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Cieldalaes Ferryman
Male ♂
Hyur (Midlander)
Lower La Noscea (24.9, 34.8)

Baldin is a Hyur in Lower La Noscea. He is located at Moraby Drydocks.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Seeing the Cieldalaes Feature quest 1 Baldin

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Seeking Sanctuary Feature quest 1 Clueless Crier


Baldin: Ahoy there, [lad/lass]. Where can I take ye?

Learn more

Ask about your island.

Baldin: Yer askin' me  about yet own bloody island? Ye must be havin' a laugh. <sigh> 'ope that little scheme o' Tataru's is workin' out for ye.

Ask about your acquaintances' island.

Baldin: The Admiral's given a large number o' adventurers leave to cultivate the Cieldalaes—a vast archipelago of uninhabited isles in the Rhotano Sea, in case ye were unaware. I know the waters like the back o' me hand, so jus' give the word and we can set sail.

Feature quest Seeing the Cieldalaes

Baldin: Ahoy there, lad. Yer keen to visit one o' them island sanctuaries, I take it?
Baldin: Bugger me, yer unaware o' the fuss goin' on 'bout this 'ole affair?
Baldin: <sigh> If ye 'ead southeast from 'ere─the isle o' Vylbrand, that is─ye'll reach the Cieldalaes. 'Venturers much like yerself've been granted the right to cultivate a number o' the deserted isles there.
Baldin: Don't get yer 'opes up, though. Ain't as if any and all can go an' get 'emselves a permit fer one o' them sanctuaries. Far as I can tell, 'ole project's still in its infancy, an' the Admiral's bloody fussy about candidates.
Baldin: Tell ye what─since I like ye, I'll take ye to any mate of yers' isle, safe an' sound. Ye need only say the word.

Feature quest Seeking Sanctuary

Baldin: [Forename], are ye? The little mistress told me to expect ye.
Baldin: Said she'd be along shortly 'erself, but... Ah, speak o' the devil.
Baldin: Aye. Jus' give me an 'oller when yer ready to set sail.
Baldin: Ye've nothin' to fear where we're goin'─not since any marauder with an onze o' sense in 'em 'ung up their axe.
Baldin: This 'ole “island sanctuary” business came about from the Admiral reckonin' we need somethin' to do now piracy's off the table, matter o' fact. Just look at me─a bloody stand-up citizen ferryin' folks around.
Baldin: ...Anyroad, yer packed rather light for a venture o' this sort. Ye do realize yer responsible for bringing yer own tools and supplies?
Baldin: Ye'll what now? How in the hells d'ye plan to do that?
Baldin: Is that so? Well, best o' luck to ye both.
Baldin: Make yer preparations. We leave port the moment ye give the word.

Additional Information


[1] Traveling to an acquaintance's island is only possible when they are online. Otherwise, a warning stating "Unable to enter. The selected island could not be found" will pop-up.