Of Impish Importance
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Of Impish Importance
- Quest giver
- Quevain
- Location
- Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (X:9.4, Y:9.2)
- Quest line
- The Make It Rain Campaign 2024
- Level
- 15
- Experience
- Gil
- Patch
- 6.55
“Quevain is convinced that the truth is out there.
※This quest is available for a limited time only.— In-game description
- Speak with Quevain at the Gold Saucer.
- Search for the avid attendant in Wonder Square.
- Speak with the imposing imp at the Manderville Lounge.
- Speak with patrons while dressed as an imp. 0/3
- Speak with the imposing imp.
- Speak with Quevain.
- Quevain is convinced that the truth is out there.
- ※This quest is available for a limited time only.
- Quevain, writer for The Thavnairian Truth, is come to Ul'dah on the heels of a rumor surrounding the Manderville Gold Saucer's recent festivities. A horde of water imps has allegedly appeared in the Saucer's gilded halls, and the journalist is keen to learn the creatures' motives for his newest article. Hoping to gather more information on the scene, Quevain requests your assistance in the matter, and bids you join him at Entrance Square.
- ※ Please note that you will be unable to complete this quest after the seasonal event has ended. For details, please check the Lodestone.
- Quevain is disheartened to discover that the imps he sought to write about are naught more than attendants in costume. Though his initial plans have gone awry, he decides instead to write of the imps' relation to the Gold Saucer's festivities, based on an intriguing lead he received regarding the event's creation. With newfound determination, he rushes off to glean more information and entrusts you with inquiries at Wonder Square.
- You approach a Gold Saucer attendant, who gleefully explains to you how the March of the Imps came to be. The more pertinent details elude the attendant, however, and he suggests you make for the Manderville Lounge to find the imp who coined the idea for the March.
- Upon your arrival at the Manderville Lounge, you are accosted by the imposing imp, who promptly confers upon you a set of impish attire. His cries are unintelligible, yet in his vigorous gestures and overwhelming gaze, you are well aware of the task he has thrust upon you: you must march through Event Square in costume and entertain the Saucer's patrons if you wish to obtain the knowledge you seek.
- ※ You must be wearing the impish attire to complete this task.
- With your newfound wealth of impish charm, you have brought comfort and cheer to several of the Saucer's guests. The imposing imp will surely be pleased to hear of your progress, and awaits you back at the Manderville Lounge.
- Now divested of your temporary attire, you present yourself to the imposing imp once again. He heartily gestures in the direction of Entrance Square -- where Quevain awaits your arrival -- and urges you to follow.
- In the midst of your report to Quevain, you are approached by Godbert Manderville, who admits his involvement in the March of the Imps' creation. Undeterred by the lingering questions of the imps' origins, Quevain believes that Godbert's imp-related discoveries will be more than enough to captivate The Thavnairian Truth's readers. As thanks for promoting the Saucer's festivities, Godbert ensures that you do not leave empty-handed, and presents you with your very own impish attire, that you might enjoy the remainder of this golden celebration in costume...if you so choose.
In Ul'dah
Quevain: That eclectic attire, that distinct scent of the unknown...You, my good stranger, must be an adventurer! You have found yourself in the company of Quevain, journalist for The Thavnairian Truth. A pleasure to make your acquaintance. Quevain: Are you aware of the festivities currently underway at the Gold Saucer? They guarantee a generous MGP bonus to those who participate, but I have reason to believe that there is more to this celebration than meets the eye... Quevain: As a writer for the premier publication on unexplained and otherworldly phenomena, I was drawn not to the promise of copious Cactpots, but to the rumors of enigmatic water imps that have suddenly proliferated amongst the Saucer's patrons. Quevain: We at The Thavnairian Truth have been looking to expand our investigations across the star, and this supernatural scoop presents us with the ideal opportunity. Quevain: Why have the imps made themselves known now? What do they intend to accomplish? I must cover this groundbreaking story with all due haste...but I cannot hope to answer all these questions alone. Tell me, adventurer, would you aid me in my pursuit of the truth? Quevain: Excellent, excellent! Then let us reconvene at the Gold Saucer's Entrance Square.
At the Gold Saucer
Quevain: Ah, you've arrived. Notice anything...out of the ordinary? Water Imp?: Squee-hee-hee!
What will you say? > What did it just say to me!? > I think our "creature" is in costume.
What did it just say to me!? Quevain: Some manner of greeting, I presume. Though its cries are convincing, that impish form appears to be naught more than a well-crafted guise.
I think our "creature" is in costume. Quevain: (sigh) Indeed...An imitation and nothing more.
Quevain: We have found the source of the rumors, but..."Saucer Imps Unmasked: Just Normal Men and Women in Costume"? Why, that sounds more to me like a waste of good ink! Quevain: It's unacceptable! Worthless! Unfit for consumption! Quevain: Gods, I grow drowsy just thinking about writing such a thing. Our readership would be appalled! Quevain: Fortunately, there is another curious lead that I wish to pursue. In doing so, we may frame our story around the current festivities, then recount the role of the imps within them. Yes, that might suffice! Quevain: You see, as I awaited your arrival, I questioned the attendant at the front desk as to the imps' origins. Strangely enough, I was told that only a select few staff members were present in the planning stages of this affair, and fewer still know who proposed the initial idea. Quevain: I was, however, informed that a staff member on the floor -- a man attending to an imp -- may have the information we seek. If we split up and search the Saucer, we're bound to find him. Quevain: I shall leave Wonder Square to you. Let us reconvene here when our rounds are complete.
Speaking to the Avid Attendant
Avid Attendant: Well met, my good [gender]! My companion and I are delighted to make your acquaintance. He cannot speak like you and I, but I assure you, he is oh-so-fond of making new friends on this joyous, impish occasion. Avid Attendant: What is the occasion, you ask? Why, the March of the Imps, of course! 'Tis a fresh new take on our annual celebration here at the Gold Saucer, as suggested by one of our staff. Avid Attendant: When we first received word of it, we were rather baffled by the concept...but it seems to have left a positive impression on our guests! Avid Attendant: To present our patrons with the most engaging experience possible, we've outfitted our attendants with impish attire. These costumed imps are free to frolic about the Saucer and bring joy to those they meet, with an adorable "squeee!" or a "ka-pa-paaa!" Avid Attendant: "Why imps?" one might ask, and they would have good reason to do so! Alas, I myself was never told the exact reasoning. Avid Attendant: But if you're keen to learn more of the March, I know just the imp who can assist you! He's the one who coined the idea for it, after all. I last saw him on the second floor at the Manderville Lounge. He may still be there, if you hurry. Avid Attendant: If he should speak to you in the impish tongue, you needn't fret. He's particularly unique, even among his brethren, and he makes his intentions quite clear to those not versed in impspeak.
Speaking to the Imposing Imp
Imposing Imp: Squeee... Imposing Imp: Ka-paaa? Ka-pa-paaa! Though you feel as if there's been some grave misunderstanding, the imposing imp suddenly entrusts you with a set of impish attire. His piercing gaze reaches into the very depths of your soul, and you somehow come to understand what he is trying to tell you: "Go forth, my stalwart apprentice." You have the sinking feeling that the imp will not provide you with the information you require until you have completed his task... It is now your solemn duty to don the impish attire and entertain the patrons in Event Square. You must continue wearing this costume in order to progress. Speak with the imposing imp to restore or prolong the garment change.
Speaking with the Pitiable Patron
Pitiable Patron: Judging by the eccentric attire, I'm going to assume you work here. Pitiable Patron: Tell me, which of these attractions aren't stacked against me? I've lost nearly all my MGP today, and I need to find a way to earn it back somehow...
What will you say? > Ka-paaa! > Squee... > Allow me to assist you!
Ka-paaa! or Squee... Pitiable Patron: What, is that your way of consoling me? Hmph. As if I needed pity from an oversized frog. Pitiable Patron: Still, I appreciate the sentiment. Luck may not be on my side, but it's nice to know that someone else is.
Allow me to assist you! Pitiable Patron: Bloody hells, I wasn't expecting you to talk! N-never mind the question, actually. I...I need a moment to recover from that. The patron appears to be displeased with your response... Perhaps you should try a different approach.
Speaking with the Demanding Daughter
Demanding Daughter: Wow, you're one of those new mascots! You must know all about the prizes here, right? I saved up lots of MGP, but I'm not sure what to exchange it for...
What will you say? > Squee-hee! > Ka-paaa! > Why not exchange it for a water imp?
Squee-hee! or Ka-paaa! Demanding Daughter: Hee hee, aren't you cute! If only I could take you home with me... Oh! I know! They have little imps that look just like you at the prize counter. Demanding Daughter: Daddy, I want a water imp! Let's go get one! Please? Pretty please?
Why not exchange it for a water imp? Demanding Daughter: H-How come you can talk!? Senor Sabotender doesn't talk! Why can't you be more like him? You seem to have frightened the young girl... Perhaps you should try a different approach.
Speaking with the Mascot-loving Maiden
Mascot-loving Maiden: O-Oh, hello there! You must be that new mascot that's been marching about. Some manner of imp, was it? I like your hat -- er, head...thing.
What will you say? > Ka-pa-paaa! > Squee? > (blip) (bloop) Affirmative. I am the pinnacle of imp technology.
Ka-pa-paaa! or Squee? Mascot-loving Maiden: How precious! I was a bit afraid to chat with you at first, but you're much friendlier than I imagined! Mascot-loving Maiden: First Senor Sabotender, now you... Ahhh, would that I never had to leave the Saucer! I could spend the rest of my days surrounded by adorable creatures like you.
(blip) (bloop) Affirmative. I am the pinnacle of imp technology. Mascot-loving Maiden: Wh-What in the world does that even mean!? Mascots are supposed to be cute and cuddly, not cold and calculating! The patron appears to be displeased with your response... Perhaps you should try a different approach.
After speaking with all patrons
Your impish antics have brought joy to the Saucer's patrons! Return to the imposing imp and inform him of your success.
Speaking again with the Imposing Imp
Imposing Imp: Ka-pa-paaa... The imposing imp appears downcast, as if he was expecting someone else... Perhaps it would be best to remove your impish attire. Imposing Imp: Ka-paaa... In the ephemeral moments that the imposing imp's gaze meets yours, you are overcome with a mysterious sense of obligation, and realize what he is trying to tell you: "Let us continue our discussion at Entrance Square."
Back at Entrance Square
Quevain: Ah, there you are. Loath as I am to admit it, my search for the one behind this event has yielded little success... Quevain: Regardless of my results, it's plain to see that the imps are well loved by all...but I cannot write an article on that fact alone. How did you fare, my honorary assistant?
If you have met Godbert before: Godbert: Oho! 'Tis a pleasure as always to see you at the Saucer, [name].
If you have not met Godbert before: Godbert: Greetings, fair patrons, and apologies for the sudden intrusion -- I am Godbert Manderville, proprietor and namesake of this fine establishment.
Quevain: The Godbert Manderville!? Never did I think I'd meet a member of the Syndicate face-to-face... Surely you of all people must know who proposed the idea for this event? Godbert: Your generous deeds this day have not gone unnoticed, so I believe an explanation is in order. Godbert: It was I who proposed the idea for these festivities, as a matter of fact. Godbert: Perhaps you are already aware, but we employ a voidsent known as Typhon here at the Gold Saucer. Summoned into this world by the Thaumaturges' Guild, he is a diligent soul who utilizes his formidable fungahs to our patrons' benefit. Godbert: 'Twas not long after I hired Master Typhon that I became acquainted with a high-ranking member of the guild. Through him, I learned of a curious spell from ages past, known only as "imp." Godbert: True to its name, the spell transforms the target into the very beings you have espied marching about the Saucer. Godbert: Master Ultros is proficient in the very same spell -- mayhap you fell victim to it during your encounter atop the Dragon's Neck. He oft refers to imps as his "buddies" and "pals," in fact. Godbert: I found myself quite enamored with these adorable creatures, and sought to answer the questions that yet lingered in my mind: Where did the imps come from, and how did their spell fall into the hands of man? Godbert: I pored through what few resources were available on the subject, yet I could not find a definitive answer. Heartbreaking though it was, I was left with no choice but to leave the creatures' lineage shrouded in mystery. Godbert: Nevertheless, I could not allow their history to fade into obscurity. When it came time to decide the theme of our annual festivities, I crafted the impish attire based on my findings, and proposed a celebration in their honor. Quevain: You utilized these costumes not only to entertain, but to educate others as well... And with that, the full story is laid bare. Godbert: Indeed... Though I know not if such a conclusion will prove idea for The Thavnairian Truth. Quevain: ...I feel a story coming on! "Myth Made Manifest at the Gold Saucer: Thaumaturgical History Reveals Imps' Mystery"! Quevain: Hahaha... Yes! This is the scoop I seek! Quevain: It is as Master Manderville says. Much about these imps remains an enigma...but they have brought countless smiles to the Gold Saucer. Readers shall doubtless want to learn of their existence, as well as the event that brought these few facts to the fore. Quevain: Such passion and drive to shed light upon the unknown is a fascinating tale -- one that I shall do my utmost to depict! Godbert: Ohoho! That's the spirit, lad. 'Twould be an honor to see our imps grace your publication's pages! I shall look forward to reading your account of it in the coming days. Godbert: This young man's story will doubtless bring all the more attention to the March of the Imps, so I must express my thanks in the spirit of the celebration...with a set of impish attire, of course! Quevain: You have my deepest gratitude as well, adventurer. Inspiration calls, and I must away to make these ideas a reality, but your contributions were vital to this discovery. You are more than deserving of a reward. Godbert: A job well done, my friend. The festivities shall be underway for some time yet, so I hope you were not squander the opportunity to enjoy this moment of respite and march with our fellow imps!