Talk:Forgiven Pedantry

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Japanese description from Vroi-Reeq:

「フォーギヴンペダントリー」は、 「はぐれ」の罪喰いの中でも、とりわけ凶悪な存在だ。

言い伝えによれば、その正体はある偏屈者の魔道士らしい。 知識をひけらかして他者を小馬鹿にするような人物で、 「光の氾濫」を阻止できると豪語していたそうな。

結果はお察しのとおりだが… いつの頃からか、件の魔道士の故郷であるこの島に、 よく似た顔立ちの罪喰いが現れるようになったんだ。

ちなみに、その魔道士が得意としていたのは、 糸を紡いで他人の運命に影響を与えるという魔法だったらしい。 仮に彼女が罪喰い化していたら、どんな糸を紡ぐのだろうな。

I don't think there are any male pronouns at all, and there is one instance of a female pronoun (彼女).

Yue (talk) 02:53, 19 March 2021 (UTC)

Updated in-game English description

As I'm using a newly created account, the site is not permitting me to edit this article (something about external links, despite the fact that I'm not trying to add any). However, the in-game description for Forgiven Pedantry has been updated to use she/her pronouns. I'm not sure when this change was made exactly, although I've been told that it was rather recent. The new description should read as follows:

Ah yes, the Forgiven Pedantry. That one's a notoriously vicious eater. In life, she was a fusspot of a mage. Fond of her own voice and making fools of those she saw as her lessers, she boasted that she would find a way to reverse the chaos wrought by the Flood of Light. You can imagine how that worked out for her in the end. One day she up and vanished, and a short while after, an eater wearing her face appeared. For all her faults, her loss was felt keenly. She helped many with her magicks─powerful spells that utilized yarn she spun herself as catalysts. But I don't suppose eaters have much call for spinning yarn, do they...


If there's anything further I can do to help, or if you need any other information please let me know. Leafegreens (talk) 04:41, 15 February 2023 (UTC)

Change made. Freedom4556 (talk) 22:15, 15 February 2023 (UTC)