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Terminus Detonator

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Terminus Detonator

A floating sphere with a pair of stubby arms, the terminus detonator has an explosive nature that greatly resembles the voidsent bomb. In fact, some have theorize that the memory of this beast endured through the ages and, when the residents of the Thirteenth became twisted by Darkness, gave form to the bombs that terrorize the contemporary age.

— Encyclopaedia Eorzea Volume III, p. 283

Terminus Detonator is a Beast of the Final Days in Amaurot.


Zone Coordinates Level range
Amaurot (X:21.3, Y:28.2) 80
Magna Glacies Unknown 88
The Tower of Babil (X:11.0, Y:12.3) 90


Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Shadowbringers Main Scenario quest 80 Alisaie
As the Heavens Burn Main Scenario quest 88 Krile
Forlorn Glory Sidequest 90 Fourchenault