Lean and Hungry Gentlemen
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Lean and Hungry Gentlemen
- Quest giver
- Notched Bone
- Location
- Idyllshire (X:6.2, Y:8.0)
- Level
- 58
- Required quest
Leaving Idyllshire
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Notched Bone's Suspicions
- Next quest
Private Investigations
- Patch
- 3.0
“Notched Bone and Dedean seem to be on the brink of starvation
— In-game description
- In addition to the above, choose one of the following options:
- Obtain crawler flesh from a crawler.
- Roast the crawler flesh on the bonfire.
- Deliver the roasted crawler flesh to Notched Bone.
- Return the jerked water buffalo to the goblin coalshifter.
- Speak with Notched Bone.
- Cure Notched Bone with the gobbietea.
- Speak with Notched Bone.
- Notched Bone and Dedean seem to be on the brink of starvation
- It seems that Notched Bone and Dedean have not eaten in quite some time and they are understandably very hungry. What is less understandable is their refusal to eat the food they have been provisioned with by the goblins. They are under the impression that it is poisoned and are completely unreceptive to suggestions to the contrary. Notched Bone asks you to slay a crawler and harvest its flesh such that he and Dedean may eat. Raw crawler flesh is inedible, but it should be fine if cooked thoroughly. Notched Bone asks that after harvesting the crawler meat, you roast it at the goblin bonfire in the Answering Quarter. Feed these stubborn two now, and deal with their prejudices later.
- You slay a crawler and gather a good, large slice of its flesh. Even someone on the brink of starvation would not eat this meat raw. Roast the slice of crawler flesh at the bonfire in the Answering Quarter.
- You find the bonfire Notched Bone described and slowly roast the crawler flesh, thoroughly cooking it all the way through. Deliver the roasted crawler flesh to Notched Bone and Dedean back at Idyllshire.
- You deliver the crawler meat to Notched Bone and Dedean. Now that they have something to sate their empty stomachs, they hand you the jerked water buffalo meat that the goblins supplied them with. They ask you to return it to the goblin who gave it to them─the coalshifter goblin near the bonfire over which you cooked the crawler flesh.
- You return the jerked water buffalo to the coalshifter goblin, explaining that the two refugees have secured an alternate source of sustenance in the crawlers that roam the hinterlands. Upon hearing this, the goblin becomes very concerned. No matter how it is prepared, crawler flesh is inedible and can cause severe stomach pains in goblins. He doubts that Lalafell or Roegadyn will fare any better from eating it. He provides you with some gobbietea, which should help to alleviate any stomach problems the two refugees might suffer, and requests that you return to the two and check on their well-being.
- It seems that the coalshifter goblin's concerns were well founded. You find Notched Bone and Dedean racked with terrible stomach pains. Administer the gobbietea. It should ameliorate the symptoms they are suffering.
- The gobbietea starts to take effect immediately. Though they are still in pain, Notched Bone's and Dedean's conditions seem to be improving rapidly. Speak with Notched Bone and explain that the medicine that cured him was provided by the same goblin that gave him the jerked water buffalo meat that he refused to eat.
- Notched Bone is shocked to learn that the medicine came from a goblin. He is still somewhat skeptical about the goblins' motivations, explaining that in all their time as refugees, he and Dedean have only ever experienced kindness as part of a plan to cheat them. It was just such a ploy that led them to be tricked into debt in Ul'dah, forcing them to leave the nation and find a new home.
Accepting the Quest
Notched Bone: I just can't work out how we're gonna cure these people of this horrible goblin brainwashin'. But I'm so hungry I can barely think! Maybe if I had a good meal, I'd be able to work it out...
Dedean: I'm starving too! Do you think we should eat that jerked water buffalo we got from the goblin at the bonfire?
Notched Bone: Don't be a fool, Dedean! Food from a goblin? It might be poisoned! Notched Bone: Don't look so skeptical. Why would the goblins go givin' refugees like us perfectly good meat? Hm? Now, those crawlers outside─they have a fair bit of flesh on 'em. Could you kill one and bring us a nice good slice of its meat? I think we're both too weak from hunger to do it ourselves... Notched Bone: I doubt it's edible raw. There's a bonfire in the Answering Quarter. If you roasted the meat there, I figure it'd come out pretty good. Please hurry. I'm so hungry I can barely move.
Optional Dialogue
Notched Bone: Please, adventurer, get us a nice, big slice of meat off of one of them crawlers wrigglin' around the hinterlands. Notched Bone: I doubt you can eat 'em raw. There's a bonfire in the Answering Quarter─roast the meat there and bring it back here. Please hurry. We're so weak from hunger, we can barely move!
Dedean: I can't take it any longer. I think I'd eat just about anything. Except that horrible poisoned water buffalo meat those goblins are trying to trick us into eating!
Roasting the crawler flesh on the bonfire
(Optional) Goblin Coalshifter: Pshhh... Shkohhh... Do you want to use bonfire, uplander? Roast any tastymeats you want! Just don't let fire go out.
Delivering the roasted crawler flesh to Notched Bone
Notched Bone: Oh! Adventurer! Thank the gods you're back. I thought I was about to pass out from hunger... <Hand Over Roasted Crawler Flesh> Notched Bone: Mmm! This ain't bad at all! Guess we don't need that jerked water buffalo after all! I'll bet it's poisoned anyway. Notched Bone: Clearly you had no trouble findin' that bonfire we mentioned. Do you think you might be able to take this jerked meat back to the goblin who tends it? We sure don't want it. Notched Bone: You go tell that goblin we don't need his poisoned food. We've got this delicious roasted crawler meat! Hahaha!
Optional Dialogue
Notched Bone: You take that jerked water buffalo back to the goblin at the bonfire. We're gonna finish off this crawler meat before it gets cold.
Dedean: Give that jerked water buffalo back to the goblin near the bonfire. We don't want those filthy goblins thinking we owe them anything.
Returning the jerked water buggalo to the goblin coalshifter
Goblin Coalshifter: Pshhh... Shkohhh... I am just humble bonfire gobbie. Can I help you? <Hand Over Jerked Water Buffalo> Goblin Coalshifter: This is jerked water buffalo I gave to refugees. They eat roast crawler flesh instead? Is that safe? Can uplanders eat that meat? It gives us gobbies horrible bellypains. Goblin Coalshifter: I am very worried about the refugees' bellies. Please take this gobbietea. It is good for curing bellypains.
Optional Dialogue
Goblin Coalshifter: If refugees have bellypains, gobbietea should cure it!
Dedean: Ungh... My stomach... Maybe we should have just eaten that jerked water buffalo...
Speaking with Notched Bone
Notched Bone: A-Adventurer... My guts are on fire. I feel like I'm gonna die. Are those crawlers still poisonous even after you roast them right through?
Curing Notched Bone with the gobbietea
Notched Bone: What is this? Medicine? Thank you... <Use Gobbeitea> Notched Bone: Ungh... I've gotta make it through this. I have to protect Dedean... But I think that tea is workin'. The pain is a little better now.
Curing Dedean with the gobbietea
Dedean: Ungh... I can see my dead grandma. She's calling me─asking me to go with her... I should take that medicine. <Use Gobbietea> Dedean: Sorry, Grandma. Not today. I can't leave Notched Bone behind... Th-This tea─I think it's working! My stomach feels better already!
Speaking with Notched Bone
Notched Bone: That tea seems to be workin'. I still feel pretty awful, but it's gettin' better by the minute. Sorry for havin' caused you all this trouble, adventurer. I'm truly moved by your kindness. Notched Bone: A goblin was worried about us? He gave you that tea? I find that mighty hard to believe. There ain't a soul in the realm who gives a damn about us. Any time someone's pretended to care, it was just part of some trick. Just like that godsdamned bastard who tricked us into debt back in Ul'dah. Notched Bone: But you're the first person we've met who actually seems to care... Look, them goblins gave us much more food than just that jerked water buffalo. Please, take some of this for your troubles. I still ain't convinced it's not poisoned, though.