Primal Burdens

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Primal Burdens

Summoner Job Image.png
Quest giver
Old Gridania (X:10.9, Y:6.3)
Experience 46,800
Gil 0
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Feature QuestAusterities of Wind
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Feature QuestA Fitting Tomestone
Feature QuestA Relic Reborn (The Veil of Wiyu)
Feature QuestAn Egi by Any Other Name

Y'mhitra has some terrible news to tell you.

— In-game description




While the chest piece is the last part of your Artifact Armor, the coffer contents are Mythology Armor, Item Level 90 former tomestone gear that is a recolor of your Artifact Armor. The coffer was added to this quest with the launch of Stormblood.



  • Y'mhitra has some terrible news to tell you.
  • Shocked and dismayed, Y'mhitra tells you of the sudden attack that took the lives of several researchers at Saint Coinach's Find. Speak with a survivor at the dig site, and confirm your suspicions that Tristan was behind the brutal murders.
  • You have spoken with a survivor of the attack, and learned that Tristan struck down the excavation team and took an Allagan soul crystal into his possession. Confer with Y'mhitra, and plan your next move.
  • After hearing Y'mhitra's thoughts on Tristan's bloody motivations, you resolve to chase down the cold-blooded summoner and wring some answers from the man himself. Search the Singing Shards for Tristan, and confront him with his crimes.
  • You locate the power-hungry murderer, and best him in a climactic battle in which Tristan brings to bear the might of an elder primal. Speak with Y'mhitra, and discuss the aftermath of the conflict.
  • The weary researcher laments the path that drove Tristan to madness, and wonders if, had he chosen differently, he would have proven a potential ally. Y'mhitra warns you to remain wary of power's corrupting influence, and suggests you both return to Apkallu Falls to recover from the ordeal.
  • Though the dark summoner that wreaked such havoc is no more, Y'mhitra bids you remain wary of the shadowy Ascians' destructive machinations. As a symbol of gratitude from the researchers of Saint Coinach's Find, you receive the final piece of the evoker's attire. And to further prepare you for the inevitable conflict with the Paragons, Y'mhitra opens your mind to the powerful technique known as Enkindle— an ability that allows you to unlock the true might of your egi.


Accepting the Quest

Y'mhitra: [Forename], there has been a terrible incident!
Y'mhitra: My poor colleagues at Saint Coinach's Find...murdered. The reports are confused, but they all mention the same black-robed attacker.
Y'mhitra: You know as well as I do that Tristan is behind this massacre. He has indeed grown bold─or desperate─to commit such a brazen act.
Y'mhitra: We should set off to Mor Dhona at once and speak with any survivors.
Y'mhitra: It may be that we can glean some idea of what that cold-hearted monster was after, or where he might strike next. We must stop him, [Forename]! 
Y'mhitra: Though the necessity pains me, we must ask this man what he remembers of the attack. Tristan cannot be allowed to escape the consequences of his unrepentant savagery.

Speaking with the surviving researcher at Saint Coinach's Find

Surviving Researcher: Yes. Yes, I am absolutely certain. It was the same dark summoner whom Y'mhitra described to us.
Surviving Researcher: We were celebrating a recent find─the soul crystal of an Allagan summoner─when a man in black robes suddenly appeared and demanded we surrender the gem.
Surviving Researcher: Naturally, we objected to this arrogant imposition, but he simply sneered at our refusal. The next moment the world exploded into flame. Through a haze of agony, I saw him snatch up the soul crystal from a smoldering body and stride off towards the Singing Shards.
Surviving Researcher: That bastard slaughtered my friends! There was no negotiation... If the gods grant you the chance to exact vengeance, then I pray you show him the same mercy he afforded us...

Speaking with Y'mhitra

Y'mhitra: Another soul crystal... Yes, it makes sense that he would shift his attention to a more easily obtainable gem. After all your progress, you would now make for a most formidable opponent.
Y'mhitra: Ah, I must apologize for not sharing my theory earlier─I suspected that Tristan might desire the soul crystal you carry, but did not wish to draw any premature conclusions without sufficient evidence.
Y'mhitra: I am at a loss, however, to explain why he seeks to collect more of these Allagan relics.
Y'mhitra: We shall just have to ask the villain himself after we corner him in the Singing Shards. Let us be on our way!

Confronting Tristan (Cutscene)

Tristan: I have brought you the soul crystals, as promised.
Ascian of the Twelfth Chalice: Hmmm... Yes, these appear to be authentic Allagan artifacts.
Ascian of the Twelfth Chalice: Very well. I shall honor our bargain. From within these gems I will draw forth the memories of the ancient summoners...and the slumbering essence of an elder primal. All the attendant knowledge and power shall be yours. 
Tristan: Aaargh!
Tristan: <pant> <pant> <pant> Oh gods, the pain... Hm hm hm... Mwahahaha!
Tristan: Ah, the bumbling summoner and [her/his] incompetent lackey make an appearance at last. You think to capture me? Fools. I have orchestrated your every move.
Tristan: You have grown much in the art, it is true. But through the wisdom of the Paragons, I now command the power of an elder primal. 
Y'mhitra: You made a deal with the Paragons!? And you call us fools! The Ascians will never relinquish their hold on you! 
Tristan: A small price to pay. If you could but feel the strength that fills my entire being! It is indescribable!
Tristan: I will use this power to annihilate the beast tribes, and put an end to their insufferable rituals once and for all! The primals will rise no more!
Tristan: Hear me, Demon King of Devouring Flame! Feed on my ever-burning anguish and be reborn!
Tristan: The culmination of my sacred duty is at hand!
Tristan: But first... There is one more soul crystal that must be mine. I will tolerate its wasted potential no longer! 

Solo Duty

Tristan Nightflicker: Behold the might of Belias!
Y'mhitra the Learned: I have never before sensed such power...
All the more reason to defeat this madman!
Tristan Nightflicker: is not enough!
Belias! I must have it all!
Tristan Nightflicker: Aaah!
The tendrils of Darkness...I feel them!
System: Tristan devours Belias-Egi's life force. 
Tristan Nightflicker: None can withstand this tenebrous aether!
Y'mhitra the Learned: I didn't think it possible...
He's absorbed the egi's power!
Tristan Nightflicker: Hehe... Bwahahaha!
The power! I am a god amongst men!


Tristan: By all the memories of summoners past... I should have been unstoppable...
Tristan: I will sear the disease of beastmen from the face of the land! Deprived of worshipers, the primal that tempered my weak-willed sibling will wither into oblivion! 
Y'mhitra: So, I see my order's records were accurate.
Y'mhitra: Though it was buried deep in the archives, I but recently uncovered a report that described how you slew your own brother. He was corrupted during your ill-fated encounter with Ifrit, was he not? I imagine your superiors in the Immortal Flames thought it a mercy to conceal that inglorious detail. 
Tristan: Once the soft-headed fool had been tempered, there was no saving him... And thus I took it upon myself to expunge the stain of embarrassment.
Tristan: But my work is left undone! The primal─ No, all primals must suffer for that insult! After I killed my brother, I found myself liberated, my vision clear. No deed was too vile if it promised to add to the power I required.
Tristan: How can you not see!? I am the sword of vengeance! And I shall wrest that soul crystal from your blasted corpse! 

Speaking with Y'mhitra

Y'mhitra: I wonder which struck the first blow to his sanity: the despair at his brother's tempering, or the guilt from slaying his own kin? Y'mhitra: It is ironic to think that, discounting the means, our purposes were fundamentally one and the same. A summoner employs the savagery of the primals to conquer the primals themselves.
Y'mhitra: Had Tristan approached us as an ally, we might have found ourselves aiding his cause. Alas, he chose to walk the path of bloodshed.
Y'mhitra: Each vicious act must have pushed the man deeper into madness until, eventually, the lust for power and vengeance was all that drove him.
Y'mhitra: The might of the primals carries with it a burden of responsibility─and a measure of danger.
Y'mhitra: I hope never to see you corrupted by the potent energies you wield, [Forename].
Y'mhitra: It is time we returned to Apkallu Falls. The dark summoner is no more.

Speaking with Y'mhitra at Apkallu Falls (Cutscene)

Y'mhitra: Oh, how I would love to declare our troubles at an end. But I fear the Ascian with whom Tristan made his bargain is yet afoot.
Y'mhitra: These so-called Paragons prey upon men and women who are at their weakest, speaking honeyed words to lead them down the road to destruction. In this manner, they seek to plunge the realm of Eorzea into chaos.
Y'mhitra: It is reassuring to know that heroes like you exist to foil their never-ending schemes and foul plots.
Y'mhitra: An outright war against the Ascians looms closer day by day. Thus, would I have you armor yourself with this last piece of the evoker's attire.
Y'mhitra: It was discovered at the same dig site whence Tristan seized the soul crystal, and the Saint Coinach's Find researchers, grateful for your actions in bringing the murderous summoner to justice, insisted that you complete your set.
Y'mhitra: One can never be over-prepared when heading into battle against a Paragon. Wear it proudly, [Forename].
Y'mhitra: Speaking of preparations... Were you aware of the deeper layer of power hidden within your avatars?
Y'mhitra: A technique exists that allows you to tap into the full potential of your egi. You must have seen Tristan employing this ability.
Y'mhitra: During the final battle with the dark summoner, you would have heard a whisper emanating from the soul crystal.
Y'mhitra: Still your mind now, [Forename], and you will hear the voices of the ancient summoners instructing you in their greatest achievement. The true power of the egi will be yours!
System: This concludes the summoner quests for FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn. In order to undertake the next series of quests, you must first meet the following requirements:
System: ※ You must have completed the main scenario quest “Before the Dawn.”
System: Once you have done so, the next summoner quest will be available from Y'mhitra.