Shadowbringers content

Terminus Flesher

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This beast's hulking frame rivals even the mighty gigas in size, and its demonic, goat-horned appearance is reminiscent of a voidsent. The markings graven into its hide evoke a sense of unease, drawing those who look upon them ever deeper into a spiral of terror.

— Encyclopaedia Eorzea Volume III, p. 283

Terminus Flesher is a Beast of the Final Days in Amaurot.


Zone Coordinates Level range
Amaurot (X:20.0, Y:19.7) 80
Magna Glacies Unknown 88
The Tower of Babil (X:11.6, Y:13.7) 90


Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Shadowbringers Main Scenario quest 80 Alisaie
As the Heavens Burn Main Scenario quest 88 Krile
Forlorn Glory Sidequest 90 Fourchenault