Bandits Abound
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Bandits Abound
- Quest giver
- Ceetol Ja
- Location
- Rhalgr's Reach (X:11.6, Y:12.2)
- Quest line
- Dawntrail Role Quests
- Level
- 92
- Required quest
To Steal a Steelhog
- Requirements
Physical Ranged DPS
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
To Steal a Steelhog
- Next quest
Take Me to Your Leader
- Patch
- 7.0
- Links
“Though hers is not the easiest face to read, Ceetol Ja's expression suggests she has vital information to share.
— In-game description
- Speak with the Porta Praetoria commander.
- Speak with the timid trader.
- Survey the designated location and defeat any enemies that appear.
- Speak with the timid trader.
- Speak with Ceetol Ja at Porta Praetoria.
- Though hers is not the easiest face to read, Ceetol Ja's expression suggests she has vital information to share.
- Ceetol Ja calls over a Resistance soldier with whom she had previously discussed the bandits you seek. He explains that their leader Chalteaufite is a member of a larger organization known as the Passage of the Unbound, which has been wreaking havoc throughout Eorzea. Among their preferred targets are the trade caravans that travel between Gridania and Ala Mhigo, with one such incident having recently occurred near Porta Praetoria. The troops stationed there should be able to provide further details.
- Shortly after introducing yourselves to the Resistance commander at Porta Praetoria, you are interrupted by an extremely talkative merchant and his colleagues. Having heard rumors of raids on caravans in the surrounding area, the trader suggests accompanying his comrades to a location where the bandits have been known to strike.
- Arriving at the entrance to a gulley, the two merchants elect to stay behind while you go on ahead to investigate the scene of the crime. Though you may not necessarily run into any trouble, you had best be prepared for it all the same.
- Your sense that danger lurks around any corner is proven correct, as you are soon ambushed by a small group of bandits. While they would doubtless pose a threat to the average traveler, they reckoned without the prowess of the Warrior of Light, and you waste no time in incapacitating your foes.
- Upon returning to your two guides, they contact their leader, who soon arrives at your location with the Porta Praetoria commander and Ceetol Ja in tow. As the Resistance member goes to apprehend the bandits, the merchants say their good-byes and continue their journey to Ala Mhigo, seemingly in somewhat of a hurry. For the time being, you and Ceetol Ja decide it best to return to Porta Praetoria.
- With the highwaymen now in custody and undergoing questioning, Ceetol Ja chooses to wait at Porta Praetoria to see if any useful information can be gleaned. Expecting the interrogation to go on for some time, you take the opportunity to rest after your eventful excursion.
- ※The next role quest will be available from Ceetol Ja upon reaching level 94 in any physical ranged DPS class.
Accepting the Quest
Ceetol Ja: Forename, I heard something that might help us! One of the soldiers has been contending with the same bandits who stole the vessel. Ceetol Ja: I'll go and find him. Give me a moment, would you?
Ceetol Ja: Sorry to keep you waiting!
Resistance Fighter: Ha! When she told me she'd been sent an assistant, I never would've guessed it'd be the savior of Ala Mhigo himself!
Ceetol Ja: You're something of a local celebrity, I take it? Ceetol Ja: I'd love to hear more about that, but for now, let's concentrate on the matter at hand.
Resistance Fighter: Yes, quite. The bandits you've been chasing are behind a spate of recent incidents in Ala Mhigo. Resistance Fighter: What's more, it appears that Chalteaufite is part of a larger network known as the Passage of the Unbound, which is spreading its mayhem far and wide. Resistance Fighter: In particular, they've been carrying out raids on trade caravans heading here from Gridania. We've increased patrols along that route, but the bastards strike so quickly that they've usually made good their escape by the time aid arrives. Resistance Fighter: On the rare occasions we've caught them in the act, they use some kind of device or magicked object to deflect our arrows and send us sprawling.
Ceetol Ja: That's the Steelhog Vessel! It was stolen from my village, you see. I'm sorry for all the trouble it's caused. Ceetol Ja: The one who took it, Chalteaufite, said something about using its power to help the oppressed and destitute. What do you think he meant by that?
Resistance Fighter: That sounds familiar. The reports say the thieves were shouting something along those lines during the other raids. They claim the merchants are overworking and underpaying their laborers, and therefore deserve to be targeted. Resistance Fighter: I don't see how stealing a bunch of goods helps the workers, and there's not a shred of evidence that anyone is being exploited. Resistance Fighter: If you ask me, they're just in it for the money. In any case, their reasons won't matter a jot once they're behind bars. Resistance Fighter: But for that, we'll have to catch them first. The most recent incident occurred near Porta Praetoria, one of the waypoints on the road to the palace. Resistance Fighter: If you want to know more, you'd best hear it straight from the commander there. Resistance Fighter: Anyway, I'll send word ahead to let her know you're coming. Assuming you are, that is.
Ceetol Ja: Yes, of course! Much appreciated! Ceetol Ja: This sounds like a promising lead. The soldiers here were good enough to explain the lie of the land around here, so I shouldn't have any trouble making the journey by myself. I'll see you there!
Optional Dialogue
Ceetol Ja: I think I've found the right person, though it's rather difficult to tell who's who with those matching uniforms...
Speak with the Porta Praetoria commander (cutscene)
Porta Praetoria Commander: Good, you're both here. My colleague at the Reach has told me everything. Porta Praetoria Commander: I can confirm that we've had several sightings of Chalteaufite and his gang in recent days. They've even taken to ambushing our patrols. Porta Praetoria Commander: Whereas most brigands would flee from armed and armored soldiers, this lot seems to take pleasure in goading us into attacking.
Ceetol Ja: The treasure they carry makes them invulnerable. Ceetol Ja: It can also emit a devastating blast, but that's only effective at short range. Chalteaufite wants to draw your soldiers into close quarters because there they stand no chance.
Porta Praetoria Commander: Well, that explains their uncommon boldness. Thank you─this information will go far in helping us contend with the bandits.
???: Umm, sorry to interrupt...
Porta Praetoria Commander: Who might you be?
Garrulous Trader: Oh, simple peddlers, my good lady! I myself am of Gridanian stock, and after learning my craft in the markets of Ul'dah, I now deliver all manner of finery to eager patrons throughout Eorzea! Garrulous Trader: But enough about that! I hope you'll forgive me, but I couldn't help overhearing you mention a gang of highwaymen. Garrulous Trader: We've heard similar tales from other traders passing through, and it seems some stretches of road are more dangerous than others. In fact, the bandits are most often seen at a specific location not far from here. If you like, we can take you there ourselves.
Ceetol Ja: Please, by all means!
Porta Praetoria Commander: Wait. Forename can take care of him/herself, but I can't allow any more civilians than necessary into an area believed to be teeming with bandits.
Ceetol Ja: It seems I've no choice but to ask you to go without me. Sorry, but if those highwaymen did turn up, I wouldn't be much good in a fight. Ceetol Ja: While you head off to investigate, I'll see if there's any more information to be had here.
Garrulous Trader: Then it's settled. I shall leave our newfound friend in your capable hands.
Timid Trader: Erm, I suppose we should be on our way, then. If we do run into those highwaymen, you'll protect us, right?
Garrulous Trader: One's headed your way now. You know what to do. Garrulous Trader: What!? Unacceptable! Either you do this without my help, or I'll find someone who can! Show some backbone for once!
Optional Dialogue
Ceetol Ja: I'll see if they can tell me anything more about Chalteaufite and his gang. Be careful out there, won't you?
Garrulous Trader: As luck would have it, my fellows and I've yet to be assailed by any bandits around here. Perhaps if the other caravans invested in some proper escorts, they wouldn't be such easy targets?
Porta Praetoria Commander: Should you encounter the highwaymen, I trust you will exercise some degree of restraint. We can't interrogate the suspects if you've reduced them to a bloody pulp, now can we? Just put them on their arses and leave the rest to us.
Faint-hearted Trader: Ack! Did you hear that!? Thal's balls, it must be my imagination... Let's not dally here too long, eh?
Timid Trader: We'll, uh...keep watch here! If we see anything suspicious, we'll be sure to scream!
Speak with the timid trader
Timid Trader: We're almost there. It's just on the other side of this gully. Timid Trader: Actually, if it's all the same to you, we'll wait here while you go on ahead. This is already more than close enough for my liking.
Speak with the timid trader
Timid Trader: You beat them!? A-All of them!? Timid Trader: How very fortunate! Well, then...ah...I'd best contact the boss. I'm sure he'll want to know all about this! Timid Trader: No doubt he's still talking to your friend and the commander. They'll be glad to hear you've come to no harm. Timid Trader: You'll never guess what, boss! He trounced the lot of them! ...Ah, yes. Understood... Timid Trader: I'm not quite sure why, but he said they'll be here in a jiffy!
Ceetol Ja: Is it true? You beat them all single-handedly?
Porta Praetoria Commander: Gods be good, I'm glad you're on our side! Anyway, I'll take it from here.
Garrulous Trader: My, my, very impressive! And how jolly convenient for those villains to appear exactly where we thought they would, too. But above all, I'm glad no one was hurt. Well, no one important, that is.
Ceetol Ja: I'm relieved to see that everyone's safe. It must've taken a lot of courage to bring Forename here, knowing that danger could be lurking around every corner. Ceetol Ja: Hmm... Are you sure you're all right? If you're putting on a brave face for our benefit, there's no need, I assure you.
Timid Trader: No, no, we're fine! Couldn't be better!
Garrulous Trader: Well then, I'd say that's enough excitement for one day! We'd best continue on our way to the Ala Mhigan Quarter. Wares to sell, deals to broker, that sort of thing. Garrulous Trader: I daresay it'll be some time before any ne'er-do-wells have the gall to descend upon this neck of the...uh, desert. And as for you, my friends, I'd advise you not to stray too far from the beaten path...if you know what's good for you. Ta-ta!
Ceetol Ja: There's nothing left for us to do here, so let's head back to Porta Praetoria.
Speak with Ceetol Ja at Porta Praetoria
Ceetol Ja: Well, that was all very strange. One moment, they're helping us apprehend criminals, and the next they're racing off to peddle their wares elsewhere. Merchants certainly are a busy lot, aren't they? Ceetol Ja: Not that I'm complaining, of course. With those suspects in custody, I'm sure the Resistance will be able to wring some valuable information from them. Ceetol Ja: I expect all that wringing will take a while, though. It looks like we've been given an opportunity for a little rest. You've certainly earned it!