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Male ♂
Elezen (Wildwood)
The Pillars (15.2,10.0)
House Durendaire
Quest NPC

"Greetings and welcome to the Athenaeum Astrologicum. Might I ask what drew you here to this place of learning?"

The sole proponent of astromancy in Ishgard, Jannequinard began his studies in the art when, during his formative years, he spent several moons at the Sharlayan settlement in the Dravanian hinterlands. Barely had he begun to grasp the fundamentals, however, when the Sharlayans withdrew to the Old World in fear of the Garlean Empire's hostile advance. Jannequinard found himself suddenly bereft of both tutor and classroom, and had little choice but to make his way home.
Upon his return to Ishgard, the disappointed and dissatisfied noble leveraged the influence of House Durendaire to secure a position at the Athenaeum Astrologicum. Fixated upon the dragon star and predicting the movements of the Horde, however, his colleagues had little time for the intricacies of astromancy, and Jannequinard's efforts to pursue the discipline met with disinterest, if not outright mockery.

— In-game description

Jannequinard is an Elezen in The Pillars.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Stairway to the Heavens Job quest 50 Jannequinard
Hanging in the Balance Job quest 35 Jannequinard
A Lesson in Patience Job quest 40 Jannequinard
Ewer Right Job quest 45 Jannequinard
Loved by the Sun Job quest 50 Jannequinard
Sharlayan Ascending Job quest 50 Jannequinard
Empty Nest Job quest 52 Jannequinard
Conviction Job quest 54 Jannequinard
Feather in the Cap Job quest 56 Jannequinard
Trumped Job quest 58 Jannequinard
The Hands of Fate Job quest 60 Jannequinard
East Meets West Job quest 60 Jannequinard
Come Rain or Shrine Job quest 65 Jannequinard
Love, Astrologically Sidequest 80 Jannequinard

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Fortune Favors the Bole Job quest 30 Leveva
Slings and Arrows Job quest 40 Leveva
Spearheading Initiatives Job quest 50 Leveva
Ride Like the Wind Job quest 63 Leveva
The Best Laid Plans Sidequest 50 Cliaux

Additional Information