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Chopper is a boss in Sastasha.


Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Plundered celata icon1.png  Plundered Celata Head 17 BGreen 1
Plundered goggles icon1.png  Plundered Goggles Head 17 BGreen 1
Plundered cavaliers hat icon1.png  Plundered Cavalier's Hat Head 17 BGreen 1
Plundered gauntlets icon1.png  Plundered Gauntlets Hands 17 BGreen 1
Foestrikers mitts icon1.png  Foestriker's Mitts Hands 17 BGreen 1
Acolytes halfgloves icon1.png  Acolyte's Halfgloves Hands 17 BGreen 1
Plundered ear cuffs icon1.png  Plundered Ear Cuffs Earrings 17 BGreen 1
Plundered earrings icon1.png  Plundered Earrings Earrings 17 BGreen 1
Aetherial brass gorget icon1.png  Aetherial Brass Gorget Necklace 16 DAetherial 1
Aetherial brass wristlets icon1.png  Aetherial Brass Wristlets Bracelets 16 DAetherial 1


Zone Coordinates Level range
Sastasha (X:12.6, Y:10.3) 15


Quest Type Level Quest Giver
It's Probably Pirates Main Scenario quest 15 Baderon

Additional Information


To summon Chopper, players must interact with one of the three coral formations (Red, Blue, or Green) in the room. Interacting with the incorrect switch will spawn a level 15 Cave Aurelia. Interacting with the correct switch will reveal an Inconspicuous Switch. Pressing this switch will summon Chopper. In order to determine the correct switch, players must read the Bloody Memo located in the Empty Room at (X:17.6, Y:8.5). The note will have a special quote that will give the color of the correct switch.

Quote Switch
The Capten likes his wine Redd. Red
The Capten likes his cabege Green. Green
The Capten likes his sees Bloo. Blue