The Undying Ones
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The Undying Ones
- Quest giver
- Gosetsu
- Location
- The Azim Steppe (X:15.6, Y:33.4)
- Quest line
- Stormblood Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 66
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Sworn Enemies of the Sun
- Next quest
A Final Peace
Welcome to the Family
Brainy Bears
Child's Play
Dastardly Diremites
Nhaama's Sweet Embrace
Mauci of the Seven Worries
Watch and Learn
The Power of the Fist
Do or Die
Hungry Like the Wolf
Ibakha Dreams of Birds
The Melody of Ceol Aen
Food Glorious Food
Spelunker of Light
- Patch
- 4.0
Main Scenario Progress: 458 / 968 (47.3%)
Stormblood Progress: 79 / 162 (48.8%)
“Gosetsu is brimming with indignation.
— In-game description
- Choose one of the following options:
- 1 Doman Steel Greaves of Fending
- 1 Doman Steel Greaves of Maiming
- 1 Doman Steel Greaves of Striking
- 1 Doman Steel Greaves of Scouting
- 3 Piety Materia V
- Speak with Sadu.
- Speak with Gosetsu.
- Gather information at Dotharl Khaa.
- Speak with Gosetsu.
- Gosetsu is brimming with indignation.
Accepting the Quest
Gosetsu: Forgive me, [Forename], but I cannot in good conscience ignore the callous disregard that woman showed for her kinsman! Gosetsu: We must seek her out at once! With me!
Speaking with Sadu (Cutscene)
Sadu: How he died matters not. Geser was a great warrior. He will return to us in time.
Shar: Not soon enough, Khatun. The Naadam is nearly upon us! Mayhap we should counsel restraint until after...
Gosetsu: I do not understand. If Geser is dead, how should he "return"?
Sadu: Silence. You come to spy on us knowing naught of our ways?
Gosetsu: We know you are fearless. And that you are called the "undying ones"...
Sadu: That is true. None are braver than the Dotharl, for we do not fear death. Sadu: With death, a warrior must dance boldly. Fearlessly. For thus does his soul burn bright. Sadu: Then, in death, his soul shines white—exalted. The flesh rots, but the soul endures. And ere the seasons have turned, so he shall return. Sadu: When he is glimpsed in the eyes of a newborn, he is blessed with the same name, that he may grow into a great warrior once more.
Gosetsu: You mean to tell me these newborn babes and fallen warriors are one and the same? Madness!
Sadu: I gave you leave to observe. Not to insult our beliefs. Sadu: Have care what you say. Otherwise, do as you will.
Speaking with Gosetsu
Gosetsu: Such contempt as was in their eyes I have never known...But for the soul to live on as they say is not something I can so easily accept. Gosetsu: Do they truly believe this? All of them? That in death there can be rebirth? ...Retribution? Gosetsu: ...In any event, we came here in search of information. We cannot leave without speaking with her people.
Gosetsu: Err...that is to say, then, that death is essentially meaningless?
Sadu: I gave you leave to come and go as you like. So go.
Shar: I miss Geser terribly, but I know I need only be patient. He will return—I am sure of it.
Gathering information at Dotharl Khaa
Koko: I know you! Reunion! The travelers with the Mol girl! Koko: I marked you after I left the Oronir. Ones from Doma, others I could not place. Koko: My name is Koko. Welcome to Dotharl Khaa. Koko: Hm? Koko sounds to your ear the name of a woman? Well, of course. That would be because it is. Koko: I died a woman and was reborn a man. It is of no moment—the soul is the soul, and the flesh is the flesh. Koko: Perhaps you scoff? Many would. Many look only to the name and the flesh, and let these things dictate their perceptions. Koko: Consider Sadu Khatun. Three times before she died as a man, yet she returns as a woman the fourth. Yet she is no less fierce, and any outsider foolish enough to think so will learn the truth to their peril. (Optional) Koko: Is the khatun woman or man? A stupid question. She is Sadu.
Qoyar: The cycle of death and rebirth? It is simply that. Take me—I died in battle with the Hotgo. Fiercely did I fight, and so I returned. Qoyar: Alas, we know naught of our past lives. I must learn what it means to be Qoyar again and again. It is difficult to remember everything, but important. (Optional) Qoyar: It filled me with such excitement when they first told me of my deeds, as did my friends!
Mergen: Impressive, is it not? 'Twas slain by my boy. Mergen: We were childhood friends, he and I, before he fell and returned. A master of the bow. It is good to see that he retains his skill. (Optional) Mergen: We competed against one another in the hunts. Though I knew he would return, I never expected it to be as my son!
Speaking with Gosetsu
Gosetsu: Ah, [Forename]. You have completed your inquiries? Gosetsu: Aye, it is as she said. They believe with every fiber of their being that their bravest warriors will be reborn. Gosetsu: As for me, I observed some of their warriors at practice. They are as formidable as the Oronir, perhaps more, and their weapons are their equal as well. Gosetsu: Yet while they do not lack in skill and resources, 'tis plain to see that their numbers are inferior.