former tribunus of the XIVth Legion of the Garlean Empire. These days, however, one might say that I am something of a free agent.
Cid: What do you want, Nero?
Nero tol Scaeva: I was getting to that. Although you already know what I am about to propose, old friend. Nero tol Scaeva: As you have rather belatedly realized, within that frail binding lurks an enemy alike in strength to the great Bahamut. And the only force in existence which might conceivably contend with such a foe is the very creation which captured the elder primal in the first place. I speak, of course, of Omega.
Raubahn: Omega!? That hulk has been gathering dust beneath the plains of Carteneau since the Allagans breathed their last! And none alive knows how to wake it.
Nero told Scaeva: I'm sorry—do you understand who it is with whom you have the privilege of speaking? I am Nero tol Scaeva, master engineer—the mechanical genius who restored the Ultima Weapon to full operational capacity! Nero tol Scaeva: And, as luck would have it, I am graciously offering you the use of my considerable expertise. Cid: And, what, you just expect us to accept? You're a fool if you think your deeds at the Crystal Tower were enough to win my trust, Nero.
Nero told Scaeva: Trust? You wound me, Garlond! All those years studying side by side at the Academy, sharing both trial and triumph. We were countrymen, once, you and I. Nero tol Scaeva: But sentiment aside—have you a better solution? Or do you mean to send in your vaunted hero there, as you always do, and pray the world is not engulfed in flame? Nero tol Scaeva: Let us approach the problem in a rational manner. Does not the fact that Omega slumbers in stasis point to the existence of some overriding technology? A means of control?
Kan-E-Senna: I would ask a question, if I may—Nero, was it not? In the event that we succeeded in using Omega to shackle the primal in the manner you propose, what would then become of it? Do we not risk repeating the mistakes of the Allagans?
Nero told Scaeva: Omega is but a tool. How we choose to employ that tool is entirely up to us. Of course, if you would rather leave it buried beneath Carteneau while you continue your petty squabbles above, then I suppose that is also your choice.
Cid: Spare us, Nero! The Seedseer's concern is a valid one. He who controls Omega wields the power of the gods. The very power which led the Allagans to destroy themselves.
Nero told Scaeva: And does it not fall to we engineers to prevent such misuse? What was your company's proud slogan? "Freedom through Technology"?
Cid: Hah. A creed you follow, is it? Cid: <sigh> What say you? Do we take this villain at his word?
< What will you say? > < He makes a convincing case. > < No, but I'll keep an eye on him. >
< He makes a convincing case. > Cid: He makes me grind my teeth is what he does, but I suppose we don't have much of a choice.
< No, but I'll keep an eye on him. > Cid: ...As will I. I don't like it, but then it doesn't look like we have much choice.
(Both) Cid: Would the council be willing to entrust this matter to a pair of former imperials?
Kan-E-Senna: Yes. The task of restoring the Allagan relic will be yours. But the responsibility for its reawakening must remain with the council. Do we condone this course of action?
Raubahn: Aye. 'Twould seem we do. Let the records show that we invest this contingent with the authority to enter Carteneau and take command of Omega. Raubahn: Cid, I appoint you leader of the expedition. Scions—I would ask that you assign some few of your number to escort Master Garlond and supervise the other one.
Alphinaud: We should be happy to oblige. The politics of Carteneau being what they are, I daresay our neutrality will prove useful in avoiding any unnecessary entanglements.
Alisaie: If I am not mistaken, Doma occupies a similarly neutral position. Might we not persuade you to join the expedition, Lady Yugiri? If you suspected any foul play from Nero, you would be welcome to kill him.
Yugiri: My blade is yours.
Nero told Scaeva: Not a moment's hesitation, eh? You'll forgive me if I do not shake your hand.
Speaking with Alphinaud
Alphinaud: Well, that was a rather unexpected development, and one which raises a number of questions....not least among them how Nero chanced to learn of the council meeting in the first place.