The Lady of Bliss
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The Lady of Bliss
- Quest giver
- Vajra
- Location
- The Fringes (X:28.1, Y:19.4)
- Quest line
- Stormblood Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 67
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
The Lure of the Dream
- Next quest
The Silence of the Gods
- Patch
- 4.0
Main Scenario Progress: 480 / 960 (50%)
Stormblood Progress: 101 / 162 (62.3%)
“Vajra is ready to guide you to Djanan Qhat.
— In-game description
- Choose one of the following options:
- 1 Azurite Earrings of Fending
- 1 Azurite Earrings of Slaying
- 1 Azurite Earrings of Aiming
- 3 Savage Aim Materia V
- Unlocks
Completion of this quest unlocks an increase to mount speed in The Fringes.
- Follow Vajra.
- Attune to the aetheryte at Djanan Qhat.
- Speak with Alisaie.
- Confront Sri Lakshmi in Emanation.
- Speak with Lyse.
- Upon witnessing her daughter's death at the hands of Fordola and her Skulls, the Qalyana broodmother cried out to the heavens in despair... and a primal answered. Sri Lakshmi, patron deity of the Ananta, came forth from the aether, and the imperials were put to flight. Alas, the tale did not end there, for now the Qalyana demand that the Vira come and pay tribute to the goddess. And so it falls to you and your comrades to journey unto the Qalyana stronghold of Djanan Qhat, where Sri Lakshmi now holds court.
- Vajra leads you to the edge of the Qalyana settlement and tells you of the aetheryte within, which will deliver you to the heart of Djanan Qhat. However, given what they have heard of the primal's reclusive behavior, your comrades have expressed reservations. Must all primals be slain? Are they truly beyond reason?
- Fortunately, as is often the case, simply attuning with the aetheryte is enough to grant you and your comrades access to the inner sanctum. Caution is the order of the day, and so you will refrain from a direct assault and instead attempt to gain a better understanding of the situation surreptitiously.
- You look on in silence as Sri Lakshmi impassively explains to the distraught Qalyana broodmother that while her daughter's flesh has been restored to life, her soul is forever lost. Watching the forlorn spectacle, you are reminded once more of Ga Bu, the kobold boy whom you could not save, and of the cycle of misery perpetuated by the primals. But the anger you feel is naught to that of Alisaie, who, forsaking all concealment, proceeds to loudly decry Sri Lakshmi for her empty promises, before begging the Qalyana to see her for the false god she is. Alas, the broodmother will not listen, and the primal soon takes umbrage. With a wave of her hand, she sends orbs of energy towards you as a warning. Leave her lands and her dreamers be.
- Twice has Alisaie watched helplessly as those consumed by tragedy have turned to primals for succor. Yet though she could do no more for the broodmother than she could for Ga Bu, she had to try... did she not? Either way, her failure has left you with no recourse but to meet the primal in single combat -- ably abetted by the goodly adventurers who you had the wisdom and foresight to summon to Djanan Qhat in anticipation of this outcome. Sri Lakshmi must be slain.
※Emanation can be accessed via the Duty Finder.
- With a flash of light, the Lady of Bliss departs, and with her whatever succor her dreamers may have enjoyed. Naught remains to keep you here...
- As you tell Lyse of the primal's passing, the Qalyana broodmother appears, bereft at the death of her god. Though Lyse tries to reason with the grieving mother, she condemns you and your actions, demanding at last that you leave her to mourn. And so you do.
- Though the Vira will not soon forget your deeds this day, neither will the Qalyana. Was there another way you could have resolved the situation? Perhaps... but you will never know.
Accepting the Quest
Vajra: You are ready? Hm. You look ready. Vajra: Djanan Qhat. There you will find the Qalyana's cryssstals, and Sri Lakshmi. Follow me.
Sarisha: The Lady of Blisss embodies freedom—that which the imperials would take from usss. As her children, there is but one path: to fight, and to fight, and to fight.
Lyse: We should follow their lead and let them do any fighting for now. You'll need your strength when the time comes.
Alisaie: I expected more resistance. Let us pray our luck holds...
Alphinaud: It would be in our best interest to avoid any confrontation unless absolutely necessary. The primal and the crystals are our primary objectives.
Following Vajra
Vajra: Djanan Qhat. The path leads to an entrance above. Vajra: Within is an aetheryte. You must use it to enter.
Alphinaud: Understood. With me, everyone!
(Optional) Vajra: The aetheryte is within. I will go no further. Good luck eikon–slayer.
Attuning to the aetheryte at Djanan Qhat (Cutscene)
Shanti: Why, Missstresss...Why does my Anamika ssslumber ssstill?
Lakshmi: Look thee on her face, sssuplicant. Thy prayer hath been ansssswered. Lakshmi: Flesh sssundered hath been made whole. Blood ssspilt runneth through her veins. Breath ssstolen filleth her breassst.
Shani: But she hears not her mother's words, nor sssees her mother's face! She....she is sssilent...and empty...
Lakshmi: Only the vesssel may be remade. Not so the flame which flickered within. Her soul hath been scattered to the four winds.
Alisaie: >> Now do you see her promises for what they are!? <<
Alphinaud: Alisaie! Have you gone mad!?
Alisaie: Mayhap I have! But I refuse to stand by and watch yet another tragedy unfold!
Shanti: Who intrudes upon thisss sssacred ground!? Imperials thirsssting for blood?
Alisaie: No! We come not to shed blood but to save you from the false god who would lead you astray! Alisaie: I understand how you feel, I do. You loved her with all your heart, but when the moment came, you still couldn't save her. The anguish, the anger...I know it only too well. Alisaie: But I also know where this path leads! To embrace a primal is to condemn yourself to an endless cycle of despair. You will never know peace!
Lakshmi: A worm-eaten heart may find peace and ssserenity in ssservice. In beauty and grace. Thisss hath ever been my promissse. Naught elssse.
Alisaie: You tempt them with visions of things that can never be, and leave them bereft and wanting! Alisaie: No illusion, however sweet, can change the fact that your daughter is gone. Remember her as she was! do not suffer this piteous shade to tarnish her memory!
Lyse: For every prayer that primal "answers," it'll demand payment in kind. Do you have any idea how many more Ananta will die to feed its hunger for crystals!?
Lakshmi: They would have thee sssufer man's ssspite and live in fear. Far better to dwell in my beateousss dream than endure ssso ugly a reality.
Lyse: She's wrong! We hate the Empire as much as you! If you'd just listen— Lakshmi: Poor, misguided children. I would ssspare you the tormentsss of thisss cruel and misshape world. Come, basssk in my radiance. Let it fill your heartsss and free you from your burdens. Lakshmi: Abide in misery then, fools. The Ananta are more deserving of my blesssing. Lakshmi: Leave these lands and my dreamers be. I will not warn you a second time.
Lyse: Ugh... Is there really no way we can fight alongside you without being turned into one of her dreamers?
Alphinaud: (I knew things were not going to end well the moment she stepped out of hiding...)
Speaking with Alisaie
Alisaie: I know, I know, it was stupid and foolish but...but I had to try, [Forename]. I had to. Alisaie: I had to try...and I failed. So you have to fight. There is no other way.
< What will you say? > < I'll wake them from the dream. > < Never stop trying. > < Primals cannot be suffered to live. You know this. >
< I'll wake them from the dream. > Alisaie: Thank you, [Forename]. I know you will.
< Never stop trying. > Alisaie: It means a lot to hear you say that. It does. But it doesn't make it any easier to have to ask you to face that...that thing.
< Primals cannot be sufered to live. You know this. > Alisaie: Maybe so, but every time we must turn to you and others like you to do what we cannot. I just wish there was another way...
(All) Alisaie: We can but do that which is within our power. Lyse, Alphinaud, and I will go and seize their crystal stores. This will not happen again. Alisaie: And you...When it is finished...we will be waiting for you.
(Optional) Alisaie: We came too late for Ga Bu, but perhaps, this time, when the primal is no more...
Confronting Sri Lakshmi in Emanation
Duty Dialogue
Lakshmi: Decriers! Defilers! Lakshmi: Open your heartsss to me! Lakshmi: Who are you to wake them from the dream... Lakshmi: A sssliver of grace I bequeath to you... Lakshmi: Ressst your weary sssouls in my bosom. Lakshmi: Partake of my life and my love... Lakshmi: I shall free you from your hate! Lakshmi: There is no place for you within our dream... Lakshmi: Sssurrender to blisss... Lakshmi: My grace, my beauty, my everything...is yours...
Lyse: You did it again. You saved them. I just wish I could've been more help... Lyse: So...it looks like the Ananta did have a mountain of crystals after all. Like every other tribe. Gods, we're all such slaves to our weaknesses.
Shanti: You! You ssslew our Missstresss! She was our hope, our sssalvation! Is there no end to your cruelty!?
Lyse: Listen to me, please! I know that you're only trying to protect yourselves because you feel frightened and alone... Lyse: But that's how we all feel, don't you see? If we could just turn to each other for help instead of the gods, I'm sure we could find a way to live in peace! Lyse: Your crystals are important to you, aren't they? Reflections of your souls, right? Well, you shouldn't have to sacrifice something so precious to a primal...
Shanti: Who are you to quessstion our choice? You who fight without fear? We wish only to live in peace, and if thisss be the price we must pay, then ssso be it!
Lyse: I know there's nothing I can say to convince you. But I hope that one day you look back and see we only ever wanted the same thing.
Shanti: Begone, damn you! Ssspare me your hollow words and leave me to mourn.
Lyse: I'll go...but it doesn't mean I'm giving up. Lyse: Gyr Abania is our home too, and one way or another, we're going to have to learn to live together. Lyse: Come on. Alphinaud and Alisaie are waiting.
Meanwhile, in the Royal Palace of Ala Mhigo
Imperial Tribunus Militum: Ah, the savage returns. And with her tail firmly between her legs. Beaten by beastmen, I hear.
Imperial Pilus Prior: 'Twas a shameful display, by all accounts. She may have curried the viceroy's favor with her bold promises, but in the end, she's just another plodding bungler like the rest of her kind.
Imperial Tribunus Militum: Strange, you would think him a better judge of character. Then again, I hear she's not averse to a more physical mode of persuasion.
Imperial Pilus Prior: Hah, I thought she rose through the ranks rather quickly. But no longer. If only she had been content with her lot, she might have lived to see the morrow.
Fordola: Fordola rem Lupis, commander of the Crania Lupi, reporting as ordered.
Zenos yae Galvus: ...Why do you tremble so? Zenos yae Galvus: Could it be that the Empire's Butcher is afraid? That she who walks with death is terrified of her own?
Fordola: I am terrified of dying having achieved naught. Gladly would I give my life to win a great victory on the battlefield, had I but the strength.
Zenos yae Galvus: Alas, you do not. Indeed, you are weak. And born of this weakness is a blind fervor. A raging inferno which threatens to consume not only you, but everyone around you.
Fordola: Yes, my lord.
Zenos yae Galvus: You were defeated by the Resistance on several occasions. You misjudged the Ananta and spurred them into summoning an eikon. Have you anything to say?
Fordola: I do not, my lord. My failures are my own. I am prepared to accept your judgment.
Zenos yae Galvus: And that is very admirable. However, I've had enough of this dumb show. Give voice to that hunger I see in your eyes, or I will pluck them from your head.
Fordola: I...I want... Fordola: I want to make them pay! All of them! Everyone who ever mocked or looked down on me—I want the power to make them pay!
Zenos yae Galvus: ...Hm. Very well. Zenos yae Galvus: Then I shall give you a chance. A chance to transcend your mortal limits. Assuming, that is, you are prepared to wager your life for such power.
Fordola: Transcend, my lord...? Fordola: I came here prepared to die. Tell me what I must do.
Vajra: Hm. You yet live... I had my doubtsss. Welcome back.
Alphinaud: We had to use force to secure the crystals. Alisaie... was not gentle.
Alisaie: You've finished, then. Good. I'm glad it's over.
Speaking with Lyse
Lyse: I wish we could have left on better terms, but that was never going to happen. It could be a problem if they get their hands on any more crystals, though... Lyse: Never mind. We'll deal with that when the time comes.