Arms Supplier (Quarrymill)

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Arms Supplier

Arms Supplier South Shroud.PNG

Male ♂
Hyur (Midlander)
South Shroud (25.6, 20.2)

Arms Supplier is a Hyur in South Shroud.

Items for Sale

Purchase Weapons

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Steel broadsword icon1.png   Steel Broadsword Gladiator's Arm ABasic 26
Gil 1,737
Elm macuahuitl icon1.png   Elm Macuahuitl Gladiator's Arm ABasic 28
Gil 2,284
Thunderstorm axe icon1.png   Thunderstorm Axe Marauder's Arm ABasic 25
Gil 2,271
Spiked steel labrys icon1.png   Spiked Steel Labrys Marauder's Arm ABasic 28
Gil 4,049
Silver battle fork icon1.png   Silver Battle Fork Lancer's Arm ABasic 26
Gil 2,977
Steel halberd icon1.png   Steel Halberd Lancer's Arm ABasic 29
Gil 4,338
Toadskin cesti icon1.png   Toadskin Cesti Pugilist's Arm ABasic 26
Gil 2,274
Steel claws icon1.png   Steel Claws Pugilist's Arm ABasic 29
Gil 3,586
Steel daggers icon1.png   Steel Daggers Rogue's Arm ABasic 26
Gil 1,737
Steel knives icon1.png   Steel Knives Rogue's Arm ABasic 30
Gil 2,691
Wrapped elm longbow icon1.png   Wrapped Elm Longbow Archer's Arm ABasic 24
Gil 2,095
Ash composite bow icon1.png   Ash Composite Bow Archer's Arm ABasic 28
Gil 3,738
Ice brand icon1.png   Ice Brand One-handed Thaumaturge's Arm ABasic 26
Gil 1,778
Silver scepter icon1.png   Silver Scepter One-handed Thaumaturge's Arm ABasic 28
Gil 2,440
Toothed staghorn staff icon1.png   Toothed Staghorn Staff Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm ABasic 26
Gil 2,688
Engraved goatskin grimoire icon1.png   Engraved Goatskin Grimoire Arcanist's Grimoire ABasic 30
Gil 3,908
Whispering ash wand icon1.png   Whispering Ash Wand One-handed Conjurer's Arm ABasic 26
Gil 1,778
Yew wand icon1.png   Yew Wand One-handed Conjurer's Arm ABasic 29
Gil 2,487
Yew crook icon1.png   Yew Crook Two-handed Conjurer's Arm ABasic 25
Gil 2,271
Walnut cane icon1.png   Walnut Cane Two-handed Conjurer's Arm ABasic 29
Gil 3,586
Iron kite shield icon1.png   Iron Kite Shield Shield ABasic 27
Gil 3,486
Goatskin targe icon1.png   Goatskin Targe Shield ABasic 28
Gil 2,336

Purchase Tools

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Iron chocobotail saw icon1.png   Iron Chocobotail Saw Carpenter's Primary Tool ABasic 28
Gil 2,544
Heavy crowsbeak hammer icon1.png   Heavy Crowsbeak Hammer Blacksmith's Primary Tool ABasic 29
Gil 2,718
Initiates file icon1.png   Initiate's File Blacksmith's Secondary Tool ABasic 25
Gil 1,355
Wrapped iron raising hammer icon1.png   Wrapped Iron Raising Hammer Armorer's Primary Tool ABasic 29
Gil 2,776
Initiates pliers icon1.png   Initiate's Pliers Armorer's Secondary Tool ABasic 25
Gil 1,319
Steel chaser hammer icon1.png   Steel Chaser Hammer Goldsmith's Primary Tool ABasic 29
Gil 2,718
Iron head knife icon1.png   Iron Head Knife Leatherworker's Primary Tool ABasic 28
Gil 2,388
Silver needle icon1.png   Silver Needle Weaver's Primary Tool ABasic 28
Gil 1,713
Conical alembic icon1.png   Conical Alembic Alchemist's Primary Tool ABasic 28
Gil 2,232
Bomb frypan icon1.png   Bomb Frypan Culinarian's Primary Tool ABasic 28
Gil 2,284
Steel pickaxe icon1.png   Steel Pickaxe Miner's Primary Tool ABasic 29
Gil 2,718
Plumed iron hatchet icon1.png   Plumed Iron Hatchet Botanist's Primary Tool ABasic 28
Gil 2,388
Yew fishing rod icon1.png   Yew Fishing Rod Fisher's Primary Tool ABasic 25
Gil 1,795

Purchase Items

Item Type Cost
Potion icon1.png   Potion Medicine Gil 28
Ether icon1.png   Ether Medicine Gil 60
Antidote icon1.png   Antidote Medicine Gil 39
Eye drops icon1.png   Eye Drops Medicine Gil 19
Grade 2 dark matter icon1.png   Grade 2 Dark Matter Other Gil 12
Grade 3 dark matter icon1.png   Grade 3 Dark Matter Other Gil 24
Saltwater boilie icon1.png   Saltwater Boilie Other Gil 15
Freshwater boilie icon1.png   Freshwater Boilie Other Gil 15
Brass spoon lure icon1.png   Brass Spoon Lure Other Gil 276
Bass ball icon1.png   Bass Ball Other Gil 6
Syrphid basket icon1.png   Syrphid Basket Other Gil 7