Close Encounters of the VIth Kind
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Close Encounters of the VIth Kind
- Quest giver
- Guidance Node
- Location
- Azys Lla (X:35, Y:24)
- Quest line
- Heavensward Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 59
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Chimerical Maintenance
- Next quest
Fetters of Lament
Inadequate Safety Measures
Environmental Unbalance
Elevated Aggression Levels
- Patch
- 3.0
Main Scenario Progress: 333 / 960 (34.7%)
Heavensward Progress: 92 / 138 (66.7%)
“The guidance node is ready to take you through the Gamma Quadrant.
— In-game description
- Unlocks
Completion of this quest unlocks an increase to mount speed in Azys Lla.
- Speak with Estinien.
- Speak with the guidance node at Matter Conduit VI-VII.
- Speak with the guidance node at Matter Conduit VII-VI.
- The guidance node warns you that the Garleans are out in force in the Gamma Quadrant. Make your way through the area, all the while exercising the utmost caution, and rejoin your comrades near the enemy encampment.
- The Garlean force present is revealed to be none other than the VIth Imperial Legion, which you first encountered at the Zundu village. Their purpose is to acquire the knowledge to capture primals, to which end they also seek the Aetherochemical Research Facility. Though their presence complicates matters, you must remain focused on your mission to stop the archbishop. Proceed to Matter Conduit VI-VII.
- A squad of imperial troops chase you down as you arrive at the matter conduit, but you succeed in repelling them. Speak with the guidance node again, and pray that there are no further interruptions.
- You and your companions are set upon by Regula van Hydrus, legatus of the VIth Legion. Though you are able to overwhelm him, he sets his minions upon you and boards an airship, most certainly bound for the research facility. With time running short, Alphinaud bids you continue your pursuit of the archbishop while he and the others keep the enemy at bay. Having accepted the Eye into your keeping, you use the matter conduit and emerge within a new quadrant. Seek out the guidance node nearby to receive further instructions.
- According to the guidance node, Delta Quadrant, where you now stand, is home to live dragons.
Solo Duty Walkthrough
Upon speaking with the guidance node for the last time, you will enter a solo duty facing off against Regula van Hydrus. This will be a long fight as he has a large health pool.
- Y'shtola, Alphinaud, and Estinien will join you for this fight, doing damage and healing you as necessary. Do not be afraid to use your own healing spells if you have any. Save potions for when you are extremely low on HP, as ally AI is not too reliable or quick.
- Quickly eliminate the additional enemies that spawn early on in battle. Focus on Regula only after they are down. At this time, Y'shtola and Estinien will leave and Alphinaud will summon an Obsidian Carbuncle to fight alongside you.
- Regula has a few unique attacks to watch out for:
- Hand of the Empire is a ranged attack that will hit you and anything nearby. Stand away from Alphinaud and any Main Ceruleum Tanks.
- He will occasionally dash across the field and plant a number of blue-flamed X's. Upon casting Terminus Est, the X's will propel straight forward and deal damage. Avoid standing in their line of trajectory.
- Flame Field will leave a lasting circle of blue fire on the ground. Do not step in this, as it will apply a hurtful DoT.
- When Regula calls for Air Artillery, a number of Main Ceruleum Tanks will fall into the field. Knock these away with auto-attacks or quick hitting skills, preferably out of the field altogether. If these tanks are hit by any of his other attacks, they will explode and deal high damage.
- When Regula van Hydrus's HP is reduced to a certain amount and enough time has passed, the duty will be completed.
Accepting the Quest
Guidance Node: Warning: intruders detected in force in this quadrant. It is recommended that you avoid confrontation where possible. Guidance Node: Be kindly reminded that, in accordance with the terms and conditions of use, you and your party assume all risks of damages or injury, including death, that you may sustain in the course of guidance. Guidance Node: Please follow me to the next matter conduit. It leads to the Delta Quadrant, where the facility's greatest achievement is located.
Optional Dialogue
Y'shtola: These soldiers bear the sigil of the VIth Legion, ordinarily deployed within Ilsabard. They are certainly a long way from home.
Alphinaud: The VIth Legion has long been the favored of Emperor Varis. It is the iron fist with which he crushes uprisings.
Speaking with Estinien (Cutscene)
Estinien: Wait. Something is afoot.
Regula van Hydrus: Our objective lies at the heart of the isle. Regula van Hydrus: The Third will remain to guard the ship, while the Second patrols the perimeter and eliminates any threats. Regula van Hydrus: The First will come with me to secure the research facility. Regula van Hydrus: Let no man doubt the import of our mission: the Allagans found a means to capture eikons alive, and their knowledge lies hid upon this isle. Regula van Hydrus: If we can but acquire it, we would be able to prevent the beings from returning to plague us, thus ending the cycle of rebirth. Regula van Hydrus: I need not remind you that success will raise our legion high in the Emperor's regard. Regula van Hydrus: Yet, by the same token, His Radiance does not tolerate failure. That is all. All troops, prepare for deployment!
Y'shtola: So that is their purpose.
Alphinaud: To think that the knowledge used to bind no less a being than Bahamut sleeps here...
Y'shtola: Imprisoning a primal in such a manner would represent an effective means to halt the cycle of summoning—were it not for the grave and obvious risks.
Alphinaud: Indeed. We need but refer to past experience—that of Bahamut's calamitous return—to see why this is not the solution we seek.
Y'shtola: Held in duress, a primal will continue to nurse its hatred for mankind. And when it inevitably breaks free, its rage will be beyond quelling.
Estinien: Whatever folly the Garleans mean to commit, they can wait. We must remain focused on our task.
Alphinaud: Yes, of course. It would not be polite to keep the archbishop waiting.
Speaking with the guidance node at Matter Conduit VI-VII
Guidance Node: <blip> That you have survived to this point is in defiance of possibility. But it appears the danger is not yet past. Guidance Node: <blip> <bloop> WARNING! Intruders approaching. Please eliminate them if you wish to proceed.
Speak with the guidance node at Matter Conduit VI-VII (2) (Cutscene/Solo Duty)
Cutscene start
Regula van Hydrus: That would explain my men's silence. Regula van Hydrus: We meet again. And this time, we will not be interrupted. Regula van Hydrus: Come! Show me your power, champions of Eorzea!
Duty Dialogue
Regula van Hydrus: Come, eikon-slayer. Impress me.
Regula van Hydrus: Surely you can do better than that.
1st Maniple Centurion: Let us aid you, Lord van Hydrus!
Estinien Wyrmblood: Hmph, naught but toy soldiers to knock down.
Y'shtola: Leave the rank and file to us! Focus on the legatus!
Alphinaud: Obsidian Carbuncle! Come!
Regula van Hydrus: I need air support! Now!
Post Duty Cutscene
Regula van Hydrus: I had heard the tales of your strength, Warrior of Light. And now that I have experienced it firsthand, van Baelsar's defeat seems less inexplicable. Regula van Hydrus: You are a formidable foe, and I have thoroughly enjoyed our time together. Alas, all good things must come to an end. Allagan secrets await, and there is no profit to be had in remaining here.
Regula van Hydrus: Keep them occupied!
Estinien: Coward...
Y'shtola: It would seem we have no choice.
Alphinaud: You must continue on. We will hold them here.
Estinien: Take the Eye. It should still hold enough energy to be of use to you. Estinien: I shall join you as soon as I am able.
Y'shtola: Enough talk! Make haste and stop the archbishop!
Speaking with the guidance node at Matter Conduit VII-VI
Guidance Node: <blip> Welcome to the Delta Quadrant, where methods are developed for mastering dragons. Guidance Node: To this day, the sector is home to living specimens brought over from the southern continent of Meracydia. Truly a testament to the greatness of the Allagan Empire.