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“The sole requirements for being classified as a spoken are that the intelligent creature not only possess an independent language, but that the language be capable of interpretation by another spoken of a differing genus. Some examples of spoken not listed below include the five races of Eorzea, the Au Ra, and the realm's myriad beastmen.
— Encyclopædia Eorzea, p. 288
All creatures belonging to the class Spoken.
This category has the following 42 subcategories, out of 42 total.
Pages in category "Spoken"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 425 total.
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- Abdhi
- Aegaeon of the Bone
- Aenc Ose
- Aenc Thon, Lord of the Lengthsome Gait
- Aenc Thon, Lord of the Lingering Gaze
- Affable Kojin
- Agitated Loporrit
- Aimingway
- Amalj'aa Archer
- Amalj'aa Brigand
- Amalj'aa Bruiser
- Amalj'aa Divinator
- Amalj'aa Halberdier
- Amalj'aa Hunter
- Amalj'aa Impaler
- Amalj'aa Inculcator
- Amalj'aa Javelinier
- Amalj'aa Lancer
- Amalj'aa Porter
- Amalj'aa Pugilist
- Amalj'aa Ranger
- Amalj'aa Ravager
- Amalj'aa Runagate
- Amalj'aa Scavenger
- Amalj'aa Seer
- Amalj'aa Sniper
- Amalj'aa Striker
- Amalj'aa Thaumaturge
- Amalj'aa Vendor
- Anyder Diviner
- Anyder Grappler
- Anyder Harpooner
- Arena Cyclops
- Arges
- Beggar Bhikkhu
- Beggar Bonze
- Beggar Shramana
- Beggar Sozu
- Benthos Diviner
- Benthos Grappler
- Benthos Harpooner
- Blackbile Maladd Chah
- Blackstake Rodegg Chah
- Bloodshower Atabb Chah
- Blue Artisan
- Blue Avenger
- Blue Falcon Porter
- Blue Kojin Emissary
- Blue Mender
- Blue Merchant
- Blue Skiff Captain
- Boomshox
- Briaxio of the Well
- Brontes
- Bunchin
- Feltsmox
- Felyne
- Ferocious Fuath
- Ferry Skipper (Jijiroon's Trading Post)
- Ferry Skipper (Memeroon's Trading Post)
- Fibubb Gah
- Firedrone Scout
- Flamecrest Afajj Koh
- Flamefang Commander
- Flamefang Elite
- Flat-footed Opken
- Floortooth Sahagin
- Freedom Fighter
- Frenzied Goblin
- Frumious Koheel Ja
- Fuath Prankster
- Fuath Troublemaker
- Furious Sigh
- Furious Snarl
- Gauki Strongblade
- Geryon the Steer
- Giant Captive
- Giant Codcarrier
- Giant Drubber
- Giant Logger
- Giant Lugger
- Giant Reader
- Giant Ripper
- Giant Rockslave
- Gigas Bhikkhu
- Gigas Bonze
- Gigas Captive
- Gigas Shramana
- Gigas Sozu
- Gilpincher Zuzuroon
- Gilshs Aath Swiftclaw
- Glassjaw Nazagg Gah
- Gnath Cometdrone
- Gnath Drone
- Gnath Firedrone
- Gnath Steeldrone
- Goblin Ambusher
- Goblin Brandisher
- Goblin Coalshifter
- Goblin Fisher
- Goblin Gambler
- Goblin Hunter
- Goblin Mugger
- Goblin Pathfinder
- Goblin Sharpshooter
- Goblin Thug
- Goblin Tinkerer
- Greedy Fuath
- Gunitt
- Guttrix Silverpicks
- Gyges the Great
- Gyogun of the Most Bountiful Catch
- Gyorai Quickstrike
- Halga Tolga
- Hamujj Gah
- Heavenly Enko
- Heavenly Hitotsume
- Hecatoncheir Mastermind
- Hecatoncheir Quakequeller
- Hecatoncheir Rocksplitter
- Hecatoncheir Rockvaulter
- Hecatoncheir Skullcrusher
- Hecatoncheir Stonebreaker
- Hecatoncheir Stonehauler
- Hecatoncheir Stonehoarder
- Hecatoncheir Tremorward
- Hecatoncheir Wallcrasher
- Hidden Zundu Youth
- Hinu Vali
- Hirumaki
- Hobgoblin
- Hobgoblin Guard
- Hobgoblin Marauder
- Hobgoblin Thief
- Hot-headed Kojin
- Hropken
- Hurdy
- Lamebrix Strikebocks
- Lamebrix Strikebocks (Eureka Pyros)
- Lan'gaii Vundu
- Lan'laii Gundu
- Lan'laii Vundu
- Lan'loii Gundu
- Lan'loii Vundu
- Lan'noii Gundu
- Lan'poii Vundu
- Lan'puii Gundu
- Lan'puii Vundu
- Li'l Murderer
- Ligeia
- Loin-girded Goblin
- Lord Tolthewil
- Loth Cultivator
- Loth Firedrone
- Loth Steeldrone
- Loudjox