Wonder Wine
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Wonder Wine
- Quest giver
- Aileen
- Location
- Eastern La Noscea (X:21, Y:21)
- Category
- Sympathy
- Level
- 35
- Requirements
- Disciples of War and Magic
- Experience
- Gil
- Patch
- 2.0
“The leeches at Camp Bronze Lake have urgent need for several bottles of my best wine. It seems the fighting with the kobolds of O'Ghomoro has hit a fever pitch, and not a day goes by when a poor man doesn't come back from the front lines needing an arm or leg removed. It's at these times my wine is most sought after, not only for dulling the senses of the amputee, but for cleaning the wound once the deed has been done. I can see that the bottles make it to the camp unscathed, but I need someone to see that I stay unscathed in the process.
— In-game description
Possible Rewards
- 40% chance of 1 Venture
- 5% chance of 1 Mugwort Carp
- 5% chance of 1 Knight's Bread
- 5% chance of 1 Hi-Potion
- 5% chance of 1 Hi-Ether
- 2% chance of 1 Heavy Steel Flanchard
- 2% chance of 1 Linen Sarouel
- 2% chance of 1 Linen Tights
- 2% chance of 1 Mythril Gorget
- 2% chance of 1 Wolf Necklace
- 2% chance of 1 Mythril Wristlets
- 2% chance of 1 Boarskin Wristbands
- 2% chance of 1 Mythril Ring
- 1% chance of 1 Oak Radical
- 1% chance of 1 Yarzonshell Harpoon
- 1% chance of 1 Oak Longbow
- 1% chance of 1 Steel Longsword
- 1% chance of 1 Boarskin Himantes
- 1% chance of 1 Steel Bhuj
- 1% chance of 1 Fire Brand
- 1% chance of 1 Book of Silver
- 1% chance of 1 Steel Baselards
- 1% chance of 1 Splintered Cane
- 1% chance of 1 Blunt Bastard Sword
- 1% chance of 1 Nicked Viking Sword
- 1% chance of 1 Damaged Cudgel
- 1% chance of 1 Brittle Picatrix
- 1% chance of 1 Worm-eaten Square Shield
- 1% chance of 1 Tarnished Hoplon
- 1% chance of 1 Cracked Daggers
- 1% chance of 1 Decorated Iron Scutum
- 1% chance of 1 Dented Celata
- 1% chance of 1 Mythril Spectacles
- 1% chance of 1 Linen Turban
- 1% chance of 1 Frayed Cotton Doublet Vest
- 1% chance of 1 Moth-eaten Coatee
- 1% chance of 1 Linen Shirt
- 1% chance of 1 Linen Robe
- 1% chance of 1 Heavy Steel Gauntlets
- 1% chance of 1 Fingerless Boarskin Gloves
- 1% chance of 1 Boarskin Ringbands
- 1% chance of 1 Horn Scale Greaves
- 1% chance of 1 Toadskin Duckbills
- 1% chance of 1 Boarskin Crakows
- Use the /beckon emote to lead E'bandala Sweetmane safely to the specified location.
- Hyur-eating Raptor: 0/1
- Golden Coeurl: 0/1
Additional Information
Wonder Wine is a level 35 Battlecraft Leve Guildleve in Eastern La Noscea. Players can start the levequest by talking to Aileen in Eastern La Noscea (x21,y21).