Island Tools can be crafted through the Island Sanctuary Crafting Log. Each tool can only be crafted once and can be used indefinitely once crafted.
Islekeep Tools allow players to gather new materials. Mammet-sized Tools allow mammets to expand the hideaway and uncover new areas in the Unnamed Island.
Islekeep's Stone Hatchet |
1 |
Allows gathering Log, Palm Log, Vine, Sap.
Islekeep's Stone Hammer |
3 |
Allows gathering Copper Ore, Limestone, Rock Salt, Coal, Effervescent Water.
Islekeep's Shovel |
5 |
Allows gathering Clay, Tinsand, Popoto Set, Parsnip Seeds.
Islekeep's Copper Scythe |
6 |
Allows gathering Sugarcane, Hemp, Cotton Boll.
Islekeep's Bronze Gig |
7 |
Allows gathering Islefish, Jellyfish, Squid.
Islekeep's Bronze Beakaxe |
8 |
Allows gathering Quartz, Iron Ore, Leucogranite.
Islekeep's Iron Hatchet |
9† |
Allows gathering Resin, Coconut, Beehive Chip, and Wood Opal.
Islekeep's Steel Hammer |
13 |
Allows gathering Shale, Spectrine, Mythril Ore, and Marble.
Islekeep's Mythril Pickaxe |
17 |
Allows gathering Gold Ore and Durium Sand.
Islekeep's Chisel |
17 |
Allows gathering Crystal Formation.
Mammet-sized Cropworker's Tools |
7 |
Unlocks the Gardening Services at the Cropland. (Also requires Cropland III.)
Mammet-sized Pastureworker's Tools |
7 |
Unlocks the Caretaking Services at the Pasture. (Also requires Pasture III.)
Mammet-sized Spelunking Tools |
12 |
Unlocks the Mountain Hollow area at the Wilds.
Splendiferous Mammet-sized Spelunking Tools |
15 |
Unlocks the Mother Lode expansion in the Mountain Hollow.
Basic Mammet-sized Builder's Tools |
4 |
Unlocks the Pathfinder Mk II hideaway expansion. (Also requires 500 Seafarer's Cowries.)
Better Mammet-sized Builder's Tools |
5 |
Unlocks the Pathfinder Mk III hideaway expansion. (Also requires 1,000 Seafarer's Cowries.)
Best Mammet-sized Builder's Tools |
7 |
Unlocks the Pathfinder Mk IV hideaway expansion. (Also requires 1,500 Seafarer's Cowries.)
Bestest Mammet-sized Builder's Tools |
9 |
Unlocks the Pathfinder Mk V hideaway expansion. (Also requires 3,000 Seafarer's Cowries.)
Bestestest Mammet-sized Builder's Tools |
15 |
Unlocks the Pathfinder Mk VI hideaway expansion. (Also requires 3,000 Seafarer's Cowries.)
† In addition to being rank 9, requires Cozy Cabin/Pasture/Cropland to be at rank III and four Landmarks built.