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The High Luminary

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The High Luminary

The High Luminary.png
Quest giver
Wuk Lamat
Urqopacha (X:13.2, Y:32.4)
Quest line
Dawntrail Main Scenario Quests
Experience 1,034,880
Gil 5,111
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestThe Feat of Proof
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestAn Echo of Madness

Main Scenario Progress: 885 / 968 (91.4%)


Dawntrail Progress: 32 / 115 (27.8%)


Wuk Lamat gazes up at the summit of Worqor Zormor.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:



  • Wuk Lamat gazes up at the summit of Worqor Zormor.
  • As you prepare to ascend the mountain, you are accosted by a hostile group of Yok Huy. Their leader proclaims his brethren the rightful overlords of Tural, and makes clear his intent to reignite their campaign of conquest with the death of the Third Promise. Before he can act on his threat, however, a monstrous bird swoops down to attack one of his men. Wuk Lamat springs into action, defending the giant from certain death, and befuddling her erstwhile antagonist with her reasons for doing so.
    • Leaving Alphinaud behind to tend to the injured─and the giants to puzzle over Wuk Lamat's unexpected behavior─you turn your attention back to the towering peak before you. Worqor Zormor looms impossibly high, yet if you are to reach the elector, what choice do you have but to start climbing...?
    • ※To enlist your companion NPCs for this duty, speak with them near the entrance or access Duty Support via the main menu. Use the Duty Finder if you wish to complete the instance alongside fellow players.
  • Although the path is long and arduous, you eventually reach the summit of Worqor Zormor where the High Luminary awaits your arrival. Gurfurlur gives you no time to rest, immediately demanding that Wuk Lamat demonstrate her worth through combat. With you fighting at her side, the Third Promise endures the grueling battle until the enormous giant is at last forced to his knees.
  • Gurfurlur commends Wuk Lamat on her martial prowess. The ensuing conversation turns to the origins of the legend of the golden city, only to be interrupted by the appearance of Koana and his Archon allies. The High Luminary once more issues his challenge and, at the culmination of the battle, awards keystones to both successful claimants.
    • Having arrived earlier, an impatient Zoraal Ja steps forth and demands to be shown Gulool Ja Ja's living sepulchre─a monument to those who stood against the terrifying Valigarmanda. Curiosity over the names etched upon the stone is overshadowed by confusion when an unholy screech suddenly rends the air. Your sense of foreboding is confirmed when Alphinaud calls and urges you to hurry back to Worlar's Echo. Valigarmanda, the Skyruin, has broken free.
  • Alphinaud describes a sudden surge in aether that drew him back to the village, but by the time he returned, all hells had broken loose. Before you can delve into the cause of this chaos, however, there are wounded to attend to.