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Sights of the West and Beyond

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Sights of the West and Beyond

Quest giver
Emeline Ironheart
Solution Nine (X:16.7, Y:13.1)
Required quest
Main Scenario QuestSolution Nine
Previous quest
Feature QuestSights of the West

No description available.

— In-game description



Sights of the West and Beyond is a level 90 quasi-quest. There are no steps to this quest: Talking to the questgiver both accepts and completes the quest. It will immediately unlock the entries 29-45 of the Dawntrail Sightseeing Log.


There are no journal entries for this quest.


There are no journal entries for this quest.


Emeline Ironheart: That tome...that wouldn't happen to be a sightseeing log, would it?
Emeline Ironheart: Millith! Now that's a name I haven't heard in a good long time. And dearest Elsebee...
Emeline Ironheart: She's my twin sister, you see, and I haven't seen her for thirty long years. Not since I was trapped during my exploration of Yyasulani.
Emeline Ironheart: It brings me great joy to know she is well. Pardon me for asking, but...might I see the notes she added to your log?
Emeline Ironheart: She always did make such bold strokes of her lettering... Here.
Emeline Ironheart: I've added my own notes. Some of the information may seem improbable at best, but I believe there is truth in every entry.
Emeline Ironheart: Were I younger, I would set out in search of these fantastic sights myself, but alas, my body can no longer endure such travels.
Emeline Ironheart: Though thanks to you, I feel lighter than I have in an age. If there is one thing I should wish, it is to see my sister again before I die. There is so much I would share with her...
Emeline Ironheart: But you have better things to attend to than an old woman's musings. Take care, kind adventurer. And may your journey lead you to vistas both bright and unforgettable.
System: New Dawntrail entries have been added to your sightseeing log!