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A Self-possessed Pastime

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A Self-possessed Pastime

Saro Roggos Common Life.png
Quest giver
Self-possessed Broom
Matoya's Cave (Zone) (X:6.0, Y:6.3)
Required quest
Main Scenario QuestMatoya's Cave
Experience 13,455
Gil 641
Previous quest
Feature QuestSaro Roggo's Common Life
Next quest
Side QuestThe Magic Word

The self-possessed broom needs your help to satisfy his fetish for bridges.

— In-game description


At (X:5.6, Y:29.7) in the Answering Quarter there is a tree going across two rocks. Going near it will trigger dialogue and allow you to interact with a sparkle on top of the tree. Return to Matoya's cave afterwards.



  • The self-possessed broom needs your help to satisfy his fetish for bridges.
  • Having revealed to you his obsession for bridges, the self-possessed broom bids you search for what is supposedly the tiniest bridge in the area. According to a little bird he spoke with, the bridge lies along the cliffs to the west.
  • You have found a tree trunk that is arguably serving as a bridge. Commit the features of this bridge to your memory, that you might describe it to the self-possessed broom.
  • You have memorized every ilm of the tree trunk. Make your way back to Matoya's Cave and report your discovery to the self-possessed broom.
  • The self-possessed broom is taken by your description of the tree trunk, and expresses his desire to sweep it one day. In return for your service, he shares with you his knowledge of Matoya's Crystal Eye. Unfortunately, he does not seem to know what his mistress desires...


Accepting the Quest

Reporting to the Self-Possessed Broom

"Snruter rerutnevda evarb eht, swish-swish-aroo! Did you find it? The tiny bridge of which the little bird spoke? Pray describe it too me, that I might behold it in my mind's eye!"
"Oh my, such a charming little bridge! Though I love big bridges and I cannot lie, there is something to be said for simplicity. I should like to sweep the bridge someday!"
"As promised, I will share with you such knowledge as I have received from my mistress. That is, the workings of her Crystal Eye! Tis the most prized of Mistress Matoya's possessions, allowing her to see such truths as lay hid in the ebb and flow of aether. I wonder if one could see behind the shelves with it...My bristles rustle at the mere thought of all the dust that has collected there."
"...Oh? You wished only to know that my mistress desires? I am afraid I cannot tell you, for she never imparted that knowledge to me. Sorry to disappoint!"